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When Is It Enough?


ARE YOU WAITING?… The biggest mistake so many people make is waiting. Is it the right time? Should I wait until next week? When summer is over?… After the holidays… Thanksgiving is coming I will start in December… What you must understand is when something is hard and uncomfortable you are never going to feel like doing it. No one really wants to ever step out of their comfort zone. But if you don’t step out of it and never push yourself to where you want to be, you will never reach your full potential. You will never reach your dreams of who you are and what you really want. You will end up being one of those people who just kept waiting… floating.… making excuses…. never really finding the right time and never quite feeling the true happiness of where you are and who you are.


CHOOSE THE GOOD… There is good and bad – there is non committed and committed, and there is positive and negative. If you let it – The bad, Non committed and Negative will always win over the Good, Committed and Positive. Why? Because it’s easier. It’s easier to make the excuse and it’s easier to be overweight, and it’s easier to float through life not really committing or working hard for what you want. It’s always going to be harder to commit to doing the right things, to work hard and stay positive. It all comes down to what you want out of life and how hard you are willing to work for it. How long you are willing to put aside your dreams and how long you are willing to feel the unhappiness of not being comfortable with who you are or are becoming. But just remember when you take the easy path you have to live with the consequences of it everyday. There will be a time that you look back and say, Why? Why did I give in to overeating when I know it made me so miserable? Why did I spend so much time unhappy and spreading that unhappiness to those I love for something I could have worked hard to change? Why did I use every excuse and bring so much negativity in my life for something that I can’t even remember if I enjoyed or not? Why didn’t I just work hard and do the right thing if I new that was what was going to make me happy.


THE HARD YOU DON’T SEE… The past couple of weeks even through the holidays and after – we had so many clients who did amazing. They got on the scale and saw the number go in the right direction and it just motivates them to keep going. In order to gain that motivation you need to commit to yourself and work hard. Very hard. The clients who reach their goal and look amazing – they work so hard. It’s the kind of hard you don’t see. The routine of staying on when everyone else is off. They stay on their path because they know it makes them happy. They know it makes them feel good and, most important, they have come to realize that their actions have consequences. They are consequences that are not worth the results. For them, it’s about feeling good all the time. Doing the right things and putting the work in even when it’s hard. You see, when you stay committed when it’s hard that’s what makes all the difference in the results. It’s easy to stay on path when you are in a good place. It’s easy to stay on when everything is perfect in your world. But we all know those days are few and far between. What really shows who you are and what you want is when you stay on program when it’s hard. When the temptation is in front of you and you walk away. When you know and commit to doing the right thing because you know that is what makes you feel your best. Think about what really makes you happy and work toward it. I am a firm believer that if you work hard and stay on your path it will lead you to the best possible results. But again, you can’t just do it when it’s easy – you have to stay on that path when it’s hard. When it’s challenging when everyone around you is going off of the path, you have to stay on it. When your life has challenges and things just aren’t going your way – you have to stay on it. That’s when you will see the best results, and the hard work and commitment that you have made to yourself will pay off and change you in the most positive way as a person. It changes you into the person you want to be – and the strong person that you knew existed. The one that was waiting to come out and work hard and take advantage of the wonderful life you have and feel good everyday living it.


ONE LIFE TO DO THE RIGHT THING… You need to remember that you get one life and that doesn’t mean that you should spend it indulging and abusing your days. It means that you should appreciate each day and spend them doing what makes you happy and feel good today and tomorrow and the next day. That’s the key. It’s not only about today – there are lots of negative things that we can do today that will make us feel great for the moment, but will you have that same feeling about it tomorrow? You need to focus and spend your time making sure that how you treat your body and mind today will give you the same or better result and feelings tomorrow and the next day. When you do that, you are creating positive links that will change the outcome of your future. Some lives are more challenging than others but you need to stay focused and stay positive and committed to what you want because that is the only way you will get it.


MAKE THE COMMITMENT… If you want to change and be the amazing person that you know is inside of you… then you need to commit to yourself and what you want. Commit to your dream and understand that it won’t be easy but the stronger you are the further you will get. Committed people go the extra mile to reach their goals. Isn’t that who you want to be? Don’t you want to put the work in to become the most amazing person you can be? Only you can do it. Listen, life is hard and weight loss is hard but at the end of the day it’s something you can control. You have to want it more than what’s on the table, in the cabinets or in the glass. It has to be about you, your dreams and your commitment to yourself and those you love. You know what will make you happy and you know what makes you sad – you need to work hard for the happy because we all know the sad will win if you let it. But when you put the work into what makes you happy it’s truly life changing. Before you know it, it will become second nature and you will feel that positive feeling of being committed to yourself and what you want. It’s always a great feeling to do the right thing, and doing the right thing always creates amazing results.


KEEP WORKING HARD… The more work you put in to this and in to yourself is what makes the difference between where you are and where you are going. And at the end of the day we all know what we really want – it’s just a question if you are going to keep making excuses for yourself or are you going to commit to being the positive, hard working person who does the right thing, stays on the healthy path and creates the happiness you want and deserve. You have the control and the want to do it – now you just have to put it into action – and when you do it you will see everything has been right in front of you waiting for you to make the changes to become the lighter, fitter, healthier person that you always wanted to be.




 ~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019