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Tag: travel

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Get Right Back on Program


April is finally going to bring spring! By mid week we will be in the 50’s and by the end of the week 60’s!!!!! And before you know it, 70 and 80 degrees will be quickly following.  The weather has really thrown so many for a loop this year. It felt like the ever lasting winter, especially if you didn’t get the chance to fly away from the cold for a spring break. And on the flip side, if you did go away it’s not always easy to go from beautiful weather back to this very unpleasant cold. Either way, I just want you to know that if you are struggling because you just came back from vacation or struggling from the tough winter – you are not alone. But I also want you to know that you have to snap out of it because once it gets warm – it’s going to just get warmer and warmer.




The first couple of days after vacation are always tough. You feel bloated, thick, and just not in a good place from over doing it on vacation. Then you have the challenge of going back to eating on program which of course is always less than when you are away. But the bottom line is – over eating and drinking is only fun when you don’t feel big and it’s only satisfying when you feel thin and healthy to enjoy it.  That’s what Cheat Days are for. If you feel you over did it and are struggling – there is a very simple cure. You remember how you felt before you left for vacation and you get right back on program. In a day you will feel better, and in a week – amazing. Getting back on program is one of the most important things you can do when you don’t feel your best. It can often be the hardest, but it’s the one thing that will make you feel amazing. In a week you will have that feeling that you love and you will already be looking to enjoy your Cheat Day. Just get right back on. You had your fun and now it’s time to work. That’s why they say work hard, play hard. It’s Monday and it’s time to work hard!




Are you ready for the warm weather? Have you at least started? If you have, that’s awesome. Keep eating clean and keep exercising and your body will return the favor by looking and feeling great. Every week you will get to a better and better place. If you are struggling for any reason, you have to remind yourself that the longer you put it off the more you are going to struggle. As hard as it is to start it’s harder not to start. Being on program is what is going to HELP you with the struggle. Getting in control quickly is what is going to make you feel better both mentally and physically. You can’t keep putting it off. You need to remind yourself of what is important and how good you want to feel. How feeling good changes everything about you into all positive things. When you do the right things and you treat yourself the right way you feel good, you have confidence and you want more and more of it. You are happy and everyone around you is happy. But you need to start. Don’t put it off another day. Just get on your program and your healthy path because the faster you do it the quicker you will feel better and the faster the results will be. I know it’s not always easy to do the right thing – but it always pays off when you do. If you want to look and feel good you have to put the work in. I can promise you it’s all about putting the work in and staying on your program and working hard every day.  Don’t just sit and wait for something to happen because it won’t. If you are not doing the right things you will not just wake up one day and be thin. Fat will never magically disappear. In fact, you will just keep growing and growing – and all of a sudden everything is so tight you don’t know what to do. Sometimes it really happens so gradually, you can be shocked. New Clients come in my office everyday and say “I don’t know what happened I was thin and then all of a sudden I wasn’t”. You don’t want to get to that place, but if you are already there – you need to be on program and on your healthy path. Yes, it’s hard. Anything worth having is hard. But it’s also very doable and, more importantly, it’s very worth it. Who doesn’t want to feel great in summer clothes?? Who doesn’t want to be and feel healthy?? Who doesn’t want that control and that lighter feeling?? Most of all, who doesn’t want to slip on summer shorts and feel amazing in them?? Just remember, every day you put it off is another day you could be closer to your goals – closer to feeling good and closer to fitting in your clothes again.




~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10016
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle



There is a big difference between how we celebrate Fall holidays and Spring holidays. We tend to be much more disciplined in the Spring and more forgiving in the Fall. With Summer approaching quickly you want to make sure feel and look your best so you can enjoy all the fun in the sun.


This year with Passover and Easter back to back it may be challenging. While many celebrate one or the other – there are also many who celebrate both. I think we can all agree regardless of what you believe in or celebrate – some how those little chocolate bunnies and their Cadbury eggs are celebrated and enjoyed by all. **Make sure you are eating your chocolate bunnies and eggs on your CHEAT DAY ONLY….


You have two choices when it comes to Holidays and Vacations – You maintain or you continue to lose, because with Summer around the corner – Gaining is not an option. 


LOSE WEIGHT: Stay on your journey and continue to eat clean and enjoy your one day a week CHEAT DAY. While it may seem difficult, you must remember it’s how you have been living and it’s how you feel your best.


*VACATION: You want to look and feel your best and odds are there is really nothing there that you have not already had. Make sure if you are willing to go off program that it’s worth it. Because after vacation you are coming home to beautiful weather and summer is around the corner. Choose your battles and make sure this battle is one you want to give in to. You can use your snacks for drinks and still be 110% on program. *TIP: if you are doing one Cheat Day on vacation – make it toward the end. This way you feel good all week and you are much more likely to stay 110% all week if you don’t Cheat. As the week goes on you will get mentally weaker and you will be ready for your Cheat Day. If you have it too early you may end up cheating more than you want to. Having the Cheat Day to look forward to for the last day is something that can keep you strong throughout the week.


*HOLIDAY: If you are home and celebrating the holiday you want to continue on your 6 clean days and only one Cheat Day. Save your snacks if you plan on drinking while socializing. If the kids are home, plan some fun events that are not around food. It’s a great time to clean the yard for the Spring and Summer flowers and fun that will be here soon.


MAINTAIN: If you want to maintain for the holidays or vacation it’s an easy process – but you will still need to be mindful and plan your days so you know what you are cheating on and what you are eating to stay clean.


*VACATION: You eat clean all day and choose one meal, dessert or drinks each day to enjoy. If you give up your snacks you can do drinks and one meal or dessert. The rest of the day has to be 110%. You don’t take a Cheat Day before and you don’t have one when you return. You come back from vacation and you go right back on program and you give it 110%. You will go right back to your original number.


*HOLIDAY: If you want to maintain you will split your Cheat Day and do a meal and drinks or a meal and dessert each day. The rest of the day has to be 110% . Do two clean meals and 2 clean snacks through the day and one meal and drinks, or one meal and dessert. If you choose one of those options and do it each day you will maintain.


All very doable choices to follow and still enjoy. The most important part is to stay mindful and plan. Try to know in advance what you are doing so you can plan and not wing it. If you start spiraling out of control and you start to notice that every meal starts to become a Cheat and the meals turn into consecutive Cheat Days – simply stop. Don’t talk yourself into – “I’m okay I will get right back on program when I return”. Instead, get right back on program. Don’t think about it just do it. Go back to your original plan whether it was to maintain or lose, and follow it. Most of the time the problem isn’t that we fall off the path it’s that we stay off. When you get right back on track you will see how quickly you feel better and how quickly you go right back to being in control. You want to enjoy your vacation or holidays but you want to feel good before, during and after it as well.


 Life is always about choices, balance and planning – and when you do all three you will get the very best results. 


From the Staff of Innovation Weight Loss
Happy Passover & Happy Easter to all


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10016
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Happy Holidays


HAPPY HOLIDAYS:  The holidays are here and many are getting ready to celebrate and others vacate. Whatever you are doing or where you are going, I want you to keep in mind some very important things. As you know I always say planning is a big part of your success. The best way to plan is to do it the day before so you know what you are doing and/or where you are eating the day of. If you know that your lunch and dinner will be too far apart make sure to have a snack in between. In order to have a snack you need to have access to one. You don’t want to get to the point of being over hungry because then you will lose control and not be able to come back from it. This is a very difficult time of year for weight loss and you can make it less difficult if you plan accordingly.


IMPORTANCE OF SNACKING: Make sure you have your snacks and use them when you need them. If you are hanging out by the pool make sure you have the vegetables and hummus so you don’t go for the nachos. Sometimes we can forget the importance of snacking. Once a upon a time it was thought that if you ate before a meal you would ruin your dinner. But the truth is, if you DON’T have a snack before a meal you will not only ruin your meal but also your weight loss. Why? Because you will be so hungry you won’t be able to make a healthy choice. You will reach for everything and you will eat fast and too much before you even realize what happened. But when you have a snack before you go out and feel a little satisfied when you get to dinner you will not act like it’s your last meal. You will immediately see the difference in how you feel and how you can control your choices. So make sure you have your snacks available and use them when you need them – that’s what they are for.


YOUR ACTIONS DETERMINE YOUR RESULTS: Remember that throughout the next two weeks you are responsible for what you do. Whatever your choices are will result in your outcome. We sometimes forget that holidays and vacations have an ending. When we are in the moment of enjoying and celebrating we forget that reality is around the corner. I want you to enjoy and celebrate – it’s wonderful and you should continue to do that. It’s one of the most important things about working so hard all year. What fun is being thin, healthy and feeling great if you can’t go out and enjoy it and show the world how amazing you feel. With that said, you must also keep in mind this is not the last vacation or holiday you will have. When it’s over you want to feel just as good as when it started. The best way to do that is to think about your actions and the outcome. When you grab for something – do you really want it? Or are you eating it because you are on vacation? Always think before you grab and eat. Remember, whatever you do today you have to deal with tomorrow. If you are okay with it then go for it, but if you know that it’s going to make your first week of the New Year miserable then don’t do it.  There are not too many things that are worth that and you need to keep that in mind when you are grabbing and consuming. Remember how hard you have worked for where you are today and regardless of who or what is around you, at the end YOU will be the one who is either stuck or content with the outcome of your choices. No one has that power except you.




Through the holidays and on vacation the choices to Lose weight – Maintain – or Gain is ultimately up to you.  Here are some things to follow to determine where you would like to end up:




LOSE WEIGHT: You can stay on your course of eating clean 6 days and save everything you see on vacation throughout the week for your Cheat Day.  If you do this try and save the Cheat Day for the last day you are there – this way you look and feel amazing all week and you can see the things throughout the week that you would like to have on your Cheat Day.


MAINTAIN:  Have a Cheat meal, a dessert or drinks each day.  You can’t do all three, it has to be one of the three if you are having a Cheat everyday. This will help you maintain. It teaches you that you can enjoy but you just can’t treat everyday like a full Cheat Day.




LOSE WEIGHT: With two back to back holidays in one week [Christmas eve – Christmas Day] and [New Years Eve – New Years Day], you have the choice of picking one each week and having your one Cheat Day a week. If you do that you will continue to stay on your path and lose weight. Sometimes it’s easier to continue what you know and what you feel comfortable with. For those who do not celebrate both it’s an easier decision,  but for those who do celebrate both you should think about maintaining…


MAINTAIN: While the back to back holidays are little difficult there is an easy solution to get through them and maintain. Keep your days clean and enjoy your feast at night. If you like a big Christmas morning breakfast then you can have your feast Christmas eve night and again Christmas day morning but all the other meals of both days must be clean and on program. So basically it’s two full meals with desserts and drinks if you choose. If you do this for two back to back days you will maintain. Of course like any other Cheat Day you WILL NOT go on the scale the next day. You will enjoy, go right back on program the next day and weigh in the following week and you should be the number you were before the holiday began.


My final thoughts to you for the next two weeks – is to live a life that you are proud of.  If at any time you find that you are not proud of what you are doing – find the strength to start over. It’s important to enjoy and have fun and celebrate. It’s the reason why we work so hard to eat clean and feel good in between the special occasions. Just always stay mindful, have a plan and remember you are creating memories with those you love. You want them to be memories that you can all look back on with love and joy. Remember that how you treat yourself will reflect in how you treat others. When you are happy they are happy and when you feel good they feel better. Appreciate the beauty of the world, and appreciate what you worked so hard for. Do not ruin your holidays or ruin it for those you love because you over did it and can’t wait for it to end. Instead, throughout the next two weeks, be the person that makes you happy and act in ways that you know will make you feel your best.  If you fall off your path get up and immediately back on program. Be the person that you worked so hard to be and remember the person that you want to see January 1st. Enjoy the life, the love and the happiness that you have and always, always have hope in your hearts for those less fortunate.




~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10017
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Where Are You and What Are You Doing?

I have received many emails and text messages today from those of you who thought or hoped they would do better than they have been doing. I want you all to think for a moment about where you are right now. Are you in a good place both mentally and physically? If you have been a Shark or even a Snail this week then continue on and continue to be amazing! If you have been struggling or frustrated with what the week has become for you – stop beating yourself up and finish out the week strong.


Many clients have celebrated the First Seder and found themselves falling prey to temptations around the table. Other clients are away and indulging in temptations that surround the beach, some are eating Easter bunnies before their time. What you have to do is just stop for a moment. Think about what you have done and where do you want to go AND ALWAYS STAY WITH THE POSITIVE THOUGHTS:


Whatever has happened between Sunday and yesterday can’t be changed. What can be changed is what you do from Today until this coming Sunday – MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Whether you are home or at the beach, go right back on program. Have your clean meals and snacks. Remember that right now, today, tomorrow and the next day are about being happy! Not about what you can and can’t eat. Do what is going to make you happy.


Don’t throw the rest of the week away because you have Easter on Sunday or because you are going out this weekend. It’s better to salvage the next couple of days and then have a Cheat Night. You will feel so much better if you are super clean Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Cheat on Sunday – if you are really good, clean and on program – you may even make this into a maintain week!


OF COURSE YOU FEEL HORRIBLE, YOU JUST CHEATED FOR MORE THAN ONE DAY – If you feel horrible, bloated and heavy the very worst thing you can do is prolong getting back on. Don’t do the – “I will go back Monday!” Do it right now. Yes, it will be hard because not only do you feel bloated, heavier and horrible but now you will feel hungry on top of it.  But I can promise you that if you get through the next couple of days on program – you will FEEL AMAZING BY SUNDAY! You may not be at your lowest numbers but you won’t feel like you do today. The longer you wait to go back on program – the harder it will be. Jump right back into your meals and snacks today and by the weekend you will be so happy you did.


Right now you can change your week from a Weight Gain to a Maintain. You may feel like you can’t, but I promise you if you go right back on 110% you will be amazed at how fast it comes off. It’s new weight and it will come right off if you go right back on program. You won’t lose weight but you will end the week where you started.


Stop focusing on the WHY DID I DO THIS AGAIN! This is all part of life. We have holidays and vacations and things that we want to celebrate and enjoy. You need to realize what is important – it’s not about you going off, it is about you going right back on. That’s the key here – the faster you go back the quicker you feel better. The faster you go back on – the faster the weight comes off. The longer you wait, the harder it is. Two or three days off doesn’t mean the whole week is gone. It just simply means you stopped, you enjoyed and now you pay the price and go back on 110%. And if you finish out the week amazing and enjoy a Cheat on the Weekend –  then you may even feel that sometimes the price is worth paying.




~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019


FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Spring Holiday Prep

HOLIDAYS…. As we head into another Monday we look ahead and see Passover / Easter and Spring Break approaching fast. It’s only 2 weeks away and will be here before you know it. Whatever you do this is not the time to “WAIT” until after the Holiday/Break to get back on program. In two weeks you could lose 5lbs instead of gaining 10lbs. In two weeks you can feel a little lighter and healthier then you do today. What you have to do is just get right back on program or continue on your path… because when the Holiday and Break arrive you don’t want to feel bloated and heavy. You want to go into the Holidays feeling like you can enjoy without guilt. You can enjoy without worrying about adding pounds onto the extra weight you put on the last two weeks. Just don’t fall into the feelings of “I will just go back on program after the holiday” – wrong attitude! The right attitude – You should always be following. Even if you are busy and you are preparing and you know you will be cooking and baking more – you have to remember your first thought in the morning is to follow your program and you do it the very best you can each day. Always remember 80-20 is better than 50-50. And 4 great days with 2 not so great days and 1 cheat day is better than 7 straight “off” days or 7 straight “cheat days”. So even in your busiest time, with holidays, kids, and preparing – you always try to do your best everyday. While some weeks will be amazing and perfect others will be “okay” and that’s always better than “horrible.”


SCALE – IS THIS YOU? BE AWARE – of what you are doing and how it’s affecting you. Sometimes I see that clients go on the scale and they are amazed that it either went up or they didn’t lose. They will tell me that they had a hard challenging week and it was tough to stay on course or they know they had “off” days but they did the best they could. But then they step on the scale on “weigh in” day and they are disappointed that it didn’t go down. Like how the scale is going to reflect the stress and pressure you had on you the past week but it wouldn’t count in your weight because it feels bad for you. Just so we are all clear – the scale is not magic and doesn’t have feelings. It doesn’t care whether you had the most stressful challenging week – it doesn’t give you points for being a little good or better than you could have been. If you eat too much it’s gonna show in your numbers. The scale doesn’t have a brain and it’s not going to deduct numbers because your boss was mean or your kids were driving you nuts or because you wanted to eat dinner with your husband/wife or hang out with your friends. No it’s not going to be less because you wanted it to be or because you didn’t do as terrible as you could have. The scale is going to reflect exactly how you treated yourself that week. If you were 100% on program then it will go down, and if you were not great it’s probably going to stay the same as the week before, and if you over did it – it’s going to be higher. The only time the scale shows a temporary increase that is not real is on two occasions – after a weight workout because your muscles are swollen and you have not released the lactic acid (this usually disappears within 2-3 days after the workout) OR after a Cheat day when your body is processing all the new food but in return working harder than it did the day before your Cheat Day. BOTH of these will only work in your favor and go down lower than before if you are back on program after the Cheat Day and if you do not eat more because you exercised. Keep the process simple. If you are on 110% you will lose – if you are having some good and bad days you will maintain (which is always better than a gain), and if you are cheating all the time it will go up. You know what you are doing and how well you are doing it – the choice is always yours.



Sometimes it’s really hard to stay focused all the time. That’s why we have Sharks and Snails and while you may be one or the other you can always be both – just don’t be a Slug!


Sharks – My Sharks are on all the time and always see results and usually make everything look effortless. While I can assure you most of them suffer and text me as much as the next person, the bottom line is they are always on. They love and embrace the six days on and one day off and they love and embrace how they feel and look. Food is fuel and Cheat Day is exciting. That’s who they are and they love being sharks.


Snails Then I have my snails and they are usually on they move a little slower. Whether it’s because of social life or just because they are happy moving along slowly – they are happy and always in the right direction. It just takes them little longer to get there. They are always happy with their process. They own it if they were “off” and celebrate when they are “on.”  They live with the six days on and one day off but sometimes their six days tend to be a little more of healthy or a little extra. While every snail is different the most important thing is they are happy and embrace being a snail. They love the consistency of who they are and how they live.


Sharks/Snails – some of you are very good at being both. You are Sharks some days (most of the time when you have to be, like right before a vacation), and other days you are snails and you are fine with always being on and incorporating a little extra motivation and determination when you need it while living and moving at a snails pace when it suits you.


SLUGS – The one thing you don’t want to be is a SLUG! A slug doesn’t move it just sits there stuck getting bigger and bigger. The process of growing may be slow or fast but either way it’s happening. The slug wants to move – it even sees where it wants to go but it just doesn’t have the motivation or determination to get there. Compared to a slug the snail is a marathon runner! Why would you be a slug? Because it’s easy to be a slug. It’s easy to get stuck and just keep sitting, and talking about what you want and thinking about what you want but when it comes to putting it into motion it’s just too much effort. It’s always going to be easier to do nothing but it’s never rewarding. It will always be easier to talk about how much you want it without putting the effort and work in to get there. Once you are a slug it’s not so easy to get out of it. It takes a lot of effort to get things moving and get re-motivated. It’s so much easier to sit and watch TV and eat treats then it is to plan, prepare and do the right things for your body and mind. Simply put, it’s easy to eat and it’s hard not too. It’s easy to sit and it’s harder to keep moving.


If you are a Shark or a Snail be happy and own it, and if you are a Slug or turning into one – you need to get moving and have your body start catching up to what the mind wants. We all have choices in life of how we want to live and what we want out of life. At the end of the day you are the only person who can make your life amazing. You are the only person who can make yourself happy, healthy and feel good. We are here for you, will guide you and give you the tools – but it’s still up to you to stay on your path and work hard everyday to become the person you want to be and live the life you want to have.


Fun Fact:
Does this have any relation to how they live?
Life expectancy 
Shark – is up to 30 years
Snails – up to 10 years
Slugs – up to 7-12 months  




~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

On Vacation? Choose Your Battles

I have to first say I am so so proud of so many of you! I really see how hard you are working and so many of you did all the right things getting right back on after New Year’s and have not looked back. New, old and returning have made a commitment and have stayed with it. Some are sharks and others snails but both doing amazing at their own pace! Now we are in a place where so many are going away – sand or snow. I know it sounds crazy hard to be able to maintain while you are away but if you are mindful and really think about what you are doing it’s not as hard as you may think. Here are some things to remember and follow when on vacation:


CHOOSE YOUR BATTLES ON VACATION: I know I have said it over and over but I like for you to think it in your sleep – In order to maintain you can actually add food or drink into your program and still lose. The reason for this is because when you are trying to lose you need to be in a state of restricted. You need to have LESS than your body needs. When you are maintaining you get to have more food than when you are trying to lose. You get to have enough food – the amount that your body needs to maintain and not lose and not gain.


  • One meal and dessert off OR alcohol but not both. So if you are a foodie then you will eat clean all day and choose one meal a day and one snack/dessert and have that as an off program choice. OR if you are over the age of 21 and like your alcoholic beverages on vacation then you can do clean meals and snacks and have your drinks when you want them.
  • Stay away from the nachos! When you are at the pool or the beach or after the slopes – you will order fresh raw veggies with hummus or light ranch. These veggies will help keep you munching and maintaining while you are laying around enjoying the sunshine or relaxing at the lodge after you ski.
  • If you choose to have one meal a day off program then you do not get a Cheat Day at the end of the week. Remember, the Cheat Day only works when the other 6 days are 110% on program. So if you know you are “off” each day then you are using that and not your Cheat Day. You can’t do both because if you do you won’t maintain you will gain.
  • You can’t run, exercise or ski off a bad food day so any exercise you do, make it in addition to your controlled food day.


    The most important thing to remember is how hard you have worked to get to where you are today. You have sacrificed and have gotten yourself to a place where many of you no longer have cravings through the week. When you work so hard to get here you want to be able to enjoy it. Just because you are on vacation or a “stay-cation” doesn’t mean you just go back to your old habits – and trust me they will want to come back. It’s up to you to remember how AMAZING you feel when you are doing the right things. It’s up to you to think about how hard you worked to get to this amazing place.


    DON’T LET THIS HAPPEN: Most people start vacation feeling amazing. You work hard and you do all the right things to get there and then all of a sudden by mid vacation you start to think “I can have that – I’m on vacation” and  “I can have that – everyone keeps telling me how great I look” and “I feel soooo good – I’m just gonna have it this one time.” And then slowly you start incorporating more and more and throughout the day you are picking and tasting and sharing…before you know it you are bloated and your clothes are starting to tighten. And if that’s the worst of it that would be enough but it’s not. Because then all of a sudden your mood starts to change. You went from starting the vacation so happy to now you are slowly becoming miserable. You can’t believe you let it get you again. You are starting to feel that heaviness. And you were so happy when you were lighter why did you let it happen…now your whole mood has shifted. You think the kids are driving you crazy but the truth is you are driving them crazy! You are feeling bloated and you are upset and short tempered. All because you feel bigger and bloated because you are no longer in control. When you are not feeling your best everything starts to bother you. And you keep thinking I was just so happy. I shouldn’t be doing this we are on vacation – but you can’t help yourself because your sugar levels are dipping and rising with every unhealthy meal you have. Then you have a drink or a bad meal to numb out the fact that you did it again and the drinks / unhealthy meals just make you eat more and before you know it you are waking up even worse then the day before! Then you start thinking you just can’t wait to get home! But wait it was only a couple of days ago you couldn’t wait to get here!  – DON’T DO THIS TO YOURSELF!  There is no food or alcohol that is worth this. Stay in control and think about what you are eating and putting in your mouth before you do it.  Have a plan everyday so you can enjoy your vacation.  


    I’m telling you this today before it happens. Choose your battles –  I want you to read this on the plane. I want you to read it on the beach or in the lodge. You are not there to eat out of control. It’s okay that staying in control and on plan makes you happy. Don’t get in the mindset that you need to eat everything because you are on vacation. Because that will make you unhappy not happy! You are not there to be unhappy. You are on this beautiful trip with your family and/or friends and you are there to have an amazing time that should not revolve around food. It should include food but not revolve around it. There is always a healthy choice – MAKE IT! You can’t have the whole cake but you can have a slice everyday and that should be enough. Your “slice” might be dessert, meal, alcohol etc. but choose it and have it everyday – but the rest of the day must be clean. Because you will feel so much better THE WHOLE VACATION if you do. You can have your cake and eat it too you just can’t have it morning noon and night everyday. Choose your battles and know what is important to you. If it’s your alcohol then make a place for it in your snacks. If it’s your desserts then that is what you have each night with the rest of the day clean. If it’s your food then you choose which meal each day you are going off on. You should have an amazing time and you should enjoy everything you want – but that doesn’t mean you go there and you treat everyday like a Cheat Day and it doesn’t mean you go there and lose even a little control because you know better where that will lead. Staying in control makes you happy and makes you feel good. That’s what your vacation should be about – feeling good! When you go on vacation you are supposed to come home feeling better than when you left – make sure you are doing what it takes to feel that. I always tell you that when you come home I will get you back to feeling amazing. But the truth is, you want to be away and feeling amazing. So think about your choices and make sure they are worth it. Because at the end of the day – In the reality of it all, it’s not very hard – IT’S TEMPTING. BUT YOU ARE STRONGER THAN ANY TEMPTATION.<




    ~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Do’s and Don’ts of Summer Weight Loss


Summer is a great time for weight loss. We can show off and enjoy our hard work, and it’s also a strong motivator to keep working towards our goals. In the winter, we hide under layers of clothes and indulge in heavy holiday meals. But now is the time that we can feel lighter and enjoy the weather. But we also have to be careful because when we feel carefree we can lose sight and go off track without realizing how much we can gain. Here are some tips for summer that will also help you stay on track. 


DO Stay Hydrated. With the increase in temperatures and hours of sunshine, even just walking to get from point A to point B can cause us to sweat and lose water. Simple activities such as walking, biking, shopping, going to the beach and any other way you enjoy the outdoors can really dehydrate you if you aren’t careful. Be prepared with water and hydrating snacks on hand.  Water is always best. Something with additions like electrolytes or a natural flavor is great, but make sure you aren’t drinking sugar and sodium. Avoid sugary beverages like sports drinks, energy drinks and even some teas and juices. Always pay attention to the labels. You can also choose a hydrating snack like watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew, grapes, apples, celery, and so much more. 


DON’T Gain From Drinking. When we drink it’s usually for two main reasons – to hydrate or to enjoy. When we hydrate, we are quenching our thirst and helping fuel our bodies. We need water to live and we are constantly losing water. When we drink to enjoy, we are having a coffee or tea with breakfast, a soda with lunch or a glass of wine with dinner. We drink for the taste, or just out of habit. These type of drinks can be enjoyed and you can still stay on plan, but it takes self control. As we have said many times before, alcohol is one thing but the things we eat and drink are another thing. Sugar, caffeine and alcohol can cause us to crave food we wouldn’t normally eat, especially in the summertime when we are relaxing and enjoying the season. 


DO Be careful in the sun. One thing many of us look forward to is the sunshine and getting a tan. Having a little bit of color can make us feel even more confident but it can also have lifelong effects. Cover up and wear sunglasses, and always use sunscreen. Seek shade wherever possible, such a a beach umbrella, awning or cabana. Make sure children and kids always have sunscreen and shade. 


DON’T Burn. Premature wrinkles, sun spots, eye damage, sunburn and skin cancer can all be direct results of too much sun and UV rays exposure. Avoid tanning beds and sun lamps – try a self tanning lotion instead. It can also hydrate your skin an give you a natural glow. 


DO Enjoy Travel. The free time we get in the summer is perfect for travel. Whether you are planning a family trip or a getaway while the kids are at camp, summer is wonderful for a vacation. Going on a trip is a rewarding and relaxing, and we can to enjoy ourselves when it comes to activities, shopping and eating and drinking. Think about what matters most to you and come up with a plan before you go. Pack healthy snacks, look at menus ahead of time and set your limits for yourself. 


DON’T Indulge Beyond Your Limits. Travel also involves long plane rides or train or car travel, which can mean waking up early, staying up late or just having an exhausting day getting somewhere. When we are tired we look for caffeine and sugar to give us a boost, and healthy foods can be limited at airports and during transit. But it’s not impossible and you can follow through on your clean eating. While you are away, be realistic about how you want to eat and what you want to accomplish. Being on vacation can mean staying out late and eating and drinking late into the night. It can also mean big breakfasts and constant munching during the day on appetizers and other treats. When you come back, be prepared for the results and be ready to get back on track. 


DON’T Stress. If you let the negativity get to you it will just make it worse. Don’t give up because you think you have failed. You only fail when you stop trying. The last thing you want is to have a terrible summer where you are down on yourself and spiraling out of control. It always sounds easier said than done, but all it takes is one healthy snack or meal to get you back on track. One healthy decision can get moving in the right direction agian. Don’t let one slip up or one bad week make you give up on everything. 


DO Stay Motivated. Find what speaks to you and go after it. Whether that is an event or date that you are working towards, or a dress or pair of pants you want to fit into, or maybe you just want this to be your summer where you feel fit and accomplished. Celebrate the little successes and enjoy the progress you make each day and each week. It will all add up and before you know it you will be exactly where you want to be.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Are You On Holiday Break?

Holiday Break has arrived and whether you are home or away the challenges are the same – extra food and drinks are everywhere. The once controlled daily schedules have now blurred into one long food coma day. Before you throw in the towel and submit to starting over in January, I want you to think about a couple of things…


FIRST: Think about how Thanksgiving went for you. How the same thoughts & feelings crept into mind that you are experiencing now. How it is so easy to give up in the moment only to regret it when it’s all over. Remember how you promised yourself this holiday would be different. How you didn’t want to relive another holiday weight gain. You promised yourself you were going to commit to staying on program regardless of how difficult it got.


Of course it is hard to be 100% when the kids are home or when you are on vacation. But no one is looking for you to be perfect – instead of trying to be 100% – make a deal with yourself and be 80-20. Be clean and in control 80% of the time and off 20%. Whether it’s a meal, dessert or both – but have a plan each day. Know what you are doing – know why you are doing it and when you are doing it. Because when you have a plan you are more likely to stick to it.


SECOND: Think about and remember how good it feels when you are in control. Then think about how terrible it feels when you lose control.


FEELINGS OF BEING IN CONTROL – light, healthy, thin, comfortable in your own skin, want to get dressed and go out, doesn’t mind running into people at the pool or beach, you are happy and go out of your way to make those around you happy.


FEELINGS OF OUT OF CONTROL – hiding, miserable, mean, can’t stop eating, bloated, and disgusted that you did it again :(


THIRD: Remember how much harder it is to get the weight off then it is to put it on. Make sure it’s worth it because in some cases it can take up to a week to get rid of one moment of pleasure.


FINAL THOUGHT: Even if this email has found you in an already unhealthy out of control state – it’s not too late to change it. Get right back on. Do it today – and stay on program until your next cheat day. If you do it today and live by the program of one cheat day with your clean meals and snacks everyday – then I promise in a couple of days you will begin to feel amazing again. By Thursday you will be back in control and feeling Happy, Healthy and Ready to bring in the NEW YEAR.


You’re always alone,
but you’re only lonely if you don’t like
the person you’re alone with.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness


8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797


469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Holiday Travel Tips

As the year comes to an end we are approaching one of the most exciting times of the year. Whether you are planning a Christmas celebration at home, a family trip, a New Year’s party or a tropical getaway, there are so many things to look forward to. But this can also be a time when our eating can go off plan and we don’t eat as healthy as we would like. Here are a few ways to help you prepare and stay on track in the next few weeks.


Prepare Healthy Foods and Snacks. The best way to ensure that you can eat healthy during travel and while on vacation is to prepare ahead of time. We always look forward to planning our vacation activities whether it is lounging on the beach or seeing the sights, but planning healthy eating might be a different story. But it is a good idea to push yourself to pack healthy snacks for travel and to do some planning while you are away to help you make the right choices. Travel snacks are easy. You can grab a protein bar, piece of fruit, Cheerios, nuts, or a bag of healthy chips or popcorn to reach for at any time in transit or on a long flight. And once you arrive, seek out local restaurants and stores that you might shop or eat at. Glance at their menus and see what they have to offer just to be aware of what you have to choose from.


Buy at the airport. If you get stuck and need to find food on the go, remember that you have healthy options. Airports may seem like all they have to offer is fast food and snacks high in salt and sugar, but if you really look you will find healthy options. Many airport kiosks will have great breakfast options such as Greek yogurt and mini Cheerios packages, hard boiled eggs, fruit, and there might even be a smoothie or coffee shop where you can get coffee, tea or a smoothie (just pay attention to the ingredients in everything, especially smoothies). You will also be able to find some good lunch options likes salads and wraps. You can also find a variety of snacks like nuts, hummus, cheese sticks, fruit or a latte to get you through the day. Eating healthy during travel will not only help you stay on your weight loss plan, but it will also make you feel better during travel and help you avoid getting too dried out or crash from a sugar high.


Healthy Travel. Remember to stay hydrated during travel, especially flying. You can bring an empty water bottle with you to fill after you get through security, or you can purchase bottled water near your gate. Avoid too much caffeine and sugar like coffee and soda, especially when you are flying because they will just dry you out and make you jittery. While flying it can also help to move around. This can mean walking up and down the aisle, or just stretching in your seat. Here are some ideas:




Vacation Eating. Eating healthy on vacation presents many challenges. When we go to a new place we don’t know our options. Even if we are visiting a familiar place, we are living outside of our usual routine. Vacations are special so it makes us feel like we should treat ourselves and live in the moment. We want to eat and drink without a care in the world. And we should treat ourselves! That doesn’t mean we have to stuff ourselves, though. Decide when you want to indulge. Maybe you want to have a special dessert or a nice dinner each night. The choice is yours. Losing over vacation is very hard but possible, and maintaining going in to the New Year would be a huge accomplishment.


Most important – vacations whether home or away should not be about food. The focus should be about spending quality time with the people you love, family, friends and most important quality time with yourself. What will make you happy…Walks on the beach with your significant other? Or playing more with your kids – or spending time with your parents. Maybe for some it’s reading a book you have been too busy to pick up or maybe you can finally have that extra time to exercise. Use the vacation and free time to your advantage and choose to do the things that will not only make you happy in the moment but also that will make you happy tomorrow and the next day. Enjoy – love and be happy.


Your circumstances do not determine what your life will be; They simply reveal what life you have chosen up until now.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Are You On Holiday Break?


Holiday Break has arrived and whether you are home or away the challenges are the same – extra food and drinks are everywhere. The once controlled daily schedules have now blurred into one long food coma day. Before you throw in the towel and submit to starting over in January, I want you to think about a couple of things….

FIRST: Think about how Thanksgiving went for you. How the same thoughts & feelings crept into mind that you are experiencing now. How it is so easy to give up in the moment only to regret it when it’s all over. Remember how you promised yourself this holiday would be different. How you didn’t want to relive another holiday weight gain. You promised yourself you were going to commit to staying on program regardless of how difficult it got.

Of course it is hard to be 100% when the kids are home or when you are on vacation. But no one is looking for you to be perfect – instead of trying to be 100% – make a deal with yourself and be 80-20. Be clean and in control 80% of the time and off 20%. Whether it’s a meal, dessert or both – but have a plan each day. Know what you are doing – know why you are doing it and when you are doing it. Because when you have a plan you are more likely to stick to it.

SECOND: Think about and remember how good it feels when you are in control. Then think about how terrible it feels when you lose control.

FEELINGS OF BEING IN CONTROL – light, healthy, thin, comfortable in your own skin, want to get dressed and go out, doesn’t mind running into people at the pool or beach, you are happy and go out of your way to make those around you happy.

FEELINGS OF OUT OF CONTROL – hiding, miserable, mean, can’t stop eating, bloated, and disgusted that you did it again 🙁

THIRD: Remember how much harder it is to get the weight off then it is to put it on. Make sure it’s worth it because in some cases it can take up to a week to get rid of one moment of pleasure.
FINAL THOUGHT: Even if this email has found you in an already unhealthy out of control state – it’s not too late to change it. Get right back on. Do it today – and stay on program until your next cheat day. If you do it today and live by the program of one cheat day with your clean meals and snacks everyday – then I promise in a couple of days you will begin to feel amazing again. By Thursday you will be back in control and feeling Happy, Healthy and Ready to bring in the NEW YEAR.


You’re always alone,
but you’re only lonely if you don’t like
the person you’re alone with.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018