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Motivation Monday

Another week closer to summer and the weather is proving it will be here sooner rather than later. Start this week by setting goals. Where do you want to be by the start of next weekend? Where do you want to be by April 1st? Every goal you set make sure you have a plan in place. Stay on your program of 6 Clean Days and 1 Cheat Day™. 
Sometimes we make life harder than it is. When we do the right things and stay on the path of Health and Weight Loss everything becomes so much easier. We no longer have to worry about starting over. We don’t have to fear stepping on the scale, and most important, we know we will wake up feeling happy, healthy and lighter. We know that when we follow, it works.  
Motivation Monday is a day that you not only start fresh with your Cheat Day™ behind you, but it’s also the day that you begin another step closer to the person you want to be.   
1) STOP MAKING EXCUSES – You can tell me your friends came by or your kids have been out of control or you’re sooooo busy at work…the bottom line is you are still using them as excuses to cheat and go off your program. And regardless of how true your excuse may be, it doesn’t change the fact that if you went off then you will not lose weight. So remember even if you have the best excuse in the world I can’t reverse the damage you did from it and magically make you lose weight. The only way you will lose weight is if you stay on your program and start learning that your excuses are prolonging where you want to be. We all know that when you are on program you can have friends over, you can go out to eat, and most important, you can still enjoy life. You have to learn to incorporate the happy, the sad, the annoying, the challenging and the unexpected into your life because they will always be there. 
2) EAT TO LIVE – don’t live to eat.  Stop making food the focus of your life. Have your plan in place each day of what you are eating from your program and then move on. It’s fuel for your body. It’s not supposed to be exciting. It’s meant to help your body run the best it can. Cheat day™ is exciting. 
3) DOWN TIME – This is one of the most important rules for this week. Figure out when you are the weakest in the day. Is it in the morning? Or afternoon when the kids come home or when you come home from work? OR is it after dinner when everything has settled down for the night? Whenever your weak time of day is, you need a plan. You can have a snack ready – for example cut up vegetables and hummus  – or any one of your program snacks. You can also plan to get out of the house and go for a walk with your dog or a family member. What a great way to bond after a long day. OR do an exercise that will keep your heart pumping and your mind occupied – 15 jumping jacks – 15 sit ups and 15 push ups. Because we all know most of the time it’s not about the food, it’s about the time of day.   
Never let yourself get to the point where you are starving and you don’t know what you are having. That’s when you will start to grab anything in sight. There are plenty of things in life that are really hard and we have no control of making them easier. Eating clean, losing weight and feeling great are all things that if you do the right thing and make the right choices then they become easy. They become second nature and most important they become a way of life.  
Summer is around the corner. Keep it simple. Stay on your path and do the right things and life will simply become easier. Because even if you have obstacles in your life that are challenging and hard – when you feel healthy and fit even the hardest obstacles will become easier to deal with. 
Start by doing what’s necessary, then do what’s possible: and suddenly you’re doing the impossible.    
~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018