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Tag: weight loss tips

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[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]NEW YEAR – CLEAN SLATE[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]A fresh start, a clean slate, a New Year. Such ideas hold great promise for everyone. Surely the world yearns for the ability and the occasion to start anew. When you have a clean slate you are moving forward and leaving the past in the past. You have the opportunity to leave mistakes in the past and focus only on the present. While it’s a thrilling concept we must remember it only benefits us if we actually do it.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]FOCUS: You have started fresh this week and now what you do from here all depends on you. Only you have the control to achieve what you want and to reach your goals. Your clean slate has put you on an open path. But we can’t forget life will always be life and that comes with challenges. You have to stay focused and remember that some days the path will be blocked and shrouded with uncertainty. Other days, the path will be clear and you will move forward and everything will feel right. The difference between those who make it and those who don’t is the ability to stay centered and stay on the path even on the uncertain challenging days. When you keep moving forward even if it’s a little slower you will eventually end up where you want to go. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]SOMETHING EXCITING TO THINK ABOUT:[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]We have 30 weeks until 4th of July. If you only lose one pound a week that is 30lbs less than where you are today by July 4th.  That’s not only very doable it’s very exciting.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]It’s 15 weeks until April 21st. If you lose only 1lb a week by April 21 (which is just about one month into spring) that’s 15lbs. Again very doable and very exciting. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Now let’s double it. If you have a lot of weight to lose and you do 2 lbs a week that is 60lbs by July 4 and 30lbs by April 21.  WOW! Super Exciting.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]The reason Im listing these is because I want you to see it written down. This is what you have the ability to do right now with your clean slate. This is where your clean slate and your open path can take you if you let it. Sometimes when we are eating for weight loss but you only see the healthy 1 or 2 lbs a week loss you may think you are not getting anywhere, when in fact you are on your way to success! I want you to understand the importance that consistency is and where that 1- 2lbs of weekly weight loss is going to take you if you consistently put the work in. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]We live in a society that prefers instant gratification and pleasure. 
But the real results come in time, patience and consistency. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Here are some tips to help you through the challenging days and keep your slate clean:[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]WHY? Getting out of your comfort zone is, well, uncomfortable, and the tendency is always going to be to retreat back into what is familiar and comfortable. When we feel a little hungry In order for you to feel motivated to push through the pain of change, and for it all to be worthwhile, you need to know why you’re doing it. That means being very clear on your reasons why. What are your specific goals and why is it so important on you reaching them. Write them down. Do you feel uncomfortable? You want to be healthier? Are you unhappy? Or maybe you remember last summer when you were in a cover up and promised yourself you were going to not be in one this year. Whatever the reasons – be clear in your mind on “why” this is so important to you and how you will feel this Spring and Summer if you don’t do it.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]WHAT’S THE WORST? Consider the worst case scenario – what if you don’t do it this year? What if you keep letting the temptation get to you and every day at some point you give up only to restart again the next day. What’s the worst case — you will either stay where you are now or most likely you will slowly keep gaining. How will that make you feel? Think about this Spring and Summer – how will it affect your mood, your thoughts, your days? Considering the worst case scenario can help you determine how important this is to you and how important it will be if you don’t do it.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Final Thoughts….Don’t fall into the trap of becoming comfortable with simply existing. You must want and love putting the work in to get results. It’s okay to feel both the pain and pleasure of working hard for something. For example let’s take weight loss – It’s uncomfortable and there are days you have to walk away from what you really want. I think we can all agree there is pain involved. Both mental and physical pain. It’s not easy to walk away from something you want. But the results of doing it are beyond amazing. The feeling of waking up healthy, light and thin. Grabbing anything in your closet and it fits and feels good. Your confidence is high and your days are always great. You feel healthy. You feel like you can face anything and get through it. And you feel this way all because your body and mind feel good. When your body is in a good place your mind is in a happy place. When you feel good you are happy and when you are happy you always look amazing. There is nothing more beautiful then a happy confident person. When you are comfortable in your own skin – it makes all the little uncomfortable times worth it. But in order to get to this amazing feeling you need to work hard and feel the little pains of being uncomfortable. I promise you if you stay strong and walk away the pain will pass and the results will show. It all starts with your clean slate and open path.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Whatever your past has been –Your future is spotless.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
familyfeel goodholidaysLifestyleMotivationweight loss


[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]As we travel through December – we know December is a month of baking cookies, chocolate coins, candy canes and marshmallow Santa’s. For someone out of control, it can be a month of pure over indulging resulting in plenty of extra bulges YIKES! And while so many of you are in total control — others are still struggling. If you are struggling — please do not be embarrassed about struggling, gaining weight or losing control. I promise you that you are not the only one. You just have to keep moving forward and keep getting back on your path.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Wherever you are today and moving into this week I want you to be positive and confident about what you can achieve and why you want to do it. Think about feeling good, happy and alive in your mind and body. Don’t focus on just today think about tomorrow, think about next week and think about January. Think about how you WANT to feel going into the New Year AND think about how you DON’T want to feel going into the New Year. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]This is your path… your life and your journey to get to where you want to be. Only you can make it happen. Everyone has different reasons for losing weight and feeling great. Whatever your reason is, you need to keep it close to your heart. You have to realize that life is short and you want to enjoy it fully every single day. Don’t be upset about things you have the power to change. Use those emotions in the most positive way and change the things that do not make you happy[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Slips and Falls… Regardless of where you are or how many times you slip up – the most important thing you can do is get right back on program and keep going in the right direction. Whether it’s a little slip up or a big one – it’s not about the slip – it’s about getting up. We all slip and we all fall but the sooner you get back on your feet and on your path is the sooner you will feel so much better and be back on track. The longer you lay down the longer you will feel terrible and the longer it will take to get back to a better place. Life is not perfect and it will never be perfect. We will always have times that will be more difficult than others and they are usually times that feel different from everyone else. It doesn’t matter – what matters is right now. Wherever you are you have to focus on where you want to be and keep moving in that direction. If you keep getting up every time you fall, you will get there. Yes, it might be slower than someone who doesn’t fall as much but who cares – the most important thing is you are in the right direction and you will get to your destination.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Stop Thinking So Much…. We focus on “why do we keep doing this” or “how can I be better” or “isn’t there a magic pill” – just stop thinking. Instead of spending so much time and energy thinking about an easier way out – or thinking about why you keep slipping –put that energy into the change. Just keep getting up and keep trying to make the right choices. Don’t worry about where your weight is today – don’t even think about it. Just follow your program and you will feel better tomorrow. The program is the program – you know it works — when you follow your menu you lose weight. Don’t make it more complicated than it needs to be. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Everyone is different….. Sometimes the scale will take longer than a week to see a change. Some see a pound a week others see the loss every two weeks. Some can cheat a little and lose a lot and others will be 110% strict and lose very little. You have to stay focused. If you are eating right and staying on plan you need to stay focused and on your path. Your body is shrinking everyday and the scale will catch up to where you want to be. You have to have patience and remember that being in control of who you are and what you are doing is just as amazing as seeing the scale go down. Your body will decide when and how much – you will decide how close to 110% you will be every day.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]The Journey…. Something I think is important to share is how important your journey is. I know I say it all the time but it’s very easy to get caught up in feeling sorry for yourself and bad about the mistakes and choices you make. But what I want you to focus on is how happy you are on the journey to feeling your best. Every step you take in the direction of eating clean and losing weight is one more step to feeling great both mentally and physically.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Final thoughts…. December will give us Challenging days but the bottom line is the days and weeks go by fast. Before you know it will be JANUARY and it runs right into a very short FEBRUARY and then just like that it’s MARCH and we will be shopping for shorts and summer clothing. A really good habit to get into is when you see you are having a bad day – make a promise to yourself that when you have a hard day your food will 100%. Because it’s the hard days we need the most strength to stay on program. Some times we can’t control whether our days are hard but we can definitely control if we make that day harder than it has to be. And going off program is going to make any bad day – worse.  [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]”You Don’t Have to Go Fast
You Just have to keep going…..”[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
clean eatingeatcleanfamilyfeel goodhealthyHealthy TipsholidaysSUMMERweight loss


4TH OF July Weekend has arrived — it’s time to make your choice and stick to it.


As many of your know it doesn’t take much to gain weight.  All it takes is not thinking, not planning, and frequently over indulging — very easy to do any time of the year but especially over a long holiday weekend.



you have 3 choices — Lose, Maintain, or Gain


WEIGHT LOSS:  If you are really motivated and the weight loss means everything to you and you don’t want anything in your way of reaching your goals then you will continue to stick to your menu and ONLY HAVE ONE CHEAT DAY THIS WEEKEND.  That means no extras at all.  Simply stick to your meals and snacks and only cheat the ONE cheat day.  If you do this and treat this weekend like any other weekend you will continue to stay on your path and lose weight.  Will it be easy — that depends on how much you have going on  — it also depends on what is most important to you.  While some can go to a BBQ and focus more on how they feel others are challenged by what is around them.  These are choices only you can make.  There are always options — if you are going out make sure you bring what you need or make sure they will have what you need available to you.  Plan before not after.  Don’t give yourself reasons to do the wrong thing.  If you want to stay on program and feel your best then follow your plan and stick to your clean meals and snacks.  The most important thing is to make your choice before you go and stick with what you plan.


MAINTAINING:  If you have a lot going on this weekend and you feel really good about where you are and you want to enjoy a little extra then you will split your days.  You pick 2 out of the 3 days and you stay on program for breakfast and lunch and cheat dinner, drinks and/or desserts; and you do it Friday and Saturday OR Saturday and Sunday or Friday and Sunday (you choose 2 days of the long weekend and cheat any one meal, drinks and/or desserts and the rest of the day you are 100% on program).  If you follow this you will maintain your weight through the holiday weekend — very doable.  But again the most important thing is to make a choice, plan for it and then stick to it.


WEIGHT GAIN:  Very easy to do but NEVER an option!


We always talk about planning and how important it is. But what is more important is following through on the planning.  Do the right things and make sure that if you planned on being 110% today — then you are 100%.  If you planned on cheating for dinner and dessert and then right back on the next day — make sure you go right back on the next day — no excuses.  If you planned on being off program 2 nights but clean all day then make sure you do it.  Always think things through — what is tomorrow going to feel like, and what the end result of your choices will be.  Will it make you happy? Is it worth it? Think about where you are today and where do you want to be come Monday.  Learn to live and enjoy today but plan for what you want and where you want to be tomorrow.


ALCOHOL – THINK BEFORE YOU DRINK:  One drink you are okay — TWO drinks you are forgetting what is important to you — THREE drinks you are done. It’s not the alcohol that is the issue it’s what the alcohol makes you do and what it makes you forget.  It’s fun to have but it can be very damaging on so many levels.  Remember to think before you drink.  Like everything else have a plan and know how many you are having and stick to what you plan.  Drink water throughout it’s hydrating and it keeps your hands busy.


FINAL THOUGHTS…. whether you want to lose weight this weekend or maintain you can do it.  You follow your plan and decide before so you know what you are doing and what the outcome will be.  Think things through and always remember that just because it’s a holiday weekend that you want to enjoy and celebrate doesn’t mean that you need to cheat at everything you go to or everyday of the weekend.  You can enjoy and celebrate everything without constantly indulging unhealthy weight gaining foods.  We know you will feel better mentally and physically and have a happier time staying on program.  When you can be amazing and on program do it because every good healthy clean choice can make the difference between maintaining and gaining.  And all the choices you make as the weekend progresses will make the difference in how you look and feel each day.


You are the only person who can make the excuse of why you are going off program and you are the only person who can give yourself a better excuse of why you are staying on program.  Monday is only 4 days away — think about how you want to wake up and feel when the weekend is behind you.


Make good choices today so you don’t have regrets tomorrow

Innovation Wishes everyone a Happy, Healthy and Safe 4th of July

~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick 

clean eatingdieteatcleanfamilyFitnessHealthy TipsholidaysLifestyleSUMMERweight loss


Hi Everyone!  This is your Mid-August Check in!  I just want to make sure that everyone is on the right path because we all know how easy we can take a wrong turn.  Seriously, the end of August is so dangerous for so many reasons.  Vacations, no schedules, the feeling that the end is coming or the very common and damaging — Im just gonna “wait” until September to get back on track—   I’m reminding you not to do it to yourself.  I’m not saying that I want you to be perfect.  I know in August that is not realistic for so many of you and that is okay.  But what I am reminding you is that regardless of where you are right now if you have a plan and stick to it you will feel so much better than going completely off the cliff and then trying to climb back up in September.


Put everything aside regardless of what you have done up until now.  Good, bad or somewhere in between let’s continue to move forward in a very positive mindset.  From now until Labor Day have a plan and follow it through. 

Planning is so important because it helps us understand what we are actually capable of at this moment.  Different times of the year we are capable of different things.  Some may be more strict in the winter or the summer or right before vacation.  For others they are strict because they are getting married or turning a certain age, or planning big parties and celebrations.  We all want to look and feel our best when big exciting things are going on in our life.  It creates motivation that comes on more urgent and rapid.  And that’s great because we can use it to our advantage when we have it.  But when you don’t have that sudden urgency is when you have to maybe have more of a realistic plan.  One that fits you right now.

What I want you to think about is where you are right now.  If you are struggling to stay on program then change your day.  Maybe your plan is too strict for what your life is right now.  Maybe you need an extra on program snack or to add in a  drink or two or an extra cheat meal on the weekends when it’s not your cheat day.   Remember whatever changes you make right now are not forever.  They are for right now.  So add an on program extra snack or change whatever part of the day or week you are struggling with to give yourself a little extra.  Im always here to help you navigate your day.  But the point is to have the plan so you know what you are trying to achieve.  Even if you won’t lose as much the key is you will follow through on your planned day and even more important you won’t gain.  Once you get through your planned day you will feel more accomplished and then maybe next week or the week after you can start to make it even more of a weight loss day by getting rid of the extra snack or extra cheats.  Make the plan realistic for you this week and once you get a solid week of following your plan then you will feel better and more confident moving forward.

REMINDER:  For those going on vacation it’s so important to follow through with your plan.  If you don’t follow your plan you know by mid vacation you are going to be miserable with how you feel.  Stick to your plan – even if the plan includes when you are cheating it’s still a plan and will keep you in a great place mentally which is what vacation is about.  Vacation is not about going and sabotaging yourself – putting you in a place of feeling bloated, heavy and miserable.  Vacation is about resting the mind, having some fun with those you love and staying in a great place of happiness — making happy memories.

Maintain – Follow your program and have planned cheat meals when needed.  When you do this you must follow the 80-20.  Eat clean 80% of the time and 20% of the day you are off (maybe dinner and drinks or dinner dessert or for the breakfast lovers you cheat breakfast and clean the rest of the day).  Plan it and follow through and I promise you will feel so much better come September.  You may not be exactly where you want to be but you will feel so much better than where you could be.

Losing Weight Is Always an Option –  Now of course if you want to lose weight you can do that!  I can’t tell you how many clients have continued to lose weight this summer.  Just to mention a few we have very exciting — Joe just reached his 50lb weight loss this past weekend!!  Woo Hoo!!! So proud of him!!  And Lauren reached her super awesome 25lb loss and Ilene is at her new low since she started!  I can go on and on about the clients that lost weight this summer.  They went into the summer with a plan to stay on program and lose weight and they are following through with it.  So if that is something you want to do- don’t wait — start now and do it.

Do the right thing and you will feel so much better – Whether it’s weight loss, work, family, relationships, vacations — life is about planning and following through and doing the right things.  The reason we do this is because it’s what makes us happy.  We feel accomplished, and we want to be our best, we want to feel healthy and yes we want to look good.  We have one life and we want to have that balance of enjoing it but also working hard and being your best while you do it.   When you have a plan you can accomplish all those things.  Yes some days are going to be super easy and other days will feel like the most difficult days, but if you stick to your plan you will always get better results both mentally and physically.

Final Thoughts –  Just because it’s a plan doesn’t make it easy.  We all have difficult days and it’s on the hardest days tha you have to find your strength to follow through.  Reach down and find it and talk yourself through it.  You are capable of so much more than you might be willing to work for at that moment but if you get past that one moment of weakness you will feel so much better and it will make such a big difference on so many levels.



~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick

clean eatingeatcleanHealthy TipsLifestyleweight loss


It’s not easy being uncomfortable.  One of the biggest things about weight loss and getting results is we have to be okay with being a little uncomfortable.  Both mentally and physically being uncomfortable takes getting used to.  Mentally it’s not easy to say NO to something we want.  Especially when the only one holding us back from it is us.  Physically we have to be okay with not having what our body physically feels it needs at the moment – reminding ourselves that we feel a little hungry because we have to eat less than what we currently need to have weight loss.  When your body is used to eating more of course you will feel little hungry.  Not all day but there will be times when your body realizes you are taking in less and it’s going to want you to feed it so it doesn’t feel uncomfortable.  Not an easy thing to get through – yet very doable.

We live in a society that prefers instant gratification and pleasure.   You see it and you want it.  We almost never think of the consequences until after we did it.  When we are uncomfortable we want to get rid of the feeling and we do what makes us immediately comfortable – regardless if the result is going to make us unhappy.


CHOOSE YOUR HARD:  UNHAPPY vs. UNCOMFORTABLE – What you have to remember is the uncomfortable is temporary.  It will be gone and you will get past it and the results of it are what makes you happy.  If you choose the easier path and grab without thinking or caring you will be unhappy and bloated and that’s a whole different kind of uncomfortable.  So which is it?  You want to be uncomfortable a little hungry or uncomfortable in your clothes?

Here are some things to remind you why it’s okay to be uncomfortable:

  • Nearly everything that generates any kind of value requires effort, focus and discomfort.
  • It’s the fear of discomfort that drives us away from our goals
  • It’s this fear of discomfort that drives us to search for endless shortcuts.  How can we make this all easier. How can we achieve success without the hard work?
  • The truth is the only real way to get comfortable is to realize discomfort is where your success is.  Follow it, embrace it and you will get it.

If you think about how society today is so terrified of pain and discomfort.  Many will do anything to avoid pain and suffering.  We have endless pills and alcohol to make all manner of discomfort go away.

  • Don’t fall into the trap of becoming comfortable with simply existing. You must want and love putting the work in to get results. It’s okay to feel both the pain and pleasure from working hard for something. For example let’s take weight loss – It’s uncomfortable and there are days you have to walk away from what you really want. I think we can all agree there is pain involved. Both mental and physical pain. It’s not easy to walk away from something you want. But the results of doing it are beyond amazing. The feeling of waking up healthy, light and thin. Grabbing anything in your closet and it fits and feels good. Your confidence is high and your days are always great. You feel healthy. You feel like you can face anything and get through it. And you feel this way all because your body and mind feel good. When your body is in a good place your mind is in a happy place. When you feel good you are happy and when you are happy you always look amazing. There is nothing more beautiful then a happy confident person. When you are comfortable in your own skin – it makes all the little uncomfortable times worth it.  Who wouldn’t want this.  We see people all the time that have it and we want it.  But in order to get to this amazing feeling you need to work hard and feel the little pains of being uncomfortable.  When you are willing to do that you will get the results.


What I want you to think about for the remainder of January and into February – is becoming comfortable with being uncomfortable.  It’s okay to be a little hungry – you won’t starve.  It’s okay to go to a party and not indulge .  It’s okay to feel a little mental pain without having to numb it. Face your fears and embrace them – it’s the only way to get through them.   I want you to embrace it and be happy that you can embrace it and happy that you can work for what you want.   Nothing in life comes free.  You must put the work in.   Don’t wait for the perfect time – it doesn’t exist.  There is always going to be something – it’s all part of the uncomfortable.    You have to get past it.   It’s not always going to be a perfect day or situation – but you  keep moving forward and keep working hard.   Do what you need to and get to where you want to be.  Think about it -if you don’t do it now -when?   Start now and make it happen.  You will feel the joy of being uncomfortable because you will see the results it brings.   Remind yourself that uncomfortable is where your success is!!  When you work at it and embrace it – the toughness of being uncomfortable passes and you find yourself in a place of control and happiness.

It's only when you see the positive changes in your mind and body 

is when you feel the most comfortable and genuinely alive

~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
clean eatingdieteatcleanfamilyHealthy TipsholidaysLifestyleweight loss


With just a hop skip and a jump you will be on Holiday Break.  As fast as it arrives it will be gone.  So make sure you enjoy every second of it and do tithe way that will make you the happiest – with No Regrets.

Here are some Holiday Tips and Advice I would like to share with you:

  1. Whether you are on the beach, the mountain or home you should be drinking water throughout the day.  Dehydration can cause hunger, headaches, constipation and fatigue.  Plan your water intake throughout the day.  for example a great practice is to drink an 8oz bottle of water when you wake up first thing.  Your body is dehydrated from sleep and the activities from the night before – whatever that may have been.  So wake up and drink.  Every time you plan a meal or a snack drink 8 oz of water before you eat.  You will not only consume less but you will feel and look so much better throughout the day.  ** Did you know that alcohol and caffeine are diuretics.  If you are drinking alcohol or any caffeinated drinks – make sure you have a glass of water in between every drink.
  2. Stay of the gym BUT stay active on Vacation.  You want to change it up of your mind and body and vacation is the perfect time to do that.  On the mountain go skiing, sledding, shoe walking, or horseback riding.  On the beach take a long walk or jog on the sand.  Go swimming.  Do an outdoor yoga or bootcamp.  Enjoy your surroundings and plan activities according to the weather you are in.  If you are staying home with the family play hide and seek or tag.  Go bowling or ice skating.  Take long walks in the park or go hiking.  It will be enjoyable and nice change for the mind body and great family time.
  3. Always always plan your meals and snacks.  Regardless on vacation or home you need to plan your meals and snacks because believe it or not while it’s uncomfortable to over do it at home it’s even worse to over do it on vacation.  Whether you are home or on Vacation you want to choose one of the following to keep you on track:
  • STAY ON PROGRAM:  and follow your 6 clean days and 1 cheat day.  If you do this you will of course lose weight and feel great.  Plan your food and snacks in advance each day.  if you are drinking then that is your snacks.  if you follow the 6/1 I would recommend having your cheat day at the end of the week before you go home.  All week long you can make a list of the foods/snacks/desserts you see that you want try on your cheat day.  If you save the Cheat Day for right before you return you will have a much better chance of sticking to the 6 clean days.
  • SPLIT THE HOLIDAYS:  We have Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and New years eve and New Years Day.  If you split them and stay clean all day and only off at night – Dinner and Drinks or Dinner and Dessert.  You do it for both Holidays with super clean days in between.  You will absolutely maintain but for many will still have a great chance of losing if you have SHARK DAYS in between.
  • MAINTAIN YOUR VACATION:   If you feel you need the break from the everyday mindsets vacation is a good time to take advantage of it.  Whether you are homer away you will choose one meal and one dessert/drinks each day.  The remainder of the day keep clean. So for example you might do Muffin for breakfast and bar for lunch and then cheat dinner and dessert/or drinks (desserts are your drinks.  The next day you might decide to cheat at breakfast and eat clean the rest of the day with cheat dessert.  It’s up to you to choose each day your cheat.  The key is not to have a full cheat day that week.  You come home and you go right back on program.  No scale.  You go back on program for one week and then you go on the scale and you will see your  pre-vacation weight.

While I wish food and drinks didn’t play such a big part in how we feel – the reality is it does.  And Im a big believer in addressing things rather than ignoring them.  Since what we eat and drink affects our mindset and personality, I think it’s super important to think through how you want to feel and what is going to make you happy.  Do not cheat everyday if you  by mid week you will be miserable because that will use make everyone you are with miserable.  As hard as it may feel to stay on program – think about how hard it will be to feel bloated and uncomfortable in your own skin.  In not suggesting you stay 110% clean on vacation.  I know you all so well that I really believe there is a different option for each one of you.  But what I am telling you is that while going off program makes you feel free of stress and structure – if you over do it you will begin to feel uncomfortable and out of control and I don’t want you to have that feeling on your vacation.  Think about it and plan how often you can cheat and still feel okay.  Because when you start out in a bathing suit or snow pants and end up mid week in a cover up or feeling like frosty you have to be okay with it.

FINAL THOUGHTS:  Remind yourself two things.  It doesn’t matter how amazing you were up to this point.  You will feel the effects of daily over doing it and you will feel it quickly.  Smoke the choices because this vacation isn’t only about you it’s about your family and what mood they have to deal with when you lose control.  I know it’s the harsh reality but I’m telling you now so you don’t look back and feel like you should have made different choices.  You have all been on vacation before and you know what it does to you mentally and physically the you are consistently off program.  Some are okay with it and can just deal with the affects of it and go right back on program when they return — others will let it ruin the holiday/vacation mid way through.  Don’t do it.  this year you are going to THINK BEFORE YOU ACT and make sure your choices are what is good for you and all those you love.  And always remember if you lose control and you realized you over did it and start to feel uncomfortable there is a simple solution –  the very best thing to do is regardless of where you are you just go right back on program to a 110% shark day.  After one solid day back on program you will feel so much better.  We are always here for you if you need guidance – simply reach out.  Remember this isn’t about being perfect it’s about being happy.


clean eatingeatcleanfamilyholidaysweight loss


The most wonderful time of the year!  I thought today would be a perfect time to talk about the WEEKEND!  You know that really difficult time that everyone has keeping to one cheat day.  Yes I know we are in the most festive and the busiest time of the year.  I know we had parties every week. That’s why they call it the happiest season of all because everyone is eating and drinking!  But I also know how fast weight comes on and how much longer it takes to come off.   That’s why it’s important for me to remind all of you – the next two weekends are super important.  If you keep it to one cheat day a weekend you will see the number go in the right direction.  If you cheat a little the night before or the day after you will maintain.  It’s that simple.  to see the number go in the direction you want you must keep it to ONE CHEAT DAY A WEEK.  That includes No Extra’s at all.  Stick to your menu and you will feel the best and get the best results.


If you weigh in Friday morning and your Cheat Day isn’t until Saturday you should not be cheating ” a little” Friday night.  Just because you weighed in does not give you the freedom to cheat Friday night.  If you cheat a little Friday night that will reflect in the following week.  You should not be drinking extra drinks or eating extra snacks you should stick to your meals and snacks on Friday like any other weight loss day and Cheat ONLY on your Cheat day.  Again this is only if you want the very best results every week.  Remember that all the magic happens at the end of the week so even if you weighed in Friday morning but your Cheat day is Saturday you stop the weight loss and the magic as soon as you are “off program” Friday night.


There are only two weekends left until Break.  whether you are celebrating the holidays or vacationing or just hanging with the family – the real challenge will be from December 24th through Jan 1.  So for the Next week and two weekends keep it laser focused.  Live the program – 110% six clean days and only one cheat day.  You will go into the Holiday week feeling mentally and physically amazing, strong, healthy, thinner, happier and full of life!  Because when you do the right things it shows in everything about how you look feel and act.




clean eatingdieteatcleanfamilyHealthy TipsholidaysLifestyleweight loss


Innovation Tips for the Upcoming Holiday Season


  1. Don’t just do the program – live the program
  2. Walk away from the temptations and remind yourself to choose your hard.  – HARD TO WALK AWAY OR HARD TO DEAL WITH THE RESULTS OF YOUR ACTIONS
  3. One drink is a snack – Before you go for the second drink – remember it’s not the alcohol it’s what the alcohol makes you do.
  4. Be a Shark – it feels great!
  5. Be happy! No one wants an Eeyore in the room.  Everyone wants to be around the happy Tiger who is excited and feels good because they are doing the right things for their mind and body.
  6. Don’t live in the moment.  While it’s fun to do something spontaneous – make sure it’s not with food – the results can be both mentally and physically draining.  Plan, prepare and follow through
  7. Everything matters – every bite, sip crumb that you have extra is one extra to many.  Live by 6 clean days and 1 cheat day and you will feel great, be happy and lose weight!
  8. Everyday you will either lose weight, maintain or gain.  The choice is always in your control
  9. Less is always better when trying to lose weight.  If you don’t need it don’t eat it.
  10. If you want to feel amazing you must act amazing.  Stay on program, work hard and do the right things.

The better you feel the better you will live and the happier you will be

Stay on Program!

Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Sunny Monday!


It’s Monday and in New York it’s SUNNY! Something we haven’t been experiencing a lot of. It reminds us that we are another week closer to Summer Bliss. This past weekend was pretty awesome. Despite the cold temperatures we had literally hundreds of clients losing weight and reaching numbers they thought they would never see. Super, super exciting. Both online and in studio, you can just see, hear and feel the excitement in the clients. Everyone is really working hard and in a “hardcore” state of mind. The studio is buzzing with excitement because hey, let’s face it, when you feel good and you look good that is when you really want to share the love!


For most of you, the Innovation Program is not a diet – it’s a way of life. You live it and you love the way it makes you feel. And this is the time of year that you know to give it that extra little hard work that really pulls it all together so you get the very best results – every single week. For others, this is all new and while you may be just starting or on for a couple of months, it kind of all comes together and you realize how hard you have to work but you also realize when you do work hard and stay on your path and eat clean 6 days at 110% consistency – that’s when you get the best results. I say it all the time. In all aspects of life if you work hard you will get the results. Weight loss is something you should not mind working hard at because it’s for your health both mentally and physically. The changes in clients when they lose weight and eat clean – and the bounce in their step and the sheer happiness that is beaming from their healthy hydrated skin is beyond describable. I get to see you walk in the first day scared and bewildered because you don’t know how you go to where you are and then weeks – months later, I get to witness the amazing changes and this beautiful happy person who feels super fabulous about themselves and everything around them. Things that used to bother you no longer do. You can get through anything when you feel good about yourself and you feel mentally strong.


Saturday was a truly amazing day. I mean I love Saturdays to begin with. It’s when a lot of my clients/customers old and new come to visit, whether they have sessions or are just shopping. Many bring their adorable little cherubs with them. With the little light up sneakers. And of course even the adorable puppies come in too! It’s a really happy day and for most it’s either Cheat Day or they know the next day is Cheat Day, and that always makes everyone happier! But what was so nice was the excitement.    Everyone was just so excited to be losing weight and really excited to be feeling great and doing the right thing –  and it’s just so contagious you just feel it and want to be a part of it. Who doesn’t want to be a part of happiness. There is so much sadness in the world – today you have to make sure to appreciate and enjoy every bit of happiness that comes your way. Most important, make sure you are creating your happiness everyday.


Now that the sun is shining and the summer doesn’t feel as far off as it did two weeks ago, I keep getting asked one question repeatedly.  How much can I lose by July? So I came up with this table to help you decide where you are and where you want to be so you can see not only what is doable but also how everything is the result of how hard you work and how close you stick to your menu.


Click to download: Weekly Weight Loss APRIL-JULY


You can do one pound a week or three pounds. You can be a mix of snail, turtle and shark and lose different amounts each week. But the bottom line is, you want to lose every week – and in order to do that you need six clean days and ONLY one Cheat Day. I can’t stress to you enough that now is the time to do it. Summer is crazy and beautiful and very, very busy. It’s not the time to be focusing on being hardcore. Be hardcore now so when summer arrives and the fireworks are going off  you can incorporate some maintain weekends. The harder you work, the better results. The more consistent you are, the more consistent the results. It’s all about doing the right thing but not only when it works for you – it’s about doing the right thing and making the right choices ALL THE TIME – even when it’s not convenient – because those are the times that create the weight loss.


I can tell you this – the clients that were in the studio this past weekend and those that weighed in online. They are beyond happy, they look amazing and they feel amazing and it shows. If you want to be that person – if you want to put your clothes on and feel good and go out and feel amazing, if you want to just be happy and have that feeling of control in what you are doing – then you need to be 110% committed to the program and to yourself.  If you are, I promise you that you will feel the best you ever felt and you will look the best you every thought possible.


My last thought for you on this beautiful Monday: IT’S HARD – BUT IT’S WORTH IT! Will you feel hungry? Sure, you will feel hungry. But think about it – you are always hungry.  You are hungry even when you are overeating. So at least when you feel a little hunger now you will be getting great results from it! Don’t let anything stop you and don’t get in your own way. REMIND YOURSELF: If you want this and you want to feel great and you want to feel happy and go into the summer feeling inspired, motivated and in control – then commit to yourself and commit to the program. Eat clean six days and enjoy your ONE Cheat Day. Before you know it, you will be the happy, excited, inspired person waking up, jumping out of bed and excited to get dressed. Because you feel good and there is nothing better than feeling good about yourself – especially when you know that YOU are the one who made it happen.




~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10016
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Choose Your Week


Are you going to be a SNAIL – a TURTLE – or a SHARK.  


SNAILS – move very slowly and have some temporary stops along the way – but always in the right direction
TURTLE – moves faster than a snail, in the right direction and doesn’t stop until it get to its destination
SHARKS – the amazing shark is full speed ahead. Always does the right thing and in the right direction and never lets anyone or anything get in its way. 


Whether you decide to be a SNAIL, TURTLE or a SHARK this week the scale will move. How hard you work will decide your results. Sometimes you might always be a snail or sometimes always a shark. Most people fluctuate from a snail to a shark. And then we have those who are always turtles and they are happy being a turtle – and that’s okay too. They get to their destination a lot slower than a shark but faster than a snail and they are always moving. The one thing you DO NOT WANT TO BE is a SLUG. Slugs get nowhere and people step on them or over them constantly. While everyone else is getting to their destination, slugs are always in the same place – crying about where they want to be but not putting the effort into getting there.  That’s NOT who you are or who you want to be.


One thing I know for sure. Whether you decide to be a Snail, a Turtle or a Shark – if you get right back on program TODAY and follow your menu – tomorrow you will feel better, mid week back in control, and by the end of the week when it’s 70 degrees again you will feel amazing. And you will be so so happy you have a solid 110% clean week behind you. When you have control over what you are doing you feel your best. When you follow your program you get that lighter, happier, healthier feeling that is just an amazing place to be, especially knowing that summer is around the corner. It’s April – and if you start now you can have what you want and feel amazing this summer. Work hard and you will get the best results. What you do and how hard you for for your goals is always your choice.




~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10016