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I wanted to write this blog today because I feel like this topic has come up on so many levels. Sometimes we create – uncomfortable or too comfortable – situations for ourselves from the most innocent part of our brain. When we do this we often do it for the right reasons even though it’s creating sabotaging situations for our weight loss. Listen, it’s okay to have sabotaging situations. No one is perfect but for many of you who work so so hard every day to get to great numbers, and more importantly to feel good and be healthy – one sabotage can be a game changer for the whole week. Below are some situations that when you change them – they will create empowering moments:

EMPOWERED/EMPOWERING – The process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one’s life.

ARE YOU EATING WHAT YOU PLANNED?: Let’s start with eating exactly what you say you plan to eat. So many times we start our day with great intentions. We know we want to be 110% and we even go as far as to plan and pack our food. But somewhere throughout the day we have a bite here or a taste there. We have that drink at lunch or the soy sauce that we didn’t intend on, or the piece of waffle from your child’s plate. At the end of the day we know that were weren’t 110%, but since it wasn’t a snack or an actual meal, we decide not to count it. All of these things at the end of the day add up to be an extra snack, and/or meal. Add 6 days of little extra’s and that’s your maintaining and sometimes even gaining. The worst part is by the end of the week you are so used to having the little extras you don’t even truly remember what it was or how much, and that creates discouragement when you are on the scale. “I was so good!” or “I was 110%!” – but the truth is if you were 110% for 6 days you would have lost weight. It’s not that you are not telling the truth – its really that you just don’t remember the little extras that are sabotaging your day. So how do you know when you really are 110%? and how do you feel that empowerment? –Tomorrow plan out 3 meals and your allowed snacks (everyone is different when it comes to snacks – follow your menu) and drink only water all day. Promise yourself no matter what your day entails you will absolutely not have anything except those 3 meals and snacks and nothing will enter or go beyond your lips if it’s not the 3 meals and snacks that you have planned. You will immediately notice the difference. The difference will be every time you go to taste something you will notice that you stopped yourself, and the difference at the end of the day how different you will feel both mentally and physically so much more in control.

EMPOWERING MOMENT – Feeling at the end of the day that you really only ate exactly what you planned with absolutely no picking or extras in between.

MEAL PREP: Preparing Dinner or any meal can be a sabotaging time. We are preparing and tasting and picking before you know it you ate a meal before you sat down for dinner. There are two ways to get through this. You can either plan a snack like vegetables and hummus and have it while you are preparing, or you just stop doing it altogether and really focus on exactly what you are doing. And focus on cooking and preparing dinner. When you are preparing dinner you tell yourself “nothing goes in my mouth until I sit down for dinner.” Talk about empowering. Wow! To be able to get through preparing a dinner for your family without tasting it will not only help your weight loss but you will enjoy dinner with your family so much more. Extra tip: Do not drink your snack of wine while preparing any meal because you know your inhibitions are gone when you drink and you will be setting yourself up for failure.

EMPOWERING MOMENT – Prepare the meal without tasting it. Nothing goes in your mouth (drink or food) until you sit for dinner.

DINNER TIME: Today families are on the run so often that it’s a beautiful time when we can sit down as a family and bond. Becareful that you are not bonding with the food and keep the bonding with the family only! Putting yourself in a situation that you are eating too much while the conversation is taking place by picking and grabbing. Sometimes we start picking and think “it’s only vegetables” and you are eating and talking and talking and picking – but the truth is by the time your done with the conversation you added an extra meal for the day.

EMPOWERING MOMENT – eating only your dinner and sitting back and enjoying the conversation without chewing your way through it.

OUT TO LUNCH OR DINNER: Many who go out to lunch or dinner find it almost impossible to sit at the table without an appetizer or a drink. Yet when you are home you don’t have an appetizer before lunch or dinner, so why do you feel the need when you are out? So many times we hear we go out to dinner all the time it’s hard to lose weight. No it’s not hard if you do the right things. Doing the right thing is hard but it’s always worth it —If you are feeling the social pressure, remember that if your friends are friends they want the best for you! If it’s business let’s not forget that the more control you are in with yourself, the better the business will be – besides it’s rude to talk with your mouth full! Next time you go out -enjoy the company and the conversation. I mean after all for most of you that’s why you are going because it’s a friends night out, or a dinner date or a business meal. When you get through the lunch or dinner feeling good about your choices and enjoying and accomplishing exactly what you went there for – it can be life changing and empowering.

EMPOWERING MOMENT – Having lunch or dinner out and choosing the right things for YOU. In turn, that will make YOU have a better time with your friends or loved ones and always better business when you are in control and you feel good about your own choices.

TV TIME: After dinner many of us have our favorite shows. Some will plan and save their snacks for TV time and thats perfect! It’s great to plan and prepare your snacks for your TV time. But others who have already consumed their snack(s), find themselves at the pantry as much as in front of the TV. Going back and forth for a handful of this and and taste of that. Before you know it you have thrown in the towel and are sitting with a bowl of M&Ms or pint of ice cream. Try this: If you have your snacks plan them out and when they are done you are done. — If you have no snacks for your evening shows get a bottle of water and sit and watch the show. You might find you don’t even like the show as much without the snacks that go with it. Maybe it’s time to either go for a walk, take a shower, brush your teeth or simply call it a night and go to bed.

EMPOWERING MOMENT – Sitting through your favorite tv show with a cup of tea or a bottle of water and enjoying the show not thinking about what you are going to eat next.

YOUR MENU: While we are discussing snacking what you might find throughout your day and night is that you are eating snacks just because they are on your menu. After being on program and losing weight and shrinking, you might find that you probably don’t need all the snacks that you eat. You might mentally need the next snack more than physically. Rule of the program: you never eat just to eat. “This is a time when you might think to yourself am I eating the snack because it’s on my menu or because I really need it.” – if you don’t need it don’t eat it.

EMPOWERING MOMENT – Giving up a snack because you know you don’t need it. Never eating just to eat.

EXERCISE: For many exercise can be tough for many different reasons. Maybe you just don’t want to do it OR you don’t have the time. The kids schedule or you are just too tired! The excuses can go on and on. The truth is you can do it and fit it in if you want to. If exercise is something that you are struggling with try and go for a walk. Jump rope in your backyard, bike ride, or a jog. Maybe you have a pool and can go for a swim on a nice night. There are so many things you can do that doesn’t require going to the gym. It also doesn’t have to be hardcore – it just has to be something that you do and schedule into your day like any other appointment or errand that needs to get done. Once you get into the habit of doing it everyday you will be shocked to see how much you look forward to it. Remember it does not have to be hardcore. Sometimes we set ourself up because we think it’s not going to do anything if it’s just a long walk. But the truth is after sitting all day or not having any real movement throughout the day – anything you do that will keep your heart rate slightly elevated for 45 consecutive minutes will absolutely help your body, your weight loss and your health. So stop thinking it’s not worth it if it’s not hard core. All it needs to be like everything else I talk about – it has to be consistent. If you do any kind of exercise everyday it will make a difference. When you write and plan your food for the day include the walk you will take or the rope you will jump.

EMPOWERING MOMENT – When you realize that you have the consistency in exercising everyday AND it’s something you begin to look forward to and enjoy.

WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM: I can’t say it enough that when you are on program six days a week and only cheat one day a week it is life changing in so many ways. The consistency of eating clean for six days creates the weight loss. It creates a healthy habit and it creates the feeling of being in control which leads to feeling good, happier, lighter and thinner. Everything goes hand in hand when you do the right things and you have consistency in doing it. Your cheat days are more enjoyable because when you are really on program for six days there is nothing better and nothing you want to do more than enjoy your cheat day. When you are consistent for six days you feel the control and you lose all the cravings that you once had. When you are consistent for six days you see the weight loss every week. Yes consistency is hard – but it’s worth it. Remind yourself that it’s just as hard to walk away from something and stay on program as it is to go on the scale and see it up. You have to choose your hard and which one makes you happier. Which one feels better internally and externally. Which hard changes your life for the better. If you consistenly work hard and continue everyday to stay in control and do the right thing you will get the rewards.

EMPOWERING MOMENT – Being consistent for six days and cheating one day a week. Following and being on program every single week = living the program not just doing it – and that is what creates the empowered life changing results.



Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick