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[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]ARE YOU COMMITTED TO YOUR GOAL OR YOUR EXCUSES? [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]What does the word commitment suggest?  It usually evokes a strong sense of intention and focus. It typically is accompanied by a statement of purpose or a plan of action. Very often, we utilize this word in regard to promises we may make about the seriousness of something like weight loss, work or relationships. The difficulty is when it comes to weight loss we sometimes ignore the process necessary to achieve that goal. If we learn to commit fully to the process then the outcomes will be what they should be. But, if we commit to the process only to give in to temptation and excuses – then you will be left frustrated and uncomfortable in your skin. So I ask you again – are you committed to your goals or your excuses?[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]You know what the best thing is about the Innovation program? You can literally go back on and follow your menu and within a couple of days you already feel lighter and healthier. You instantly get that self control back and you know that if you stay on, then in just a couple of weeks you will lose weight and feel great again. In fact, the program works so well that many times you go on and as soon as you start losing weight and feeling great you start to find excuses why you need to go off again. So  the issue isn’t how to lose the weight – we know we can go on program lose the weight and feel great – the issue is how to keep doing the right thing and stick to the commitment and walk away from the temptations and excuses.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]There are many reasons we lose our commitment: We all have insecurities and doubts. The temptations and excuses are always there so that anytime they can sway you from doing good to bad. Your doubts and anxiety are there because life is hard and it’s just so much easier to give in then to work hard everyday and do the right thing. But you always have to remind yourself – is that what you want? Yes, it’s easy to give in – we can always find more excuses to go off program than stay on program — but only after you give in and you find yourself in the place of uncomfortable misery of being bloated, thick and over weight is when you realize it’s not easy anymore. In fact, now you made it harder than it was before. You see, the truth is when we are hungry we want to believe that eating more will make it better. But it does’t. It’s as soon as we eat “ off program” that we realize we only wanted it because we couldn’t have it. Once we eat it we don’t feel better – we actually feel worse. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]OFF AND ON: In the moment you believe that you will just go off and then go right back on. But reality is there is no “off” and “on” there is only “six” and “one”. Six is to stay on program and be the best you can be. Stay mindful, make the right choices, lose weight and when temptation hits and the little devil on your shoulder tells you to do the wrong thing that is when you have to be the strongest – you need to be a SHARK. It’s at that time that you have to remind yourself that it’s not the food that you want. What you want is to fit in your bathing suit this summer and go to the beach without feeling like you wish you were someone else. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]LIFE IS EASIER ON PROGRAM: The truth is life is easier when you do the right thing. I know so many of you know this. Even when the scale doesn’t move as much as we want we just feel so much better- in control – lighter and healthier. We have no stomach aches and our body feels like it’s running properly. So it should be a no-brainer to stay committed to what makes us feel so good. Yet, temptation will always be knocking on the door……. and it will always be easier to make an excuse to do the wrong thing. Everyone can come up with reasons and excuses to cheat. But what you have to remind yourself is not everyone does. That is the moment that separates the successful from the unsuccessful — and the committed from the excuse makers. The clients who are successful keep it to one day. No matter what – it’s one day off. When temptation came they fought hard and remembered what their own commitment to their goal is. They Cheat one day a week and do not find reasons why they deserve more. They don’t give in. They know what is important to them and it’s not the food on the table. They know eating off program is not the answer to their happiness. That doesn’t mean it’s not hard. Life is hard and success is harder. But they fight for what they want and they stick to it and stay on the healthy path. They know that if they see something they really want they will save it for their Cheat Day. They walk away from the temptations and never give the excuses the time of day— because they love to live healthy. They love to feel good. They love to feel in control and they love that their clothes fit them. And most of all they never have to worry about when they are going back on program – because they never give excuses to go off.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]STAY TRUE TO YOURSELF:  Obstacles will naturally arise that will try to knock you off your path. But being true to yourself means facing all obstacles, fighting through them with good decisions and continuing on your path even in the face of the most difficult adversity. You must continue to be guided by what you want your outcome to be. No matter what is happening you have to ask yourself is this worth going off program. Is this going to make me happy. — Choose your hard. Is it harder to walk away and be hungry? Or is it harder to give in – eat it and deal with the fact that you gave in to the temptation & excuses (and most likely still be hungry).[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]WALK AWAYIT’S ALWAYS EASIER TO WALK AWAY
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]One thing we all know is that when you are in a good place mentally and physically you are a happier person.  When you are committed to living healthy and eating clean and feeling amazing in your body – it’s life changing. I see it everyday the transformations that take place week after week. It’s the most amazing sight to see someone who goes from being unhappy in their body to loving how they look and feel. — And if you want to feel that – there is absolutely no reason you shouldn’t have it.  The only thing that is stopping you is your commitment to yourself. You have to stop making excuses. You have to work hard and give it 100% everyday. Because your health and happiness is one thing that is always worth working hard and staying committed to everyday. Love the mind and body you live in.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]RESULTS COME FROM COMMITMENT NOT EXCUSES.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small] 
~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick