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There is a big difference between how we celebrate Fall holidays and Spring holidays. We tend to be much more disciplined in the Spring and more forgiving in the Fall. With Summer approaching quickly you want to make sure feel and look your best so you can enjoy all the fun in the sun.


This year with Passover and Easter back to back it may be challenging. While many celebrate one or the other – there are also many who celebrate both. I think we can all agree regardless of what you believe in or celebrate – some how those little chocolate bunnies and their Cadbury eggs are celebrated and enjoyed by all. **Make sure you are eating your chocolate bunnies and eggs on your CHEAT DAY ONLY….


You have two choices when it comes to Holidays and Vacations – You maintain or you continue to lose, because with Summer around the corner – Gaining is not an option. 


LOSE WEIGHT: Stay on your journey and continue to eat clean and enjoy your one day a week CHEAT DAY. While it may seem difficult, you must remember it’s how you have been living and it’s how you feel your best.


*VACATION: You want to look and feel your best and odds are there is really nothing there that you have not already had. Make sure if you are willing to go off program that it’s worth it. Because after vacation you are coming home to beautiful weather and summer is around the corner. Choose your battles and make sure this battle is one you want to give in to. You can use your snacks for drinks and still be 110% on program. *TIP: if you are doing one Cheat Day on vacation – make it toward the end. This way you feel good all week and you are much more likely to stay 110% all week if you don’t Cheat. As the week goes on you will get mentally weaker and you will be ready for your Cheat Day. If you have it too early you may end up cheating more than you want to. Having the Cheat Day to look forward to for the last day is something that can keep you strong throughout the week.


*HOLIDAY: If you are home and celebrating the holiday you want to continue on your 6 clean days and only one Cheat Day. Save your snacks if you plan on drinking while socializing. If the kids are home, plan some fun events that are not around food. It’s a great time to clean the yard for the Spring and Summer flowers and fun that will be here soon.


MAINTAIN: If you want to maintain for the holidays or vacation it’s an easy process – but you will still need to be mindful and plan your days so you know what you are cheating on and what you are eating to stay clean.


*VACATION: You eat clean all day and choose one meal, dessert or drinks each day to enjoy. If you give up your snacks you can do drinks and one meal or dessert. The rest of the day has to be 110%. You don’t take a Cheat Day before and you don’t have one when you return. You come back from vacation and you go right back on program and you give it 110%. You will go right back to your original number.


*HOLIDAY: If you want to maintain you will split your Cheat Day and do a meal and drinks or a meal and dessert each day. The rest of the day has to be 110% . Do two clean meals and 2 clean snacks through the day and one meal and drinks, or one meal and dessert. If you choose one of those options and do it each day you will maintain.


All very doable choices to follow and still enjoy. The most important part is to stay mindful and plan. Try to know in advance what you are doing so you can plan and not wing it. If you start spiraling out of control and you start to notice that every meal starts to become a Cheat and the meals turn into consecutive Cheat Days – simply stop. Don’t talk yourself into – “I’m okay I will get right back on program when I return”. Instead, get right back on program. Don’t think about it just do it. Go back to your original plan whether it was to maintain or lose, and follow it. Most of the time the problem isn’t that we fall off the path it’s that we stay off. When you get right back on track you will see how quickly you feel better and how quickly you go right back to being in control. You want to enjoy your vacation or holidays but you want to feel good before, during and after it as well.


 Life is always about choices, balance and planning – and when you do all three you will get the very best results. 


From the Staff of Innovation Weight Loss
Happy Passover & Happy Easter to all


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10016