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Valentine’s Day Weekend


In a blog post last month we talked about avoiding excuses. This time of year there are excuses around every corner that will keep you from reaching your goals: I’m too busy, it’s too cold, I don’t feel well, etc. And soon Valentine’s Day will add even more of a challenge. Valentine’s Day is a special holiday for spending time with those you love, but unfortunately it tends to be more about showing you love someone through chocolate, candy and a big dinner. Don’t let another holiday be your excuse to indulge in food you wouldn’t normally eat just because everything is heart shaped or holiday themed.


Despite your best efforts, you’ll probably find yourself loading up on chocolate for your children’s Valentine’s Day party at school. We all remember those little Valentines with a little piece of chocolate or candy attached to it that each child hands out to their classmates. As fun as they are to give and receive, you’ll probably be the one putting them together the night before. And with all that candy in front of you, it wouldn’t be so bad to have just one, right? Or a couple? They’re so small, they won’t matter…this kind of thinking is never good. Keep healthy snacks around if you think you’ll be tempted and save the snacking for the weekend. And make sure left over candy doesn’t linger in your house.


Instead of putting the focus on food and gifts, make a plan to do something fun and meaningful with those you love. Luckily Valentine’s Day is on a weekend, so there are a variety of activities or special outings you could plan. Spending quality time with family and friends is the greatest gift – make it special even if it is as simple as a meal at home together. Make it more about what the holiday means and less about what you buy or give to each other. When it inevitably does come to gift giving, you may not be able to control what you receive but there are so many gifts other than a box of chocolates that are just as thoughtful and romantic. Putting in a little bit of time to give a gift that is truly meaningful like a photo album or that certain thing they’ve had their eye on will be so much more special and worthwhile. Even if you choose to make Valentine’s Day your cheat day, try not to make it a cheat weekend.


Holidays tend to make us feel like the rules don’t apply because we want to live in the moment. There’s nothing wrong with embracing a holiday, just keep in mind that that doesn’t always have to mean eating what you want and not caring until Monday morning. Just remember – the best parts of any holiday won’t disrupt your weight loss plan.


~ Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018