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After a very long winter May has brought an internal battle that for many of you were not expecting and quite possibly not ready for. What I mean is that you knew it was coming- the warmer weather, the short sleeves, lighter clothes and the removal of the winter coats – but with each cold day you felt like you had more time. However this last week with a couple of 80 degree days is all it took that brought the internal struggle to the front of your brain and has started to control your emotions. This past week has reminded you that not only is summer not far off it will come in a blink of the eye. So while many take the hint and become sharks others are struggling with the “why didn’t I do it when I had time.” and “I don’t want to stop eating just because it’s warm” and “Im just not ready for this.” It’s the internal battle that you know you really have no choice. It has come and you are not ready. Regardless of where you are or where you wish you were you need to fight through these emotions and get past it. Here are some suggestions if you are struggling with some internal battles right now:


DON’T LOOK FOR EXCUSES: Don’t look for excuses. Focus on staying on your path and following your program. It works and you will do it and see the results. It just takes time and you are going to feel hungry and it’s not always the best feeling starting but it will get better. Weight loss is hard for everyone but the longer you do it and live it then the easier it will be. It’s a simple process stay on your program 6 days and have your cheat day and if you do that you will lose the weight.


KEEP YOUR FOCUS IN THE RIGHT PLACE: Should I skip my cheat day? Should I not have snacks? I can’t tell you how many times people say I think I should skip the cheat day. Well first of all before you ask if you should skip it – let’s ask is that is even possible? You are struggling enough only having one cheat day so why are you even contemplating not having any? For every client who has reached their goal or are on their way- the cheat day is a big part of that reason they were able to do it. SNACKS: Don’t give up snacks if you are struggling. If you are struggling having 3 snacks then don’t go to 2 or 1 or even none. What you need to do is have your focus on keeping in control and following your meals and snacks. Don’t cut yourself out of a cheat day or snacks thinking you will lose more because you won’t. You will just binge or fall off. What you need to do is focus on staying in control with your meals and snacks and keeping the 6 days clean and only cheating one day a week. Keep your focus in the right place and keep the six days clean and use your snacks when you need them.


PUT THE TIME IN: Just because you decided to have a great week or even two doesn’t mean you are going to just get rid of all your weight. You need to put the time in and every week you lose weight it adds up and it adds up fast. But we know when the 80 degrees hit the weight never comes off as fast as we want it to. That’s the reason you do it before and not wait until it’s here. But for those of you who waited too long and let Mr. Winter control your brain – you need to just stay focused and strong and know that even if you are not where you want to be right this moment – it will happen and when you put the work in like everyone else you will see the results. Just start or continue to follow – stay on your path and put the time in. Work hard everyday and make it a priority because even if you are starting right now – it will make a big difference by the time everyone is hitting the beach in July.


CONSISTENCY= FAT BURN: I know I have said this OVER AND OVER but there is a reason I do – it’s important and it’s a game changer when it comes to weight loss. To get the best results in weight loss you need to be consistent and I will tell you why it’s so important. The consistency puts you in a “fat burn” where you body runs like a machine. The longer you are in it the better it runs. If you keep turning it on and off it will continually shut down and have to restart all over again. Think of it like a pool. When you open your pool it’s all green and yucky (like your fat). You turn the filter on and feed it chlorine (clean food) – and it runs and the longer it’s on and the more chlorine you give it the cleaner it gets. Before you know it the pool effortlessly stays clean. Sometimes you have to skim it out every week (cheat day). But for the most part it’s effortless and stay beautiful blue. What happens when you stop giving the pool chlorine and turn off the filter? It stay blue for a while but gets cloudy and then before you know it it’s all green and yuk again. – However when you turn the filter on again and you start putting the chlorine back in does it turn automatically blue that day? NO! It take a while for it to clean up all the green and be blue again. Sometimes it’s a couple of days or a week. But when it finally does then it will start running and stay blue. It’s the same thing with your body fat. Everytime you leave that clean eating filter off for a duration of time all the fat cells open and your body is out of the fat burn. When you decide to start eating clean again it takes time to filter out all the bad and start running all clean again. That’s also why only one cheat day a week works best. It’s a 24 hour cycle. You start eating clean the next day it goes right back just like your pool – if you leave the filter off for a day it doesn’t turn green but anything longer than a day and you start to see the walls of the lining change color. Think of your body like a filter, a machine. When you take care of it and feed it the right things you will see how amazing it works for you. But it has to be consistent for it to work the best. Because when you keep turning it on and off it has to start the process all over again. Interesting factIm not really into astrology that much but I do think I it’s interesting that I’m a pisces and I always tend to compare my clients and the weight loss to water and fish.


THE SCALE: Whatever you do don’t get overwhelmed with the number – it’s a very simple process and if you do the right thing it will go down. If you follow your program – it will go down. Some weeks it may not be as much as you want and others it will be more than you expected. What’s important is to keep moving forward – it all adds up in the end. The final goal is so exciting but the journey is pretty amazing as well.



I always like to mention and address the clients who are doing absolutely amazing – this past weekend both online and in studio we had record numbers who reached their goals and started maintenance for the summer. For many it’s the innovation food that helps them, some it’s the motivation, the accountability and the idea of summer clothes and beach season. For many of you it’s knowing that you have been down this road and are very aware of what summer can do and were determined to be where you wanted and needed to be before the Social Scene of summer begins. These are the clients who stayed focused and motivated through the harsh long winter. Not all were sharks, many were turtles and snails but throughout the long winter they remained constant. They live by the program and the words that consistency is key and you must live the program not just do it. While I often address those who are struggling because they need it the most -I know it’s so important to celebrate and congratulate all of those who have done and continue to do amazing because they deserve and need it as well. Yes it’s always nice to hear praise and feel that accomplishment but let’s face it the true gift is the new body that they love and live in everyday and the new life they lead by eating clean. There is nothing better then loving the way you look and feel everyday.

If you want to love the way you look and feel then you have to do the right things, you need to work hard, put the time in and be consistent.. When July comes your emotions will be happy, healthy, controlled and you will be so excited to be wearing summer clothes.

If you want to feed yourself something
Feed it Happiness

Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick