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Tag: bbq

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Memorial Weekend – Have A Plan!

I know many of you think you have this under control. Just like all the other holidays – Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years…you get my picture? But this holiday is not one you want to play around with. Because what follows Memorial Day weekend?… SUMMER! This is not a holiday that if you go off for 5 days you will have time to reverse the damage. NOPE! This is a holiday that when it’s over – it’s really just beginning. The very last thing you want to do is throw away everything you have worked so hard for. And we all know it doesn’t take much to do that. Listen, I would love to tell you that you can go and enjoy your weekend and not worry about your plan – go ahead and eat whatever you want, life is short. But you can’t because you will not only gain the weight back that you lost but you will be miserable come Tuesday morning. Not only will you be miserable, I can guarantee if I asked you to tell me what was so amazing that you ate you wouldn’t be able to tell me. Because truthfully, if anything is amazing that you “NEED OR WANT” then you will have it on your Cheat Day.


Having fun, celebrating and doing all the things you want to do this weekend can be done without over eating. You need to have a plan and stick to it. Because if you don’t and you try and wing it I can promise you that Tuesday morning will come around and you will be miserable looking for some quick fix (that doesn’t exist) to make it all better. Instead, let’s try to do the right thing that will work for you the whole weekend.


DRINKING: If you are drinking – and it’s not water 🙂  – you save your snacks for the alcohol. If you know that you lose control after two then only sip one through the night or have two far apart with lots of water in between. Losing control with the alcohol is not good for you, your weight loss or the people that are trying to enjoy the party around you. If you want to be the talk of the party then make sure the only thing they are talking about how great you looked.


It’s a long weekend and it will be a challenge. But you constantly have to remind yourself what you want and how you want to feel come Tuesday morning. Here are some easy options to follow:


ONE CHEAT DAY: If you want to continue to lose this weekend and treat it like any other weekend then you will have ONE CHEAT DAY and you will be very mindful through the other days. You will go and have fun and enjoy and do all the right things like it’s any other day that you are celebrating with family and friends that you love. But you will not eat like it’s a cheat except for one day over the weekend. It is very doable and you will continue to lose if you follow this.


Do you want to maintain through the holiday weekend? Maintain can be tricky because you need to know your boundaries. You choose to eat clean all day and only go off for dinner and dessert or dinner and drinks or just drinks. Remember, just because it’s a cheat doesn’t mean you can’t order a beautiful clean fish and steamed vegetables and just enjoy your wine or ice cream. Cheats don’t have to be all out cheats, they are supposed to be special.  Make sure you are cheating on things you love and miss. Never cheat just to cheat. If you follow this and do it Friday, Saturday, and Sunday – or Saturday, Sunday and Monday then you will maintain and when Tuesday morning comes you will feel like you stayed in control and you are not starting over but just continuing on to your weight loss week.


GAIN? Do you want to gain through the holiday weekend? This sounds so simple right! But what is really disturbing is that it’s even easier than it sounds.  You can’t have a Cheat Day and then cheat meals. You can’t do cheating throughout each day with no plan. Trust me, you will forget and think that you weren’t that bad – when in fact you were really bad. While every one of us is different and what we can tolerate is different, when it comes to weight gain I can promise you that if you are overdoing it every day and lose control you will gain weight and it may be more than you can imagine.


What you need to do is know what your plan is and stick to it. Don’t be influenced by those around you. Always remember no one knows how hard you have worked and what your goals are. You know it and I know it, and if you want to reach your goals you have to stay strong and stick to the plan.


Make sure you have what you need to stay on program.
Make sure you are ready for the sabotages that you will be around.
Make sure you know your triggers and be prepared for when they are in front of you.


Most important – don’t set yourself up.  If you don’t want it and you don’t need it – SAY NO AND WALK AWAY!
Look around you and be inspired by those who make their health, body, and mind a priority. 
This weekend you need to prove to yourself how strong you are and what really matters to you
AND that you can have fun, enjoy what’s around you – without it always being about food.  




~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

While The Mice Are Away…

It’s funny the saying usually goes “when the cats are away the mice will play”  but for all the camp families it’s more like “while the children are away the parents will play”… BE CAREFUL!!!! When the kids are home they give us more than just love, laughter, and comfort – they also give us a schedule. When they are away we no longer have that schedule that helps keep us on track. Don’t make summer a free for all! Create some boundaries for yourself. Some of my fabulous clients have committed to walking everywhere. When they come to the studio – they walk here. They go out to dinner – they walk there. It’s awesome and something fun to look forward to, not to mention the time it gives you to talk to each other. Other clients have committed to only going out to lunch once a week. Some committed to go out to dinner only on weekends. Find what works for you. Make your own schedule and set your own boundaries that work for you this summer and commit to them. 
SUMMER THOUGHTS: When you are trying to lose weight it’s always very difficult. Let’s face it, you have to eat less than your body needs and that can be uncomfortable. No one likes to be uncomfortable. But remember to ask yourself – would you rather be a little uncomfortable from eating less or uncomfortable in your tight jeans 🙁 In addition to eating less and being uncomfortable, you also have to eat cleaner and learn how everything matters. What I want you to understand is this is not something that ever goes away. You don’t lose your weight and then just go back to your bad habits and eat out of control.  I promise you if you do that you will gain the weight back and fast – much faster than it took you to take it off. Living a healthy, clean life is forever. Especially as we age, it’s something that has to be incorporated more than not. While life is about enjoying – it doesn’t always mean that you have to over indulge in every available occasion. STAY MINDFUL.
4TH OF JULYFor some it’s an easy one night out with total control the rest of the weekend. For others it’s a continuous party that can result in an extra 10 lbs! You have to remember you are the only person who is accountable for yourself. If it passes through your lips there is no one to blame but you! It’s not the person throwing the party, or your significant other or your friends…When Tuesday rolls around you want to make sure that you can look back and know that you enjoyed the weekend and feel good about where you are. You don’t want to look back and think Why? Why? Why?  
*CHEAT DAY: The later it is in the weekend that you have your cheat day – the more chance you have of staying clean. For example, 4th of July weekend starts on FRIDAY. If you save your cheat day for Sunday or Monday you are more likely to stay clean until then. If you cheat Saturday then you have to stay clean Sunday and Monday which is much more difficult. The same holds true for a non holiday weekend. If you have Sunday for your cheat day everyone goes back on program Monday but if you cheat Friday or Saturday you still have to stay clean Sunday. If you cheat too early you are setting yourself up to cheat again in the same weekend.  
TEMPTATION: While you have the opportunity to maintain at any time by simply keeping your days clean and your evenings moderately off – the temptation to over do it will always be there. You have to make a commitment to yourself to not keep falling prey to the temptations that are at every party. Because if you do, you will either keep gaining or never lose. The temptations will always be there. And only when you start losing and feeling great is really when you will be able to push the temptation aside and wait and enjoy your cheat day to indulge. The process is simple:  Everything you see that is tempting have on your cheat day. Stay clean 6 consecutive days, lose weight and then enjoy your cheat day. Remember temptation will always be there and so will your extra weight if you keep giving into it.
BEACH SEASON: Beach season is upon us and while I would hope you will not over indulge on the beach while sitting in a bathing suit, I also know it can be very easy to pick while being social. Make sure you bring foods with volume. Frozen grapes, popcorn, raw veggies, Cheerios, nuts, crepe chips. Anything that will help you stay on program. There is a long summer ahead of you – make sure you pace yourself.  
EATING OUT: It’s okay to eat out even if it’s every night. But you need to choose what works for you while you are ordering.  Start with raw veggies instead of the bread. Order grilled chicken or broiled fish with steamed veggies. Sushi is Naruto rolls. Chinese is steamed chicken or shrimp with steamed veggies. It’s not suppose to be exciting. Your cheat day is exciting, the other 6 days is to fuel your body to lose weight. Regardless of where you go there is always a healthy choice. 
ALCOHOL: Keep it simple – it’s a snack and unless it’s your cheat day stop after one drink. If it’s not your cheat day, nothing good is going to happen after one drink.  
EXERCISE: Keep moving. Walk, jog, ride a bike, lift weights, hike, swim! Whatever you enjoy – do it. Mix it up or do the same thing everyday. Just keep moving.
VACATION: Going on vacation is so much fun. It’s something we look forward to and plan for. Don’t try and go on vacation and lose weight. It’s unrealistic and you are setting yourself up for failure. Instead go with the attitude that you will do your best and enjoy and be mindful when you can. The best case scenario is you eat clean 2 out of 3 meals a day – that should be your goal to maintain. 
WHILE YOU are sleeping, drinking, eating, indulging…
  SOMEONE is out there awake at 4am exercising. 
WHILE YOU are cheating and eating unhealthy
SOMEONE is out there eating clean, and doing all the right things.  
WHILE YOU are using the excuses “no time” – “it’s so hard” – “tomorrow” 
SOMEONE is out there say “I can, I will, I want it”
Looking and Feeling good is a choice. You either commit to it or you spend your life wishing for it.   
~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

First Day of Summer


It’s the first day of summer and whether you are happy with where you are or you are looking to get back on a healthy path…summer plans can be challenging for everyone. I know many of you are thinking ‘how can I stay on program and lose weight with all the parties, bbq and events that I have every week?’… My thoughts to you are: If you can take the time to gain then you can take the time to lose. Follow these amazing tips to start the summer off right!
MEALSClean 6 days and cheat 1 day. Thats the most effective way to lose weight. If you eat 3 clean meals and 2-3 snacks a day with one cheat day then you will see immediate results.
LITTLE LIES: Stop telling little lies to yourself – Really think about what you are saying and feeling. When you say you are starving…are you really starving?? Do you really even know what starving feels like? Remember, you can convince yourself to feel however you want. So if you tell yourself  “I’m starving!!” that’s what you will feel. Switch it to “I’m getting a little hungry” and your whole attitude will change in a positive direction.  
NO EXCUSES: I have to split my cheat days; there wasn’t any options for me to eat; It was the cleanest choice there — There is always an option. At a restaurant, you may have to ask for it the way you want it and at a bbq you can eat before or you can bring a healthy choice. Think about it…when do you ever walk into a party empty handed? Along with the wine or dessert make sure you bring a healthy choice that you can enjoy. **Restaurants ask for grilled plain fish or chicken with steamed veggies. Everyone has it 🙂 
BE AMAZING: Summer is always going to be hard. But on the days you can be amazing, be amazing, and the days you can’t, then be mindful. You have 4 weeks in a month – if you lose weight 1 week but the other 3 weeks you maintain then you are still ahead of the game at the end of the month you still lost. If you can lose 2 weeks and maintain 2 weeks that’s even better!!
EXERCISE EVERYDAY: While you can’t exercise off what you eat, what you can do is feel and look better when you exercise. It’s amazing how you feel when you start your day with exercise. It immediately gets the blood pumping and you feel like you can accomplish anything. A walk, do weights, a jog, spin or  do a class…With the sun rising early try and find a way to start the day with exercise.  
LIVE LIKE THERE ARE NO DO-OVERS: Try not to live like you are on a diet. Every time you go off you think you have to start over. Instead, when you have a bbq or a night out that didn’t go as planned, just get right back on your healthy lifestyle. Eating clean and healthy 6 days a week with 1 day off is a way of life, not a short term fix. No one is perfect all the time. So when you are not perfect don’t throw in the towel and snowball into 10 lbs of a mistake. Instead, get right back on and CONTINUE on your weight loss and healthy lifestyle.   
KNOW YOUR LIMIT: When it comes to alcohol, know your limits. If you know you can’t have more than 1 drink or you will lose control then don’t have more than 1. It’s important to stay in control of the drink before you let the drink control you.  
Regardless of what season we are in, it takes dedication and mindfulness to change into the person you want to be. Just take one day at a time and continue to make the right decisions. While it’s totally up to you how much you will lose this summer – it’s also up to you how much you will gain. The important thoughts should be that you keep heading in the right direction. You will no longer put it off – Slow or fast you are headed there.  
The secret to living the life of your dreams is to start living the life of your dreams today, in every little way you possibly can.     
Congratulations MAX!!!  YOU DID IT!!!!
You look absolutely amazing!!!!!!
~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness 
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Refreshing Summer Recipes


Enjoy all that summer has to offer with these delicious and clean recipes. They can help keep you on track and are perfect for Father’s Day this weekend or any summer get together. 


Red Lentil Veggie Burger


red lentil 


If you’re grilling this weekend, this recipe is perfect. This recipe makes 6 burgers. Lentils are legumes that contain a high amount of nutrients like folate, fiber, iron, protein and many vitamins. To make these burgers you will need:


2 cups water

3/4 cup dried red lentils

3/4 teaspoon salt, divided

1 cup diced onion

1/2 cup finely diced carrot

3 garlic cloves, chopped

2 cups chopped mushrooms

1 teaspoon dried marjoram (spice, optional)

1/4 teaspoon black pepper

1 tablespoon lemon juice

3 egg whites

Cooking spray

Burger Toppings


1. Start by boiling the water, lentils and 1/4 teaspoon of salt in a pot. Reduce to simmer and core for 20 minutes. Drain and set aside. 
2. Heat a pan with cooking spray and add carrot, onion and garlic. Sautéed for a few minutes. Add 1/2 teaspoon of salt, mushroom, marjoram and pepper. Sautéed for another few minutes. 
3. Add this mixture to a bowl and let sit for 5 minutes, then add the lentils, lemon juice and egg whites. Mix then cover and chill for 30 minutes. 
4. Divide the mixture into 6 equal patties. Spray pan or grill or foil with cooking spray and cook patties on each side for 5 minutes. 
5. Top your burger with ingredients of your choice – lettuce, arugula, onion, tomato, mustard, etc. Enjoy!


Shrimp Scampi


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This is a clean version of a tasty recipe that is perfect for summer. This will make 2-4 servings. 


You will need: 


1 tablespoon vegetable oil

1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes

2 medium zucchini, cup into noodles

1 lb shrimp, shelled and deveined 

1 tablespoon minced garlic

2 tablespoons lemon juice 

1/4 cup vegetable stock 


1. Start with a warm pan sprayed with cooking spray. Add garlic and red pepper flakes and cook them for 1 minute, stirring. 
2. Add shrimp to the pan and cook, stirring occasionally, until they are cooked and pink on all sides. Season the shrimp with salt and pepper then put them in a bowl and set aside. 
3. Add zucchini noodles and lemon juice and stock to the pan, stirring occasionally for 2 minutes. Then add the shrimp back into the pan and combine everything. Plate and enjoy! 


Seafood Salad on Cucumber


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This is a delicious and easy appetizer that only takes a few ingredients. You can make light salad with any type of seafood – shrimp, crab, lobster or tuna – or you can buy it from your local grocery store, or the Innovation Store! 


If you make it at home, just add 1 tbsp of light mayonnaise to any protein listed above. You can also add extras like celery, onion or even jalapeño for a little spice. 


Simply scoop the salad onto slices of cucumber and enjoy! 



Homemade Popsicles 


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It wouldn’t be summer without ice cream! Here are some healthy and clean alternatives that you can make at home. All you need is an ice cube tray, small glasses, disposable cups or a popsicle mold and some tooth picks or popsicles sticks. After these are blended and poured, let them freeze for a few hours or overnight. Serving size depends on the size of the popsicle. 


Pina Colada – Blend 1/2 banana, 1/4 cup unsweetened coconut milk, 1/2 cup fresh pineapple and 3 ice cubes.


Green Watermelon – Blend 3/4 cup cubed watermelon, 1/4 cup frozen berries, 1 cucumber (sliced) and 1 cup chopped spinach.


Skinny Fudge Pop – Blend 1 cup unsweetened chocolate almond milk, 1 1/2 cups vanilla non fat Greek yogurt, 2 tbsp cocoa powder, and 2 small bananas.


Ginger Peach Tea – Steep 8 black tea bags in 2 cups boiling water for 5-7 minutes. Add 3 pitted and pureed peach to a pan with 1/2 cup water and 1 tablespoon fresh chopped ginger. Bring to a boil, stirring frequently. Simmer for a few minutes. Combine tea and peach mixture, then pour into molds. You can even add a couple chances of peach to each one.


~ Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness 8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797 469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Don’t Commit A Memorial Day Offense


EUI – Eating under the influence!
EWI – Eating while impaired!
      BWI – Binging while intoxicated!
It has arrived…Memorial Day Weekend is the first holiday weekend that kicks off the summer fun. The parties are planned, BBQ’s are ready, and the pools are all open. White shirts, shorts and sandals are out of closets and ready to be worn…For some, it’s super exciting!! For others, not so much 🙁
It’s the time when layers start peeling. You are either ready or not!
If you are ready and have been doing the right things then you must be super excited! It is just super fabulous and you should be so proud of yourself for putting in the hard work when you needed to!!! You know you will do fine this weekend because you are already in control and have learned what it takes to get to where you are today. Yay!!!
If you are on your way or have recently started or re-started the program – that is super awesome too! It doesn’t matter when or how many times you need to do it, as long as you end up in a great place. So don’t let the weekend get you carried away. Stay on your course and continue to do the right things so come Tuesday you will feel as successful as you do today!
If you haven’t started and wish you had, or you stopped and wish you didn’t – don’t be too hard on yourself because honestly what’s done is done. You can’t go back so you might as well go forward. Have a plan to get back on track 100% on Tuesday and get through the weekend— but don’t over do it because you have been off. Try and make the best choices and do the best you can. It will make starting on Tuesday a much better place to begin.
DRINKING: Are you drinking this weekend? If so, make sure you know the maximum number of drinks — When do you lose control? After 1, 2 or 3 drinks? You should know in advance when you should stop. Don’t let the situation control you – you must always control the situation. Drink water in between to stay hydrated. If you use a drink as your snack you will be fine. But don’t lose sight that too much of anything will make you gain weight.
EUI – Eating under the influence means that you have had a drink in replace of your snack but you are okay. You are still in control and know what you are doing and feel good. You know that you are having fun and are still very much in control of the situation around you. You are sipping your drink and using it as a tool to have in your hands so not to pick at the food around you. You are having a blast and even more so because you know you will be thrilled when you wake up the next morning. Eating under the influence is fine and you can do really well with it if you don’t lose control and don’t have that next drink that will put you into an EWI. Know your limit.  
EWI – Eating While Impaired. It’s not the alcohol that makes you gain, it’s what the alcohol makes you do that makes you gain. Once you are impaired you no longer realize that you are losing control. Not completely out of control but not in control. You are picking at everyone’s plate and everything that is around you. You are not hungry but don’t have the ability to completely stop what you are doing. You are having fun but you know you ate too much and over did it and that you will not be thrilled with your actions in the morning.  
BWI –  Binging While Intoxicated – ugh. Completely lost all control. You start eating everything in sight and speaking louder than everyone around you. It doesnt matter because you don’t feel a thing. You are eating because you can – it doesn’t matter if you are enjoying it or not. You forget that you are on program and you forget that you even need to lose weight!!! You even start to believe that you can do what you want because it’s not affecting you…why? Because you look freaking amazing tonight – Everyone looks amazing when you are drinking!!! The best part of the night is you won’t worry about what you feel like when you wake up. The worst part of the night is you are not worried about how you will feel when you wake up 🙁 
If you need another reason to watch how much you drink, you should know excessive drinking does more than just make you over eat. Too much alcohol (wine, beer included) stops the fat burn. It doesn’t only slow your judgment – it actually slows everything in your body. That’s why it’s important to be eating super clean when you drink. If you over do it with the food and the alcohol – it’s not a good mix and you will have a not so happy weight gaining day. Make sure to  keep the food choices clean. The alcohol should be your dessert and your meals should be clean then you will continue to lose instead of maintain or gain.
REMEMBER: It’s okay to say no to any food or drinks that you do not want. Your true friends don’t pressure you. They will just be happy you are there and will want you to do what makes you happy…so try not to use them as an excuse that you had to do something you didn’t want to. Follow the same advice you would give to those you love.  
Okay so what do you do if you are not drinking???? OMG! …. What’s left??? HOW ABOUT THE ACTUAL PARTY!!!! Have some fun. Enjoy the company. Play some games, help the host, move around and socialize…DRINK WATER WATER WATER!!! AND STAY HYDRATED! … and really see how easy it is to enjoy yourself without having to over indulge in everything. Only then will you see how much better it is to wake up the next morning and know you had a great time while doing all the best things for your body.  
Whether you decide to have one drink or three drinks the most important thing is to make sure you are okay with your choices and always stay in control of who you are and what you want. There is no point in doing something that you will regret later. It’s only fun when you are truly enjoying the moment and know you will be happy with the ending.  
Throughout the weekend keep these thoughts close…….
At the center 
of your being you have the answer.
You know what it is you really want. 
You know your goals and how hard you have worked for them.
More than anyone 
You know who you are…
You know the person you want to be…
Only you can
Become that person, Be that person, Remain that person.
Please understand that while these are fun ways to look at what we do while we are under the influence – they are also very serious and brought to your attention to make a point. Whether you are DWI or BWI – drinking  influences your ability to make the right decisions and can affect you and everyone around you. Make good, smart choices for yourself and those you love!  
~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018