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Tag: how to

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Be Powerful, Be Positive, Be Amazing!


Did you know that your mind is so powerful it can actually heal you! When you are positive you are powerful and then you are amazing! Studies show that some positive people have such powerful minds that they can actually heal themselves from illnesses. Of course it’s with the help of medicine and sometimes surgery. But the point is, negative people bring negative situations into their life and positive will bring positive.

 A positive person anticipates happiness, health and success, and believes he or she can overcome any obstacle and difficulty. Health benefits that positive thinking may provide include:
– Increased life span
– Lower rates of depression
– Lower levels of distress
– Greater resistance to the common cold
– Better psychological and physical well-being
– Reduced risk of death 
– Better coping skills during hardships and times of stress
– Weight loss


That’s right – weight loss! Of course the examples above are all important, but the key I want you to focus on is that your mind is so powerful that when you want something enough and you are positive about it you can talk yourself into it. If you are positive and really want to lose weight you can talk yourself into not being hungry. You can talk yourself into being thin! If you don’t believe it – then you are being negative 🙁 
When you are positive you believe you are powerful. In fact, you believe you can do anything you set your mind to. If you want it, you can do it – It’s a way of life. Everyday you need to talk to yourself about being positive, and about living positive and most important, believing in yourself. We all know that being positive is a lot healthier than being negative. But did you know that you can actually train your brain to be positive? For some people, being positive is not as easy as it is for others. The power of positive thinking goes way behind just being happy. It is all about approaching life and the obstacles in it with a confident attitude. Facing the day with “I can do this!” because “I can do anything!”
How do you train the brain? You have to tell yourself everyday that this is your life and you can do anything and be the person you want to be. You have to believe that everything and anything is possible. You have to want to be happy and you have to want to be amazing everyday.    
When my clients come in to my office I love to use the Eeyore and Tigger analogy:
EEYORE: When clients are not doing the right thing for themselves and they are eating the wrong foods and it makes them feel terrible – they come to me with their head down and they are a little sad and I call them “Eeyore”. I tell them that because they are not doing the right thing they are portraying to the world that they are down, sad, and mopey. Most of the time you don’t even realize that is how you are walking around. But when you are not happy, positive and confident…it’s shows.  
TIGGER: When clients come in doing the right thing and eating the right food and losing weight and feeling great – they come in with a big “Hi!” and they are light on their feet, hopping around…they can’t wait to get on the scale. They are talking and telling me how great they have been following and all the wonderful things they have going on…They are my “Tigger”. They are happy and bubbly and it shows everywhere they go.  
So what you have to think of now is who are you – Are you Eeyore or Tigger? But more importantly, who do you want to be…I would hope the answer is Tigger. Who doesn’t want to be happy and bubbly and healthy and feeling great. The only way you will feel great, happy, positive and powerful is when you are doing the right thing for your body and your mind. You have to wake up everyday wanting to be the best you can be. Loving the people around you and going out of your way to be happy for yourself and for them. You have to say No to the temptations and welcome the healthy foods you can have. You have to enjoy the exercise and love to be on a healthy path. Life is hard and it’s easy to get down on yourself. But if you are not in a good place today – with your weight, your job, a relationship – you are the only person who can change that. You are the only person who can make the changes in your life to be happy TO BE TIGGER! You are the only one who can become the person you want to be. Don’t sit around blaming everything around you – that’s negative. Be positive and start today and change what needs to be changed.  
HOW DO YOU CHANGE IT: The best way to change anything is to have a plan. Write down what you want and what you want to accomplish. Give yourself a goal date. Then make little goals to reach the big goal and work each day to accomplish it. 
EXAMPLE: If you want to lose 20 lbs by September 1.  
– Write it down and have your program handy and how you are going to eat clean and healthy and the foods that work for you.  

 – Plan what exercises you will do and on what days.   

 – Then write little goals that will help you reach your big goal.  

            – For example:  If you started today you want to take off 4 lbs by July 1st — and then 2 lbs every week until September 1 = 20 lbs

                    – I bet you are thinking right now -WOW!  If I follow this I can lose 20 lbs by September 1! YES YOU CAN!

See, you are the only person who keeps getting in the way of what you really want. It’s not the food, it’s not anyone around you…It’s 110% you. Just like you are the only one who can make it happen you are also the only one who can stand in your own way and make it not happen. So, if you want to change your life in a positive way, start by being positive and happy. Today…right now…this moment…be happy about making positive changes. Wake up every day and follow your plan and reach your goal. Nothing amazing changes in a day. To become amazing – It takes hard work and a powerful and positive mind that includes perseverance and happiness.…..start one day at a time.  
In a world where you can be anything
Be powerful & Positive
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~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

How To Stick To Your New Year’s Resolution


It’s time to shake off that holiday haze and get back to reality. Some people see it as a welcome end to a hectic and busy holiday season, while some may still be clinging to the last few moments of celebration. Either way, for almost everyone it is time to go back to school or work, say goodbye to your relatives and put the decorations back in the attic. Returning to your usual work or class schedule is impossible to avoid so maybe you’re thinking about taking your time getting back to your weight loss plan. January 1st was still part of the holiday break so maybe you planned to get serious about your resolution today…But you weren’t ready to get up when the alarm clock went off this morning, so forget about having your head in the right place when it comes choosing what to eat this week. And those leftovers shouldn’t go to waste, right? The passing of another holiday season and the stress of going back to your regular routine may make you feel overwhelmed, but now is not the time to shy away from your commitment to your resolution. Take this as an opportunity to kick things into high gear. Use this fresh start to build on what you have been doing.


But beware – the worst thing you can do right now is go overboard. Putting too many things on your plate or trying to quit certain things “cold turkey” can make you weaker and crumble under pressure. If you have a long list of strict resolutions or things you want to accomplish (quit candy, cut alcohol consumption, exercise more, drink less soda, drink more water, eat more vegetables, get healthy, try juicing or a detox, eat more protein and focus on your weight loss, etc.) all at the same time, your brain is going to be the one getting the workout instead of your body. When you split your attention and have too many priorities it can actually make it harder to accomplish anything at all. For example, if you over do it at the gym it just means you’ll probably dread exercising and be less likely to workout. Instead, push yourself just beyond your comfort zone without getting too intense. Similarly, if you were to skip meals or try some crash diet you are basically setting yourself up for failure. Making changes to your eating and exercise habits is possible when done right.


The best way to succeed is to break up your resolution into manageable pieces. You should make realistic goals that are specific to you. If you have never been a runner and then decide to run a marathon next month, you should probably reconsider. Or if you want to cut down on how much sugar you consume, you will probably be feeling cravings after just a day or two without it. Your brain automatically prefers comfortable, old habits over new and different ones. For a while, for example, you will still crave sugar or resist going for a jog, but eventually you will be running a full marathon and will have left those sugar cravings behind. The most important part of this idea is to have a plan and hold yourself accountable. Make clear goals for each month or week and keep track of them. If you miss a goal, it’s not the end of the world. Readjust your plan and keep going. You’re not giving yourself any excuses to quit, you’re actually ensuring your success.


Most of all, it’s important to remember that this will take time. It is commonly felt that resolutions need to be accomplished within the beginning of the new year for them to count, but remember that a year is 12 months. It’s not a January Resolution, it’s a New Year’s Resolution. Changing your habits and completing a major accomplishment won’t happen over night. The changes may be small and gradual, but that doesn’t make them any less of a success. By the end of the year you will have accomplished so much that you never thought would ever be possible right now. The same way you start with simple, short phrases when you learn a new language – start small and you will see major results.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Workouts You Can Do From Home

As the temperature drops, you may find it harder and harder to get out and exercise. Just thinking about getting outdoors or getting in your car when it’s dark and cold out can make you want to stay inside until spring, but just because you don’t leave the house that doesn’t mean you can’t get in a workout.


Here are two easy routines no matter what your skill level is. Each should start with a 5 minute warm up and end with a 5 minute cool down. Alternate them Monday/Wednesday/Friday and Tuesday/Thursday, then you can choose one to do on Saturday and one on Sunday, or choose your own 30 minute workout activity.  For both routines, you should increase your workout each week by working your way up to 3 sets of each exercise with 30 seconds of rest between sets, doing 10-12 repetitions per set.


The first starts with 10 Jumping Jacks. Jumping Jacks are a great way to elevate your heart rate and get a full body work out that engages all your large muscle groups. Next, do one set of Jump Rope (invisible option if you don’t actually have a jump rope). If you choose to invest in a jump rope, it’s an affordable workout accessory that fits in almost any drawer, closet or gym bag. Jumping rope is another excellent way to get your heart pumping to improve cardiovascular fitness and strengthen muscles. Finally, end this workout with a set of 10 Bicycle Crunches. To do these, take the position of a normal sit-up with legs bent and off the ground, and hands behind your head. Pull your left knee towards your right elbow, return your legs and body to the starting position, then do the same with your right knee and left shoulder. This modified crunch gives you an abdominal workout while also working your hip flexors.


The other workout routine starts with a set of 10 Bicep Curls. Hold a 3lbs weight, or a 12oz full bottle of water. While the other exercises engage most of your body, this one is a targeted workout. Weight lifting will help build strong bones and increase your stamina. Next, do a set of 10 Sumo Squats. To get into position, your feet should be wider than your shoulders width apart with toes pointed out and knees over your toes. Regular squats work your glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, hip flexors and calves, and while this exercise does all that, it also focuses on your inner thighs. Next in this routine is a set of 10 Tricep Extensions while holding 3lbs weights or a 12oz full bottle of water. This exercise involves extending your weights behind your head. Your triceps help stabilize your shoulder joint and act as extensors of the elbow and shoulder, so as your triceps become stronger, the strength and flexibility of your arms will increase. End this exercise with 10 thirty second planks (beginners start with as many as you can do and increase as your strength and endurance improve). Plank pose is a great way to engage your whole body, including shoulders, neck, arms, chest, back, abs and legs. This pose will help improve your strength, flexibility and posture. This is also a great workout if you spend a lot of time sitting at a desk by releasing tension in your shoulders, back and legs.


Visit our “Workouts You Can Do From Home” page on our website to learn more about proper positioning and execution of all of these moves:


~ Love To Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11730

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018