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Countdown to Holiday Vacations


THANKSGIVING IS AROUND THE CORNER and CHRISTMAS AND HOLIDAY VACATIONS ARE ONLY 10 WEEKS AWAY. Time really does fly whether you are having fun or not. While the time is flying you are either gaining, losing or maintaining. Keep it simple. We CAN’T eat whatever we want whenever we want, so focus on enjoying and indulging only on the holidays, vacations and special events. After all, that’s what makes them special. It’s in-between these amazing times of our life that we focus on eating clean, losing weight and staying healthy. Think of it like a photo album. The pictures in the album often show you snap shot to snap shot of the happy times in your life. It doesn’t have pictures of the in-between challenges and obstacles that every one goes through to get to the next happy snap shot.  

The key to success is pretty simple: It’s 6 days clean and 1 day to indulge. The harder you make it, the harder it will be. Follow these easy steps to keep your weight loss moving:
1)  Be accountable for everything you put in your mouth – everything matters.
2)  6 days clean and 1 day to indulge.
3)  Watch your portion sizes. Just because it’s clean and healthy doesn’t mean you can eat more. Less is best when trying to lose weight. If you don’t need it DON’T eat it!
4) You don’t have to eat everything on your menu. Listen to your body and learn the difference between eating out of want or need.
5) It’s okay to be a little hungry. When you are a little hungry it means your body is losing. Never starving but a little hungry is good.
6) If you exercise to tone and strengthen that’s awesome and will help in how you look and feel but you can’t eat what you work out. So if you workout more you can’t eat more. Don’t find yourself on the hamster wheel. Eating to workout and working out to eat. Just make sure you have a healthy snack ready after a workout that is a good combination of protein and healthy carbs for example: apple and 1 tbsp of peanut butter or almond butter works great. It will replenish and fill you up. After that it’s all mental. 
There is approx 10 weeks until holiday break. Holiday break when many of you will leave to spend a week in the sunshine on some beautiful island – in shorts and bathing suits. Make sure you are preparing now for then. Remember this: Eating clean, losing weight and feeling great is not something that can be bought or given to you. It’s something that only you can do for yourself. You have to be accountable for what you want and how bad you want it. If you eat clean and follow the program you will lose the weight and look and feel great. If you don’t then you have to live with going on vacation and looking back and thinking I should have – I could have – and why didn’t I. Don’t be that person. Be the person who walks around confident in your clothes because you worked hard and made the right choices. You made those choices even when it was difficult to do. You feel and look great because you did all the right things to get to a good place. Yes, it takes work and energy but it’s worth every minute that you say “no thank you”  and “ I’m eating clean today for a healthy tomorrow”. When your tomorrow comes and your next snap shot is ready to be taken – you will be ready and willing to stand in front of that camera.  
Everyone has the chance to be amazing, to look amazing and feel amazing. Everyone has the opportunity to wake up every morning and do the right thing and make the right choices. Life is you against you. You are the only one who can sabotage yourself and you are the only one who can make your life the best it can be.    
Doing the right thing will always result in overall happiness.  
10 weeks – 10 pounds = 1 lb a week
10 weeks – 20 pounds = 2 lbs a week.  
Don’t give up on yourself – you can do this!
Don’t wait for life to make you happy 
~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018