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Hi everyone, welcome to the Love to Live Healthy show. I’m Josephine Fitzpatrick. Today I have a very special guest, elizabeth Zagetti. She lives in Miami now. She used to live in New York and she moved to Miami, I believe, after the pandemic, but she has been on program for a little over seven years. We have spoken every day through text with her journey and it’s been just nothing but exciting. I love her. She’s like family to me now. But the funny thing is is I have not seen her in a little over seven years. Of course she sends me pictures, so I see her that way, and of course I’m talking to her every day. We text each other, but I have not seen her literally like in person, over Zoom or in my office and since she was here a little over seven years ago. So I’m very excited myself, but I’m so happy and excited for you to hear her journey that she has been on with me. So let’s bring her in and we can start there you are, yes. 


Hello, hi. Oh my God, how are you? It’s so good to see you In so long. I know in seven years. Oh, my God, that’s amazing. It’s been seven years. I think it was March 31st when I went to you in 2017. 


Wow, oh my gosh, I know Unbelievable. You look gorgeous. 


Thank you, so do you.


Thank you. I always see your pictures, but you look so beautiful in person, so I’m very excited for all the clients to hear your story. They love listening to it because it gives them inspiration that other people do this and go through the same things. I really want them to hear your journey Like from when you started. I know you had lost weight, but then you gained some back, right, yes, with menopause and everything, and honestly you look so young to be even through menopause. And now you got back to your amazing, amazing numbers. 


Well, actually, I would have never thought that I would be a hundred pounds ever again in my life. The last time I weighed a hundred pounds, I think I was 18 or 19 years old. And I mean my goal weight. Well, let’s start from the beginning. When I went to you in 2017, I weighed 139 pounds and I look completely different, as you can see. I don’t know if you remember


Oh, I totally remember. 


Anyway, and a friend recommended you and it took me about two months to actually make the commitment to call and make the appointment, because I think people in general are afraid of change. They don’t know what to expect. So I finally decided, I said, okay, I’m just going to make the appointment. And I went to see you and it was so easy, so easy. I remember you asking me questions about foods and what I like to eat, and then you created the menu, and once I started and I made that commitment, I couldn’t believe it worked. I said okay this is crazy how fast, because I’ve tried everything, I mean you name it, I’ve tried shakes and Atkins, I tried every diet. 

You know, my whole life I was, you know, struggling with weight and those diets work, but for a short period of time and you a little , but then you gain more back. You gain back more than you lost. Because once you start eating again you realize you don’t know how to eat the right way which now I know because you have taught me.

You know this is why in my text I always tell you that you’re like family to me now, because we have been communicating on a daily basis for seven years and you have supported me and and you have changed my life. Because your program I don’t consider a diet, it’s a lifestyle change and it has taught me so much on how to be disciplined and how to um, to to not give in to temptation and peer pressure. You know, I have people who tell me, oh, you know, you’re so skinny now so you can afford to go out and and have a few drinks on a Saturday, and I said, no, it’s not my cheat day. So no, I’m not, I’m not going to do it, unless it’s a wedding or something which I always let you know if there’s a special occasion, and I let you know, in advance, 

So, yes, I did lose weight when I first went to you and I remember how excited I was because when you see the scale on a weekly basis going down, you know, and as the months went on and I was like 20 pounds down, I was like, oh, my God, I would have never thought that I could lose so much weight and feel so happy. And the reason this works for me is because I don’t feel deprived, because I know I have that cheat day, you know, on Sunday, when I can eat something I’ve been craving all week, um, and I have to tell you in the beginning, on my cheat day, I used to overdo it, but I don’t anymore. I don’t because, , you know, like when you first start, you feel like, oh my God, this is my only day. You know when I can eat the kitchen sink. You know everything I find. But then, as the years went, you know, went by, I realized that no, I don’t want to eat like that because I don’t want to feel like that, because then the next day I feel awful. But so, yes, when I went to you in 2017, I did lose weight and I was very excited. 

But then Covid happened and I was working from home and even though I I tried and I did, I really did. I kind of was on program, but I wasn’t, you know. So I did gain some weight back again and then I had to make that decision one more time. Like that’s it no more you have to stay on program. So I lost again. You know, once I eat clean, no more cheating, because you know, I watch every single video that you put on on instagram, and now you have the, the youtube, and you always say everything counts. Even a morsel of food counts. It’ll affect your weight, and it really does. So I made that decision and once I I made that decision in my head and I’m very focused, I, I lose immediately. 


We have spoken throughout the whole seven years, I think almost every day, 


yeah, every day, yeah, 


and I can literally see it in your text when you are like 100% back on


So after that in 2021, in May, we moved to Florida and I don’t know what happened, because it happened so fast. We made the decision in January and I was here in May, and not that I went to hell, because Florida is beautiful and it’s you know healthy and sunny, but it was a huge change and honestly, it didn’t feel like home for a long time and, even though I ate on program during the day, what I did was at night I would, I would pick on my chocolate covered raisins and I don’t know. 

I was just I don’t know if I was a little bit depressed, I really don’t know, but I gained again and so I had to buy bigger clothes. And then, in September of 2021, I again, I made the decision. I said, no, I don’t like myself, I’m not doing this for anyone, I’m doing this for myself, you know, because I need to like what I see in the mirror and I need to feel good in my my own skin. So then you told me about the Keto version of the program. And I said I want to do that. 

And when you told me about the five-hour fast, I was like, wow, this is really awesome and, and I can do it. I mean, people ask me how do you not eat after 2 o’clock until the next day 9 o’clock? I said, easy, I’m not hungry. I’m not hungry because my mind is trained, it’s amazing. Just, you know, I’m so invested in it and I really want it so badly and I’ve been keeping this weight off now for two years and I’m in full menopause, it’s unbelievable I would have never thought I could do it. And of course you know sometimes I go up and down one or two pounds from the menopause and hormones.


Yes that will always happens those one to two pounds flexibility. We all need that. Especially through menopause. That is all hormonal, and water weight your numbers are always 1-2 lbs usually 98 to 100, But we know 100 is your top and 98 is your low so as long as you are within those numbers you are at your happy place. 


Exactly, yeah right, exactly, I’m so very happy and you really changed my life and I really, even though I’m at my goal weight, you know I still need your support on a daily basis. I still, because for me and I can’t speak for other people, but I need to be held accountable. . So you’re almost like my teacher and I’m handing my homework on Sunday. So it keeps me on track, because I know that even if, let’s say, one night I have like a craving for something, I’m like, oh no, no, because Sunday is your weigh-in and I want to make Josephine proud of me, I want to be proud of myself. So, no instead I have a glass of water, go to sleep and I know Sunday will be here in two or three days, whatever it is, and so I need to have you as my coach, and as my therapist. 

Yes, that’s why I always tell you I will never leave. You know I will never leave because life changes, you know things happen and I will always need your support and your expertise. And you know you’re so knowledgeable. You know so much about menopause and how the body works and how weight loss happens. You know you encourage me and you let me know, It’s okay, if you gain a pound this week, you will lose it next week. And when I see that, then I say to myself okay, don’t beat yourself up, there’s always next week. You’re going to do better, it’s going to be okay. 


You are amazing, and you have been so amazing, especially since you have been through so many changes. You really have, I mean like think about it, even from when you started so many years ago, you did great, then you went through COVID, then the big move that was a big deal. You never gave up, even when there were times when you were going through the changes and menopause, You never gave up.


Yes, yes, and I will never give up. 


I think of when you first walked in my office, I mean, and that was seven years ago and I have to tell you, You were a completely different person.


Yeah, I was a completely different person. I was not happy because nothing worked and now I am so happy now. You know, I’m confident and, like I said, I’m not doing this for attention or for anyone. You know I’m doing this for myself, because getting older you know it sucks, like you know, as a women it’s really hard. , I think we are all struggling. I know for me at least sometimes, when I say, oh, I’m 52, I’m gonna be 53, it’s like even hard to say it, but it’s reality. And you know, like I said I’m in full menopause. It’s unbelievable I remember just being 30. 

And I remember when I was 30 looking at women in full menopause and they were extremely heavy and that’s another reason why I am so grateful that I started this and I tell people who try to lose weight you know, don’t do the shakes and the you know all these fad diets, they don’t work. You need to change your lifestyle. And I always refer them to you because it works. It works.

When you learn to eat with your new lifestyle I tell them I’m never hungry, I’m not deprived, I’m very healthy. I just had blood work done, a full panel. You know everything is normal, you know. So I’m not deficient in anything. I eat very healthy and you know, I just eat less. 


I love so many things that you said because one I feel like so many people going through menopause they think like that’s it, like I’m I’m done, and they could never look like you. I mean it’s just so inspiring for so many people you don’t even know. Listen, you’re at your lowest weight, I mean since you’ve been 18 and you’re in full blown Menopause, I mean that tells you right there, like what you’re capable of if you change your mindset. You know you have to change your mindset. It’s always about the mindset.


Yeah, yes, yes, and, like I said, don’t look at it as a diet. This is a lifestyle change and it’s a healthy one. I feel like I have more energy, I sleep better, because, you know, because I don’t go to bed bloated, you know, and I just I love it. I truly, truly love this program. I love your support. You are my friend, you know you’re like family to me and just you know you’re so encouraging and inspiring and I don’t know what I would do without you. So when I say that you changed my life and I’ve said this many many times to you in my text messages it’s the truth. You have changed my life. Because, yes, I’ve seen many women who give up when they’re in menopause, and you know they gain a lot of weight and they don’t know what to do, and I’m very grateful that you know that I look and feel like this. 


Oh my gosh, I’m so happy for you. There’s no better feeling. But I wanted to say one thing, because I do ask everyone this Do you exercise? Have you exercised? 


Yes, Yes, I do, Well, because I lost, you know, a lot of weight. I, I became very very thin. So I started to do my own weight training. Just, you know, push up squat sit ups, 


You lost your weight first, and then you started incorporating the exercise after you lost the weight right,?


Yes, exactly. And since I’ve been doing them, it’s been about close to a year now that I’ve been doing all the exercises, and, my whole body, looks different. You know my sister and my mom they’re my biggest supporters and they’re telling me like, wow, now, now you look fit and healthy, you look great. You know like you lost all that weight. And now even though you still weigh the same, but now you have a shape. You know like my legs are toned. You know my butt, my stomach, my arms.


Yes I can see your arms look great 


Thank you, Yes, so I just do my own thing, I don’t I don’t need a trainer, I just do my own workout and of course eating on program and not cheating, and you know, and drinking my water. So, my skin looks nice and hydrated, I drink a lot of water. And I follow everything that you tell me and it really works and I highly highly recommend it to anyone who wants to live a healthy lifestyle 


I literally cannot wait for people to see your before and after, you actually looked older when I first met you 7 years ago 


I know It’s unbelievable. It makes me so happy but I know not everyone understands. I have a friend who tells me oh, you know, just accept your curves. And I said, but you don’t understand. You know, that’s you. You can accept your curves and I respect that. But to me I’ve always been thin, small, like when I was younger, you know, in my 20s, I’ve always been a petite girl and and I know that’s when I feel good, I want to feel good about myself. This is how I think and that’s what makes me happy. If you want to embrace your curves that’s on you if that is what makes you happy. But being petite and small is what makes me happy. you know this is what makes me happy. You know fitting in a size 2, I bought a size 24 pair of jeans and I’m so so proud of myself. 

 I was like, oh my god 24. Like, oh my god, I’m like so excited, so excited it just gives me joy, you know, because, like I I think I’ve said this to you before there’s so many things in this life that we have no control over, right, like you know, loved ones getting sick or passing away, or my little doggy passing away, but what I put in my mouth I have control over that’s. That’s the only control I have.


I love that, and I preach it and I agree a hundred percent, an I do think that you really live that and that’s one of the things I love that you do. And I say this to people, because I always see the ones who have the best results. They really live the program, they know they’re in control, they live it, you know, and that’s what makes the difference. They don’t just do it, they live it. 


Yes, I live it, yes, and and I wake up every day and, and I know I start eating at nine and I know I have that window between nine and two and I’m good, I really am. I’m not hungry after two o’clock and I get my nutrients in. I drink water, you know, of course, I drink water even after two o’clock, but that’s it. 

I just drink water and I’m not hungry. I’m very satisfied, I’m very happy and, like I said, I sleep better and I wake up in the morning. I’m not bloated, I feel light, I feel great, yeah, and putting clothes on, you know it just feels amazing.


Yes I know that’s a great feeling. 


And you know when I look in the mirror I like what I see. And it’s nice because of course, people at work notice when I started losing weight and you know it’s nice to get compliments, of course, but I really do it for myself. Because it makes me feel good.


So I told you I will never leave. You can’t, you can’t, get rid of me. I’m staying with you forever because I really, I truly need your support. So that’s how I feel about it. 


That’s amazing. Thank you so much you are amazing. 


Truly, you are such a blessing. I am so grateful to the person who referred me to you because you have changed my life. I swear you really did, even though I’ve had some hiccups in the seven years, but for the past two years, thank God, I’ve been doing great and I am determined to continue on this path and not let anything you know get in the way. I thank you for being you, for your knowledge, for your expertise, for your all your support. I’m so grateful, thank you. You’re so kind and and your words of encouragement. You know they stay with me and and they they motivate me everyday. 

So I want I want to say thank you so much. I love you so much. 


I love you. I’m so happy, thank you.

Thank you! Thank you so much, Elisabeta. That was amazing. You are so inspiring. I know the clients and the customers are just going to love listening to your story. 

Everyone struggles as we get older and you know, I think you have proven that, just because you’re going through menopause, just because you’re in your 50s, you can still be and look the way you want to. The way that makes you feel the best, by doing the right things and following. And, yes, sometimes it’s hard and you will have hiccups, but you can get through it and you’ve proved that and I’m so proud of you. Don’t ever give up. That is a great message for everyone. Do not ever give up. It doesn’t matter your age. It doesn’t matter what you’re going through. She is the lowest she’s been since she’s 18 years old and she’s 52 and she has never looked better in her life. 

So so proud of you, Elisabeta, and I’m so happy I got to see you so happy.. So thank you everyone for tuning in. Thank you for all the feedback. I love it, I appreciate it. It makes my day. I’m wishing everyone a happy, healthy week full of love and hugs and kisses from me to all of you. 

~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick





