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Happy Thanksgiving!


It’s hard to believe Thanksgiving is here! This can be a very stressful time where healthy eating and staying on track can take a backseat. With Thanksgiving, we have kids off from school, students coming home from college and the beginning of shopping, planning and the holiday season. These next few weeks can go two different ways as the days go by in the blink of an eye and then all of a sudden the New Year is here – you can stay healthy and in control, or you can let it all go and have to start all over in January. You have a choice, and we will help you stick to the right one. It starts this week with Thanksgiving.
There are three options for this week:
Cheat Day – Make Thanksgiving Day your Cheat Day. This might change your routine so be aware of how that affects your schedule. Some of you adjusted your Cheat Day last week in order to keep it consistent, but if you are Cheating today and you Cheated last weekend, you shouldn’t be Cheating again this weekend.
Cheat Meal – Stay clean during the day and indulge for Thanksgiving dinner. This will not only help you maintain this week, but you will really be able to enjoy your holiday meal if you haven’t been over doing it all day.
Stay Clean – It won’t be easy, but in order to stick to your routine and keep your momentum, some of you will choose to stay clean until the weekend. It’s possible, and it’s a great option for this week and to keep you in a good place going in to this winter and holiday season.
No matter what you choose, stick to it. Don’t make this weekend a four day eating marathon. Here are some tips to help you stay in control:
Plan ahead. We say it all the time, but making a plan is going to help you so much. In the heat of the moment, we don’t usually make the right decision. We give in to temptation without thinking things through because we are living in the moment. Think about how you want the rest of this week to go and what you want to see next time you step on the scale. Don’t make this another Thanksgiving that leaves you with regret.
Go for the healthy stuff. You can have turkey, salad and vegetables and stay on plan. Just make sure you are sticking to the right portions and don’t include sauces or gravy. And don’t forget dessert. You can have fruit or bring a long one of your Innovation desserts. If you are drinking make sure you save your snacks during the day.
Give away your leftovers. Let everyone fill up a to go container so you don’t have a fridge full of leftovers tempting you for the rest of the week. If you are staying clean until this weekend, pack up a everything you want to save and enjoy it on your Cheat Day as usual. So many of us feel like we won’t be able to enjoy the holiday without indulging in all the food on Thanksgiving Day, which brings us to our final tip…
Don’t just focus on food. Although Thanksgiving revolves around traditional foods and a holiday meal, remember that it’s also about giving thanks and being with the ones we love. It’s not about stuffing ourselves or eating everything in sight. It’s about reflecting on all the good we have experienced this past year. Think about all the positive things you have done for yourself and your health, and all the good it does for your loved ones around you. It can be easy to go off the rails this time of year, but you have the tools and motivation to stay strong. Pies, stuffing and mashed potatoes are not what’s really special about the holiday. You and your family make it special. Take a moment to look around your table today and be grateful for what you have and who you are with. Pray for those who are alone today or and for those who have lost love. And if you don’t pray, then hope that those who are hurting this Thanksgiving will find peace and love. Take a moment and reflect on how grateful you are today to be surrounded by love and laughter. Remember the food that is on the table is food that you can have over and over again. It is a meal, sides and drink that will be there next year and the year after. But the family, friends and love ones in the chairs around that table – will not be there forever. Remind yourself what and who is really important today. Be grateful and thankful for who is with you and who is in your heart. The food is fun and exciting but the Holiday, Family and the Love you share is really what should be celebrated today.


Have a Happy, Healthy AND Safe Thanksgiving!