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Category: diet

Choicesclean eatingdieteatcleanExercisefamilygoalshappyhealthyholidaysLifestyleMotivationSUMMERweight loss

Back On Your Path

Welcome back everyone!  Im so happy everyone had a great safe holiday weekend. First, I want to tell you wherever you are don’t stress about it. Just get right back on program and finish out the week solid. One week and you will feel so much better being back in control and knowing that your body is in the right direction. You will weigh in this weekend and wherever you are you move on from there into a positive and happy place.


I want to thank you all because I have heard the nicest things the last couple of days from so many of you……. I love all the photos you send me. So many of you that were at holiday events this weekend and felt so good about yourself…….  We had more clients than ever hit their lowest numbers this past weekend. The excitement was beyond thrilling for me to be a part of. Thank you all for working so hard.


I love how so many clients couldn’t express enough how knowing they were going back to their magic muffins and Innovation food after the Holiday weekend helped them mentally get right back on program. It makes me so happy!!! I say it all the time — it only takes a couple of days of being back to eating on program is what gets you back to feeling good again. The quicker you get back the faster you recover. It all comes down to it’s not always about going off program that matters so much — it’s about what you do after you go off program that makes all the difference. When you get right back on program you get right back to feeling your very best, lightest, happiest and in control feeling — and that makes us all happy.


Here are some things I want you to think about moving forward into the Beautiful Sunshine and Social Summer.

  1. You will feel hungrier this week.  Why? Because you were eating for Holiday and Weekend Vacation last week and now you are back to eating for weight loss. So expect the hunger and embrace the hunger. I promise you will live through it. You might not be happy about it and there will be uncomfortable moments — but it will pass. And by the weekend you will feel so much better mentally and physically.
  2. Try your best to put the clean on program week in. I know we have so much going on in the summer and we are eating-out more often and socializing more than normal. But the more on program consecutive days you can put together the faster you will go back to feeling your best and back to your weight loss. If you are eating out make sure it’s a clean meal. Just because it’s summer does not mean you have to over indulge.
  3. If you are drinking alcohol make sure you follow your Snack Categories. It’s not the alcohol that is the problem it’s what the alcohol makes you do that is the issue. By the second drink the body and brain slows down – you are no longer in control. If you are having more than one drink– try and drink a bottle of water in between drinks.
  4. Don’t blame others. If you go into a social setting half-hearted about staying on your program it’s going to be easy for family and friends to talk you out of it because that is what you really want them to do. We give off signals to people of whether or not we are serious about staying on program. If you give off the signal that you are not in it 100% they will know it and easily talk you into sabotage. If you give off the signal that you are on your program 100% then no one is going to be able to talk you off it.
  5. As much as I always tell you consecutive days are the most important for weight loss — what I want you to think about through the summer is on program days in general. If you know that you are extra social and that you have things going on through the week or weekend — and consecutive days are going to be difficult —then make sure that any day that you can have an on program day you do it. Follow your meals and snacks and make sure you have your on program food planned and prepared because when you can be on program you want that day to be 100%. The more on program days you can add into your week will make the difference between maintaining and gaining.

You have to decide what you want.  If you are 225 and want to be 190 OR you are 140 and want to be 120 you can’t just talk about it and wish for it — because that is not going to make it happen. If you really want to lose the weight throughout the summer then you have to stay on program and work hard and follow your meals and snacks. Everyone that does the program and has success will tell you that it becomes a way of life. Learning to use your cheat day and loving it every week is life changing. Learning to go right back on program after holidays and vacation is more important than the time you spend off it. I see clients everyday do it regardless of the time of year. They are prepared with on program food and they always know what they are doing and where they are going and what they are eating. Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring – if you want to lose the weight I can promise you it’s very doable just put the work in— and this time of year don’t let the social summer become all about food. The bottom line is whether it’s losing weight or maintaining the weight you have to plan it and stick to it. I can give you all the tools in the world but you have to want it and work for it. And it can’t be just when it’s convenient for you — it’s just as important to do it when it’s inconvenient. When you really learn to live the program – you will love the way you look and feel everyday.


My final thoughts for you are…  When you can’t control what is happening in front of you — challenge yourself to control the way you respond to it. You can control your mind or You can let your mind control you


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick

Choicesdieteatcleanfeel goodgoalshappyhealthyHealthy TipsLifestyleMotivationSUMMERweight loss


[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]ARE YOU COMMITTED TO YOUR GOAL OR YOUR EXCUSES? [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]What does the word commitment suggest?  It usually evokes a strong sense of intention and focus. It typically is accompanied by a statement of purpose or a plan of action. Very often, we utilize this word in regard to promises we may make about the seriousness of something like weight loss, work or relationships. The difficulty is when it comes to weight loss we sometimes ignore the process necessary to achieve that goal. If we learn to commit fully to the process then the outcomes will be what they should be. But, if we commit to the process only to give in to temptation and excuses – then you will be left frustrated and uncomfortable in your skin. So I ask you again – are you committed to your goals or your excuses?[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]You know what the best thing is about the Innovation program? You can literally go back on and follow your menu and within a couple of days you already feel lighter and healthier. You instantly get that self control back and you know that if you stay on, then in just a couple of weeks you will lose weight and feel great again. In fact, the program works so well that many times you go on and as soon as you start losing weight and feeling great you start to find excuses why you need to go off again. So  the issue isn’t how to lose the weight – we know we can go on program lose the weight and feel great – the issue is how to keep doing the right thing and stick to the commitment and walk away from the temptations and excuses.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]There are many reasons we lose our commitment: We all have insecurities and doubts. The temptations and excuses are always there so that anytime they can sway you from doing good to bad. Your doubts and anxiety are there because life is hard and it’s just so much easier to give in then to work hard everyday and do the right thing. But you always have to remind yourself – is that what you want? Yes, it’s easy to give in – we can always find more excuses to go off program than stay on program — but only after you give in and you find yourself in the place of uncomfortable misery of being bloated, thick and over weight is when you realize it’s not easy anymore. In fact, now you made it harder than it was before. You see, the truth is when we are hungry we want to believe that eating more will make it better. But it does’t. It’s as soon as we eat “ off program” that we realize we only wanted it because we couldn’t have it. Once we eat it we don’t feel better – we actually feel worse. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]OFF AND ON: In the moment you believe that you will just go off and then go right back on. But reality is there is no “off” and “on” there is only “six” and “one”. Six is to stay on program and be the best you can be. Stay mindful, make the right choices, lose weight and when temptation hits and the little devil on your shoulder tells you to do the wrong thing that is when you have to be the strongest – you need to be a SHARK. It’s at that time that you have to remind yourself that it’s not the food that you want. What you want is to fit in your bathing suit this summer and go to the beach without feeling like you wish you were someone else. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]LIFE IS EASIER ON PROGRAM: The truth is life is easier when you do the right thing. I know so many of you know this. Even when the scale doesn’t move as much as we want we just feel so much better- in control – lighter and healthier. We have no stomach aches and our body feels like it’s running properly. So it should be a no-brainer to stay committed to what makes us feel so good. Yet, temptation will always be knocking on the door……. and it will always be easier to make an excuse to do the wrong thing. Everyone can come up with reasons and excuses to cheat. But what you have to remind yourself is not everyone does. That is the moment that separates the successful from the unsuccessful — and the committed from the excuse makers. The clients who are successful keep it to one day. No matter what – it’s one day off. When temptation came they fought hard and remembered what their own commitment to their goal is. They Cheat one day a week and do not find reasons why they deserve more. They don’t give in. They know what is important to them and it’s not the food on the table. They know eating off program is not the answer to their happiness. That doesn’t mean it’s not hard. Life is hard and success is harder. But they fight for what they want and they stick to it and stay on the healthy path. They know that if they see something they really want they will save it for their Cheat Day. They walk away from the temptations and never give the excuses the time of day— because they love to live healthy. They love to feel good. They love to feel in control and they love that their clothes fit them. And most of all they never have to worry about when they are going back on program – because they never give excuses to go off.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]STAY TRUE TO YOURSELF:  Obstacles will naturally arise that will try to knock you off your path. But being true to yourself means facing all obstacles, fighting through them with good decisions and continuing on your path even in the face of the most difficult adversity. You must continue to be guided by what you want your outcome to be. No matter what is happening you have to ask yourself is this worth going off program. Is this going to make me happy. — Choose your hard. Is it harder to walk away and be hungry? Or is it harder to give in – eat it and deal with the fact that you gave in to the temptation & excuses (and most likely still be hungry).[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]WALK AWAYIT’S ALWAYS EASIER TO WALK AWAY
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]One thing we all know is that when you are in a good place mentally and physically you are a happier person.  When you are committed to living healthy and eating clean and feeling amazing in your body – it’s life changing. I see it everyday the transformations that take place week after week. It’s the most amazing sight to see someone who goes from being unhappy in their body to loving how they look and feel. — And if you want to feel that – there is absolutely no reason you shouldn’t have it.  The only thing that is stopping you is your commitment to yourself. You have to stop making excuses. You have to work hard and give it 100% everyday. Because your health and happiness is one thing that is always worth working hard and staying committed to everyday. Love the mind and body you live in.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]RESULTS COME FROM COMMITMENT NOT EXCUSES.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small] 
~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
Choicesclean eatingdieteatcleanExercisefamilyfeel goodgoalshappyhealthyHealthy TipsholidaysLifestyleMotivationweight loss

Choose Your Battles

[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]THIS WEEK YOU HAVE TO CHOOSE YOUR BATTLES[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]I have to first say I am so so proud of so many of you! I really see how hard you are working and so many of you did all the right things getting right back on after New Year’s and have not looked back. New, old and returning have made a commitment and have stayed with it. Some are sharks and others snails but both doing amazing at their own pace! Three months in to 2021 we are at the end of March, and we are in a place where so many are on some kind of vacation whether it’s home or away. I know it sounds crazy hard to be able to maintain while you are on vacation but if you are mindful and really think about what you are doing it’s not as hard as you may think. Here are some things to remember and follow:[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]CHOOSE YOUR BATTLES: I know I have said it over and over but I like for you to think it in your sleep – In order to maintain you can actually add food or drink into your program and still lose. The reason for this is because when you are trying to lose you need to be in a state of restricted. You need to have LESS than your body needs. When you are maintaining you get to have more food than when you are trying to lose. You get to have enough food – the amount that your body needs to maintain and not lose and not gain.  [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
  • [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]One meal and dessert off OR alcohol but not both. So if you are a foodie then you will eat clean all day and choose one meal a day and one snack/dessert and have that as an off program choice. OR if you are over the age of 21 and like your alcoholic beverages on vacation then you can do clean meals and snacks and have your drinks when you want them.[dt_sc_hr_invisible]
  • Stay away from the nachos! When you are at the pool or the beach or after the slopes – you will order fresh raw veggies with hummus or light ranch. These veggies will help keep you munching and maintaining while you are laying around enjoying the sunshine or relaxing at the lodge after you ski.
  • If you choose to have one meal a day off program then you do not get a Cheat Day at the end of the week. Remember, the Cheat Day only works when the other 6 days are 110% on program. So if you know you are “off” each day then you are using that and not your Cheat Day. You can’t do both because if you do you won’t maintain you will gain.
  • You can’t run, exercise or ski off a bad food day so any exercise you do, make it in addition to your controlled food day. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]The most important thing to remember is how hard you have worked to get to where you are today. You have sacrificed and have gotten yourself to a place where many of you no longer have cravings through the week. When you work so hard to get here you want to be able to enjoy it. Just because you are on vacation or a “stay-cation” doesn’t mean you just go back to your old habits – and trust me they will want to come back. It’s up to you to remember how AMAZING you feel when you are doing the right things. It’s up to you to think about how hard you worked to get to this amazing place. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]DON’T LET THIS HAPPEN: Most people start vacation feeling amazing. You work hard and you do all the right things to get there and then all of a sudden by mid vacation you start to think “I can have that – I’m on vacation”and  “I can have that – everyone keeps telling me how great I look”and “I feel soooo good – I’m just gonna have it this one time.” And then slowly you start incorporating more and more and throughout the day you are picking and tasting and sharing…before you know it you are bloated and your clothes are starting to tighten. And if that’s the worst of it that would be enough but it’s not. Because then all of a sudden your mood starts to change. You went from starting the vacation so happy to now you are slowly becoming miserable. You can’t believe you let it get you again. You are starting to feel that heaviness. And you were so happy when you were lighter why did you let it happen…now your whole mood has shifted. You think the kids are driving you crazy but the truth is you are driving them crazy! You are feeling bloated and you are upset and short tempered. All because you feel bigger and bloated because you are no longer in control. When you are not feeling your best everything starts to bother you. And you keep thinking I was just so happy. I shouldn’t be doing this we are on vacation – but you can’t help yourself because your sugar levels are dipping and rising with every unhealthy meal you have. Then you have a drink or a bad meal to numb out the fact that you did it again and the drinks / unhealthy meals just make you eat more and before you know it you are waking up even worse then the day before! Then you start thinking you just can’t wait to get home! But wait it was only a couple of days ago you couldn’t wait to get here!  – DON’T DO THIS TO YOURSELF! There is no food or alcohol that is worth this. Stay in control and think about what you are eating and putting in your mouth before you do it. Have a plan everyday so you can enjoy your vacation. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Vacation or Staycation:  You are not there to eat out of control. It’s okay that staying in control and on plan makes you happy. Don’t get in the mindset that you need to eat everything because you are on vacation. Because that will make you unhappy not happy! You are not there to be unhappy. You are on this beautiful trip with your family and/or friends and you are there to have an amazing time that should not revolve around food. It should include food but not revolve around it. There is always a healthy choice – MAKE IT! You can’t have the whole cake but you can have a slice everyday and that should be enough. Your “slice” might be dessert, meal, alcohol etc. but choose it and have it everyday – but the rest of the day must be on program. Because you will feel so much better THE WHOLE VACATION if you do. You can have your cake and eat it too you just can’t have it morning noon and night everyday. Choose your battles and know what is important to you. If it’s your alcohol then make a place for it in your snacks. If it’s desserts then that is what you have each night with the rest of the day on program. If it’s your food then you choose which cheat meal each day you are going to have. You should have an amazing time and you should enjoy everything you want – but that doesn’t mean you go there and you treat everyday like a Cheat Day and it doesn’t mean you go there and lose even a little control because you know where that will lead. Staying in control makes you happy and makes you feel good. That’s what your vacation should be about – feeling good! When you go on vacation you are supposed to come home feeling better than when you left – make sure you are doing what it takes to feel that. I always tell you that when you come home I will get you back to feeling amazing. But the truth is, you want to be away and feeling amazing. So think about your choices and make sure they are worth it. Because at the end of the day – In the reality of it all, it’s not very hard – IT’S TEMPTING. BUT YOU ARE STRONGER THAN ANY TEMPTATION.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]CHOOSE YOUR BATTLES AND YOU CHOOSE YOUR HAPPINESS.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
clean eatingdieteatcleanExercisefeel goodgoalshappyHealthy TipsLifestyleMotivationweight loss


[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]IT’S ALL ABOUT CONTROL[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]YAY! The CLOCKS have changed! What does the time change mean? It’s the first sure sign that the warmer weather will be approaching. Might not be today, this week or even next week— but it will be soon. In NY we will go from 30 degrees today to 70 by next Saturday. It happens so fast that even after such a harsh NY winter- many of you will still wish you had more time. But the truth is – you do have more time. Every day is more time. Every day adds on to the great day you had the day before. Even when you haven’t been perfect, the consistency of when you decide to start being 100% will make all the difference. Just don’t let another day go by with pushing it off and having that last extra thing or starting tomorrow. Because the difference from doing it today or waiting another day or week will show the results in the scale. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]HAPPINESS: If I noticed one thing this past week more than anything else it’s the happiness and excitement of all of you who are doing so well. Maybe it’s because right now with spring approaching you are all so excited to take the coats off and show your hard work. Maybe it’s the excitement I feel through the text when you have hit the next number or feeling the sense of control that you have over what you are doing and the choices you are making. Maybe it’s because you love when I post your results on Sundays — maybe it’s all of the above. What I will tell you is I love it. I truly love to hear you so excited about where you are and where you are going. . It’s such an amazing feeling to have so many clients text that they are in such a great place. It’s life changing when you can wake up and feel that control over what you are doing – the control over the scale – the control of staying on program. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]There is no reason that you should not be one of these clients. I know this program is so very doable. I’m not telling you to do something that you can’t do. You have the tools, the support, the food and the Cheat Day. Every client that has been successful on program all say the same thing – the program is so doable and they found it so much easier than anything they have ever done. They love ordering the food because it’s easy and delicious and they love the support. It’s hand-holding. We know how hard weight loss can be so we make sure we are there for you. But YOU have to be there for YOU and make the right choices and be strong in the face of temptation. Stop waiting, stop putting it off and stop making excuses.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Quick little story: This past week I was talking to one of my clients who has reached her goal. She is going away at the end of March for Spring Break, so she was just so beyond excited to be able to feel good in her bathing suit. We were talking about when she started and the best way for me to explain it is — it was like standing at the bottom of the mountain. She couldn’t see the top but she wanted so much to get there. But the mountain was steep so every time she did a quick fix diet she kept sliding back down to where she started. But once she started the Innovation program and her first initial weight loss week where she lost 4lbs, she continued and went to 1-2 lbs a week. Slow and steady and most important in control. Well that is easy to say now but at the time she thought she would never see the top of the Mountain. The thing is slow and steady takes patience, and we know how hard that is when it comes to weight loss. The reason patience in weight loss is so hard is because [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]1) We want to see immediate results.  We have committed to the program – now we just want the weight off. But we know it doesn’t work like that. Just because you decided to lose weight – doesn’t mean it just falls off your body. Once you commit now the real work starts. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
 [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]2) Often times deep down we want it to be over so we can go back to our old habits. We just want all the weight off so we don’t have to be in that controlled state of losing weight. But we know that control can never end because once you go back to the bad habits is when the weight will come right back on.
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]I can’t even tell you how many times she cried real tears because she would see 1lb and she felt like she just worked so hard for that 1lb – and she did work hard. Every 100% week on program is hard work. But just because you are working so hard — your body has to get rid of body fat and it takes time and consistency. I explained to her we are not dealing with water weight anymore we are dealing with real fat and that’s why the program works so well. You either keep playing with the same 3 lbs losing and gaining water weight — or you work consistently hard and get rid of the real fat. But it takes a slow and steady process to get rid of real fat. And some weeks that is just hard to handle. And trust me she threw every excuse in the book – it’s her kids, it’s because she went through menopause early, it’s her thyroid …. And yes the truth is somethings in life make it harder —  but not impossible, and that is what she had to keep believing. Even though it was hard every week she trusted me and trusted the program. And slowly she climbed the mountain and now with 2 weeks from Spring Break she has lost 36.5 lbs. and looks absolutely amazing. She looks 10 years younger and she feels 10 years younger. She is at her lowest weight in her lifetime- even before she had kids. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]THE PROCESS: What I found so interesting through the process that I saw with her and often see with so many of you – is the change throughout the program. This is the part I really want you to remember especially if you are struggling now or new to the program. The beginning of anything is always difficult. You are mentally trying to get back to healthy eating, you are eating less than your body needs so you are hungry, and to top it off you are seeing 1-2 lbs a week so it feels like it’s going to take forever. But then all of a sudden I see the shift. The shift is the feeling of control I start to see in you – when you recognize the balance you have created in your life with the 6 on program days and the 1 cheat day. When you recognize and feel the 1-2 lbs a week adding up and all of a sudden it’s all okay. You realize how life changing it is and how you feel so good in your body and on this path where you feel excited and happy all the time. And most important I see that you recognize your own capability and strength on what you can accomplish and how you are mentally and physically in a strong place – you are no longer doing the program you are living the program and you love it. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]FEELING GOOD: I can tell you I see it everyday and when you are feeling good with where you are and how you are eating and in control and feeling just lighter healthier thinner – you are a different person. You are different to yourself, your friends, your family, your spouse – you are just happy. When you are happy things don’t bother you like they would when you are unhappy. It makes perfect sense when you think about it. Something someone says to you that may not be nice when you are feeling out of control and heavy is going to affect you a lot differently when you are in a good place – and you are in control and feeling healthier, lighter and happier. When you feel good you are even happier and kinder to yourself. My point is, you have the control to be happy, you have the strength to be in control and to make sure your days are good and you are choosing the right things and feeling good about yourself. No one has that control except you. When you approach the world and the people around you whether it’s work, family, friends or just acquaintances and you are in a healthy, happy control state of mind you will respond that way. And of course when you are not – and you are out of control with your food, and not feeling healthy or in a good place and feeling heavy and thick – you will respond to those around you the same way you feel. At the end of the day, the way you act and present yourself to the world is the way you feel – and the way you feel is a result of the way you are taking care of yourself and feeding yourself from the inside out. Make the right choices and it will change your life [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]IT’S HERE AND NOW: If you want to be Happy then make yourself Happy!! If you want the control of your day then follow the program. At the end of the day it’s your actions, your will and your want that will decide the outcome of what you do. I will tell you this – it’s here and it’s now and if you haven’t started then you should start and if you have started but have not been 110% then it’s time to be 110% – because spring is here and summer is coming and it is not going to wait for you. Do not waste these months and this time you have right now to do the right thing.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]WHEN YOU ARE HAPPY
IT’S LIFE CHANGING[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
dieteatcleanExercisefeel goodhealthyHealthy TipsLifestyleMotivationweight loss


[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]New York Spring is in the Air – Finally! As we head into ending another week of March – we also look ahead and see Passover & Easter approaching fast. Spring is only 2 weeks away and will be here before you know it. Whether you feel like you have been 100% or still struggling – here are some tips for this week and this month:[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]GET OVER IT AND MOVE ON
It’s so much more important to learn from your week than to be negative about it. If you had a hiccup this week – there is no reason to beat yourself up or be upset with what you did or wish you would have done – deal with it and move on. Once you come to terms with the hiccup is when you can move past it. I see clients all the time that have hiccups and the faster they get past them the better they do. The best thing you can do is put all your energy into today, tomorrow and this week’s weight loss. Focus on today and the rest of the week.  [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]YOUR BODY CRAVES ON PROGRAM DAYS!
We know we get the best results from our on program days. In fact most of us know that our body actually crave them. When we are on program and in control we feel our best. It doesn’t mean we won’t be tempted- there is always going to be temptation -but what it means is your body knows it feels it’s best when it’s on program. Did you ever find yourself eating just to eat, or not caring, or carelessly making food choices and you just feel blah, bloated and miserable. It’s because when you are on program and your body gets so used to eating clean all week and eating portioned – as soon as you go off program for a day – it’s going to crave you to be back in control and back to your healthy eating. Your body knows what the right thing is for you – its your mind you have to keep in control. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
There is no denying it – we enjoy our cheat days 100% more when we are on program 100% the week before. There is only one thing as good as cheating after an on program week — and that’s eating clean after cheating. Getting back on program and having your healthy clean weight loss days are what you need to embrace and enjoy. You are doing your body good and you know that these clean days are what make you enjoy your cheat day guilt free. The more consistent you can keep six clean days the better you feel, look and the more you will enjoy![dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]DOING THE RIGHT THING FEELS GOOD
We all know how true this is. When you are on program, following your meals and snacks, exercising – you are feeling your absolute best. It gives you a sense of control in your day and your life. Often clients will say to me “why did I ever go off program I feel so good when i’m on it and doing the right thing”. There is no better feeling then putting your head on the pillow knowing you had an on program day and there is no better feeling waking up and looking in your closet knowing you will feel great in whatever you put on[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]DON’T FEEL SORRY FOR YOURSELF
Many of you know the drill. You will absolutely have some hunger at some point in the day – if you don’t feel it then most likely you are not losing weight. The reason for the hunger is you have to eat less than your body needs. There is no other way to do it. That’s why it’s so important that you love what you are eating — because no matter who you are, when you are trying to lose weight you are eating less than before you started. Yes you will be a little hungry but never starving. Don’t sit and feel sorry for yourself because you can’t eat everything you want. It’s time to put the work in – you put the weight on and now you are putting the work in and taking the weight off. We know it’s not easy that is why we live in a world that is the highest obesity rate. But that doesn’t mean you have to live that way. What you have to do is be okay with being a little hungry — and don’t feel sorry for yourself that you have to put the work in to feel your absolutely best. Trust me when I tell you everyone works at it – some more than others but everyone works at it. Depending on how much you want it will determine how well you do. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]If you are doing great – continue. If you have not been great- it’s time to pick yourself up and wipe yourself off -lick your wounds and move on to a positive place. Make your week a happy healthy and on program weight loss week. Because only you have the power, strength and want to make this week and this month amazing.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Final Thoughts…. There will always be some kind of mountain that is on your path and in your way – emotional, physical, social – they can all make you weak and over eat.  Staying in your power and staying mindful is what keeps you on your path and what helps you climb over those mountains. Always remind yourself why you are doing this and how important it is to you. Every mountain you climb over will help your next mountain be easier to climb than the one before. Keep moving forward and work hard everyday and remind yourself when you are in the face of temptation – that there is no better feeling then being in your own power.  When you stay on program especially in the most challenging of times is when you will get the best results. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
clean eatingdieteatcleanfamilyfeel goodhappyhealthyHealthy TipsLifestyleMotivationweight loss



How often we say it.  How often we promise to do it.  Yet, how rarely do we actually do the best we can? When we do — when we use all our efforts, when we push through old and new boundaries — the satisfaction is enormous and the rewards are sweeter because we earned them.  But the first thing you have to come to terms with is your best really your best?  Mindset is everything when it comes to weight loss.  When you wake up in the morning and tell yourself —  “That’s it!” — You are tired of giving every one else your best,  NOW you are going to give yourself your best too!!  You are going to put yourself in a place that no matter what —  you will do the right thing.  You will make sure you walk away when you have to and you will plan, prepare and follow through each day.  You not only promise yourself — but you fight through the tough times and you don’t let anything  or anyone set you back.  So don’t just SAY you are going to try your best THINK IT, BELIEVE IT AND DO IT.  Because if you believe that you are going to be amazing then you will be amazing and if you think it’s too hard you can’t do it — you won’t do it.

From the time you wake up in the morning how you think about yourself and your day is going to have a huge impact on your results.  Last week we went over how important it is to Fall in love with taking care of yourself.  This week I want you to continue that but be excited about it.  Be excited about the scale. Be excited about feeling good.  Be excited about doing the right things…. And be excited because you are in control of your life and you make the decisions on whether or not you want to live healthy, be thin and feel amazing.  No one makes those choices for you.  How exciting that you get to wake up today and decide that you want to take care of your body, your mind, your health.  You want to work hard toward a goal and you are the only one who can get in the way of that goal.  What you want, how bad you want it and hard you work for it will determine your success.  How amazing is that — and how EXCITING!

Keep the NEGATIVE OUT:  Keep the negative people away, and keep the negative emotions out of your mind.   Negative people will always be around.  Sometimes we can control their presence and sometimes we can’t.  But you always CAN control what you take from them.  If you have no choice to be around negative people then it’s important to keep your mindset extra strong.  Don’t let them take you to their dark side.  Don’t let them talk you into ordering something you don’t want.  Don’t let them convince you how hard weight loss is (we already know how hard it is no one has to tell us).  Most of all don’t let them take you off your path.  Unfortunately even our closest people can take us off our healthy path just because they are in a bad place.   The bottom line is misery loves company.  It doesn’t mean they don’t love you it just means they want you to share in their misery at that moment.  What you do and how you react is your choice.  And while it may only be one bad day for them — that one bad moment for you might take you off your path for a week — and then where does that leave you?  Stick to what works for — if they love you they will be okay with it.  If they are not okay with it then you should re-evaluate your people.




KEEP THE NEGATIVE EMOTIONS OUT OF IT:  I can’t, it’s too hard, im sick of it, I should weigh less by now, I want to be at my goal already, they made me do it. I didn’t want to go off I had no choice ……. I can literally go on with this list forever.  I have heard it all.  If you want to change your results – THEN CHANGE YOUR WORDS.   The words you tell yourself are the words you will live —  so every time you catch yourself being negative — STOP AND PAUSE and then reverse it.  Even if you don’t feel it reverse it anyway and keep your words and thoughts positive.  The more you do it the more it will become second nature.  No one wants to hear you crying — You don’t even want to hear you crying. Everyone has their own problems and is trying to get through their own tough days.  Im sure you are even sick of listening to all the negative excuses that comes out of your mouth — so think of how your family and friends feel.  Negative talk does nothing but create negative actions which result in negative results.   KEEP IT POSITIVE- POSITIVE -POSITIVE!  The more positive you talk to yourself the better results you will think…..  The more positive you results you think the more positive you will speak……  the more positive results you speak the better results you will feel.  While I know you already know all of this — it never hurts to be reminded so you can reevaluate your words, thoughts and environment.  We can fool others.  But we can’t fool ourselves.  When you are honest with yourself it will bring freedom for you to work harder.  Only you truly know what your best is.  And when you give less than your best those are the results you have to live with.



~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
clean eatingdieteatcleanfamilyfeel goodhealthyHealthy TipsLifestyleweight loss


Halloween Pumpkins, Ghosts, Thanksgiving, Fall Shopping, Leaves Changing….

What is not to Love about Fall?!

Sometimes it’s not enough to just take care of your body.  When you FALL in love with taking care of your mind and body it can be life changing.  It doesn’t matter where you are right now — if you are just starting, have been on program or returning…  wherever you are the most important thing to start with is to remind yourself daily how important it is to feel good about yourself and how happy it makes you when you are doing the right things —  and you are the only person that can make that happen.


In the beginning of the program (the first couple of weeks) you just need to get through the weeks to get to your cheat day.  The Cheat Day is life saving as it helps you stay on program the other six weight loss days.  but after a couple of weeks and after seeing some really nice changes — it should start to become more than getting through your six clean days to get to your cheat day.  In fact, it should start to reverse.   You should start to live for the six clean days.  The Cheat Day is fun and always look forward to it, but your body and mind should begin to understand and take notice that you feel your very best on your six clean days.  Mentally you start to look forward to them — at the end of your Cheat Day you can’t wait to eat clean the next day.  You can’t wait for a couple of clean days to pass — so you can feel better and get back to the lighter and cleaner feeling you love.  You can’t wait to get back on the track of eating clean knowing that you are back to fueling your body with healthy and clean eating and in return it’s working your numbers in the right direction.  By mid week you should begin to get excited wondering what you will lose this week.  The closer you are to your menu the more weight you will lose.  Will you see a new number and will it be the lowest one you have seen in a long time?  It is so exciting to take care of yourself to the point of loving it.  Loving how you feel and loving how it’s changing you mentally and physically.  When you love feeling good, healthy, lighter, fitter and thinner there is truly no better feeling and no better way to live.  It’s a positive addiction that you should want and love.

 Clients literally text me all the time and say “I have to start sending my food again”, or “I have to get back on program.”  A client just texted me yesterday and said “I have to get back on program.  I don’t know why I go off program every time I am off program I am miserable and when I’m on program doing the right things and taking care of my body I am so happy.  My husband told me last night it’s time to get back to Josephine.  He didn’t say it because of the weight he said it because he knows how happy and good I feel when I am on program and he sees how miserable I am when I’m off.”   MY RESPONSE: YAY!!!! — that of course makes me so happy!  I never want anyone unhappy but it absolutely thrills me when clients realize that being on program is when they are the happiest.  They are the happiest because they feel the best.  So why do we go off program when being on makes us so happy?  The answer is simple — no matter how great being on program makes us feel we will always have little slip ups and hiccups because life gets in the way.  And once it’s in the way and we lose that control —  our brain takes over and it can take days, weeks and sometimes months to get back on path.  But the most important thing is that you do get back on path because you know that is when you feel the absolute best!

 This week try focusing on your six clean days instead of focusing on your Cheat Day.  Think about each  day and how good you feel when you go to bed because you followed the program and stayed 100%, and think about how amazing you feel when you wake up.  Whenever we do the right things for our body it changes us as people.  We are happier, and proud of ourself and how we are treating our bodies.  We are proud of the way we look and feel.  I don’t think anyone can say that they don’t feel anything but amazing when they get dressed in the morning and feel great in their clothes.  If you want that to be you then you need to work for it.  If you want to feel good all week then you need to stay focused and positive about your clean days.  Don’t focus on the one Cheat Day — focus on how you feel the six clean days…  you feel lighter, healthier, thinner — and how you feel when you followed all week and at the end of that week you step on the scale — so proud, super happy, like you want to jump around and tell the world you did it — you followed you lost weight and you feel great!!

 When you do the right things for your body, and make the right choices, and fuel your body with the right foods, you feel better.  Some weeks will always be harder than others but if you stay true to what you want and what makes you feel the best and keep positive everyday knowing this is what makes you happy — then you will start falling in love with what you are doing and what it’s doing for you.  When this happens you will never want to go back to treating your body unhealthy — because you know feeling like that makes you unhappy.  Why would you want to do anything that makes you unhappy or not feel good?  Stay positive and remember what makes you feel your best and what makes the changes in your body the best it can be.  Stay focused and positive on your six clean days and how they are changing your body and then you will truly enjoy your cheat day.

 As much as you love and enjoy the Cheat Day you realize that every consecutive six clean days that you complete is what is changing your body.  It’s changing how you look, it’s changing the scale and most important, it’s changing how you feel.  When you fall in love with taking care of our body and fall in love with feeling the very best that you can — it no longer is about the one Cheat Day a week.  It’s about the six clean days that you are fueling you body with healthy clean portioned foods that make you feel your best.

There is no better feeling than taking care of yourself.  There is no better feeling than doing the right thing for your body and your mind.  There is no better feeling than being the best you can be.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


clean eatingdieteatcleanfamilyfeel goodHealthy TipsLifestyleweight loss

Quarantine Has Brought On Many Emotions

Now that Quarantine is almost over we are feeling many different emotions.  While we couldn’t wait for it to end— many of you now wish you had more time.  Quarantine and May has brought an internal battle that for many of you were not expecting and quite possibly not ready for.  What I mean is that while we weren’t quite sure when quarantine would end — you did know June and warmer weather were around the corner with the tank tops, shorts, sundresses and bathing suits — but with each quarantine day you felt like you had more time.  While many have taken charge and became instant sharks  —  others are struggling with the “why didn’t I do it when I had the time”  and  “I’m just not ready for this.”  It’s the internal battle of emotions that are telling you now you have no choice. It has come and you are panicking because you are not ready.  Regardless of where you are or where you wish you were you need to fight through these emotions and get past it.  Here are some suggestions if you are struggling:


DON’T LOOK FOR EXCUSES…  Focus on staying on your path and following your program.  It works and you will do it and see the results.  It just takes time and you are going to feel hungry and it’s not always the best feeling starting again but it will get better.  Weight Loss is hard for everyone.  The longer you do it and live it the easier it will be.  When you stay on your program six days and cheat one day you will lose the weight.


KEEP YOUR FOCUS IN THE RIGHT PLACE…  Should I skip my cheat day?  Should I not have snacks? I can’t tell you how many times people say I think I should skip the Cheat Day.  Before you ask yourself if you should skip it — let’s ask is that even possible?  You are struggling enough having one cheat day so why are you even contemplating having none?  For every client who has reached their goal they did it with a cheat day every week.  There is no reason to give it up — just don’t have two in one week.


SNACKS…  If you are struggling don’t give up snacks.  It’s important to have your 3 snacks to keep your day in control.  Once you are back in control then you can always go to 2 snack or 1 depending on where you are and where you want to be.


PUT THE TIME IN BECAUSE THERE IS NO QUICK FIX… I promise you regardless what you try to do quick you will end up right back here at the beginning and hopefully with not more weight than you started with.  The only way to lose the weight is slow and steady.  You have to put the work in like everyone else.  Fat doesn’t come on or off overnight.  Put the time in and focus on losing 1-3 lbs a week.  Week after week the weight loss adds up and it add up fast.


IT’S NEVER TOO LATE…  Even if you have been horrible in quarantine and feel like it will be forever before you lose the weight… just remember that it’s not about the end result it’s about every week feeling better and better.  After 5 pounds you will feel great and after 10 pounds you will feel amazing.  Going into the summer losing is going to feel a whole lot better than staying the same and/or gaining.


CONSISTENCY = FAT BURN…  I know I have said this over and over but there is a reason I say it.  To get the best results in weight loss you need to be consistent.  The consistency puts your body in a “fat burn process” and your body will run like a weight loss machine.  The longer you are in and the more consistent you are the better the results.  If you keep turning the machine on and off it will continually shut down and you will have to restart it all over again.  It’s very simple — the more time you put in the better the results. The more consistent you are the more consistent the results.  Every time you take yourself out of the “fat burn process” then you have to make up that time to get your body back into the process.  So basically every time you decide to do cheat weekends instead of a cheat day — you are taking yourself out of the process and it will take you days to get back in it and have your body start losing again from where it left off.  ** Make sure if you are doing cheat weekend they are worth it.


THE SCALE…  Whatever you do don’t get overwhelmed with the number — it’s a very simple process and if you do the right thing the number will go down.  If you follow your program — it will go down. Some weeks it may not be as much as you want and others it will be more than you expected.   When you are losing body fat the key is to keep moving forward in the right direction and your body will follow and get smaller every week.


I always like to mention and address the clients who are doing absolutely amazing.  This past weekend even with the holiday we had record numbers who lost weight.  Many took the opportunity of the quarantine to do the right thing and stay on program and check in every week and it paid off.  What I can tell you is if you want this you can do it.  You have all the tools to keep you on your path… the Innovation food, the motivation, the accountability, and the idea of summer clothes are only weeks away.  The clients who stayed focused and motivated through quarantine are not all sharks, many were turtles and snails but throughout the quarantine they remained consistent.  So while I often address those who are struggling because they need it the most, I know it’s so important to celebrate and congratulate all of those who have done and continue to do amazing because they deserve and need it as well.  It’s always nice to hear praise and feel that accomplishment but let’s face it the true gift to them is the new body that they love and live in everyday.   There is no better feeling.

If you want to love the way you look and feel then you have to do the right things, you need to work hard put the time in and be consistent.  When summer comes your emotions will be happy, healthy, controlled and you will be so excited to see the sunshine and 80 degree weather even if it’s only in your own backyard.

If You Want To Feed Yourself Something

Feed it Happiness

~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick

clean eatingdieteatcleanfamilyFitnessHealthy TipsholidaysLifestyleSUMMERweight loss


Hi Everyone!  This is your Mid-August Check in!  I just want to make sure that everyone is on the right path because we all know how easy we can take a wrong turn.  Seriously, the end of August is so dangerous for so many reasons.  Vacations, no schedules, the feeling that the end is coming or the very common and damaging — Im just gonna “wait” until September to get back on track—   I’m reminding you not to do it to yourself.  I’m not saying that I want you to be perfect.  I know in August that is not realistic for so many of you and that is okay.  But what I am reminding you is that regardless of where you are right now if you have a plan and stick to it you will feel so much better than going completely off the cliff and then trying to climb back up in September.


Put everything aside regardless of what you have done up until now.  Good, bad or somewhere in between let’s continue to move forward in a very positive mindset.  From now until Labor Day have a plan and follow it through. 

Planning is so important because it helps us understand what we are actually capable of at this moment.  Different times of the year we are capable of different things.  Some may be more strict in the winter or the summer or right before vacation.  For others they are strict because they are getting married or turning a certain age, or planning big parties and celebrations.  We all want to look and feel our best when big exciting things are going on in our life.  It creates motivation that comes on more urgent and rapid.  And that’s great because we can use it to our advantage when we have it.  But when you don’t have that sudden urgency is when you have to maybe have more of a realistic plan.  One that fits you right now.

What I want you to think about is where you are right now.  If you are struggling to stay on program then change your day.  Maybe your plan is too strict for what your life is right now.  Maybe you need an extra on program snack or to add in a  drink or two or an extra cheat meal on the weekends when it’s not your cheat day.   Remember whatever changes you make right now are not forever.  They are for right now.  So add an on program extra snack or change whatever part of the day or week you are struggling with to give yourself a little extra.  Im always here to help you navigate your day.  But the point is to have the plan so you know what you are trying to achieve.  Even if you won’t lose as much the key is you will follow through on your planned day and even more important you won’t gain.  Once you get through your planned day you will feel more accomplished and then maybe next week or the week after you can start to make it even more of a weight loss day by getting rid of the extra snack or extra cheats.  Make the plan realistic for you this week and once you get a solid week of following your plan then you will feel better and more confident moving forward.

REMINDER:  For those going on vacation it’s so important to follow through with your plan.  If you don’t follow your plan you know by mid vacation you are going to be miserable with how you feel.  Stick to your plan – even if the plan includes when you are cheating it’s still a plan and will keep you in a great place mentally which is what vacation is about.  Vacation is not about going and sabotaging yourself – putting you in a place of feeling bloated, heavy and miserable.  Vacation is about resting the mind, having some fun with those you love and staying in a great place of happiness — making happy memories.

Maintain – Follow your program and have planned cheat meals when needed.  When you do this you must follow the 80-20.  Eat clean 80% of the time and 20% of the day you are off (maybe dinner and drinks or dinner dessert or for the breakfast lovers you cheat breakfast and clean the rest of the day).  Plan it and follow through and I promise you will feel so much better come September.  You may not be exactly where you want to be but you will feel so much better than where you could be.

Losing Weight Is Always an Option –  Now of course if you want to lose weight you can do that!  I can’t tell you how many clients have continued to lose weight this summer.  Just to mention a few we have very exciting — Joe just reached his 50lb weight loss this past weekend!!  Woo Hoo!!! So proud of him!!  And Lauren reached her super awesome 25lb loss and Ilene is at her new low since she started!  I can go on and on about the clients that lost weight this summer.  They went into the summer with a plan to stay on program and lose weight and they are following through with it.  So if that is something you want to do- don’t wait — start now and do it.

Do the right thing and you will feel so much better – Whether it’s weight loss, work, family, relationships, vacations — life is about planning and following through and doing the right things.  The reason we do this is because it’s what makes us happy.  We feel accomplished, and we want to be our best, we want to feel healthy and yes we want to look good.  We have one life and we want to have that balance of enjoing it but also working hard and being your best while you do it.   When you have a plan you can accomplish all those things.  Yes some days are going to be super easy and other days will feel like the most difficult days, but if you stick to your plan you will always get better results both mentally and physically.

Final Thoughts –  Just because it’s a plan doesn’t make it easy.  We all have difficult days and it’s on the hardest days tha you have to find your strength to follow through.  Reach down and find it and talk yourself through it.  You are capable of so much more than you might be willing to work for at that moment but if you get past that one moment of weakness you will feel so much better and it will make such a big difference on so many levels.



~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick