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Boost Your Energy Without Caffeine


Caffeine is everywhere – and many of us would even consider ourselves caffeine addicts. Some of us need our morning coffee to get through the day, while others look to soda or tea for our pick me up. The truth is, caffeine is a naturally occurring compound that can be found in over sixty plants from coffee beans and tea leaves to cocoa pods used to make chocolate – it is even found in some medicines. Caffeine itself won’t hurt your weight loss, but the products we consume to get what we need from this compound are what cause us problems. When we are exhausted and have to get through the day we will do almost anything in the moment. We have coffee after coffee, and when we really need it we sometimes load it with sugar. We look for sugary snacks or junk food to wake us up and keep us occupied when we are bored or tired. The decisions we make and the things we eat when we need energy aren’t always healthy, which is where our need for caffeine can get us into trouble.


Why is caffeine so addicting? It is a central nervous system stimulant that is technically considered a drug. It acts on the brain and nervous system, causing an energy boost that includes increased alertness and improved mood. But these affects are temporary, which can cause a cycle where we keep going back to the foods and drinks that gives us caffeine. The good news is that there are other ways to get the same affect as caffeine without actually consuming it. Here are some examples.


Log off before bed. What you do before bed can be just as important as what happens after you fall asleep. Research has shown that the blue light from electronics can make it harder for you to fall asleep by suppressing your melatonin levels which can throw off your body’s sleep clock. It is suggested that we should log off of our computers, tablets, smart phones and other devices at least an hour before bed time. You can find another way to wind down, such as reading a book, which will give you more restful sleep and you won’t need caffeine the next day.


Small bursts of activity. Believe it or not, getting active can help wake you up and boost your energy. Going for a brief walk is a simple, low impact way to get your body moving. Stretching can help loosen you up and relieve tension, and also warm your body up and wake it up. Getting some fresh air and sunshine can boost your mood, clear your mind and give you a little restart to the day. Letting the sun shine through your windows in the morning can also help get you out of bed naturally.


Eat a healthy breakfast! Breakfast being the most important meal of the day is true for many reasons. If you have a healthy, hearty breakfast in the morning it will help power you through the day. Whole wheat and protein are both great options, like egg whites or whole wheat toast with peanut butter and banana.


Take a power nap or meditation. Though not all of us have the time or opportunity, a 20-40 minute power nap can help increase your alterness and performance. Meditation is an easy alternative that you can do from almost anywhere. It will also help you de-stress and regroup, which might mean that your focus can return when your head is in the right place and you don’t need help from caffeine to get through they day.


Make sure you are hydrated. Even just a 1.5% loss in your normal water volume can cause you to feel fatigued, unable to concentrate and it can damped your mood. Dehydration isn’t always our first thought when we look to the causes of our loss in energy, but luckily it is easily fixable. Keeping a bottle or glass of water nearby is a good way to make sure you are drinking enough during the day.


Even when we feel stuck, there are always healthy alternatives. We sometimes feel forced in certain situations, but all of our choices are ours to make. So then next time you look for caffeine, try one of these alternatives first.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018