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Tag: love to live healthy

clean eatingfamilyhealthyHealthy TipsholidaysLifestyleMotivationweight loss


[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]As many of you know because I mention it all the time — Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays of the year. In fact, I love the whole weekend.  It’s a time that we enjoy our families, and traditions, and we are truly grateful and thankful for everything we have and those we love. While we should feel like this everyday (and hopefully most of us do) Thanksgiving Day gives us a day to celebrate it.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]NOT A VERY SOCIAL WEEKEND…… When it comes to Thanksgiving and Weight loss it’s usually not just about Thanksgiving it’s about a very social weekend. However this year and this weekend we are in a much different place. Social is not high on the list of activities with the world we live in – so while we are keeping everything more low key it should be easier, right? Maybe for some but for others it’s going to be a lot more indoor and a lot of left-over temptation to deal with. Which wouldn’t be terrible if we only went for the left-over turkey, but it’s usually the sides and desserts that we tend to gravitate toward. So while you are making your plans for Thanksgiving it is probably a good idea to make plans for the left-overs too. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Some Left-Over Options:
1) Freeze everything immediately after dinner – do not leave it out for the next day. You don’t want anything tempting left out where you can taste, bite and pick….
2) Soup kitchens – we have a list on our website. Call for covid instructions.
3) If you want to keep them and eat them – plan the exact day you will be doing that so you can look forward to it. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Throughout the four days you want to maintain control and enjoy. I think for many of you the importance of taking one day at a time — planning, and knowing what you are doing in advance is key to your success. Think before you grab – and think again before you eat. Think about your plans and know where you are going, what you are doing and when you are cheating. Don’t just plan your cheat days. It’s also important you are planning what you are eating when you are staying 110% clean and on program.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]When we are celebrating and following traditions it’s easy to get caught up in the holiday spirit and before you know it Monday morning comes and you look back and think oh no… what did I do??[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Here are some options to help you have a Happy Monday After [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]1. WEIGHT LOSS: Cheat Thanksgiving Day and Stay on program and clean the rest of the weekend. While this is a little challenging it’s doable. You choose Thanksgiving day as your Cheat Day and you are 110% the remainder of the weekend. Just remember it’s always harder to stay on program after you already cheated when you still have a long weekend in front of you. So you must really be in a good mental place to do this and follow through with it. Plan where you are going and what you are eating on program the remainder of the weekend.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]2. WEIGHT LOSS:  Eat Clean Thanksgiving Day and Cheat one day on the weekend. This is challenging but very doable. You can have your Turkey and Vegetables and you save everything else on the table that you love for your cheat day. Having your cheat day later in the weekend is always easier. Once you get through eating clean Thursday and Friday – then you choose your cheat day and before you know it the weekend is over and you made it. — JUST BE SUPER CAREFUL. It’s usually not the turkey that is the issue…. It’s the sides, the desserts and the alcohol that causes the binging. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]3.  MAINTAIN:  This is a little more realistic and if you are not in shark mode this might be the best option for you. You split the Cheat Day and you choose two nights out of the four days.  So for Example – you choose Thanksgiving and Saturday to be your cheat nights. You would eat on program Breakfast and Lunch and then Cheat Dinner, Dessert and Drinks. You would do that for Thanksgiving and then again one day on the weekend either Saturday or Sunday. The remaining two days you would be 110% clean.  This is a realistic way to stay on program and enjoy the weekend.  You won’t lose but you won’t gain and that’s great. Then you go right back on Program and give it 110% clean week and weigh the following weekend. Again very important to plan and know where you are going and what you are doing so you can plan and prepare for your on program days. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]There is always a choice and you are the only one that can make
it because you are the only one who has to live with the results.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]  
 [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]While you have many options – you really only have two choices:   1) You will plan in advance and follow through with your plans or 2) you will go through the weekend mindless and no plan and end up cheating a little or a lot each day. RESULT #1: Monday morning you will either be super happy and feel good and in control and eager to get back to your 110% week of eating on program — RESULT #2  you will be miserable walking around in tight clothes mentally knowing that you didn’t do what made you happy you did what was easy. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]My Final thoughts:  Thanksgiving comes once a year but so do many other holidays and birthdays. Don’t look for excuses to sabotage yourself. Think about what makes you happy today, tomorrow and the day after. Keep the focus where it should be – not on what you can’t have – focus on what you do have. It’s a beautiful holiday with a lot of celebrations – Enjoy all the love, family, friendships and memories this holiday has to offer – because that is what it is truly about. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Much Love, Health and Happiness
To all of you 
From all of us xo[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
Happy Thanksgiving
~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
feel goodhealthyHealthy TipsLifestyleMotivationweight loss



YOU HAVE TWO CHOICES TO CONTROL YOUR MIND OR LET YOUR MIND CONTROL YOU. Life is all about making choices, and when it comes to weight loss it’s even more important to think things through before we do them. While it’s very easy to grab, eat and regret – the success comes when you plan prepare and follow through.
HALLOWEEN CHOICES:  Halloween Week can be an easy time to let your mind control you. Especially when you decide to buy candy early. Remember they are out on the shelves early because the stores are well aware that you will buy them and then eat them and then come back and buy more. This can happen multiple times before Halloween even arrives. Don’t fall into that trap – wait and buy the day before. Yes the candies are adorable but they are the same little chocolate bars you can buy anytime of the year they just have little wrapper costumes on to make them look more appetizing at Halloween season. Wait until the night before to buy them.
MIND CHOICES:  it’s so important for you to control your mind and thoughts and keep them mentally strong. Because when we are mentally strong we feel like we can accomplish anything. We force ourselves to do the right thing and control what we want and who we become. Regardless of how much temptation is around us we choose to be healthy and happy and stay that way. We wake in the morning with the 100% intention to be positive, feel amazing and do the right things. Day and night our mental strength controls our actions and our actions control our thoughts to stay happy, healthy and fit. But this will only take place if you make the effort everyday to control your mind and thoughts and keep them both in a healthy positive place. When you put the extra effort in — your mind and body rewards you with results.
FEEL GOOD CHOICES: Each week you work so hard to get to where you want to be. It’s hard and challenging but what choice do you have. This is life. Some days will be easier and some days harder, but the most important thing is for you to understand that you need to stay on your path and on program because that is when you feel your best and that is when you lose the weight. Here are some things I want you to think of this week:
  • When you are on program and it’s challenging you have to remember how good you feel. Yes the temptation is there but you are losing and you feel good that is more important then any cheat that is in front of you.
  • What is the alternative? You are off program – eating out of control and the whole time you keep thinking “I have to get back on program” meanwhile you are gaining the entire time you are contemplating going back on. Why even put yourself through that? Why even put the people you love through that? If you think about it – it’s just so much easier to stay on program, it’s so much easier to do the right thing and lose the weight. Because when you are not on all you want to do is be on.
  • You are just so much happier when you are in control and doing the right thing! Think about it. Even though it’s hard. Even though it’s challenging. Even though you have to talk yourself into making the right choices every day 6 days a week – it makes you so much happier when you do it.
YOUR PATH TO SUCCESS is a choice only you can make: You need to make the choice that weight loss is what you want and you are willing to work hard for it. Every day 6 days a week and when you work hard for what you want and don’t let anything in your path stop you — is when you will get it. Remind yourself daily that you are sticking to your program and doing the right things because it gives you a healthy mind and body, it makes you happy and it makes you look and feel amazing. The consistency of Living “six” on and “one” off is your path to success but it will only happen when you make it a priority in your life and that priority has to be everyday not just on the days that is convenient for you. There is no excuse you can find around you and no food on the table that is better than feeling good, being in control being happy and looking great. Your path to success is the choice to walk away from temptation and stay on your path. Because staying on your path is what will lead you to success both mentally and physically. Don’t make it harder than it is. Just follow your program and you will feel great.
Making the right choices is never easy. We speak to our children about it all the time. We tell them – Do the right thing. Make the right choices. And always remember what you do and the choices you make everyday affects everyone in your family and all the people that love you. When it comes to weight loss and health we are no different. We need to remember and live by that same advice.
~Love to live healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
clean eatingdieteatcleanfamilyfeel goodhappyhealthyHealthy TipsLifestyleMotivationweight loss



How often we say it.  How often we promise to do it.  Yet, how rarely do we actually do the best we can? When we do — when we use all our efforts, when we push through old and new boundaries — the satisfaction is enormous and the rewards are sweeter because we earned them.  But the first thing you have to come to terms with is your best really your best?  Mindset is everything when it comes to weight loss.  When you wake up in the morning and tell yourself —  “That’s it!” — You are tired of giving every one else your best,  NOW you are going to give yourself your best too!!  You are going to put yourself in a place that no matter what —  you will do the right thing.  You will make sure you walk away when you have to and you will plan, prepare and follow through each day.  You not only promise yourself — but you fight through the tough times and you don’t let anything  or anyone set you back.  So don’t just SAY you are going to try your best THINK IT, BELIEVE IT AND DO IT.  Because if you believe that you are going to be amazing then you will be amazing and if you think it’s too hard you can’t do it — you won’t do it.

From the time you wake up in the morning how you think about yourself and your day is going to have a huge impact on your results.  Last week we went over how important it is to Fall in love with taking care of yourself.  This week I want you to continue that but be excited about it.  Be excited about the scale. Be excited about feeling good.  Be excited about doing the right things…. And be excited because you are in control of your life and you make the decisions on whether or not you want to live healthy, be thin and feel amazing.  No one makes those choices for you.  How exciting that you get to wake up today and decide that you want to take care of your body, your mind, your health.  You want to work hard toward a goal and you are the only one who can get in the way of that goal.  What you want, how bad you want it and hard you work for it will determine your success.  How amazing is that — and how EXCITING!

Keep the NEGATIVE OUT:  Keep the negative people away, and keep the negative emotions out of your mind.   Negative people will always be around.  Sometimes we can control their presence and sometimes we can’t.  But you always CAN control what you take from them.  If you have no choice to be around negative people then it’s important to keep your mindset extra strong.  Don’t let them take you to their dark side.  Don’t let them talk you into ordering something you don’t want.  Don’t let them convince you how hard weight loss is (we already know how hard it is no one has to tell us).  Most of all don’t let them take you off your path.  Unfortunately even our closest people can take us off our healthy path just because they are in a bad place.   The bottom line is misery loves company.  It doesn’t mean they don’t love you it just means they want you to share in their misery at that moment.  What you do and how you react is your choice.  And while it may only be one bad day for them — that one bad moment for you might take you off your path for a week — and then where does that leave you?  Stick to what works for — if they love you they will be okay with it.  If they are not okay with it then you should re-evaluate your people.




KEEP THE NEGATIVE EMOTIONS OUT OF IT:  I can’t, it’s too hard, im sick of it, I should weigh less by now, I want to be at my goal already, they made me do it. I didn’t want to go off I had no choice ……. I can literally go on with this list forever.  I have heard it all.  If you want to change your results – THEN CHANGE YOUR WORDS.   The words you tell yourself are the words you will live —  so every time you catch yourself being negative — STOP AND PAUSE and then reverse it.  Even if you don’t feel it reverse it anyway and keep your words and thoughts positive.  The more you do it the more it will become second nature.  No one wants to hear you crying — You don’t even want to hear you crying. Everyone has their own problems and is trying to get through their own tough days.  Im sure you are even sick of listening to all the negative excuses that comes out of your mouth — so think of how your family and friends feel.  Negative talk does nothing but create negative actions which result in negative results.   KEEP IT POSITIVE- POSITIVE -POSITIVE!  The more positive you talk to yourself the better results you will think…..  The more positive you results you think the more positive you will speak……  the more positive results you speak the better results you will feel.  While I know you already know all of this — it never hurts to be reminded so you can reevaluate your words, thoughts and environment.  We can fool others.  But we can’t fool ourselves.  When you are honest with yourself it will bring freedom for you to work harder.  Only you truly know what your best is.  And when you give less than your best those are the results you have to live with.



~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
clean eatingeatcleanfamilyfeel goodhealthyHealthy TipsholidaysSUMMERweight loss


4TH OF July Weekend has arrived — it’s time to make your choice and stick to it.


As many of your know it doesn’t take much to gain weight.  All it takes is not thinking, not planning, and frequently over indulging — very easy to do any time of the year but especially over a long holiday weekend.



you have 3 choices — Lose, Maintain, or Gain


WEIGHT LOSS:  If you are really motivated and the weight loss means everything to you and you don’t want anything in your way of reaching your goals then you will continue to stick to your menu and ONLY HAVE ONE CHEAT DAY THIS WEEKEND.  That means no extras at all.  Simply stick to your meals and snacks and only cheat the ONE cheat day.  If you do this and treat this weekend like any other weekend you will continue to stay on your path and lose weight.  Will it be easy — that depends on how much you have going on  — it also depends on what is most important to you.  While some can go to a BBQ and focus more on how they feel others are challenged by what is around them.  These are choices only you can make.  There are always options — if you are going out make sure you bring what you need or make sure they will have what you need available to you.  Plan before not after.  Don’t give yourself reasons to do the wrong thing.  If you want to stay on program and feel your best then follow your plan and stick to your clean meals and snacks.  The most important thing is to make your choice before you go and stick with what you plan.


MAINTAINING:  If you have a lot going on this weekend and you feel really good about where you are and you want to enjoy a little extra then you will split your days.  You pick 2 out of the 3 days and you stay on program for breakfast and lunch and cheat dinner, drinks and/or desserts; and you do it Friday and Saturday OR Saturday and Sunday or Friday and Sunday (you choose 2 days of the long weekend and cheat any one meal, drinks and/or desserts and the rest of the day you are 100% on program).  If you follow this you will maintain your weight through the holiday weekend — very doable.  But again the most important thing is to make a choice, plan for it and then stick to it.


WEIGHT GAIN:  Very easy to do but NEVER an option!


We always talk about planning and how important it is. But what is more important is following through on the planning.  Do the right things and make sure that if you planned on being 110% today — then you are 100%.  If you planned on cheating for dinner and dessert and then right back on the next day — make sure you go right back on the next day — no excuses.  If you planned on being off program 2 nights but clean all day then make sure you do it.  Always think things through — what is tomorrow going to feel like, and what the end result of your choices will be.  Will it make you happy? Is it worth it? Think about where you are today and where do you want to be come Monday.  Learn to live and enjoy today but plan for what you want and where you want to be tomorrow.


ALCOHOL – THINK BEFORE YOU DRINK:  One drink you are okay — TWO drinks you are forgetting what is important to you — THREE drinks you are done. It’s not the alcohol that is the issue it’s what the alcohol makes you do and what it makes you forget.  It’s fun to have but it can be very damaging on so many levels.  Remember to think before you drink.  Like everything else have a plan and know how many you are having and stick to what you plan.  Drink water throughout it’s hydrating and it keeps your hands busy.


FINAL THOUGHTS…. whether you want to lose weight this weekend or maintain you can do it.  You follow your plan and decide before so you know what you are doing and what the outcome will be.  Think things through and always remember that just because it’s a holiday weekend that you want to enjoy and celebrate doesn’t mean that you need to cheat at everything you go to or everyday of the weekend.  You can enjoy and celebrate everything without constantly indulging unhealthy weight gaining foods.  We know you will feel better mentally and physically and have a happier time staying on program.  When you can be amazing and on program do it because every good healthy clean choice can make the difference between maintaining and gaining.  And all the choices you make as the weekend progresses will make the difference in how you look and feel each day.


You are the only person who can make the excuse of why you are going off program and you are the only person who can give yourself a better excuse of why you are staying on program.  Monday is only 4 days away — think about how you want to wake up and feel when the weekend is behind you.


Make good choices today so you don’t have regrets tomorrow

Innovation Wishes everyone a Happy, Healthy and Safe 4th of July

~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick 



Im sure you already listed your resolutions and wrote down your goals.  What you have to decide now is are they something you just wrote down or are they something you are going to follow.  After a week already into 2020 you may have realized writing that list is super easy — following it is a whole different story.


Regardless of where you are right this moment or where your vacation took you— this year you know and believe that you are ready.  This year we are going to make 2020 a year of health, happiness, love, joy, and healthy eating. If we are going to be honest we know they all go hand in hand.  You can not have one without the other.  Most of the time when you are eating clean and healthy you are happy and when you are happy you are eating clean and healthy.   All of these put you in a place of loving yourself from the inside out — they are of the important things for a healthy mind and body.  2020 is a time to appreciate what you have and still strive to want more.  It’s  year to do the right thing even in the most difficult circumstances.  Many times when we set out to do the right thing everything else works out and falls into place.  It’s only when we are taking the time to try and figure out how to do the wrong thing is when we get into trouble.


2020 MANTRA!

  • Don’t think about it just do it.  Sometimes we sit and think over and over and try to make deals with our self how we can somehow fool our weight loss.  If I eat this now I won’t count it because I will skip lunch.  But you don’t skip lunch and even if you do it never evens out the way you want it too.  Stop over thinking it and just do what you are supposed to be doing.  Every time that little voice comes into your head and tries to give you a reason to NOT do the right thing — you will say — “No I’m not going there — I am following my program because that is what makes me happy and makes me feel good”.  Give yourself NO ALTERNATIVE – NO DEALS – NO BARGAINS.  Sometimes it’s just so much easier to do the right thing then taking the time to figure out how to do the wrong one.


Think about this new MANTRA and how it will change your life — because taking the time to not do the right thing actually takes more work then just doing the right thing.  What I mean is when you wake up and you commit to yourself and the program and you know that nothing is going to get in your way of doing the right thing — that’s when everything happens.  Week after week we have the consistency of weight loss.  Everything just gets easier  — it becomes easier to lose weight because your body goes into fat burning cycle that only happens when you have the consistency week after week.  Life gets easier because you are no longer trying to figure out how to make deals with yourself.   There is no extra time wasted because you are simply doing what you are supposed to be doing.  You don’t have to spend time thinking about if you should or shouldn’t or how to get around it.  This goes for everything in your life.  If you are supposed to be at work – go to work.  If you are planning to take an exercise class or go to the gym – then go.   If you are supposed to be at a family party that you really don’t want to go to — go anyway.  Just continue everyday to do what you are supposed to be doing — eat what you are supposed to be eating — and cheat when it’s your cheat day.  Life is so much simpler when we are not trying to get out of what we should be doing and JUST DO IT.


There will always be temptation — there will always be a party or celebrations or vacation that will want give you the excuse.  You will learn that when you simply follow your program and go into everything with the right attitude knowing you will follow and do what you are supposed to be doing — you will have a great time that night and also have a great morning after.  If you want to feel good and see the results you have to start by committing to yourself and the program and trust yourself and the trust the program.  You see all the clients who lose weight on it.  You know when you do it how immediately better you feel.  Just commit to doing the right thing and following through with the right choices in 2020!  Because when you do — it won’t matter what you have on your path you will get through it and you will feel accomplished and proud of yourself for doing it.  You will enjoy every step of the journey because you will love to live the healthy balance of the program eating clean for health and weight loss 6 days a week and having your one cheat day that is all for you.  But this will never happen until you commit and move forward with the attitude that no matter what is going on you will not try to get out of anything you will just do what is right and do what you are supposed to — because that is what brings results!   And it’s not just in weight loss — When you do the right thing day after day  you get the best results in every area of your life.  Make 2020 about doing the right thing for you and for everyone that loves you.  Believe in yourself — you are no different than all the other clients who have amazing success on program — you can do this!



Believe in yourself and Just do it.

~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick

clean eatingeatcleanHealthy TipsLifestyleweight loss


It’s not easy being uncomfortable.  One of the biggest things about weight loss and getting results is we have to be okay with being a little uncomfortable.  Both mentally and physically being uncomfortable takes getting used to.  Mentally it’s not easy to say NO to something we want.  Especially when the only one holding us back from it is us.  Physically we have to be okay with not having what our body physically feels it needs at the moment – reminding ourselves that we feel a little hungry because we have to eat less than what we currently need to have weight loss.  When your body is used to eating more of course you will feel little hungry.  Not all day but there will be times when your body realizes you are taking in less and it’s going to want you to feed it so it doesn’t feel uncomfortable.  Not an easy thing to get through – yet very doable.

We live in a society that prefers instant gratification and pleasure.   You see it and you want it.  We almost never think of the consequences until after we did it.  When we are uncomfortable we want to get rid of the feeling and we do what makes us immediately comfortable – regardless if the result is going to make us unhappy.


CHOOSE YOUR HARD:  UNHAPPY vs. UNCOMFORTABLE – What you have to remember is the uncomfortable is temporary.  It will be gone and you will get past it and the results of it are what makes you happy.  If you choose the easier path and grab without thinking or caring you will be unhappy and bloated and that’s a whole different kind of uncomfortable.  So which is it?  You want to be uncomfortable a little hungry or uncomfortable in your clothes?

Here are some things to remind you why it’s okay to be uncomfortable:

  • Nearly everything that generates any kind of value requires effort, focus and discomfort.
  • It’s the fear of discomfort that drives us away from our goals
  • It’s this fear of discomfort that drives us to search for endless shortcuts.  How can we make this all easier. How can we achieve success without the hard work?
  • The truth is the only real way to get comfortable is to realize discomfort is where your success is.  Follow it, embrace it and you will get it.

If you think about how society today is so terrified of pain and discomfort.  Many will do anything to avoid pain and suffering.  We have endless pills and alcohol to make all manner of discomfort go away.

  • Don’t fall into the trap of becoming comfortable with simply existing. You must want and love putting the work in to get results. It’s okay to feel both the pain and pleasure from working hard for something. For example let’s take weight loss – It’s uncomfortable and there are days you have to walk away from what you really want. I think we can all agree there is pain involved. Both mental and physical pain. It’s not easy to walk away from something you want. But the results of doing it are beyond amazing. The feeling of waking up healthy, light and thin. Grabbing anything in your closet and it fits and feels good. Your confidence is high and your days are always great. You feel healthy. You feel like you can face anything and get through it. And you feel this way all because your body and mind feel good. When your body is in a good place your mind is in a happy place. When you feel good you are happy and when you are happy you always look amazing. There is nothing more beautiful then a happy confident person. When you are comfortable in your own skin – it makes all the little uncomfortable times worth it.  Who wouldn’t want this.  We see people all the time that have it and we want it.  But in order to get to this amazing feeling you need to work hard and feel the little pains of being uncomfortable.  When you are willing to do that you will get the results.


What I want you to think about for the remainder of January and into February – is becoming comfortable with being uncomfortable.  It’s okay to be a little hungry – you won’t starve.  It’s okay to go to a party and not indulge .  It’s okay to feel a little mental pain without having to numb it. Face your fears and embrace them – it’s the only way to get through them.   I want you to embrace it and be happy that you can embrace it and happy that you can work for what you want.   Nothing in life comes free.  You must put the work in.   Don’t wait for the perfect time – it doesn’t exist.  There is always going to be something – it’s all part of the uncomfortable.    You have to get past it.   It’s not always going to be a perfect day or situation – but you  keep moving forward and keep working hard.   Do what you need to and get to where you want to be.  Think about it -if you don’t do it now -when?   Start now and make it happen.  You will feel the joy of being uncomfortable because you will see the results it brings.   Remind yourself that uncomfortable is where your success is!!  When you work at it and embrace it – the toughness of being uncomfortable passes and you find yourself in a place of control and happiness.

It's only when you see the positive changes in your mind and body 

is when you feel the most comfortable and genuinely alive

~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
clean eatingeatcleanfamilyholidays


Hi Everyone!

Welcome back from 2018 and welcome into the beginnings of 2019.  It is a time of reality and sometimes that doesn’t feel so great.  While so many did wonderful over vacations so many didn’t.  Either way getting back to real life is never easy – but it’s so beyond important.


There is a time for work and a time for play.  Right now – it’s a time for work.  You have a straight run of putting the time in and reaching new goals.  Whether you are getting back to where you were or continuing on your successful road – Now is the time to do it.


Do not look back and don’t have regrets.  Move on and move forward.  For many of you know one week back on program and you will feel so much better.  Even if you are not back at pre-vacation weight you will be in a great place, back in control and in the direction you want to be.


Don’t sabotage yourself.  Getting back on program is going to make you feel so much better but it may take more than that to see numbers you want to see.  So even if you feel good in a couple of days I would wait a solid week on program before you go on the scale.


The importance of feeling good and doing the right things for your mind and body is so important.  Of course we all want to look good.  But we must remember looking good from the inside out is important too.


For example many of you know my hubby has started the program.   After turning 50 being in shape is not as easy as it used to be.  He absolutely loves to indulge with our boys and does it quite often.  Truth be told I always think he looks amazing.  He is such a great person.  But heart disease runs big in his family and he has been feeling the extra weight.  And quite honestly we have been together since I’m 16 and I don’t want to live without him over something he can control.  The reason I bring this up is because while we all want to look great – we also have to remember the importance of our health.  Mentally and physically being over weight will affect every area of your life and one way or another it will also affect all the people that love you.


We all get to a point where we look and say “wait a second, I am so out of control and not where I want to be.” For some it’s later than others but the most important thing is not that it happened but how you address it.  You get right back on program and feed yourself healthy and keep yourself happy.


Don’t over think it – no quick fixes. No starving yourself.  No self sabotaging.  None of it works.  Go back to your menu or reach out to us and we will guide you.  The only way to get your numbers down right now and to feel that lighter healthier feeling is to get the control back.  Follow your meals and snacks and nothing in between.  After a week you will feel great and two weeks back in the game and on your way to reaching new goals.


Embrace today and the New Year.  Be excited to reach your goals.  you can do this.  You know what you want and you have the tools to get you there.  Go with it and follow it through.  One day at a time and before you know it you will feel so good that  you will find your inner strength and that strength combined with how good you feel will bring excitement to jump start each day.  When you put the work in you are capable of everything and anything.



Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick

clean eatingeatcleanfamilyHealthy TipsholidaysLifestyleweight loss


YIKES! is probably the best word to describe how you might be feeling right now.  With the long weekend behind you and any damages that might have been done are now in the past the only thing to do is to move forward.    Don’t waste anytime beating yourself up – it’s wasted energy.   Right now you start your hardcore 100% Shark week immediately.  We have a countdown of exactly 4 weeks until Holiday Break.  It’s super important that you enjoy when it’s time to enjoy and it’s even more important that you are amazing when it’s time to be amazing.  So regardless of the parties you might have coming up or any events that are taking place over the next couple of weeks it’s important you are a shark and stick to the 6 clean days and 1 cheat day.  The next 4 weeks is all about being amazing.


I can’t even begin to tell you in the last two days how many text and email messages I received  -everyone was more than ready to start eating clean again.  Many of you even started yesterday.  YES it’s so enjoyable to cheat but it’s beyond amazing to start eating clean again after you cheat.  Think about it – we cheat to mentally comfort us.  Most of us will agree that as soon as we feed that mental comfort our physical comfort is compromised.  The more we cheat the worse we feel.  Not on purpose of course.  Mentally we want to be able to cheat the whole day but the longer  you are on program the less you are able to cheat the entire day.  Even when you can cheat the whole day you will notice how week after week you really are taking in less without even trying.  — All good things and all very relevant to where you are today.


The reason I bring this up is so you understand that even though you probably feel like you did a lot of damage the reality is you probably didn’t do as bad as you thought.  Yes you could have been better and I’m sure you could have been worse.  What is important if you get right back on program and give yourself a solid 6 clean days.  I promise regardless of how bad you feel right now, by mid week you will feel so much better and by next weigh in you will be so happy you have a Hardcore Shark Solid Clean week in.  And in 4 weeks you will be more than ready for your holiday and/or vacation.

The program is all about loving to live healthy and enjoying life.  We eat clean so we can cheat and when we cheat we can’t wait to eat clean again.  Living the program gives you the opportunity to enjoy it all.  Especially over a holiday week when we need a little more flexibility than just one cheat day.  Now that Thanksgiving Holiday is over and everyone enjoyed – now it’s time to get serious and put the work in so in 4 weeks you can BE, FEEL AND LOOK like the most amazing you and also have that flexibility again and enjoy the next holiday break.




Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick

clean eatingdieteatcleanfamilyHealthy TipsholidaysLifestyleweight loss


We all want to be happy around the Holidays.  But along with happiness, we also know the holidays can be filled with stress, laughter, drinking, over-eating, family fights and even tears!  Everyday can bring a mix of different emotions, and not just for you but for everyone around you.  There is however one way to feel your very best this holiday season….


Do you want to know the secret to having a happy Holiday Season this year?  The secret to a happy holiday season is not about how much you put on the table.  It’s not about how much money you have or what kind of car you drive.  It’s not about how expensive your outfit is and it’s not even about how many friends you have.  I mean these are all great things to have in your life but I can tell you for certain it’s not what is going to make your holiday season the happiest it can be.   The secret to a happy fulfilled holiday season is how you are going to feel about yourself throughout the holidays.  The happier YOU are and the better YOU feel in your own skin is going to be a game changer on how you feel through the holidays and how you treat yourself and everyone around you.


Many of you know exactly what I am talking about.  You know that feeling good about yourself is more than just what you have or what you can buy – it’s about how you feel mentally and physically.  Let’s face it putting on an $800 outfit is amazing but putting on $100 outfit on the body you love and feel great in will make you feel like you are wearing something that is priceless.


I know I am constantly reminding you that the better you feel the better you will live.  I am a true believer in if you are doing the right thing and feel good you  are more likely to choose the right options to keep you feeling that way.  When you are around a holiday dinner or party you will feel amazing and you will want to do everything you can to stay that way.  FACT:  when you feel good you want to continue to look good and when you don’t feel good you tend to throw in the towel a lot faster and fall prey to temptations  around you.


Between Thanksgiving and New Years you want to be able to go to a party, a holiday dinner and even a planned vacation and feel the very best you can feel because the better you feel the happier you will be and the better you are going to act and treat those you love around you.  You don’t want to put yourself in a position that you don’t want to get dressed and don’t want to see people.  We all kind of live in the same shoes.  When we are doing the right thing and feeling amazing – we don’t care who we run into.  In fact, sometimes we even seek out people.  When we are not doing the right things we want to avoid everything and everyone.  — Keep this holiday season simple.  When you are doing the right thing – you are happy.  So don’t make it complicated.  Follow your program and feel the best you can feel.  Always remember nothing is worth feeling uncomfortable in your own skin.


If you find that you are struggling at any time – you always remind yourself that you just need one clean week and you will feel like someone stuck a pin in you and you deflated.  One clean week is all it takes and you will start to feel the lighter version of YOU!  You want to spend this holiday season starting off on the right path.  But if somewhere in between you fall off you just get right back on and 6 clean days you will feel great again.  Everyone can be a shark when they want to be.  Head strong you will go into the holidays on program and enjoy your cheats when its you cheat day and not just cheat because it’s the holiday’s .  Because we all know when you start cheating just to cheat or because there are parties week after week – before you know it you will be squeezing into clothes and the happy face will turn into a frown very quickly.  And no one needs to see you frown around the holidays.  Especially when it’s something you have absolutely control over.


They say nothing in life is given to you.  But that’s actually not true.  The most precious thing in the world has been given to you – It’s called LIFE!  What you do with it, and how you take care of it will determine how happy you live it.  


Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick

clean eatingdieteatcleanfamilyFitnessHealthy TipsLifestyleweight loss

One Positive Thing Leads to Another


As summer continues on and our social plans seem to multiply life can start making choices for us. Sometimes they feel like choices that are completely out of our control. Other times we just aren’t really fighting for what we want and we tend to go with the flow whether it’s something that is making us happy or not. But I’m here to remind you that you are the only person who controls your own destiny. You are the only person who can decide how people and events affect you. So much of your happiness lies within the choices you make. You either accept that this is it and you throw in the towel and continue to get to a place that makes you more and more unhappy – OR – you change it and get back to a happy place that is positive both mentally and physically. You are the only person who has the power to change where you are and where you want to be.

Positive or a Negative: It’s really important to remember whether positive or negative – One thing really does lead to another. When you do something negative it usually leads to another negative experience and when you do something positive it leads to another positive experience. Here are two examples that you may be able to relate:

NEGATIVE ACTIONS BRING NEGATIVE THOUGHTS:  When you are eating unhealthy you don’t feel good. When you don’t feel good you are not happy and when you are not happy it shows in everything you do, act, feel and look.  When you are eating unhealthy you gain weight.  When you gain weight you feel lethargic, weak, and old. You would think because you are eating more food that you would want less, but the opposite happens and the more you eat the more you want. The worst part is you are not even enjoying the unhealthy food as much as you thought you would. It’s no longer special when you eat it all the time. Now because you don’t feel good and nothing fits you and you are tired – you don’t want to exercise. Even taking a simple walk can seem unappealing. When you eat unhealthy and drink too much you get into a negative mindset and all of your negative unhealthy habits bring negative feelings, thoughts and actions into your life.


POSITIVE ACTIONS BRINGS POSITIVE FEELINGS:   You plan your on program meals, snacks and drinks each day. Eating clean everyday makes you feel good. It gives you that lighter, happy and in control feeling that you love. You lose weight and have more energy than ever. This makes you happy. When you are happy everyone around you is happy because you are glad to share the love when you feel good. When you are eating clean and on program you feel good. You are excited to step on the scale and you are excited to get dressed. You are excited to go out!  You know what you are eating so you are not looking for food all the time. The less you eat the less you want and crave.  You are excited and enjoy your meals and your cheat day.  Whether it’s getting dressed or going to the gym, a swim or walking the dog – everything feels effortless and enjoyable.

Do these sound familiar. I know they do because eating unhealthy makes you feel unhealthy and eating clean and healthy makes you feel happy and healthy. It’s a very simple process if you don’t complicate it. When it comes to weight loss ONE THING (good or bad) LEADS TO ANOTHER. You are either eating unhealthy for weight gain or eating clean and healthy for weight loss. It’s the consistency of doing something over and over that makes the habit stick and that consistency is what will continue to give you either the worst results or the very best results.

My final thoughts that I want to share with you… Keep it positive! Be positive and stay around positive people. Work hard everyday and know that the consistency in doing the right thing is what will keep you in a good place. It’s the consistency of doing the right thing over and over that creates the weight loss. Yes it’s hard. But you can do this. You need to work for it and you will get the results. Think about where you are right now. If you are not in a good place then work to get there. I am always here for you and remember you are not the only person who falls off and has to get back on. I can’t even begin to tell you how many clients came in recently that I haven’t seen in a while. I haven’t seen them because they were doing great until they weren’t.  Please don’t ever ever feel embarrassed. No one is perfect. I feel so bad when clients come in and say they weren’t going to come in because they felt embarrassed that they gained weight back. Please don’t ever live unhappy over being embarrassed. It happens to everyone at one time or another – and for some more often than others. I have seen it all. And so many of you know me very well and you know there is never any judgement. I am grateful to be here for you and to be able to help you. It’s what I love to do. All I want is for you to do your best and feel your best everyday. I don’t care where you are – I only care where you are going. So whether you had a bad weekend, week, couple of months or year -don’t be discouraged. Just reach out. It only takes a week to feel better and back in control. It’s always so inspiring and motivating for me when I get the text messages after only one week about how much better you feel and are so so happy you are back on program and back to a controlled happy place. Knowing that each day you put in is a day that will return happy healthy feelings inside and out. Eating clean and healthy doesn’t only change your body it changes your mind and how you act. It keeps you in a positive mindset and changes your life for the better in every way.

You can either give up when the road becomes difficult

or you can keep going and make your path positive and happy!
Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick