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Category: feel good

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February is one of those months that arrive fast and exit even faster. And yet so much is going on in such a short month. We have Valentines day and President’s day weekend and Winter Break. So much fun so little time! 


The beginning of the month is the best time to plan for your goals. Take a look back at January – did you accomplish all you wanted? If not – why? Be honest with yourself because at the end of the day you are only hurting yourself with excuses.   


Before you make your February goals – make sure whatever goals you choose they include what is going to make you happy. Make sure you are making them for the right reasons. Because in order for you to reach your goals they have to mean something to you. Because when they mean something to you that is when you will do everything you possibly can to reach them. 

Start by deciding what your goals are and then think about how much do they mean to you. How hard are you going to work for them. Always remember making goals is the easy part – putting the action and work into achieving them is the hard part. We all want success – but actually doing the work is what creates the success. And when it comes to weight loss it’s as much mental work as it is physical. When you make those goals you have to include being willing to with walk away from temptation and being okay with eating less and dealing with those little hunger pangs. It’s not just “I want to lose weight” it’s about everything that goes along with losing weight. It’s hard work. But if you really put 100% thought into this and you tell yourself everyday how important it is to you – then you will achieve it. Because our mind is so powerful we can believe anything we tell it to – but of course that road goes both ways. Always remember it takes just as much energy to be negative as it does to be positive. 


I would like to tell you about one of my clients. She is a young mom of 3 who was overweight at 180 pounds. When she first came to me she was sure she wasn’t going to be able to lose weight. She was very depressed. She tried every quick fix diet and felt completely defeated. I explained none of that mattered – what was important right at that moment was that I was going to hold her hand throughout the program – all she had to do was trust me and trust herself and if she was really willing to work for this as much as she said she was – then we would do great. 

She started in September and now February 1 she is down 52lbs. Some months she lost more than others but even through holiday months she always had weight loss. What was most amazing was she never gave up. She worked so hard every week to stay on program – even with the temptations that were in front of her everyday. She always remembered what was important to her and what she wanted most of all was to feel great by Winter Break because her family was going away and she said her last trip she was so miserable and insecure and wore cover – ups the whole time. She said it ruined her trip and she ended up comforting herself with food the whole time. She was so tired of that feeling.   

One of the reasons I am telling you this story is because I think it’s so important to understand and really think about goals. She didn’t just WANT this she was willing to put the work in day after day and week after week. This trip kept her motivated throughout. For her It was more than just the weight loss. She said she avoided stores and places to go to because she didn’t feel good about herself. She was upset with herself because she felt 20 years older than her age and she didn’t know what to do about it. For her it was so much more about her confidence and this winter break all she wanted was to walk on the beach in her bathing suit and feel confident. We recently did a phone call and she cried and said to me — she never really understood how unhappy she was in her body until the weight loss. She said she knew she wasn’t comfortable in her body but didn’t realize how unhappy it made her. And only when she lost the weight and became really comfortable in her skin again — was when she knew how much this all really meant to her. She felt truly happy. — and that is something we forget. Happiness isn’t a thing – it’s a feeling. And maybe her goal wasn’t really about weight loss it was about feeling happy again. 

I think one of the most important points of this story is it’s not just about the number on the scale. It’s not about a size of clothes. This is about not settling for less than what you deserve because it’s easy. This is about not telling yourself that you did your best if you really didn’t or that you are happy if you know deep down that you are not. This is about digging down deep and working extra hard for something that means everything and that could even be potentially life changing for you. Yes im talking about weight loss but this can apply to anything in your life that you know you haven’t worked hard enough for. And while it may sound silly to some – I mean how can weight loss be life changing? Well waking up and going from feeling unhappy to feeling happy everyday is life changing. Those of you who have gained and lost weight know exactly what I am talking about. It’s life changing when you feel comfortable in your body and how much confidence you suddenly have because you feel good in everything you put on. When you feel good in your body everything changes for you. You feel healthy, energetic, you love to get up and get dressed. It can make the smallest things in life feel exciting. All because you are taking care of yourself and doing the right things.  When you think about it. It’s really not too much to ask of yourself. I mean just by doing the right things and making the right choices you get to live a life in a body that makes you feel HAPPY everyday. And that is life changing to a lot of people. 

Whatever your goals for February are – make sure they = happiness 

Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
blogeatcleanExercisefamilyfeel goodgoalshealthyHealthy TipsKetovationLifestyleMotivationweight loss


It doesn’t matter which one you are on
as long as you are following something. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
Now that we are a few weeks in I can tell you that both programs are showing amazing results. The key is you just have to follow something.  Because there is truly no better feeling than being in control of how you are feeling and that is exactly what all the Innovation programs are about – being in control so you feel your best inside and out. For me there is really nothing better than seeing a client change before my eyes. Within days they go from being a little scared if they will stick to it —  to being 100% committed and excited for their weekly results.   Listen, most of us have two options we either do nothing and stay where we are and continue to gain —  or we put the work in and feel so much better in how we look, think, feel and act.  Results are always up to you. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
Fall is right around the corner and the freshness of the days fill the air when you are feeling your healthy best.  While of course we want to see the weight loss and we want to be in skinny jeans and smaller sweaters –  it’s also very much about how great you feel when you are in control of what you are doing.  It’s truly life changing to know that all the planning – preparing and following through is not only giving you the weight loss you want but also making you feel that you are in total control of what you are doing and total control of how you are feeling.  I can’t say it enough – when you over eat, over drink, and carelessly go through life splurging it will affect not only your body and weight but more importantly it affects mentally how you feel. It affects your mood!   When nothing fits you and you feel bloated – you don’t want to get dressed, you don’t want to go out.  Yet, when you feel good mentally and physically you are making sure you see everyone in your path! [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
Being in control of your health even affects your stress and anxiety.  Studies have proven when you are in control of your food and health your anxiety and stress levels decrease significantly.  Many of us know this to be true because let’s face it – when you are in a good place physically and mentally, eating on program, and you can literally fit in everything in your closet – those are the days you feel like you can accomplish anything that comes on your path.  But when you are not in a good place and not doing the right things and are living in sweatpants because nothing else fits you – well those are the days that the smallest problems can feel like the biggest. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
So happy to be back:  It has been truly so amazing being back in the store and seeing clients one on one again.  Many new and returning clients have put quarantine and summer weight behind them and started a new healthy path on their exciting new body.  What I want for all of you is to remember each day how good you feel when you are doing the right thing.  Set your goals and visualize what you want to look like when October, November and December come around and we all know how quickly they will arrive.  Be proud of yourself that while so many will just be starting then you will already have weeks and months into it. You will not be the one who looks back and says why didn’t I start – you will be the person who looks back and think “I’m doing it and I never felt better.”   [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
Final thoughts:   Don’t give up. We all have hard days but you have to push through them to get to easy days.  Like everything else in life weight loss is no different – what you want always comes down to how hard you are willing to work for it.  Be excited for what you are capable of! Im super excited for all of you. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
Always Be Grateful For Where You Are 
But Super Excited For Where You Are Going
~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
Choicesclean eatingdieteatcleanExercisefamilyfeel goodgoalshealthyHealthy TipsKetoKetovationLifestyleMotivationSUMMERweight loss

Ketovation Information




ON THE KETOVATION PROGRAM! [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]

Here are some helpful Q&A[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]



What Is It:  Ketovation –   Very Low Carbohydrate, High Healthy Fat, Medium Protein diet – Cycled with weeks of Innovation- Low Calorie,  Low Fat Low/Medium Carbohydrate,, High Protein diet.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]


How does it work: The Ketovation diet forces your body to alternate it’s fuel sources between ketones and glucose.  Two weeks the Ketovation diet relies on the liver to break down stored fat into molecules called ketones. As carbs are reduced the fat is increased, the body enters a metabolic state called ketosis.  [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]


When you are on Ketovation your body will be in ketosis – it will take from stored fat on your body to use as energy – creating faster and significant weight loss results right from the start.  [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]


We have learned through our Ketovation cycling – we are increasing our long term weight loss results on Ketovation. When we do 2 weeks of Ketovation then cycle in Healthy Carbohydrate days – the cycling increases your metabolism helping the body to react continuously to the ketosis. Producing faster, and continuous weight loss. Another added benefit is clients have an easier time both mentally and physically of staying on the program because while you are cycling in your Innovation healthy carbohydrate, low fat, high protein days – you are seeing faster and continuous weight loss making it more doable to stick to the program overall. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]


*The most important thing is you have to be 100% the first two weeks of Ketovation with no Hiccups. 

With the Holiday’s approaching plan accordingly. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]

*INNOVATION: Low Fat 5%; Low/Medium Carbohydrate 25-30%; High Protein 65%.


*KETOVATION: High Healthy Fat 70%, Very Low Carbohydrate 5%, Medium Protein 25%


There are 4 Different Ways to do Ketovation: (Choose one)[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]


1. First two weeks you will follow 100% Ketovation which is very low carbohydrate, high healthy fat program for 2 weeks and incorporate in one cheat meal and one cheat snack each week. On the 3rd week you will incorporate one full week of your regular Innovation Program and then cycle back to 2 weeks of Ketovation. Continue this rotation until you reach your goal.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]


2. First Two weeks of 100% Ketovation with one cheat meal and one cheat snack. Continue on Ketovation and in the 3rd week on your cheat day you will incorporate and Innovation day with One Cheat Meal and One Cheat Snack (Two meals and Two Snacks from your Innovation menu and One Cheat Meal and One Cheat Snack on the same day once a week. Continue until you reach your goal.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]


3. First Two weeks of 100% Ketovation each month – following with your regular Innovation Program low fat, low/medium carbohydrate, High Protein Program for 2 weeks. So it’s 2 weeks Ketovation and then 2 weeks Innovation. Continuing this cycle until you reach your goal.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]


4. Two weeks of 100% Ketovation as a Jump start and then back to 100% Innovation Program and remaining on your Innovation Program until you reach your goal.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]


How Do I Get a Menu?: Starting Wednesday September 8th, we will have FREE menu’s at the store or you can download them on our website Thes are for customers who are NOT on program.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]


The menus will consist of all Innovation Ketovation food – and the best way to incorporate the meals and snacks into your day to get maximum weight loss[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]


If you are on program (online or In studio) you will receive a personalized menu 24/7 support, & weekly weigh- ins.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]


In-Studio Sign-up: email or call the store to make an appt 516802-5055 [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]


Online Sign-up: you can go rigth to our website to join and in the profile page write Ketovation Program or Innovation Program.


You can also stop in Innovation Store I will be there most days to answer any questions.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]


Do I have to Only Eat Innovation Food To Do Ketovation:  No! Just like our Signature Innovation Program you do not have to eat only Innovation Foods. But because our food is delicious, easy, portioned and balanced perfectly of 70% healthy fat, 25% protein and less than 5% carbohydrates for the Ketovation Program you will want to incorporate it. But as always if you are an online or in studio client your menu will have Non-Innovation options as well. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]


Can I drink alcohol on the Ketovation Program:  Yes! If you are over 21 you can have Vodka, Tequila, Gin or Whiskey[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]




  • You are not giving up carbohydrates  because it’s impossible to live without them.
  • The Results are Faster, Significant, AND consistent weekly weight loss
  • Balances hormones
  • It acts as an appetite suppressant because of positive changes in hunger hormones, including leptin
  • Improves insulin sensitivity – which helps fuel utilization and metabolism
  • DECREASED BODY FAT – Ketovation promotes the loss of body fat, especially unhealthy abdominal fat.
  • Decreased Stored Fat – Because excess carbs are stored as fat when there is minimal intake of carbs – your body uses your stored fat for energy creating the weight loss
  • The Ketovation diet drastically reduces chronic inflammation
  • Increased Fat Burning during rest, and daily activities [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]


Check out our Love to Live Healthy YouTube Channel for more information

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WE ARE SUPER EXCITED TO ANNOUNCE: In addition to our Amazing Innovation Program I would like to introduce you to our New Addition:


The KETOVATION PROGRAM and our NEW KETOVATION FOOD LINE also coming in September



Ketovation is a program that I designed and developed with the combination of Keto and the Innovation program. We have been working on it for 6 months and have had the most amazing results with clients.



THE OLD Keto diet is a very low carbohydrate, high unhealthy fat program with moderate protein.


OUR NEW KETOVATION diet is a very low carb – high HEALTHY fat, moderate protein diet. Also, unlike the regular keto program, the Ketovation program cycles in the Original Innovation program that consist of balance of healthy carbohydrates – low fat – moderate protein.




Most of the body’s cells prefer to use blood sugar (glucose/carbs) as their main source of energy. The Ketovation diet forces your body to alternate it’s fuel sources between ketones and glucose/carbs. Two weeks the Ketovation diet relies on the liver to break down stored fat into molecules called ketones. As carbs are reduced and the fat is increased, the body enters a metabolic state called ketosis. When you are in ketosis your body will take from stored fat on your body to use as energy – creating faster and significant weight loss results right from the start. So the first two weeks your body Is using ketones for energy (feeding off of your own body fat) then In the 3rd week we begin to cycle in & out healthy carbohydrate, low fat days and the body will go back to using low amounts of glucose. From there we cycle back and forth from ketones to glucose. This helps keep the significant weight loss moving, but also creates a healthy energy for the body.



When you start the KETOVATION program you will incorporate only Ketovation Food for the first two weeks. This will put your body into ketosis and you will immediately see amazing results. Within the first two weeks our results have been between 7-15 lbs for women and 10-20 lbs for men.  In the 3rd week we begin to cycle in & out – between ketones and glucose alternating our Ketovation days and our Innovation balanced days.



I know the question on everyone’s mind and the answer is


You can still have your cheat day



  • Alternating Ketones and Glucose you are not completely giving up carbs because it’s impossible to live without them.
  • The Results are Faster, Significant, AND consistent weekly weight loss
  • Ketovation Balances hormones and helps with all phases of menopause
  • It acts as an appetite suppressant because of positive changes in hunger hormones, including leptin
  • Improves insulin sensitivity – which helps fuel utilization and metabolism
  • DECREASED BODY FAT – Ketovation promotes the loss of body fat, especially unhealthy abdominal fat.
  • Decreased Stored Fat – Because excess carbs are stored as fat when there is minimal intake of carbs – your body uses your own body stored fat for energy creating the weight loss
  • The Ketovation diet drastically reduces chronic inflammation
  • Increased Fat Burning during rest, and daily activities




ONLINE: If you would like the 24/7 support and sign up for the ONLINE Ketovation Program or sign up for our Original Innovation Program – you can do it on the website or through Jeff



IN-STUDIO: We will now be offering a 12 week In-Studio Program starting in September. You can choose to do the KETOVATION or the ORIGINAL INNOVATION Program. Stay tuned we will be sending out complete information on the 12 week programs.



ON YOUR OWN: You don’t have to sign up for the program to do the Ketovation or Innovation Program. Starting in September we will have menu’s on our website that you can download either the KETOVATION PROGRAM OR THE ORIGINAL INNOVATION PROGRAM. You can choose which one you want to do and follow it on your own. Jeff will also have copies at the front desk for your convenience. **These are general menus and are not personalized. To get a personalized menu you must sign up for the In-Studio or Online Program.



At Innovation – It’s all about YOU.

We are always working hard to keep you healthy

while giving you the Best Results

~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick

Choicesclean eatingdieteatcleanExercisefamilyfeel goodFitnessgoalshappyhealthyHealthy TipsLifestyleMotivationSUMMERUncategorizedweight loss


HOW IMPORTANT IS WATER FOR WEIGHT LOSS? Staying hydrated encourages proper metabolic function. Your body is up to 60 percent water and needs water to function properly. Being dehydrated prevents your metabolism from running at peak capacity. That’s definitely not good when you’re trying to lose weight.


DID YOU KNOW:  You should aim to drink at least half your bodyweight in ounces. For example if you weigh 160 pounds you should aim to drink about 80 ounces (10 cups) of water each day. Keep in mind that’s a minimum. If the weather is hot and humid, you will sweat more. This means that you need to consume higher levels of water. And, if you are doing any type of activity that makes you sweat, you need to consume additional water to replace the fluids that you lose. Yes, you’ll probably pee a lot more than you’re used to when you first starting upping your water intake. But trust me, there are so many health and weight loss benefits that come with water intake.



  • Water acts as a natural hunger-blocker. If you think you’re hungry you might just be thirsty.
  • Drinking more water will help cut down on false hunger pangs.
  • Drinking water helps reduce drinking other high-calorie drinks.
  • Water is the best zero calorie drink around. Trust me when you drink a gallon of water a day there’s no room for other liquids.
  • By drinking ample amounts of water day-in and day-out, you can slowly tighten your skin and maintain a healthy glow.
  • Drinking water will flush out the toxins in your body, especially the harmful toxins that can take a toll on your overall health.
  • Water keeps your body hydrated and refreshed and helps maintain your skin’s elasticity. People who drink large amounts of water are less likely to suffer from scars, wrinkles, and soft lines and they won’t show as many signs of aging as those who drink little amounts of water. As you grow older, it is tougher for your body to retain water, so by inputting more water into your system, you are helping your body and your skin stay hydrated.
  • It improves blood oxygen circulation. Water carries helpful nutrients and oxygen to your entire body. Reaching your daily water intake will improve your circulation and have a positive impact on your overall health.
  • It helps fight off illness. Drinking enough water can help prevent certain medical conditions – including constipation, urinary tract infections, hypertension and kidney stones
How can you tell if you are hydrated? Areas such as the skin under your eyes can become dark if you are not hydrated. If you have a lack of elasticity in your skin, it may be that you are dehydrated. To check your skin’s elasticity, gently pinch your skin and see if it bounces back. If it doesn’t bounce back, you are dehydrated.

I LOVE WATER! I credit everything to my water intake. I wake up at 5:30am every morning – and by 7am I have already consumed 4 – 16oz bottles of water. I drink it throughout the day and I always drink another 4 – 16 oz bottles right before bed which is usually around 1:30-2am. Maybe it’s because I am a pisces and spiritually a fish I love everything about water. I love to drink it, and swim in it. It’s so fresh and clean for my body inside and out. I love how it makes me feel and look.


FINAL TIP:  Drinking water is like washing out your insides. The water will cleanse the system, fill you up, decrease your caloric load, and improve the function of all your tissues. If you want to live your healthiest self – drink your water and make it a priority in your life for you health, weight loss, your body and mind. Everything runs and looks better when you are continuously hydrated.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick

clean eatingdieteatcleanExercisefamilyfeel goodFitnessgoalshappyhealthyHealthy TipsLifestyleMotivationSUMMERweight loss


Now that the end of July has approached us I want you to look back and think about where you are today and where you thought you would be. Four Weeks ago on July 1st I asked you where did you want to be at the end of July…. Did you reach that goal? Did you put the work in like you promised yourself? Sometimes these can be very tough questions to answer especially if we know we didn’t do what we wanted – but they are even harder when we know we didn’t even try.


Yes we can all agree Summer is hard. But if we really think about it – weight loss is always hard. It’s a time that we are taking in less than our bodies need so we are hungry. It’s a time that we have to walk away from temptations that always seem to be there. My point is if you keep waiting for it to be easy – it will never happen.


I want you to remember while you are contemplating and waiting for an easier time – I have thousands of clients who are doing the right things and losing the weight and feeling great. I tell you this because I want you to always remember you are no different then they are – the only thing different is you keep stopping yourself from what you really want. When you decide to start working a little harder, being okay with being uncomfortable, and committing to walking away from temptation – I promise you will see the results. You have to stop getting in your own way.  Stop waiting and start doing .


SECOND LOOK: Think back on July. How did you feel? Was it making you happy? Did you feel healthy and in control. If the answer is yes you feel great and you are doing great – then I’m super happy for you because there is no better feeling. If the answer is you are not feeling good in your body and mind and you have lost control – then you need to change it.


HOW TO MOVE FORWARD: Lose the weight now. Start today. Stop thinking that it’s summer and using it as an excuse that requires you to over indulge in food and alcohol – because it doesn’t. What you need to do is commit to making yourself feel good. Put the time and real effort into it. Work hard for what you want and walk away from what you know doesn’t make you feel good. It doesn’t mean you can’t go and enjoy with others – it just means you have a plan walking into where you are going and what you are doing when you get there. If it’s not your cheat day then you stay on program and plan what you are eating, and if you are drinking you are giving up your snacks it’s that simple. Have a plan and follow through with it – and know in your heart that when you stick with it that is what is going to really make you feel your best. Don’t make it harder than it has to be. I promise you everything you walk away from and deny yourself from having – will still all be there when you have your cheat day.




If you are really honest with yourself you know that when you stay on program that feels so much better than cheating. When you are cheating it’s for the moment when you stay strong and on program it’s for the results. I can’t say it enough – do the right thing and you will feel so much better – whether it’s weight loss, work, family, relationships, or vacations – life is about planning and following through and doing the right things. The reason we do this is because it’s what makes us happy. We feel accomplished, and we want to be our best, we want to feel healthy and yes we want to look good. We have one life and we want to have that balance of enjoing it but also working hard and being your best while you do it. When you have a plan you can accomplish all those things. Yes some days are going to be super easy and other days will feel like the most difficult days, but if you stick to your plan you will always get better results both mentally and physically.



~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick

Choicesclean eatingeatcleanfeel goodhappyhealthyHealthy TipsholidaysLifestyleMotivationSUMMERweight loss



I have to say I am super impressed with how so many of you got right back on program after vacations. So many of you even texted me on vacation telling me you couldn’t wait to be back on program when you returned. For those of you who have experienced it you know that it is such a great feeling to have when you are away enjoying knowing that when you come back it’s only a couple of days until you feel back in control and back to yourself. Thinking about it more in depth it is even more amazing how quickly we feel the difference when we go from on program to off and then off program to on program.

IS IT A STRUGGLE TO BE ON PROGRAM OR OFF PROGRAM?  We always feel like it’s a struggle to be on program and do the right thing – but the funny thing is as soon as we have the freedom to go off program we can’t wait to get back on program again. Which brings me to the question is it more of a struggle to be off program or on program. I would have to say from the text messages it’s actually more of a struggle to be off program.

Here is why: Mentally while we are on program it feels so difficult and we just can’t wait to have a cheat day but you see the cheat day is part of the program so when you are on 6 days and cheating 1 day that is still very much on program. But when you have a long holiday weekend or a vacation and now you are off program every day – even if it’s just a cheat meal or extra drinks – you are off program and you immediately feel it in your body and clothes.  When you don’t have any 100% on program days and you feel it in your body it changes you mentally. You know it’s a struggle to feel that way and you don’t want to stay that way – and that is why you can’t wait to be on program again.  For those of you who have lived the program for a long time know exactly what I am talking about.

WEIGHT LOSS IS 90% MENTAL: When we break it down – what we learn on program is very simple: We can go enjoy our holiday and vacations knowing that when we return and get right back on program in only a couple of days we will feel so much better. It’s truly the beauty of the program. What many of you may not have realized is that the cheat day has set you up for this. Having your cheat day once week and learning how to get right back on program the day after cheating has taught you so much. You have learned how to go on vacation and get right back on program after the vacation is over. When you master this you have learned the balance of weight loss. Living healthy, losing weight and enjoying and indulging.

THE BEST LIFE IS ALL ABOUT BALANCE:  We work hard we play hard. In every part of life we need balance so that we don’t just do one thing too much because that will only set you up for failure. There is nothing more important than having a healthy balance in your life – you work hard to be healthy and feel good, but you also enjoy and indulge. It’s so important to incorporate the cheat day because no one can or should want to be 100% – 24/7.  When you learn how to incorporate the cheat day it teaches you the balance you need to lose weight. Just remember the cheat day only works when the other 6 days are 100%. If you are not having 100% days then you should not be having a cheat day.

LIVE THE PROGRAM: When you learn not to just do the program and you learn to live the program you will see it gets easier and easier to get back on program right after a cheat day, holiday and/or vacation. A big part of the program is not so much the vacation or holiday cheating – but what you do after it. It’s super easy to cheat but it’s twice as hard to get back on program after a long holiday weekend or vacation. But the more you live your 6 days on and 1 day off makes getting back on program so much easier because your body learns quickly how much better it feels when you are doing the right thing and feeling your best. Consistency is key here. The longer you teach your body to live the 6 days on and the 1 day off program – the easier it becomes and the faster you learn to live in this healthy balance.

YES, THE STRUGGLE IS REAL: While we want to enjoy summer we don’t want to throw away everything you worked so hard for. Remember when you are returning from vacation the first few days will always be the hardest because you are going from eating too much to eating less than your body needs – so you will experience real hunger pains. Just remember they are temporary. By thursday you will start to feel so much better and you will know only another couple of days until cheat day again. So if you are returning from vacation and feeling a little struggle with the hunger – remember how important it is that you get right back on program. Push yourself through the first couple of days and I promise you by the end of the week you will feel amazing. You will be thrilled that it’s behind you and that you are back on, feeling good and eating on program.

FINAL THOUGHTS: it’s hard but its also very doable. You make choices and you deal with the outcome. If you want the summer to continue to be fun and you want to feel good every week so you can enjoy it – then you need to learn to get right back on program after a holiday or long weekend. Continue to do your best everyday and be proud of it. Don’t wait until you find a perfect week where nothing is going on to go back on program – finding a perfect week in the summer where nothing is going on is impossible. Instead jump right in and think of your weight loss as weight loss days not weight loss weeks. Every day that you can make a weight loss day – do it. The more weight loss days you get in one week – the better the result at the end of the week.  When you treat your body good your body repays you will results.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick

Choicesclean eatingdieteatcleanExercisefeel goodgoalshappyHealthy TipsLifestyleMotivationSUMMERweight loss


When it comes to weight loss – Summer is going to be as difficult as you make it. And honestly what you get out of the next 2 months will be entirely what you put into it. I can’t say it enough if you want to lose weight you need to not just say it you have to do it – and that is where the hard part comes in. We all want it- we say it all the time — I need to lose weight I want to lose weight — but when we sit at a table we order the wrong thing or we find our way into the cabinet that we know we shouldn’t be in. If you want the results you need to be in the right mindset to get them.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]

WHAT TO DO: Believe in yourself. It’s not only about what you are doing physically it’s what you are believing mentally that is just as important. While most of the clients are doing really well right now, some are still really struggling. They start the week with wanting to have an amazing week and by Wednesday they are texting me that they slipped up with extra cheats, drinks etc. If this is you— I want you to remember while you are struggling to get through a clean week I have hundreds of clients who are staying on program and reaping the rewards of losing weight, feeling good and looking great. So it’s always a question of what you want and what is important to you. But at the end of the day nothing is impossible when you want it bad enough.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]

WHAT DO YOU BELIVE: Now of course there are so many clients who are totally fine with maintaining through the summer and that’s great too. It all comes down to you will do what you tell yourself you want. If you go into the summer saying im okay with maintaining then that is what you will do…. If you go into the summer telling yourself you are going to lose weight then that is what will happen. Our mental strength is just as important as our physical. If you don’t believe in yourself to do what you want how will you ever follow through with it.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]

WHERE TO PUT YOUR STRENGTH THIS MONTH: Put all your strength in believing you can achieve what you want. Whether it’s maintaining or losing believe in it and you will get the results of it. We sometimes spend so much time complaining why we don’t have it or complaining that we want it – that we forget we are in control of it. Always remember while you are complaining- I have hundreds of clients that are believing in themselves and achieving the results. So choose what you want and who you want to be and that is who you will become.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]

RECAP: Summer is hard so if you want results you have to do the right things. Follow your menu and stop making excuses why it’s hard… it’s hard for everyone. It always comes down to how much you want it. Your results will always be up to you! If you want to lose weight put the work in, be consistent and remember your every day actions = your results. You can do this – you can do anything you put your mind to. Stay true to who you are and what you want. Believe in yourself and constantly remind yourself how important this is to you. Stay positive and remove all negativity from your mindset and your life. Everything you want is right in front of you but you are the only person who can give that extra effort to get it. We can all make excuses but the excuses get you to exactly where you are today. If you want to be successful and see the results you have to remember it takes work and a positive mindset – both of what you have total control of. But it will only happen when you decide that you are important enough to make it happen.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]


Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick

ChoiceseatcleanExercisefamilyfeel goodgoalshappyhealthyHealthy TipsholidaysLifestyleSUMMERweight loss


[dt_sc_hr_invisible]Do you remember when you were young and your parents went away and you were so excited — YAY! PARTYYYYY! The funny thing is, now you reflect back and realize your parents were thinking the same thing. They were thinking, the kids are gone let’s PARTY!!!! Yes – everything tends to come full circle and what we didn’t understand or even think of back then we understand now. If your kids are away you are certainly playing – how much you play and how much damage you do will result in how the rest of your summer will be. You must stay mindful and remember to think before you eat and drink.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Many of you, which I am so thrilled to say, are going into this holiday weekend in a very good place. And Im really so super proud of all the hard work you have been doing. But regardless if you are in a good place or still struggling you need to approach this very fun filled holiday weekend with a plan. Know what you are doing, where you are going and how you will approach each of the days. This is such a tough weekend, but sticking to your good choices and feeling the best you can will make such a difference in your outcome. We all know how bad choices and good choices can dictate our mood. If you make good choices you feel great and when you make bad choices it makes you unhappy. While it seems like it should be so easy to choose HAPPY, the truth is, when the treats and Cheats are in your face is when you need to remember that eating on program makes you feel your best. Walking away will make you happy. Eating On Program makes you happy. Do what makes you happy. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Holidays are never easy and I wish I could tell you that they don’t count. But the truth is, if it’s not your Cheat Day – what you do matters. What you do this weekend will show in your next weigh in and will result in how you feel the day after the holiday weekend is over. Do you want to look back and think about how you Cheated for 3 days straight and feel horrible, or do you want to look back and think about how much you enjoyed your long weekend, stayed on program, enjoyed your Cheat Day and when you wake up Monday morning you will feel great about your choices and looking forward to the week ahead. At the end of the day it’s always a choice. And it’s one that I can’t make for you. But it’s a choice that you have to always keep in mind that whichever decision you make will result in the way you feel mentally and physically. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]You want to make sure you are starting your summer following your program, staying on your path and making the decision that will make you happy. Whether you are at a friend’s or BBQ or home, you can get through the day with the same amount of food you get through when you are working or when it’s a normal weekday. 8 hours is 8 hours and 10 hours is 10 hours. Where you are and who you are with should not dictate how you eat. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]One of the most important things you should learn from this program is you can go anywhere and be anywhere and eat, have a drink and have fun and still stay on program. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]One thing I can tell you for sure – and I know you will agree when you read this… You always feel so much better about yourself when you are eating on program and making the right choices.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]You have choices: 
Lose Weight: If you plan on only have one cheat day this weekend because you want to continue to see results that fabulous.
Maintaining: If you are splitting cheat days (staying on program all day and only having dinner and drinks or dinner and dessert cheats for two days) then you will maintaining and that’s great too. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Most important you don’t want to look back and know that you had 3 days of no control -cheating and not doing the right things because that will make you unhappy Monday morning. Now is the time to make the choices and have a plan for the weekend. Think of what makes you happy and what makes you feel good. Not for just the moment but for the long term. When the weekend arrives be ready and know what you are doing and how important it is to you. Make sure that you are thinking about what and how you want to look and feel like next week, and your next weigh in, and even next month. Think about what makes you happy and remember that TREATS AND CHEATS are not for everyday. Because if you have them everyday they are no longer treats then they are just plain old cheats. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]NEVER MAKE PERMANENT DECISIONS 
BASED ON TEMPORARY FEELINGS[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick