Where Are You With Your Resolution?

We are two weeks in to the New Year, which is around the time that most people give up on their New Years Resolutions because they are too hard, too busy or they just don’t care enough.  The start of the New Year can be a busy time and resolutions easily take a back seat to other responsibilities. Don’t let this way of thinking get you down. Take control now and reverse your mindset. As cliche as it sounds, the New Year is a fresh start, and winter is the perfect time to get in shape at a healthy pace before spring and summer. Here are some thoughts to keep you motivated.


Make your Resolution clear. The more specific you are with your Resolution, the easier it will be to enact. Maybe you want to lose a certain amount of weight for a special date like a vacation or event. Or maybe you want to get healthy for your next doctor’s appointment. Or maybe you want to change your eating habits like avoiding red meat, alcohol or artificial processed foods. Or maybe you want to get in to exercise and run a 5k, half marathon or marathon. It can even be as simple as meditating for 10 minutes each day, fitting in to that dress or old pair of jeans, or starting your day with lemon water. Whatever it is, committing is the first step.


Don’t give yourself an out. You may feel busy, stressed, overwhelmed or unmotivated to eat healthy and lose weight at this time of year, but pushing it off another year won’t make you feel better. Making promises to ourselves are easy to break because we can be too forgiving and find reasons to let ourselves off the hook. Don’t let excuses bring you down.


Find ways to follow through. Accountability is a huge part of a Resolution. We may have all the motivation in the world in the beginning but if we don’t have a way to keep ourselves on track we can hardly find success. If you find it hard to hold yourself to your Resolution, there are other ways to keep yourself accountable – eating healthy with your whole family, exercising with friends, a fitness tracker, or signing up for a gym, class or weight loss plan :)Anything that consistently tracks your progress and keeps you on your path and motivated can only help.


Give yourself time. Like all major changes in life, slow and steady is the best way to make lasting changing. This is especially true for weight loss. Our bodies need clean nourishment, not magic pills or overnight diets. When you decide on your goal, give yourself time to lose weight in a healthy way. Take each week one day at a time, step by step. Each healthy meal and snack, each craving and indulgence that is avoided, brings you even closer to your goals.


It’s not too late to achieve your New Year’s Resolution – make 2016 your healthiest year possible.


~ Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick