You Always Have a Choice

With the first round of holidays coming up this weekend, it’s important to remember that you always have a choice when it comes to what you eat. Religious restrictions and traditions, and family obligations can make us feel like we have no control, but you always have the power to make the right decisions. Mentally it can be difficult to resist holiday food and socially it can be hard to say no, but it is always up to you. Here are some things to remember around the holiday time.


First, pause for a moment. If you are acting on a craving, try and get past it. The battle between our stomach and our brain is something that we face every day, but we can be especially vulnerable during the holidays. We want that special treat but we know we shouldn’t have it. This can be even harder when we want to eat healthy on a holiday or when the holiday continues over several days. If you’re going to have the same or similar meals several nights in a row, pick your time to indulge and don’t let one special meal or day turn into several days or a week. When we go off of our plan a little, it can snowball and cause us to sabotage ourselves. Holidays are special and you should enjoy them to the fullest, just remember that the food isn’t the most important part and to be smart about your choices like any other day.


You should also ask yourself if it’s really worth it or if it’s just an excuse to over indulge. Think about the outcome and how you will feel about a meal or treat later that day. Will you regret it or be content with your choice? It may sound simple but it’s going to take strength and commitment. That’s what makes it really worth it once you reach your goals! It can be a battle between what you want now and what you want most – patience and determination are the key. Work on your good habits now and it will only help you with the bigger holidays later this year.


Follow your instincts. If it feels wrong, you probably shouldn’t do it. Sometimes that may make us want to do something more, but even if you are just starting your weight loss journey, you know what foods and behaviors to avoid. But if you do make a mistake, don’t get too caught up in the negativity. The best thing you can do is pick yourself up and start fresh. This weekend is just the beginning of a fun and holiday filled season – making smart choices now will help you this week and beyond.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick