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Tag: snow day

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Be Mentally Strong Today!


Well, another snow day in New York. For those of you that are traveling you know what to do, and for those of you that are home with another snow day – try not to let your good intentions to start Monday on the right foot be hindered by the beautiful white falling snow. While it can give you that cozy “I want to eat” feeling it will also give you that “why are my clothes so tight” results. Don’t look at it as a road block but rather a challenge. One that you know you can get through and will feel so much better doing. Follow your program and stay on your path because wherever you are and whatever you may be dealing with – vacation – snow days – kids home etc… you will feel better, enjoy it more and have the best results if you do the right thing and stay on program.


The days go fast and before you know it, this week will be over and done. You want to look back and think “I did it and I feel great!” – Summer is a hop, skip and a jump away and so are your goals. They are right there and you can reach them if you stay on program and continue to follow what makes you feel good. Isn’t it funny that eating clean and staying on program makes you feel your best? So where is the challenge? When you don’t do the right thing you don’t feel great. It should be a no brainer and yet, somehow the temptation to do the wrong thing can overcome us in a heart beat. But the truth is, when you are mentally strong and in a really good place you will stay stronger. When you are seeing the results you will stay stronger and the longer you love to live clean the easier it is to stay mentally strong. The temptations will always be there and they will only win if you let them. It’s you against them. It’s feeling good against feeling horrible. It’s feeling thin against feeling thick. When it comes to doing the right thing and feeling your very best it’s simply making the right choices against the wrong. Most of you know what they are and you know how to stay on program and what works for you – It’s all about doing it. And when you know it makes you feel the happiest, lightest and thinest then there should be no thinking – you just do it.




If you look at those around you that make it look so much easier than it is and wonder how do they get through the snow days and how do they stay on program continuously without fail – It’s because they already went through the challenges that you are experiencing but they learned very quickly that not being on program or doing the right thing makes them feel out of control and unhappy. Once you really come to realize that it’s not who you want to be – or how you want to feel – especially over food – then you will start saying “no thank you” and realize that saying “no” or simply walking away is such a better feeling than eating something that you didn’t need or want, and that will not take you to where you want to be. Follow what you want and remember your goals. The days go fast and the weeks and months go faster.


Since it’s snowing I want you to follow
the POSITIVE Snowball Effect……  
If you look good – you feel good
and when you feel good – you do good things.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10016
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Snow Brings Spring Flowers…


Spring is almost here! Yes, we are expecting another 7-10 inches today in NY but you can’t let that sabotage you because as I am sure you have noticed – with each snow storm in the last few weeks the snow has disappeared faster and faster. Just like the snow disappears so will the winter cold. And just like that, everyone will be taking off their coats and showing off their beautiful new bodies that they worked so hard for all winter. You want that to be you, and if you are not there then you want to at least be on your way.




I have been addressing the clients that have been really amazing. We have more clients than ever who have really learned to live healthy and have stayed true to the program and themselves. Maybe because after a while you realize this is it. You eat clean and do the right things and in return your body does the right things for you. Maybe it’s because our food options have expanded and having the yummy meals and snacks help keep you on program and in a good place. I mean, they are called Magic Muffins for a reason 🙂 Whatever the reason or reasons are that have kept you on program and in a great place – stay with it and continue on your path. Because for those of you who are in a great place – you know there is no better feeling. For those of you that are not there – here is a question for you….




Where are you right now? Have you prolonged this? Is this crazy weather making you struggle more than normal? Or maybe something in your life is going on that has you “off”? We all know as fast as we can be motivated we can be unmotivated. So if you are unmotivated and really struggling I want you to do this: I want you to just get on program and get back in control. The way you do that is you need to start with your menu. You have your menu and you follow it and have your meals and snacks. If you need to add an extra on program snack that’s okay. You need to do whatever is going to give you some control back. Once you get the control you will feel so much better. Don’t look to be perfect, just look to be as close as you can. I would rather you incorporate an extra On Program snack than to be snacking all day. That’s part of getting the control back. Of course you won’t lose as much but the most important thing is getting the control not the scale. After you get past that first week back on – then you can focus on the scale because you will feel so much better now you have that control back. It’s one day at a time. You need to put the time in to see the results. One day adds up to one week and each week adds up to a month. Before you know it, you are feeling amazing and the scale is moving! But you need to start somewhere and stop putting it off. Start today – start right now. Don’t wait until after the snow ends, and don’t wait until after Passover. The feeling of control that you can get from now until then is priceless and you will be so happy that you did it.




Don’t complicate it. If you are not where you want to be and need to get back you just get right back. It really is that simple You start texting us your meals again and/or send your weight or come in for an appointment. We never ask what happened or where you were. It’s so not about that. It’s about moving forward and taking all that energy and putting it toward a positive next week. As many of you know, we will do whatever it takes for anyone and everyone that walks in our office or signs up online. We all have a bad week or even a bad couple of weeks and sometimes it’s months, but then you text me or come in and say, okay I’m ready to get back. I don’t even ask questions about why or what happened. None of that matters. All that matters is that you are ready to move forward and use all your energy to get you to where you want to be. So never ever feel like you are embarrassed to return. We have clients come back all the time and they get right back on and right back to a happy place because for us that is what this is all about. It’s about getting you to a place that you feel great again. The reason I bring this up is because of a client that came in Saturday and this is what she said:




She has been off program for months. This is a reoccurring thing for her. She is “off” and then “on.” Basically she comes on program, loses the weight and starts to feel good again, and then disappears. When she came in on Saturday I had not seen her for months. She said, “I do this all the time”. She said, “I want to be honest, I lose the weight and then I feel great and I start to cheat a little more and then I start struggling and instead of getting right back on program I hear someone say they are doing some stupid quick fix it fad diet eating fake food, or living on drinks and they lost all this weight so I start to do that and it never works and then I always come back to you heavier then I ever was. Why do I keep doing this? Why don’t I just get back on program? This is what works for me and what makes me feel great. But as soon as I struggle I go off the deep end instead of just getting right back on program. Why?!!!” — She was being so honest that I was so proud of her. I wasn’t shocked because I know that happens to people – sometimes we all just want the quick fix – but she sat there and admitted it and didn’t have to because I never ask. So I explained to her why she does it, the reason is simple: We take the weight off and we think we can go back to our old habits of eating. But you can’t – the older we get the more discipline we need. When you go back to your old way of eating you will gain weight. So when you hear some quick fix that will make it all better faster of course your first instinct is you want to try it. But what you need to immediately realize is that if you were struggling eating real food of course you are going to struggle even more living on shakes and fake food. Mentally we fall prey to the quick fixes but physically our bodies tell us very quickly it’s not going to last on shakes and fakes. The truth is, and the moral to this story is, get back on track and do the right thing. You can’t abuse your body because if you do, it shows you are doing this with how it looks and feels. Even when you do lose weight from starving yourself you see that gaunt look. You never see clients with that On Program. Regardless of how thin they get they always look healthy because they are eating. It’s not always easy to do the right thing but your body reacts the best to you when you do it. You just have to constantly talk your mind out of it when it wants the easy way out.




We can be soooo spoiled. If there was a pill out there that would allow us to eat whatever we wanted whenever we wanted and never gain weight we would take it. And you know what the saddest part of all is – if that were the case nothing we eat would ever feel special again. Because in our mind, to be able to do whatever we want whenever we want is somehow the way it should be. But it’s not. The way it should be in every part of your life is you work hard for something and you are rewarded. You work hard you get a pay check – you work hard you reach your goals – you work hard you get a degree – you work hard you accomplish your dreams – you work hard you feel great – You work hard you get a vacation – You work hard you get a Cheat Day. This is life and just the fact that we have the opportunity to work hard and get rewarded is what makes it so amazing. Why would you want it any other way….





~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10017
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle




While we wait and prepare for what is to come there are a few things I want you to think about…


Snow will come and go…and in March it’s going to leave us faster than normal. Tomorrow could be 2 feet and next Tuesday could be 60 degrees. You want to plan and prepare to get through the next couple of days with your ON PROGRAM meals and snacks. Make sure you have what you need for the next couple of cozy days and nights to come.


As strong as you feel today I have told you in the past when we are snowed in (especially in March when Spring is next week!), you will want to be prepared. If you are watching a movie save your snacks for the movie. Alway keep yourself busy – make sure you are cleaning out your closets and trying on your shorts. Shop for bathing suits and search about future vacations. Keep motivating yourself and do the right things that will make positive changes in your numbers next week.


We had really amazing results this past weekend. It was one of those weekends where everyone just had awesome numbers. Very few didn’t lose and those that didn’t lose owned it and changed what they needed to. Those that did lose celebrated and gave some amazing feedback. Whether you are preparing for snow in the North East or you live in warmer Texas and Florida, here is some helpful feedback I want to share with you that might help you this week…


CLIENT #1 – She had lost weight but was struggling at a number: “I finally did what you both kept telling me to do week after week. All I had to do was have 6 consecutive days 110% clean and I would lose the weight. I did it and I finally lost weight again. I realize the 6 days are the most important to focus on to lose weight and my new number proves that.”


CLIENT #2 – “I can’t have the extra piece of half eaten toast from my daughter’s plate. The couple of olives I tend to pop in my mouth and not count or lick the ice cream from the cone. I can’t have the bite of pizza and the two french fries that was left over. It really does all add up. You told me they are so little individually but as a whole they are a lot – and it finally clicked. When I stopped all the bites, licks and sips… my weight dropped! I can’t believe it. I was sabotaging myself the whole time and I didn’t even realize it. I’m so happy I lost weight!”


CLIENT #3 – “Wow. I can’t believe how good I did this week. I get it now. It really does matter what you are eating and how much of it. I lost weight this week because I finally decided that it’s okay if I am a little hungry. I decided to do what you said and embrace the hunger and it really does work!”


CLIENT #4 – “I finally understand what 110% clean means. The food has to be clean with no chemicals and no sauces etc. But it also means you want us to be 110% clean with our choices 6 days a week. No room for error – I get it! It worked! I love my new number!!”


*This next one is one of my favorites and it’s not just because she says how right I am lol 🙂 


CLIENT #5 – “You were right! When I weighed Friday because I knew I was going out – you yelled at me and said stay off the scale and just do the right thing until your cheat day. You said that if I don’t go off at all and keep Friday and Saturday as clean as the rest of the week that’s when all the magic happens. I didn’t believe it but I did it. I went out and had one drink and ordered super clean. Sure enough the magic did happen and Sunday morning I was down 2 lbs. I promise I will never go on the scale early again. I very easily could have sabotaged myself when the number didn’t move Friday. And you were right – that’s why I went on it. I had it in my head that if I lost weight then I had wiggle room to cheat and if I didn’t lose then who cares it’s not working and I’m cheating! I was looking for an excuse to cheat. Instead you talked me through it and I listened and I went out, had fun, ordered clean and I lost 2 lbs. I can’t believe it! I’m so happy!”


I could go on and on with the happy clients this week and what clients said and did this week that made the difference on the scale. It’s everything I keep writing to you. It’s everything the Podcasts and Radio talk to you about. Do the right thing, keep your 6 days 110% and follow your menu and you will lose the weight. It’s as if for so many it was in your head and you knew it and it finally just all came together. That’s how it works. If you keep moving in the right direction, eventually the little changes that you have made week after week bring you to the bigger changes that need to be made and you drop the weight and your numbers are amazing. There is nothing better than feeling good in your body and about what you have accomplished. It makes everything else in your life so much happier and easier to get through.


Feel good about your strength and willpower and know that you can do it! Remember how much it means to you to see your number go down and the feeling of waking up lighter and healthier.  Only you have the  power to do the right things and to stay on your solid healthy weight loss path.  Keep that feeling of strength and remember the warm weather is closer than it may feel today. Don’t sabotage your hard work. SUN OR SNOW – It’s just another day with a beautiful setting outside. The snow will come and go but you do not want your weight to stay the same or be higher from it.


There are a million excuses you can give yourself to overeat.
Today write a list of reasons why you want to lose weight.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness


8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Snow Day Ideas


If you are looking for something to do on this snowy day to keep you on track then listen to our latest podcast about how Susan Parker Loss 44lbs and has kept it off. Remember to subscribe to our podcast it’s FREE TO SUBSCRIBE. When you subscribe it just means that you will be notified when the latest podcasts are available.


You can go right to our NEW WEBSITE and click on the Podcast section and listen to the new podcast with Susan as well as all the available podcasts. While you are on our new website you can check it out and see all our new features. With the new online features for all of our online clients once you register you will have your own Innovation page that helps you track your weight loss, you will be invited into our forum where you can talk to clients all over the world that are on program and have 24/7 access to Josephine and Thea. On your features page you will be able to save your menus, add ins and weekly weight progress. The online website is user friendly and designed so you can easily see your progress and have access to everything you need to have the best success. You must be a registered online client to have access to the extra features.
If you are currently an online member and would like access to the extra features please reach out to Debbie – she will give you the options on how to switch to the online.
Where you can learn how Susan Lost 44 lbs
and learned to 
~ Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Winter Challenge Week 4

4 Weeks in and you are all doing amazing. When you want something bad enough and are willing to work for it the results are endless! Challenges and temptations are always around every corner. It’s up to you how you handle them. One way to handle them is to always be prepared. Being prepared will save you time in the long run. Do it before and you won’t have to worry about figuring it out later.
SNOW IS ON THE WAY…so it’s super important that you keep yourself in a mental place that is strong. Snow lasts a couple of days and the weight gain will last a month! Today is a great day to plan what you are doing tomorrow. Get the snacks and items you need in the house so you are not stuck when you wake up tomorrow morning and can’t drive. Already have your mindset that you will not go off plan because there will be snow when you wake up. Plan to stay home and have your meals and snacks ready so you don’t say to me on weigh in day “I was stuck in the house.” No one is “stuck”  because for my clients that live in the North East you have had more than enough warning that you will most likely be snowed in tomorrow. Get ready for it today. Don’t think, “Oh if I don’t have anything in the house I won’t eat” – that won’t work. There is always something in the house and when you are desperate it’s amazing the things you will come up with. So don’t even put yourself in that position. When it comes to your food make sure you have your plan and know what you are doing tomorrow. And get whatever you need today so tomorrow is effortless with your meals and snacks. Remember it’s a “snow day” not a “cheat day.” At the end of the day you will feel so much better knowing that you stayed on your path and you feel great going into Friday and a weekend where you can pick your cheat day and enjoy it.
There is really no better feeling than when you treat your body right. When you feel good all the time and you do the right things for you body and mind. When you are doing it consistently is when it really makes the biggest difference. Your cravings go away and you know you are on your path to where you want to be. There is nothing worse than being on the roller coaster – up and down and back and forth always ending up in the same place or worse than where you started. In order to be consistent and to get the very best results you need to push yourself everyday. It doesn’t matter how hard it is and it doesn’t matter how challenging it may feel – you need to push past it because when you push past it and you get on a healthy consistent path is when it will start to feel easy. It will start to feel effortless. Remember the hard part is because you are breaking out of the habits that you have created for yourself. It’s moving your body from the weight gain and into the weight loss. It’s paying the price for where you got yourself and working toward where you want to be. Of course it will be hard – but its only temporary. The more you work toward it and are consistent with it is when it will feel easier and effortless. But the more you keep putting it off the harder it will be. The longer you stay on the roller coaster the longer the ride. Face the challenge now. Do the right things and work through the mental pain and create the consistency of working hard everyday for what you want. Because it’s only when you give this 110% 6 consecutive days consistently every week is when you too will see the best results.
Congratulations to all of our contestants. February is a tough month but a fast month –  Keep working hard, stay strong, and stay on your path.  You are all doing Super Fabulous!!!!
Andrew S:        11.5
Aaron T:           10
Beth M:            9.8
SEO:                8.4
Sheryl G:         8.2
Steve K:           8
Mike R:            7.5
Mike N:            6
Joann B:         8
Amanda C:      8
Troy M:            8
Raquel R:        7.6
Lauren G:        7.4
Paul N:             7
Alison A:          7
Scott S:            7
Farin F:            6.6
Samantha M:   5.8
Sandra W:        5.6
Linda S:           5.3
Jamie K:          5
Donna F:          5
Jen G:              4.9
Melanie B:       4.8
Rhonda L:       4.8
Dawn S:           4.6
Kimberly S:     4.4
Cara B:             4.4
Marlie G:          4.4
Theresa G:       4.2
Kathy S:            4
Lisa S:               4
Amanda B:        4
Amy K:              3.8
Emily D:            3.8
Shari K:             3.7
Lynn K:             3.6
Dana S:             3.6
Nancy R:           3.6
Jamie H:            3.5
Janet K:            3.4
Beth F:              3.4
Robyn M:          3.3
Heather C:        3.2
Dorey K:            3.1
Ann C:               3.1
Alyssa M:          3
Elayne S:           3
Lori N:                3
Dena E:              2.8
Heather T:          2.8
Stacey B:           2.7
Bonnie K:           2.6
Leslie O:            2.5
Jessica M:         2.4
Debra S:             2
Deirdre C:          2
SS:                     1.5
Beth G:              1.2
Allan P:             1.2
~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 East 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Snow is Temporary

Don’t sabotage yourself!
I want you to realize that the snow is very, very temporary. Like when the snow melts and brings beautiful green grass…It’s like a coat over a bathing suit. You are going to take off the coat and whatever you have been doing while it’s snowing is going to show. STOP SABATOGING YOURSELF. Snow doesn’t mean food. It means inconvenience, but it can also mean fun.    
Just because the kids are home for vacation or a snow day that does not mean you have to eat all day. Teach that there is more to do on snow days or days stuck inside then just baking and eating. Play tag in the play room or basement. Set up a fort and watch a movie together. Have a dance contest. Do some arts and crafts or painting so your hands are occupied. Play a board game.  
If the kids are not around…clean out an old closet that has been waiting for your attention. How about the play room or basement that may need some organizing. Maybe do an extra exercise video today or read a book that you have been putting aside.
Don’t throw in the towel because there is another snow day or because the kids are home from school for another week long vacation. The very worse thing you can do today is say “I’m going to start tomorrow” because they are home…AGAIN.
Use today as a day to challenge yourself to eat healthy while your kids are around. Since they are not going anywhere anytime soon it’s a good idea to learn to eat healthy and make the right choices when they are with you. Try not to use your kids as an excuse to overeat. REMEMBER: CHILDREN LEARN WHAT THEY LIVE.
It is February 16th!  If you haven’t started or feel a little off track then start this week! If you lose 1 pound by the end of each week starting this Friday the 20th until the Friday of Memorial Day you will have lost a total of 15 Pounds!!! WOW!!! 15 pounds, and that’s only with doing 1 pound a week. If you throw in some 2 and 3 pound weeks along with your 1 pound weeks – you will have a 20-30 pound weight loss by Memorial Day weekend.
At the end of the day it’s a very simple concept. Eat healthy 6 days, indulge on the 7th, and lose weight. The cleaner you stay 6 consecutive days, the more weight you will lose weekly.  The days may go slow but the months are flying by….
Click the links below the pictures to download.

~ Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Make The Most of a Snow Day


In the next few days New York will be experiencing a major blizzard that is projected to result in a massive amount of snow accumulation and high MPH winds. Several schools have already decided to close and many residents may not be able to get to work. If you find yourself stuck at home in the next few days, or any time you experience extreme weather, there are a couple things you can do to stay safe, healthy and occupied while unable to leave your home.


You can still follow your fitness routine even if you can’t get outside or get to the gym. Get in an at-home work out – there are so many options online or on TV for any type of exercise you are looking for. Try searching YouTube or OnDemand for a workout video, search online for blogs or websites with at home workout routines or flip through a fitness magazine to get ideas. If your family is home as well, get them involved. It’s a terrific way to be active and spend time together. You could also try playing a fun game together like charades, Celebrity or Cranium. You’ll fight boredom by being active and you’ll get a good workout from laughing as much as moving your body. You can also use your time to cook up something healthy. If you don’t normally cook it’s a great way to kill time and it can be an entertaining activity for kids. Find something fun to make like zucchini linguini or spaghetti squash, or something where they can add their own toppings like egg white muffins or veggie pizza.


When it is safe to go outside, there are so many fun winter activities that are also great calorie burners. Sledding, building a snow man, having a snowball fight, building a snow fort and making snow angels are just a few perfect options for families and smaller children. Ice skating inside or outside, or a game of pick-up hockey are great for older kids and teenagers. If there is a lot of snow, head to a park or bike trail and try snow shoeing or cross country skiing. Both activities are great for enjoying the outdoors and can burn 500 or more calories in an hour. You can even burn calories just from shoveling your driveway or side walk. But be careful not to overwork yourself – strenuous activities like shoveling snow can increase your risk of heart attack. When the temperature drops, our blood vessels narrow to prevent our bodies from losing too much heat. It’s our body’s natural reaction to cold temperatures outside, so when this affect is combined with increased blood pressure from demanding activities, it can put people with heart conditions and people involved in strenuous exercise or activities at greater risk. Here are some ways to prepare yourself before going outside:


  • Warm up with stretching or light activity before beginning any laborious activity
  • Layer clothes beneath a windproof and/or waterproof outer shell to maintain body heat
  • Take breaks to give your muscles (especially your heart) a rest
  • Try to always have at least one other person with you during any activity to ensure you are not alone should an emergency occur


Winter is a wonderful time of year that offers so many unique ways to enjoy the outdoors – and indoors! – with your family and friends. Be safe and enjoy the snow!


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 11730