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While The Mice Are Away…

It’s funny the saying usually goes “when the cats are away the mice will play”  but for all the camp families it’s more like “while the children are away the parents will play”… BE CAREFUL!!!! When the kids are home they give us more than just love, laughter, and comfort – they also give us a schedule. When they are away we no longer have that schedule that helps keep us on track. Don’t make summer a free for all! Create some boundaries for yourself. Some of my fabulous clients have committed to walking everywhere. When they come to the studio – they walk here. They go out to dinner – they walk there. It’s awesome and something fun to look forward to, not to mention the time it gives you to talk to each other. Other clients have committed to only going out to lunch once a week. Some committed to go out to dinner only on weekends. Find what works for you. Make your own schedule and set your own boundaries that work for you this summer and commit to them. 
SUMMER THOUGHTS: When you are trying to lose weight it’s always very difficult. Let’s face it, you have to eat less than your body needs and that can be uncomfortable. No one likes to be uncomfortable. But remember to ask yourself – would you rather be a little uncomfortable from eating less or uncomfortable in your tight jeans 🙁 In addition to eating less and being uncomfortable, you also have to eat cleaner and learn how everything matters. What I want you to understand is this is not something that ever goes away. You don’t lose your weight and then just go back to your bad habits and eat out of control.  I promise you if you do that you will gain the weight back and fast – much faster than it took you to take it off. Living a healthy, clean life is forever. Especially as we age, it’s something that has to be incorporated more than not. While life is about enjoying – it doesn’t always mean that you have to over indulge in every available occasion. STAY MINDFUL.
4TH OF JULYFor some it’s an easy one night out with total control the rest of the weekend. For others it’s a continuous party that can result in an extra 10 lbs! You have to remember you are the only person who is accountable for yourself. If it passes through your lips there is no one to blame but you! It’s not the person throwing the party, or your significant other or your friends…When Tuesday rolls around you want to make sure that you can look back and know that you enjoyed the weekend and feel good about where you are. You don’t want to look back and think Why? Why? Why?  
*CHEAT DAY: The later it is in the weekend that you have your cheat day – the more chance you have of staying clean. For example, 4th of July weekend starts on FRIDAY. If you save your cheat day for Sunday or Monday you are more likely to stay clean until then. If you cheat Saturday then you have to stay clean Sunday and Monday which is much more difficult. The same holds true for a non holiday weekend. If you have Sunday for your cheat day everyone goes back on program Monday but if you cheat Friday or Saturday you still have to stay clean Sunday. If you cheat too early you are setting yourself up to cheat again in the same weekend.  
TEMPTATION: While you have the opportunity to maintain at any time by simply keeping your days clean and your evenings moderately off – the temptation to over do it will always be there. You have to make a commitment to yourself to not keep falling prey to the temptations that are at every party. Because if you do, you will either keep gaining or never lose. The temptations will always be there. And only when you start losing and feeling great is really when you will be able to push the temptation aside and wait and enjoy your cheat day to indulge. The process is simple:  Everything you see that is tempting have on your cheat day. Stay clean 6 consecutive days, lose weight and then enjoy your cheat day. Remember temptation will always be there and so will your extra weight if you keep giving into it.
BEACH SEASON: Beach season is upon us and while I would hope you will not over indulge on the beach while sitting in a bathing suit, I also know it can be very easy to pick while being social. Make sure you bring foods with volume. Frozen grapes, popcorn, raw veggies, Cheerios, nuts, crepe chips. Anything that will help you stay on program. There is a long summer ahead of you – make sure you pace yourself.  
EATING OUT: It’s okay to eat out even if it’s every night. But you need to choose what works for you while you are ordering.  Start with raw veggies instead of the bread. Order grilled chicken or broiled fish with steamed veggies. Sushi is Naruto rolls. Chinese is steamed chicken or shrimp with steamed veggies. It’s not suppose to be exciting. Your cheat day is exciting, the other 6 days is to fuel your body to lose weight. Regardless of where you go there is always a healthy choice. 
ALCOHOL: Keep it simple – it’s a snack and unless it’s your cheat day stop after one drink. If it’s not your cheat day, nothing good is going to happen after one drink.  
EXERCISE: Keep moving. Walk, jog, ride a bike, lift weights, hike, swim! Whatever you enjoy – do it. Mix it up or do the same thing everyday. Just keep moving.
VACATION: Going on vacation is so much fun. It’s something we look forward to and plan for. Don’t try and go on vacation and lose weight. It’s unrealistic and you are setting yourself up for failure. Instead go with the attitude that you will do your best and enjoy and be mindful when you can. The best case scenario is you eat clean 2 out of 3 meals a day – that should be your goal to maintain. 
WHILE YOU are sleeping, drinking, eating, indulging…
  SOMEONE is out there awake at 4am exercising. 
WHILE YOU are cheating and eating unhealthy
SOMEONE is out there eating clean, and doing all the right things.  
WHILE YOU are using the excuses “no time” – “it’s so hard” – “tomorrow” 
SOMEONE is out there say “I can, I will, I want it”
Looking and Feeling good is a choice. You either commit to it or you spend your life wishing for it.   
~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018