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Workouts You Can Do From Home

As the temperature drops, you may find it harder and harder to get out and exercise. Just thinking about getting outdoors or getting in your car when it’s dark and cold out can make you want to stay inside until spring, but just because you don’t leave the house that doesn’t mean you can’t get in a workout.


Here are two easy routines no matter what your skill level is. Each should start with a 5 minute warm up and end with a 5 minute cool down. Alternate them Monday/Wednesday/Friday and Tuesday/Thursday, then you can choose one to do on Saturday and one on Sunday, or choose your own 30 minute workout activity.  For both routines, you should increase your workout each week by working your way up to 3 sets of each exercise with 30 seconds of rest between sets, doing 10-12 repetitions per set.


The first starts with 10 Jumping Jacks. Jumping Jacks are a great way to elevate your heart rate and get a full body work out that engages all your large muscle groups. Next, do one set of Jump Rope (invisible option if you don’t actually have a jump rope). If you choose to invest in a jump rope, it’s an affordable workout accessory that fits in almost any drawer, closet or gym bag. Jumping rope is another excellent way to get your heart pumping to improve cardiovascular fitness and strengthen muscles. Finally, end this workout with a set of 10 Bicycle Crunches. To do these, take the position of a normal sit-up with legs bent and off the ground, and hands behind your head. Pull your left knee towards your right elbow, return your legs and body to the starting position, then do the same with your right knee and left shoulder. This modified crunch gives you an abdominal workout while also working your hip flexors.


The other workout routine starts with a set of 10 Bicep Curls. Hold a 3lbs weight, or a 12oz full bottle of water. While the other exercises engage most of your body, this one is a targeted workout. Weight lifting will help build strong bones and increase your stamina. Next, do a set of 10 Sumo Squats. To get into position, your feet should be wider than your shoulders width apart with toes pointed out and knees over your toes. Regular squats work your glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, hip flexors and calves, and while this exercise does all that, it also focuses on your inner thighs. Next in this routine is a set of 10 Tricep Extensions while holding 3lbs weights or a 12oz full bottle of water. This exercise involves extending your weights behind your head. Your triceps help stabilize your shoulder joint and act as extensors of the elbow and shoulder, so as your triceps become stronger, the strength and flexibility of your arms will increase. End this exercise with 10 thirty second planks (beginners start with as many as you can do and increase as your strength and endurance improve). Plank pose is a great way to engage your whole body, including shoulders, neck, arms, chest, back, abs and legs. This pose will help improve your strength, flexibility and posture. This is also a great workout if you spend a lot of time sitting at a desk by releasing tension in your shoulders, back and legs.


Visit our “Workouts You Can Do From Home” page on our website to learn more about proper positioning and execution of all of these moves:


~ Love To Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick