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Tag: love



Can you believe January has come and gone?  For those of you who have remained true to your goals (and there are soooo many of you) I am beyond thrilled and excited for you.  It’s a tough time of  year but it’s also the most important when it comes to weight loss.  In a blink, February has arrived and Winter Break is 2 weeks away … which means Spring Break is 6 weeks and Summer is literally just around the corner.   For those of you who have not stayed true to your goals I think it’s time you pull yourself together and start making things happen.  Because before you know it you will be saying “What was I thinking?”  — “Why didn’t I do it?”  and  “How did this happen?”  I think it’s fair to say  — life has proved that it can happen so quickly and if you are not moving and thinking and planning, it will pass you by and you won’t even know what you did in the time it was passing.


If it makes you feel better — it’s not just you.  Life happens quickly for everyone.  That’s all we ever hear and say:  “I can’t believe it!”  and “Where did the time go?!”  The day, the weeks, the months went so fast.  You had planned to do this and/or that — and you never did it.  But the truth is you didn’t plan. You merely thought about it or talked about it because if you planned for it you would have accomplished it.  When it comes to life and time we are all the same — it happens quickly and the days, the weeks, and the months go by all at the same 24 hour pace.  No one has more minutes or hours in a day or week than the rest of us.  So what is the difference between those who are successful and those who aren’t?


Successful people plan.  They have a focus and a vision and they plan for it and they keep planning until they reach that goal.  If it’s a big goal then they make little goals to achieve along the way until they reach the big goal.  When they reach that big goal they make another goal.  It’s mental strength that everyone can have if they put their minds to it.  Yes, some are stronger than others, and some may want it more than others.  But at the end of the day you either have a goal that you are really truly working hard toward or you are just talking about it and make excuses for why you haven’t achieved it.


There are no excuses when it comes to reaching a goal.  Even the weakest person can be a doer at their own pace.  Every excuse you make puts you further behind and farther back from where you are trying to be. But if you plan and focus and keep reminding yourself what you want — then there will be no stopping you.  Even if you are moving at a snail’s pace you can still be in the same positive direction and moving toward your positive goals.  So stop floating around waiting for it to happen and put your feet on the ground and start moving in the right direction and don’t stop until you get there.



~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick

clean eatingdieteatcleanfamilyFitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle



This week has been mentally tough for everyone.  With the threats of snow and the cold weather it can be challenging to remember why we are restricting ourselves from all the comforting foods we could be having.  but this is the time you have to constantly remind yourself that summer is going to sneak up on you and when it does you want to be ready.

In only a couple of short week we will be taking the coats off.  Think back to a time when you were not ready to reveal yourself.  It could have been last spring or last week on vacation.  When everyone is taking coats off and you wished you could keep yours on because you were not mentally or physically ready to reveal what was underneath.  March and April are transition months when the weather changes from Cold-to Warm – to Some very Hot Days.  Think of this as your transition months as well.  you want to take where you are right now and continue on with where you want to be.  When it’s hot you want to be ready for it and when coats come off and shorts go on you want to be following the same transition from winter to spring to summer.  you don’t want to be that one person walking around with a winter coat on or a long sweater because you didn’t do what was good for you right now.

Think about and motivate yourself for what you have coming up in the Spring and Summer.  Whether it’s Graduation parties, Vacations, Bar Mitzvah or Sweet 16.  Keep reminding yourself that you are preparing right now to be and feel the best you can for what’s ahead.  Shop online for spring and summer outfits and bathing suits.  It doesn’t always have to be a special occasion it can just be that you want to be prepared for the BBQ and Beach season that you love and want to be ready to enjoy.  When it’s 90 outside you don’t want to be in cover ups and long jeans.  You want to be feeling good and confident in your skin and your clothes.

Living the program makes you happy.  When you get through these tough weeks you will feel so much better and you will feel the mental strength that comes with staying strong and on your path.  When you follow your program and you get through these tougher weeks the results will be amazing.  The sun will be warmer and you feel better and you look better and act better.  We have had a lot of returning clients in the last two weeks. Some come back just to reboot – others may have let vacations and holidays get the best of the them  — some just feel better when they come in.  But what I have learned from all of them is one thing they all seem to say — Being on program feels so much better than being off program.  It doesn’t matter if they weren’t cheating everyday – it’s really not about that.  It’s about having the control, and that amazing feeling of lightness in your body that you feel when you live the program.  As soon as they had the feelings of being off for an extended period of time whether it be 2 weeks or 2 months they realized that they started to not feel well — feeling sluggish, out of control, and just not as happy as when they are on program.  It doesn’t take long both mentally and physically to learn that your body responds best to living the program.

When you don’t do the right thing by your body it takes away confidence and self control.  You quickly fall into sabotages and bad habits and before you know it you look back and think why did I do something that made me unhappy/  I was so happy on program and doing the right things for my body and mind.  Yes – just like this week – it may sometimes feel restricting but that is such a better and easier feeling than not being able to get your pants on or feeling the lack of confidence when you are walking into work or attending a party.  Or most important just feeling miserable in general because you just don’t feel good about yourself or your health.

The truth is feeling good about yourself and eating healthy is the most important thing you can do.  It sets up your day anyhow you perform in it.  From taking care of your family, to being productive at work.  When you don’t do the right things and you don’t feel good about yourself it affects everything including your confidence.  It’s not always easy but you must make it a priority to stay on your path.  I see you all and read the texts and I know when you are on and feeling good you are completely different from being off and not feeling good about yourself.  So while March may be challenging and difficult I can assure you that the challenge of staying on program is going to be a lot easier than the challenge of entering into Spring and Summer in a body that you don’t feel good in.

The First Step to Transitioning is Deciding that you are

Not Going to Stay Where you Are!

~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Life Is About Choices


Yay! It’s Monday!!! It’s the start of another healthy week. Another week where you can see a new low by the end of it. Another week where you can make all the right choices and feel amazing! Don’t look at Monday like it’s the start of just a boring work week – look at it like it’s the beginning of another week where you are learning to love to live healthy!!!! Everything in life is a cycle. When we ride it the right way we can live it the best way. You start your week off amazing and you continue on that path regardless of what gets in your way. You need to make the right choices so that by the end of the week you accomplished another healthy, happy week where you know your numbers will reflect your hard work. Every day is an opportunity to do the right thing for yourself, your mind and your body. Only you can make today a GREAT DAY! Only you can make today a HEALTHY WEIGHT LOSS DAY! Only you can do the RIGHT THINGS AND STAY ON YOUR PATH TO REACH YOUR GOALS! Remind yourself how important it is to you and remind yourself how much you want it. How you look at the day and the week will reflect on how your results will be.




Love is in the air and today on Long Island it’s blowing around like crazy! Hopefully cupid has a steady shot – because he can easily mix up some arrows in this wind. Be prepared for the week and especially for tomorrow. Many of you waited to have your Cheat Day until tomorrow (so proud of you)! That was the smart thing to do when you know that you either have dinner plans or are weak when it comes to those heart shaped chocolates! For those of you who waited, you get to enjoy and not think about what you will order in advance!


If you had your Cheat Day this past weekend you made your choice and you have to stay 110% tomorrow because there is no free pass because it’s Valentines Day. If you are lucky enough to be “In Love” then that should be enough and food a distant second. If your “Love” is not enough tomorrow then you need to focus on what you will have and stick to it. Regardless of where you are going or what you are doing you can order a clean meal…and save your snacks for your drinks. There is always an on program option you just have to make it.


See, when it comes to weight loss it is all about making choices. The Cheat Day helps you do that. That’s why you can’t split them. You can’t have more than one and you can’t pretend it wasn’t bad because you only had “one thing off the whole day.” The whole idea of the Cheat Day is to choose what day is most important to you each week and enjoy it. It’s for you to understand and accept that you CAN HAVE IT  just not everyday. And ONE DAY A WEEK should be more than enough for you. But it does require making choices. Because if you don’t take the time to think and make a choice – you are basically giving yourself freedom to have more than one Cheat Day. And that never works. So if  Valentine’s Day is important to you to cheat, then you should have waited and had a clean weekend and have your Cheat Day on Valentine’s Day. It doesn’t matter if you were going out to dinner on the weekend – it’s a choice. It doesn’t matter if you were only a “little off” on your Cheat Day – you made a choice. You make your choices and you know that Off is Off. If you were off for a day or a meal or even just a dessert – you made the choice to have your day and now you move on until next week. The cheat day only works when your other 6 days are a 110%. You have to make choices and those choices will reflect whether you lose, gain or maintain. You can’t just “wing it” and it just can’t be “a little here and a little there”. When you want to lose weight and keep it off it has to be one Cheat Day a week – no exceptions. Once you start writing your own rules and have a cheat dinner Saturday and then you do a cheat Valentine’s day – You have made the choice to be OFF TWO DAYS in one week…and that is no longer a weight loss week. And whether you maintain or gain will depend on how 110% the rest of your 5 days are.


One Cheat Day is what you get and you should be thrilled with that. When you make the right choices it can and should really work for you in a very positive way. If you really want to see your numbers go down you have to follow it 110% 6 days clean and 1 day off. It’s simple and it’s only when you start writing your own rules and making the choice that ONE Cheat Day a week is no longer enough for you is when you will start gaining. Choices are hard. But when we were young we were taught how important it is to make the right choices – and it’s what we teach our children – If you want success you have to make good choices. It’s time to start living what we teach and preach – and make the right choice that you know will work  for you. So when tomorrow rolls around and it’s  “Valentines Day”  and you already had your Cheat Day you have to make the choice – Do you want to lose weight this week? If you want to lose weight then you eat clean on Valentine’s Day and save your candy for your Cheat Day! If you want to gain weight or maintain then you have your Valentine’s Day dinner and candy and live with the consequences that it was more important to you then losing this week.


Life is all about making choices and when we do the right things and plan we can be amazing. I know it’s not easy. But it’s worth it. Because when you get on the scale you want to see that number lower. You want to feel good and lighter and one step closer to your goal. If you see the number goes up or doesn’t change from the prior week – I promise you that if you can even remember what you ate and drank to cause it – you will think it so wasn’t worth it.


Besides do you really want to over eat on Valentine’s Day? Do you really want to end the night with the one you love stuffed and bloated?


If you want to reach your goals your choices have to reflect what you want. Your choices have to be planned. Your choices have to be the most important thing you make this week.
 Life is about making choices and when you make the right ones for your body, and mind, you will realize that making the right choice is so much easier than regretting the wrong one.




~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Valentine’s Day Weekend


In a blog post last month we talked about avoiding excuses. This time of year there are excuses around every corner that will keep you from reaching your goals: I’m too busy, it’s too cold, I don’t feel well, etc. And soon Valentine’s Day will add even more of a challenge. Valentine’s Day is a special holiday for spending time with those you love, but unfortunately it tends to be more about showing you love someone through chocolate, candy and a big dinner. Don’t let another holiday be your excuse to indulge in food you wouldn’t normally eat just because everything is heart shaped or holiday themed.


Despite your best efforts, you’ll probably find yourself loading up on chocolate for your children’s Valentine’s Day party at school. We all remember those little Valentines with a little piece of chocolate or candy attached to it that each child hands out to their classmates. As fun as they are to give and receive, you’ll probably be the one putting them together the night before. And with all that candy in front of you, it wouldn’t be so bad to have just one, right? Or a couple? They’re so small, they won’t matter…this kind of thinking is never good. Keep healthy snacks around if you think you’ll be tempted and save the snacking for the weekend. And make sure left over candy doesn’t linger in your house.


Instead of putting the focus on food and gifts, make a plan to do something fun and meaningful with those you love. Luckily Valentine’s Day is on a weekend, so there are a variety of activities or special outings you could plan. Spending quality time with family and friends is the greatest gift – make it special even if it is as simple as a meal at home together. Make it more about what the holiday means and less about what you buy or give to each other. When it inevitably does come to gift giving, you may not be able to control what you receive but there are so many gifts other than a box of chocolates that are just as thoughtful and romantic. Putting in a little bit of time to give a gift that is truly meaningful like a photo album or that certain thing they’ve had their eye on will be so much more special and worthwhile. Even if you choose to make Valentine’s Day your cheat day, try not to make it a cheat weekend.


Holidays tend to make us feel like the rules don’t apply because we want to live in the moment. There’s nothing wrong with embracing a holiday, just keep in mind that that doesn’t always have to mean eating what you want and not caring until Monday morning. Just remember – the best parts of any holiday won’t disrupt your weight loss plan.


~ Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018