Incentive Week Day 5!


The SNOW IS COMING!   For many of our clients around the globe snow has arrived or is arriving. While the snow will be packing inches on the ground make sure it doesn’t cause you to pack inches on your body as well. You know yourself better then anyone. When you are food shopping for the storm make sure that the choices you pick are on program. Make sure you plan ahead. Don’t give yourself reason to stray off path. Because when the snow comes and goes, you will be the one left standing with extra weight to take off. There are so many things to do while it’s snowing that doesn’t include food:

1)  Play board games.
2)  Watch a movie with popcorn and cut up apples.
3)  Cook a healthy dinner like the zucchini linguini with sauce and cheese and add some chicken meatballs for the family.
4)  Write a list of what you want to accomplish this year. Studies show the more you review your goals the more attainable they will be.
5)  Shop online for bathing suits and summer outfits.
6)  Sleigh riding, build a snow man and make some snow angels.  
7)  Snow ball fight — use some energy – go out and have some fun with the family and have a family snow ball fight!  
8)  Get something accomplished – clean out the closets for the new year. Get rid of any clothes you no longer want to be in!
9)  Make one of the days your cheat day and have a blast!
There are so many fun exciting things to do that do not have to have unhealthy food at the top of the list.  But like anything else it has to be up to you to make it happen. Set the tone and follow through with it. Remember, we are our own best friend but our own worst enemy. Make sure you shop for foods that are not your favorite. You will tell yourself the cookies are for everyone else when you know deep down you are the only one who eats it. Don’t buy it. Don’t tempt yourself with anything that you know will make you cave. Plan and shop for a cheat day and a clean day. Along with your cheat day food choices make sure you have your healthy foods on hand – vegetables, bars, fruits, yogurts, pb bites, cereal, popcorn, nuts. Whatever your favorite go to meals and snacks are, that’s what you should have in the cabinet. Most important to remember – it’s ONE CHEAT DAY and the rest are clean days. You won’t be stuck in the house for a month or even a week so don’t shop for it. By Monday, everyone will be on a normal schedule. You want to wake up Monday morning feeling good about your weekend because you know YOU DID THE RIGHT THING 🙂 
Doing the right thing has power.     — Laura Linney
~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018