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Snow Brings Spring Flowers…


Spring is almost here! Yes, we are expecting another 7-10 inches today in NY but you can’t let that sabotage you because as I am sure you have noticed – with each snow storm in the last few weeks the snow has disappeared faster and faster. Just like the snow disappears so will the winter cold. And just like that, everyone will be taking off their coats and showing off their beautiful new bodies that they worked so hard for all winter. You want that to be you, and if you are not there then you want to at least be on your way.




I have been addressing the clients that have been really amazing. We have more clients than ever who have really learned to live healthy and have stayed true to the program and themselves. Maybe because after a while you realize this is it. You eat clean and do the right things and in return your body does the right things for you. Maybe it’s because our food options have expanded and having the yummy meals and snacks help keep you on program and in a good place. I mean, they are called Magic Muffins for a reason 🙂 Whatever the reason or reasons are that have kept you on program and in a great place – stay with it and continue on your path. Because for those of you who are in a great place – you know there is no better feeling. For those of you that are not there – here is a question for you….




Where are you right now? Have you prolonged this? Is this crazy weather making you struggle more than normal? Or maybe something in your life is going on that has you “off”? We all know as fast as we can be motivated we can be unmotivated. So if you are unmotivated and really struggling I want you to do this: I want you to just get on program and get back in control. The way you do that is you need to start with your menu. You have your menu and you follow it and have your meals and snacks. If you need to add an extra on program snack that’s okay. You need to do whatever is going to give you some control back. Once you get the control you will feel so much better. Don’t look to be perfect, just look to be as close as you can. I would rather you incorporate an extra On Program snack than to be snacking all day. That’s part of getting the control back. Of course you won’t lose as much but the most important thing is getting the control not the scale. After you get past that first week back on – then you can focus on the scale because you will feel so much better now you have that control back. It’s one day at a time. You need to put the time in to see the results. One day adds up to one week and each week adds up to a month. Before you know it, you are feeling amazing and the scale is moving! But you need to start somewhere and stop putting it off. Start today – start right now. Don’t wait until after the snow ends, and don’t wait until after Passover. The feeling of control that you can get from now until then is priceless and you will be so happy that you did it.




Don’t complicate it. If you are not where you want to be and need to get back you just get right back. It really is that simple You start texting us your meals again and/or send your weight or come in for an appointment. We never ask what happened or where you were. It’s so not about that. It’s about moving forward and taking all that energy and putting it toward a positive next week. As many of you know, we will do whatever it takes for anyone and everyone that walks in our office or signs up online. We all have a bad week or even a bad couple of weeks and sometimes it’s months, but then you text me or come in and say, okay I’m ready to get back. I don’t even ask questions about why or what happened. None of that matters. All that matters is that you are ready to move forward and use all your energy to get you to where you want to be. So never ever feel like you are embarrassed to return. We have clients come back all the time and they get right back on and right back to a happy place because for us that is what this is all about. It’s about getting you to a place that you feel great again. The reason I bring this up is because of a client that came in Saturday and this is what she said:




She has been off program for months. This is a reoccurring thing for her. She is “off” and then “on.” Basically she comes on program, loses the weight and starts to feel good again, and then disappears. When she came in on Saturday I had not seen her for months. She said, “I do this all the time”. She said, “I want to be honest, I lose the weight and then I feel great and I start to cheat a little more and then I start struggling and instead of getting right back on program I hear someone say they are doing some stupid quick fix it fad diet eating fake food, or living on drinks and they lost all this weight so I start to do that and it never works and then I always come back to you heavier then I ever was. Why do I keep doing this? Why don’t I just get back on program? This is what works for me and what makes me feel great. But as soon as I struggle I go off the deep end instead of just getting right back on program. Why?!!!” — She was being so honest that I was so proud of her. I wasn’t shocked because I know that happens to people – sometimes we all just want the quick fix – but she sat there and admitted it and didn’t have to because I never ask. So I explained to her why she does it, the reason is simple: We take the weight off and we think we can go back to our old habits of eating. But you can’t – the older we get the more discipline we need. When you go back to your old way of eating you will gain weight. So when you hear some quick fix that will make it all better faster of course your first instinct is you want to try it. But what you need to immediately realize is that if you were struggling eating real food of course you are going to struggle even more living on shakes and fake food. Mentally we fall prey to the quick fixes but physically our bodies tell us very quickly it’s not going to last on shakes and fakes. The truth is, and the moral to this story is, get back on track and do the right thing. You can’t abuse your body because if you do, it shows you are doing this with how it looks and feels. Even when you do lose weight from starving yourself you see that gaunt look. You never see clients with that On Program. Regardless of how thin they get they always look healthy because they are eating. It’s not always easy to do the right thing but your body reacts the best to you when you do it. You just have to constantly talk your mind out of it when it wants the easy way out.




We can be soooo spoiled. If there was a pill out there that would allow us to eat whatever we wanted whenever we wanted and never gain weight we would take it. And you know what the saddest part of all is – if that were the case nothing we eat would ever feel special again. Because in our mind, to be able to do whatever we want whenever we want is somehow the way it should be. But it’s not. The way it should be in every part of your life is you work hard for something and you are rewarded. You work hard you get a pay check – you work hard you reach your goals – you work hard you get a degree – you work hard you accomplish your dreams – you work hard you feel great – You work hard you get a vacation – You work hard you get a Cheat Day. This is life and just the fact that we have the opportunity to work hard and get rewarded is what makes it so amazing. Why would you want it any other way….





~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10017