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Tag: healthy travel tips

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle



There is a big difference between how we celebrate Fall holidays and Spring holidays. We tend to be much more disciplined in the Spring and more forgiving in the Fall. With Summer approaching quickly you want to make sure feel and look your best so you can enjoy all the fun in the sun.


This year with Passover and Easter back to back it may be challenging. While many celebrate one or the other – there are also many who celebrate both. I think we can all agree regardless of what you believe in or celebrate – some how those little chocolate bunnies and their Cadbury eggs are celebrated and enjoyed by all. **Make sure you are eating your chocolate bunnies and eggs on your CHEAT DAY ONLY….


You have two choices when it comes to Holidays and Vacations – You maintain or you continue to lose, because with Summer around the corner – Gaining is not an option. 


LOSE WEIGHT: Stay on your journey and continue to eat clean and enjoy your one day a week CHEAT DAY. While it may seem difficult, you must remember it’s how you have been living and it’s how you feel your best.


*VACATION: You want to look and feel your best and odds are there is really nothing there that you have not already had. Make sure if you are willing to go off program that it’s worth it. Because after vacation you are coming home to beautiful weather and summer is around the corner. Choose your battles and make sure this battle is one you want to give in to. You can use your snacks for drinks and still be 110% on program. *TIP: if you are doing one Cheat Day on vacation – make it toward the end. This way you feel good all week and you are much more likely to stay 110% all week if you don’t Cheat. As the week goes on you will get mentally weaker and you will be ready for your Cheat Day. If you have it too early you may end up cheating more than you want to. Having the Cheat Day to look forward to for the last day is something that can keep you strong throughout the week.


*HOLIDAY: If you are home and celebrating the holiday you want to continue on your 6 clean days and only one Cheat Day. Save your snacks if you plan on drinking while socializing. If the kids are home, plan some fun events that are not around food. It’s a great time to clean the yard for the Spring and Summer flowers and fun that will be here soon.


MAINTAIN: If you want to maintain for the holidays or vacation it’s an easy process – but you will still need to be mindful and plan your days so you know what you are cheating on and what you are eating to stay clean.


*VACATION: You eat clean all day and choose one meal, dessert or drinks each day to enjoy. If you give up your snacks you can do drinks and one meal or dessert. The rest of the day has to be 110%. You don’t take a Cheat Day before and you don’t have one when you return. You come back from vacation and you go right back on program and you give it 110%. You will go right back to your original number.


*HOLIDAY: If you want to maintain you will split your Cheat Day and do a meal and drinks or a meal and dessert each day. The rest of the day has to be 110% . Do two clean meals and 2 clean snacks through the day and one meal and drinks, or one meal and dessert. If you choose one of those options and do it each day you will maintain.


All very doable choices to follow and still enjoy. The most important part is to stay mindful and plan. Try to know in advance what you are doing so you can plan and not wing it. If you start spiraling out of control and you start to notice that every meal starts to become a Cheat and the meals turn into consecutive Cheat Days – simply stop. Don’t talk yourself into – “I’m okay I will get right back on program when I return”. Instead, get right back on program. Don’t think about it just do it. Go back to your original plan whether it was to maintain or lose, and follow it. Most of the time the problem isn’t that we fall off the path it’s that we stay off. When you get right back on track you will see how quickly you feel better and how quickly you go right back to being in control. You want to enjoy your vacation or holidays but you want to feel good before, during and after it as well.


 Life is always about choices, balance and planning – and when you do all three you will get the very best results. 


From the Staff of Innovation Weight Loss
Happy Passover & Happy Easter to all


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10016
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Where Are You and What Are You Doing?

I have received many emails and text messages today from those of you who thought or hoped they would do better than they have been doing. I want you all to think for a moment about where you are right now. Are you in a good place both mentally and physically? If you have been a Shark or even a Snail this week then continue on and continue to be amazing! If you have been struggling or frustrated with what the week has become for you – stop beating yourself up and finish out the week strong.


Many clients have celebrated the First Seder and found themselves falling prey to temptations around the table. Other clients are away and indulging in temptations that surround the beach, some are eating Easter bunnies before their time. What you have to do is just stop for a moment. Think about what you have done and where do you want to go AND ALWAYS STAY WITH THE POSITIVE THOUGHTS:


Whatever has happened between Sunday and yesterday can’t be changed. What can be changed is what you do from Today until this coming Sunday – MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Whether you are home or at the beach, go right back on program. Have your clean meals and snacks. Remember that right now, today, tomorrow and the next day are about being happy! Not about what you can and can’t eat. Do what is going to make you happy.


Don’t throw the rest of the week away because you have Easter on Sunday or because you are going out this weekend. It’s better to salvage the next couple of days and then have a Cheat Night. You will feel so much better if you are super clean Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Cheat on Sunday – if you are really good, clean and on program – you may even make this into a maintain week!


OF COURSE YOU FEEL HORRIBLE, YOU JUST CHEATED FOR MORE THAN ONE DAY – If you feel horrible, bloated and heavy the very worst thing you can do is prolong getting back on. Don’t do the – “I will go back Monday!” Do it right now. Yes, it will be hard because not only do you feel bloated, heavier and horrible but now you will feel hungry on top of it.  But I can promise you that if you get through the next couple of days on program – you will FEEL AMAZING BY SUNDAY! You may not be at your lowest numbers but you won’t feel like you do today. The longer you wait to go back on program – the harder it will be. Jump right back into your meals and snacks today and by the weekend you will be so happy you did.


Right now you can change your week from a Weight Gain to a Maintain. You may feel like you can’t, but I promise you if you go right back on 110% you will be amazed at how fast it comes off. It’s new weight and it will come right off if you go right back on program. You won’t lose weight but you will end the week where you started.


Stop focusing on the WHY DID I DO THIS AGAIN! This is all part of life. We have holidays and vacations and things that we want to celebrate and enjoy. You need to realize what is important – it’s not about you going off, it is about you going right back on. That’s the key here – the faster you go back the quicker you feel better. The faster you go back on – the faster the weight comes off. The longer you wait, the harder it is. Two or three days off doesn’t mean the whole week is gone. It just simply means you stopped, you enjoyed and now you pay the price and go back on 110%. And if you finish out the week amazing and enjoy a Cheat on the Weekend –  then you may even feel that sometimes the price is worth paying.




~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019


FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Holiday Travel Tips

As the year comes to an end we are approaching one of the most exciting times of the year. Whether you are planning a Christmas celebration at home, a family trip, a New Year’s party or a tropical getaway, there are so many things to look forward to. But this can also be a time when our eating can go off plan and we don’t eat as healthy as we would like. Here are a few ways to help you prepare and stay on track in the next few weeks.


Prepare Healthy Foods and Snacks. The best way to ensure that you can eat healthy during travel and while on vacation is to prepare ahead of time. We always look forward to planning our vacation activities whether it is lounging on the beach or seeing the sights, but planning healthy eating might be a different story. But it is a good idea to push yourself to pack healthy snacks for travel and to do some planning while you are away to help you make the right choices. Travel snacks are easy. You can grab a protein bar, piece of fruit, Cheerios, nuts, or a bag of healthy chips or popcorn to reach for at any time in transit or on a long flight. And once you arrive, seek out local restaurants and stores that you might shop or eat at. Glance at their menus and see what they have to offer just to be aware of what you have to choose from.


Buy at the airport. If you get stuck and need to find food on the go, remember that you have healthy options. Airports may seem like all they have to offer is fast food and snacks high in salt and sugar, but if you really look you will find healthy options. Many airport kiosks will have great breakfast options such as Greek yogurt and mini Cheerios packages, hard boiled eggs, fruit, and there might even be a smoothie or coffee shop where you can get coffee, tea or a smoothie (just pay attention to the ingredients in everything, especially smoothies). You will also be able to find some good lunch options likes salads and wraps. You can also find a variety of snacks like nuts, hummus, cheese sticks, fruit or a latte to get you through the day. Eating healthy during travel will not only help you stay on your weight loss plan, but it will also make you feel better during travel and help you avoid getting too dried out or crash from a sugar high.


Healthy Travel. Remember to stay hydrated during travel, especially flying. You can bring an empty water bottle with you to fill after you get through security, or you can purchase bottled water near your gate. Avoid too much caffeine and sugar like coffee and soda, especially when you are flying because they will just dry you out and make you jittery. While flying it can also help to move around. This can mean walking up and down the aisle, or just stretching in your seat. Here are some ideas:




Vacation Eating. Eating healthy on vacation presents many challenges. When we go to a new place we don’t know our options. Even if we are visiting a familiar place, we are living outside of our usual routine. Vacations are special so it makes us feel like we should treat ourselves and live in the moment. We want to eat and drink without a care in the world. And we should treat ourselves! That doesn’t mean we have to stuff ourselves, though. Decide when you want to indulge. Maybe you want to have a special dessert or a nice dinner each night. The choice is yours. Losing over vacation is very hard but possible, and maintaining going in to the New Year would be a huge accomplishment.


Most important – vacations whether home or away should not be about food. The focus should be about spending quality time with the people you love, family, friends and most important quality time with yourself. What will make you happy…Walks on the beach with your significant other? Or playing more with your kids – or spending time with your parents. Maybe for some it’s reading a book you have been too busy to pick up or maybe you can finally have that extra time to exercise. Use the vacation and free time to your advantage and choose to do the things that will not only make you happy in the moment but also that will make you happy tomorrow and the next day. Enjoy – love and be happy.


Your circumstances do not determine what your life will be; They simply reveal what life you have chosen up until now.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Holiday Travel Tips


As the year comes to an end we are approaching one of the most exciting times of the year. Whether you are planning a Christmas celebration at home, a family trip, a New Year’s party or a tropical getaway, there are so many things to look forward to. But this can also be a time when our eating can go off plan and we don’t eat as healthy as we would like. Here are a few ways to help you prepare and stay on track in the next few weeks. 
Prepare Healthy Foods and Snacks. The best way to ensure that you can eat healthy during travel and while on vacation is to prepare ahead of time. We always look forward to planning our vacation activities whether it is lounging on the beach or seeing the sights, but planning healthy eating might be a different story. But it is a good idea to push yourself to pack healthy snacks for travel and to do some planning while you are away to help you make the right choices. Travel snacks are easy. You can grab a protein bar, piece of fruit, Cheerios, nuts, or a bag of healthy chips or popcorn to reach for at any time in transit or on a long flight. And once you arrive, seek out local restaurants and stores that you might shop or eat at. Glance at their menus and see what they have to offer just to be aware of what you have to choose from.
Buy at the airport. If you get stuck and need to find food on the go, remember that you have healthy options. Airports may seem like all they have to offer is fast food and snacks high in salt and sugar, but if you really look you will find healthy options. Many airport kiosks will have great breakfast options such as Greek yogurt and mini Cheerios packages, hard boiled eggs, fruit, and there might even be a smoothie or coffee shop where you can get coffee, tea or a smoothie (just pay attention to the ingredients in everything, especially smoothies). You will also be able to find some good lunch options likes salads and wraps. You can also find a variety of snacks like nuts, hummus, cheese sticks, fruit or a latte to get you through the day. Eating healthy during travel will not only help you stay on your weight loss plan, but it will also make you feel better during travel and help you avoid getting too dried out or crash from a sugar high. 
Healthy Travel. Remember to stay hydrated during travel, especially flying. You can bring an empty water bottle with you to fill after you get through security, or you can purchase bottled water near your gate. Avoid too much caffeine and sugar like coffee and soda, especially when you are flying because they will just dry you out and make you jittery. While flying it can also help to move around. This can mean walking up and down the aisle, or just stretching in your seat. Here are some ideas:

Vacation Eating. Eating healthy on vacation presents many challenges. When we go to a new place we don’t know our options. Even if we are visiting a familiar place, we are living outside of our usual routine. Vacations are special so it makes us feel like we should treat ourselves and live in the moment. We want to eat and drink without a care in the world. And we should treat ourselves! That doesn’t mean we have to stuff ourselves, though. Decide when you want to indulge. Maybe you want to have a special dessert or a nice dinner each night. The choice is yours. Losing over vacation is very hard but possible, and maintaining going in to the New Year would be a huge accomplishment. 

Most important – vacations whether home or away should not be about food. The focus should be about spending quality time with the people you love, family, friends and most important quality time with yourself. What will make you happy…Walks on the beach with your significant other? Or playing more with your kids – or spending time with your parents. Maybe for some it’s reading a book you have been too busy to pick up or maybe you can finally have that extra time to exercise. Use the vacation and free time to your advantage and choose to do the things that will not only make you happy in the moment but also that will make you happy tomorrow and the next day. Enjoy – love and be happy.  
Your circumstances do not determine what your life will be; They simply reveal what life you have chosen up until now.  ​
~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

End of Summer Travel Tips

As the end of August approaches, many of us are about to embark on one last family trip before the start of the school year. The kids are home from camp and everyone is back together again for one last hurrah. We all want to make the most of it, but it can be hard when you also want to stay in control and continue with your weight loss plan. Being on vacation is always tricky when it comes to eating clean and healthy, so here are some tips to help keep you on track and bounce back after a trip.


Before you go: Make sure you have a healthy breakfast and stick to your healthy routine until the moment you leave. The excitement associated with going away can cause us to feel like celebrating – and cheating – before we even leave, but staying as clean as possible until you depart is going to be a big help. If you are already gaining before you go, you can imagine how the rest of the trip will result. If you are putting your weight loss plans on hold and you would rather pick up again when you get home, that’s up to you. Finding the balance between enjoying yourself because you are indulging and enjoying yourself because you are making healthy choices that make you feel good are a part of life, not just vacation eating. Figure out your plan before you go and be honest with yourself. Setting unrealistic expectations just puts more mental and emotional strain on you. But if you want to eat as healthy as possible, familiarize yourself with portion sizes, go-to recipes and menu items, bring healthy snacks and anything else that can give you an edge during your vacation.


While you are away: When you arrive, make note of the restaurants and shops in your area. Is there somewhere where you can go shopping for food and snacks? Is there a convenient and local restaurant where you have some healthy options? If you are staying in a hotel, take a look at the hotel’s restaurant and room service menus. Whether you are sitting by the pool in a tropical paradise or walking the streets of Europe, remember to stay hydrated and eat food that will give you fuel for the day’s activities. When it comes to special meals and treats, decide what you really want to splurge on and remember that you don’t have to eat until you are stuffed, just satisfied. When possible, go for a walk after meals and enjoy the scenery.


When you come back: Coming back from vacation can put us in a gloomy mood, especially so close to the beginning of school. Things can also get chaotic with the transition into the school year and getting back on track when it comes to your eating habits can take a back seat. Traveling can be exhausting, and coming home to an empty kitchen usually means eating whatever is around (whether it’s healthy or not) or ordering in. Don’t continue the vacation eating at home. As soon as you can, head to the grocery store and stock up on your healthy foods.


We may not want the summer to end, and coming back from a vacation knowing that it’s time to get back to reality and the school routine can make us drag our heels even more, but there is so much to look forward to in the fall and the best way to push ourselves towards success is to end the summer on a high note. Don’t make next month about punishing yourself or trying to erase what you did at the end of the summer. Build your positive momentum now and have the best September possible.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

End of Summer Travel Tips


As the end of August approaches, many of us are about to embark on one last family trip before the start of the school year. The kids are home from camp and everyone is back together again for one last hurrah. We all want to make the most of it, but it can be hard when you also want to stay in control and continue with your weight loss plan. Being on vacation is always tricky when it comes to eating clean and healthy, so here are some tips to help keep you on track and bounce back after a trip. 


Before you go: Make sure you have a healthy breakfast and stick to your healthy routine until the moment you leave. The excitement associated with going away can cause us to feel like celebrating – and cheating – before we even leave, but staying as clean as possible until you depart is going to be a big help. If you are already gaining before you go, you can imagine how the rest of the trip will result. If you are putting your weight loss plans on hold and you would rather pick up again when you get home, that’s up to you. Finding the balance between enjoying yourself because you are indulging and enjoying yourself because you are making healthy choices that make you feel good are a part of life, not just vacation eating. Figure out your plan before you go and be honest with yourself. Setting unrealistic expectations just puts more mental and emotional strain on you. But if you want to eat as healthy as possible, familiarize yourself with portion sizes, go-to recipes and menu items, bring healthy snacks and anything else that can give you an edge during your vacation. 


While you are away: When you arrive, make note of the restaurants and shops in your area. Is there somewhere where you can go shopping for food and snacks? Is there a convenient and local restaurant where you have some healthy options? If you are staying in a hotel, take a look at the hotel’s restaurant and room service menus. Whether you are sitting by the pool in a tropical paradise or walking the streets of Europe, remember to stay hydrated and eat food that will give you fuel for the day’s activities. When it comes to special meals and treats, decide what you really want to splurge on and remember that you don’t have to eat until you are stuffed, just satisfied. When possible, go for a walk after meals and enjoy the scenery. 


When you come back: Coming back from vacation can put us in a gloomy mood, especially so close to the beginning of school. Things can also get chaotic with the transition into the school year and getting back on track when it comes to your eating habits can take a back seat. Traveling can be exhausting, and coming home to an empty kitchen usually means eating whatever is around (whether it’s healthy or not) or ordering in. Don’t continue the vacation eating at home. As soon as you can, head to the grocery store and stock up on your healthy foods.


We may not want the summer to end, and coming back from a vacation knowing that it’s time to get back to reality and the school routine can make us drag our heels even more, but there is so much to look forward to in the fall and the best way to push ourselves towards success is to end the summer on a high note. Don’t make next month about punishing yourself or trying to erase what you did at the end of the summer. Build your positive momentum now and have the best September possible.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018