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2017! Ring It In With Motivation


I’m sure you already listed your resolutions and wrote down your goals. What you have to decide now is are they goals you really want to reach or are they just a dream that you keep writing down every year. Are you willing to do whatever it takes to get there –   Are you willing to be a little hungry? Walk away? Say “No Thank You!”?
Did you know that 90% of resolutions are to lose weight? Most give up within the first 3 weeks. Why? Because they are looking for the quick fix. They go on the cleanse and shakes that are impossible to sustain, or the fad diets that are all temporary quick fixes that end up making you gain 5 pounds more than when you started. These are not things that you don’t already know. Most of you have been there and done that.
But this year you know that’s not who you are. For those of you who have been on program you know that after vacation and holidays the best thing you can do is get back on track and on your healthy path. There is no looking back, and what’s important is moving forward. Consistency is key and after a week you will have most of the new weight off and you will begin to feel amazing again.
If you haven’t figured it out yet you will come to learn that only when you change how you look at and feel about food mentally is when you will physically change.
Whether you are trying to get back on track or starting new, here are some tips that will help you:

– If you are even thinking of pushing off your starting day another day or week you need to refocus right now and realize that life is never going to stop for you to lose weight. Start now and make it happen. You will always have a party, an event and dinners out. You need to make this a way of life and the only way to do that is to incorporate the parties and the dinners and learn how to eat at them.
– If you have a lunch or dinner out and it’s not your Cheat Day – You should NEVER EVER be THINKING…“Should I stay clean or go off?” – WHAT?! Never should that even be a thought. There is no should I or could I. There are no deals to be made with yourself. You have done plenty of that and look at where it has gotten you. You need to be in SHARK mode and if it’s not your Cheat Day then you are on program regardless of where you are or what you have going on in your life.
– If you are ever feeling a little weak – Take out your skinny pants and try them on. Look online for a bathing suit you want to be in. Shorts and sun dresses – because the next vacation along with spring will be here in a blink of an eye. This is the time you get in shape. You start now – you don’t wait for it to be here and then try and start. You do it now so when vacations and warm weather arrive you are ready!

From all my clients all around the world this is what I can tell you for sure – Aside from all the health issues obesity can cause – extra weight on your body makes you look and act old. Sometimes we don’t even see it until it’s off.  We know we are not looking and feeling our best but then when we lose the weight we think – WOW that’s what I looked like before? Clients send me before and after pictures all the time. The differences are beyond amazing. They tell me how they feel amazing and love to wake up feeling lighter, fitter and just simply happier. They no longer wake up afraid of having health problems. They don’t wake up wondering if they will stay on – they just do the right thing because they know how important it is to their health, both mentally and physically. They don’t wake up trying to figure out quick fixes to get the weight off. They have learned how to work everyday toward their healthy lifestyle and goals. Most of all, they love the way they feel – and how they are viewed by everyone around them. How every where they go someone will comment how great they look. How amazing they feel when people look at them like they have it all together. If it sounds vain to you – they don’t care! They are the happy  – and you are not. You have to learn to stop making excuses and judging those around you and instead put the focus on yourself. If you want to be and feel like they do then you have to start putting your words into actions – not just today but everyday.
  You have to do what is going to make you happy 
and stop doing what you know makes you so unhappy! 
 You have seen so many of our before and afters and so many of you know each other and have seen first hand the changes in your friends and acquaintances. So you have to ask yourself going into 2017- Who do you want to be?
The unhealthy, out of shape, tired all the time and unable to recognize yourself person.  The friend, wife, husband, mother, daughter, son who is upset and unhappy and even sometimes angry at yourself and those around you because you have still not made yourself important enough to do this for. OR – A younger version of you! Thin and fit, waking up lighter, clothes fitting you and feeling amazing in them, feeling healthier and just simply happy all the time. Because it’s true when you are thin and fit and healthy – you get through all the nonsense that is in your life so much better and easier than when you are out of shape and overweight. Life is just always going to be easier when you do the right thing. And if losing weight and feeling great fits into your “doing the right things” then you better start prioritizing where you are now and where you want to be.
Did you know that studies show that unhealthy and over weight people get angrier over unimportant issues 5x faster than healthy fit people. Most likely the reason is because unhealthy and overweight people tend to start their day unhappy and frustrated to begin with. So as the day goes on so does their temper.
So next time you think  “should I eat it or should I stay on program?” Remind yourself it’s not just extra food or unhealthy food that you are debating about – What you really are debating is do you want to add another unhappy day to your life and to the life of those around you. Do you want to continue to feel unsettled and out of control with your unhealthy eating habits and more importantly unhappy with who you are and who you have become. Is it really worth what you will be going off program for.
You will always be faced with challenges but you must constantly remind yourself how important this is to you and those who love you. Remind yourself constantly how much you want this. How much better you feel when you stay strong and on your path. It is only when you have this self motivation and consistency of eating clean and on program that you will truly feel better each day.  You will feel more in control and wake up feeling healthier and happier. In just a couple of days you will feel better and in a couple of weeks you will wake up like a Shark – doing the right thing, feeling lighter and fitter each day – and all because you finally made the decision that 2017 is going to be your year to be Happy, Healthy, Fit and Strong. And NOTHING is going to get in your way.
“Create The Life You Can’t Wait To Wake Up To”
~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018