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Love to Live Healthy Podcast



Speaker Josephine

Hi everyone, welcome to the Love to Live Healthy show. I’m Josephine Fitzpatrick. Today’s topic is being incredible can sometimes be uncomfortable. We know this right. If you want results, you have to be willing to do what it takes, and this is what it takes. It takes getting up every day and working towards your goal and agreeing that some days will be very, very uncomfortable. And that’s okay, because it’s those tough, uncomfortable days that you get through that make the biggest difference in your outcome. When those uncomfortable times or days appear, you need to work harder to get past them. Don’t waste time thinking of an easier way, because there is no easier way than doing the right thing. The time you actually spend trying to find an easier way or a shortcut could be the time that you already invested into the work that would be getting you to where you want to be. 

Now. Listen, I even tell my kids this all the time. For most of us, life is so simple if we don’t complicate it. If you want to do well in life, you must get up every day and work hard toward what you want, what makes you happy, toward your goals. Don’t waste time looking for shortcuts or easy. Just get up, work hard, make good choices and you will reach your goals. We all have to work, and it should be at multiple things in life – at our jobs, families, school, at our love life, at our health and our body. Everybody has to work hard to get to where they want to be, to make good things happen in their life. But the point is, no matter what it is in life that you are working for, if it makes you happy, you get up every day and you put the time and effort into it, I promise you you will reach your goals. You will make it happen. Yes, it may happen slower for some, but slower, or fast, it will happen if you keep doing the right things. 

Now, when we talk about everyday life, this applies to everything. Right, consecutive days, hard work, making good decisions will lead to incredible results, no matter what you’re putting your time and effort into, and when you continue to do the right thing, the journey is always going to be just as exciting and rewarding as the outcome. Every day you are closer to what you want. Every day you feel better and better mentally, physically. Every day you are closer to what you want. Every day you feel better and better mentally, physically. Every day you have more and more control, and this should apply to everything in your life the more it makes you happy, the more likely your success will be. 

I will tell you one thing, if you haven’t already started working towards your goals and toward where you want to be, I suggest you start now. Spring is here and it is not waiting for you to get ready for it. If you want to be amazing and feel amazing this summer, there’s one simple solution Follow your program. Do the right thing for your body, do it for your mind. Stay on your program. As you know, there are all types of people in the world. There are those who do and those who talk about doing. You have to decide who you want to be. It’s up to you if you want the very best results. It’s up to you if you want to be thin or you just want to talk about how you wish you were thin, how you wish you were eating better, how you wish you were healthier. If you want to be a talker, be a talker. If you want to be a doer, start working towards it now. 

We know one of the very worst feelings is having a party, an event, an occasion and not being ready for it, and looking back and saying I should have, I could have, why didn’t I? You know, some things come up out of the blue and we just think, oh, I wish I would have known, I would have had more time, I would have made sure I was ready for it. But spring is here and summer’s around the corner. And we go through spring and summer every year, so it’s not like you didn’t know it was coming. So you’re either going to be ready or you’re not going to be ready. Right now you have the time to get yourself in motion and make the changes you need to make, to see the differences you want to see. And while many of you still might not reach your goal by summer, if you start now, you will know you’ll be closer to it than you are today. If you start now, you are going to be so much in a better place by the time summer comes than you are today. 

So here are some things I want you to do to remember when you are trying to be the best you can be. 

-You will see the best results when you have six consecutive on-program days every week

-One Cheat Meal and dessert a week

-Exercise is amazing, but only if your food is amazing as well. You can’t eat more because you’re exercising, not when you’re trying to lose weight. 

-Stop making excuses. You are only hurting yourself. 

The bottom line is if you want to be amazing, look amazing and feel amazing, then you have to put the work in. You have to follow your program, you have to be a little hungry and you have to want this more than anything. Temptation will always be in sight, but you have to be stronger than what’s in front of you. You have to look at yourself and visualize. What do you want in two weeks from today? Where do you want to be? Where do you want to be in four weeks from today? Two months from today? Every weight loss day is one day closer to the person you want to be. 

You can only fight the addictions, the habits and the poor choices if you recognize. You have them, so own them and move on from them. If you have been amazing, then continue to be amazing, and if you’ve not done the right things to make yourself happy, then start today and make yourself happy. Make it happen. You are the only person who has control over your happiness, just like you are the only person who has control over being unhappy. We have the same control to be happy as unhappy. It’s always in our choices. You are the only person who can get in your own way today. So make it happen. Don’t be a talker, be a doer. You can do this if you really want it. 

Okay, that’s all I have for now. I want to tell you in two weeks from now, we will have another fabulous story from one of our successful weight loss clients. I can’t wait for you to hear her journey. So please make sure you subscribe to the podcast, because if you subscribe, then you will immediately get notified every time we have a new show, so you don’t have to keep checking. Subscribe. Give it a thumbs up. It helps the program, it helps you. It’s a great way to find all our shows and be notified immediately. I want to thank you all for joining me and listening to the Love to Live Healthy show. I’m wishing you all a happy, healthy week full of love. Hugs from me to all of you. 

~Love to Live Healthy With Josephine Fitzpatrick





Speaker 1 (Josephine)

Hi everyone, welcome to the Love to Live Healthy show. I’m Josephine Fitzpatrick. Today’s episode is Suffer Now or Suffer Later. The choice is always yours. First thing I want to say is wow, we had the most amazing results this past week. Almost every single client in studio and online lost weight. That is a lot of people doing the right thing and I’m so proud of you all. 

You know, the clocks have changed and I can’t believe we are already halfway through March already. And it was a challenging week with the time change. You know, we don’t realize how much that could affect us, but all of a sudden people were hungrier. They just felt off, and that is because you have more daylight, which feels like more time in your day. So if you feel hungrier, the first thing to do is try to start eating a little later than you normally do, so this way you don’t feel like you finished at five and there is still three hours of sunshine. Maybe save a half a snack for the evening. You know, you must remember, you are in control of your appetite, your mind and your body. You train it. So yes, changing it that first week might feel like a struggle, and it probably will be, but by the second week you will be fine, you will get used to it because you’re training your body, mind and appetite.

When the time changes, one thing we know for sure that it’s a true sign that summer is approaching. In New York, we’ve already gone from 30 degrees to 65 degrees overnight. It happens so fast. 

And so many of you are going to say I’m so excited for the warm weather, and so many of you are going to say I wish I had more time. But the truth is you do have more time. Every day is a chance for another great day and it’s a chance to add on to the great day you had the day before. Always remember what you do today affects your tomorrow. You will either do the right thing now and suffer through getting back on program now, and suffer through eating less now, suffer through the exercise now. But if you suffer through it all now then when June and July comes that’s the reward. You will feel amazing. So when everyone’s putting on shorts and bathing suits, you will be right there with them OR you will not do that. You will continue to overeat, you will continue to grab, taste, have extras bites, and when June and July come and everyone’s putting on shorts and bathing suits, you will be suffering and wishing that you suffered now instead.

So remember, you will either suffer now or you suffer later. Actually, that is going to be this week’s mantra I will suffer now, so I am not suffering later. 

What I can tell you and I have been talking about a lot lately is, once you decide to start being 100%, that is what’s going to make all the difference in your results and how you look and feel. And, of course, how you look and feel is going to make all the difference in your day. It changes everything and makes a difference in how you approach your day and how you feel throughout the day. You see, if you commit and stay on program, you may suffer being a little hungry through the day, but by the end of the day waking up feeling lighter the next day, that’s the reward. Or you will eat off program. You will eat too much, eat unhealthy, grab, taste pick. You’ll feel full and bloated. By the end of the night you’ll wake up feeling even worse next day. Either way, you suffer now or you suffer later.

Now I know we all have challenges and excuses, Why it’s hard, and why it sometimes feels impossible to do it. You know how many people I see so I could probably write a book on excuses, and, honestly, even for me I just had a bank account hacked. It was terrible, but I got through it and I didn’t eat my way through it. I might have drove people crazy around me, but to me that was better than taking it out on the food, though they may not have thought so (laughing). But my point is it was a real excuse. To me it was very warranted excuse to be stressed, and I was very stressed over it, because when you count on your bank to protect your money and someone decides to just take what you have and the bank lets them, well, that’s very stressful to me and that is a warranted excuse. Right?, To not like be able to see my path clearly, but I stayed with it. I stayed with what I had to do with food because I knew it would only make me feel worse and more stressed than I already was.

The good news is they stopped it and we had everything returned and now we have an extra protection that, ironically, I have to pay for, which is another whole type of fraud. Right?! (laughing) I have to pay extra so my bank accounts don’t get hacked. It’s crazy. But enough of that. 

I just thought I would share this with you, that we all have challenges. We all go through things in life and we all have good excuses.

I know for a fact that many times your excuses are very serious and very warranted, but eating your feelings and your stress and not caring in the moment is not going to help you. It’s going to keep you stuck and in a bad place, both mentally and physically, and it’s never, ever going to help the challenge. In the moment it might feel like it helps it or it feels like it’s worth it. You over eat, indulge in a bottle of wine, extra desserts, because you think it helps your stress or helps you get through the stress or the moments of stress, but it actually only adds to the stress. It adds to the challenge, because as soon as you are done, you know it’s not worth it. You put yourself back and you gain weight that you already lost and now you have to lose it all over again. That is never worth it. 

So my biggest point I want you to take from all this is I know there are many excuses that are very warranted excuses, but the unfortunate thing is, whether it’s a good excuse or a great excuse, it’s going to keep you stuck where you are and the excuse is never going to help you get to where you want to be. So deal with the challenge, deal with the excuse, the problem or the issue, without using food and alcohol to make you feel better. No matter what excuse you have or how good it is, I promise you, whatever it is, if you were taking care of yourself and feeling better and feeling thinner and your clothes are fitting you, you would feel a thousand times better going through that problem or excuse than you would if you were going through the same problem or excuse not feeling good.

I don’t care if you have to keep trying over and over again. Get away from the excuses and commit to what you want and just do it, because there is no reason that you should not be one of these happy clients that I have. I know this program is so doable. I’m not telling you to do something that you can’t do. You have the tools, the support, the food and cheat meal. Every client that has been successful on program all say the same thing the program is so doable. They found it so much easier than anything they’ve ever done. They love ordering the food because it’s easy and delicious and they love the support it’s hand holding. 

We know how hard weight loss can be, so we make sure we are there for you. But YOU have to be there for YOU and make the right choices and be strong in the face of temptation. Stop waiting, stop putting it off and stop making excuses. Trust me, we are approaching spring. You want to suffer now and enjoy later. 

I just did a Monday tip the other day and it was all about you have to stop losing the same weight over and over again. You have to get yourself unstuck and the only way to do that is your mindset. You have to tell yourself, no matter how hard this week is going to be and no matter what is going on or what excuse I have, I am staying on my program 100% no extras, because at the end of the week when I weigh in, I need that scale to go down. I am the only person that is in control of doing that this week.

Repeat your mantra every day you wake up and every night before you go to bed.

I am not going to let any challenge or excuse prevent me from reaching my goal. I am going to suffer through it now so I do not suffer later.

That’s all I have for today. I hope it helps an I am hoping everyone has the most amazing day, week and month. Much love and hugs from me to all of you. 

~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick

blogfeel goodHealthy TipsLifestyleMotivationPodcastweight loss



SPEAKER (Josephine)

Hi everyone, welcome to the Love to Live Healthy show. I’m Josephine Fitzpatrick. Today’s topic is Hello, March, and our March Mantra is I want to love the body I live in. What I want you to do is I want you to start March feeling in control and feeling positive, reminding yourself that any wall that is put up you will break down with confidence and strength, because this is what you want and no one is going to take it away from you. 

On a Monday, we always feel great and we are always ready for a weight loss week, but by Wednesday we tend to feel exhausted and overwhelmed. We end up having a lunch out or dinner out. We go off plan a little bit and then, before you know it, we say, “ah, we’re off plan”, might as well just keep going off. We have to remember if we want the best results, we have to stick to our program six days a week. Yes, of course, if you go off program, one of the best things about the Innovation program is you get right back on and you keep moving forward. But remember, every day is either going to be a weight loss day, a maintain day or a weight gain day, and only you are in control of those results. You need six weight loss days to see the best results. 

Watch your weekends. Friday is a day we can start to be tempted to go off our path. When you are tempted, I want you to remind yourself that every time you take a step back means you have to make up that step first and then start losing weight again. So you have to think to yourself is it worth it? 99% of the time it’s not worth it and you will look back and you’ll think why did I waste all my hard work on a weak moment? Be a little hungry, look for the little hunger and embrace the hunger. It only takes two weeks to replace a bad habit with a good habit. So push yourself through the next two Fridays. Stay 100% clean on program and the scale will reward you fabulously. I want you to stay positive and remember how important your goals are to you. Think about how happy you are when you do the right thing and you live the program. Embrace that feeling. It makes you happy. You feel amazing on program. So stay focused. Fridays are fun and exciting when we’re entering the weekend, but when it comes to food, they are still Fridays and you must be on program if you want to see and feel the best results. 

Some motivating goals. Short-term goal where do you want to be by April 1st? That gives you a month. You could lose one pound a week. That would be four or five pounds. It’s five weeks in March, so that would be five pounds. You could lose two pounds a week. That could be eight or 10 pounds. More importantly, where do you want to be 4th of July? Okay, that’s 20 weeks. I just recently did a video the other day that said for March 1st to July 4th is 20 weeks. If you lose the very least one pound a week, you will see 20 pounds of weight loss by July 4th. That is amazing and so worth putting in the time. 

One pound a week doesn’t sound like a lot, but when you get to 4th of July and you look back and you are 20 pounds lighter, it’s going to mean everything. That one pound a week is going to mean everything. And one pound a week is very doable. It doesn’t matter what you have going on. It’s not even going to make you feel that hungry because you are  not giving up that much for one pound a week. Commit, follow it and you will look back and be so happy you did. 

Okay, listen, there will always be some kind of hurdle that is in your path and in your way. Social plans, stress, tired, even happiness can make you weak and overeat. Stay strong and jump these hurdles, because that is what’s going to take you to where you want to be. Mental strength is where your focus has to be. Remember and remind yourself daily what you want and how important it is to you. How do you want to feel on your next vacation or how do you want to feel this summer? Right now, you have the control to determine your results, but every day that passes will be one less day you have. I promise you, every hurdle you get over will help your next hurdle be even easier than the one before. Keep moving forward. 

Work hard every day and remind yourself, when you are in the face of temptation, that there is no better feeling than feeding your body less and losing weight. Being comfortable in your own skin and being in control when you stay on program, especially in the most challenging of times, is when you will get the best results. If you speak to any of my clients, they will tell you yes, of course, staying to your meals and snacks is hard. Doing the five hour fast is hard. The detox is hard, eating less is hard, but as soon as you go off program, that is so much harder. So choose your hard. 

Is it harder to be doing the right thing, feeling good, or is it harder to be off program, knowing I’m eating more but I don’t feel great? You immediately feel the loss of control and you will immediately feel thicker and bloated. You don’t want to do that. When you are on program, you’re not only losing weight, you’re losing body fat and that is why even one pound a week feels so good. So stay on program, stay mentally and physically strong and I promise you this spring and summer you will be ready for all the exciting plans you have, all the vacations, the graduations and beach days and, most important, you will feel good and you will love the body you live in. I hope this helps. I’m wishing everyone a beautiful, happy, healthy week. Much love and hugs from me to all of you. 

~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick 

blogMotivationPodcastweight loss


Josephine (Host)

Hi everyone, welcome to the Love to Live Healthy show. I’m Josephine Fitzpatrick. Today we have a very special guest, Dara Gelb. She’s going to share her story how she lost 15 pounds on the Innovation Weight Loss Program. But that weight loss not only changed her body, it changed her life. Let’s see if we can bring her in. Dara. Hi, how are you?

Dara (Guest)

I’m good thank you. How are you?

Josephine (Host)

I am great thank you. Dara you lost 15 pounds on the Innovation Program. You were sent to me because your daughter was having her Ba Mitzvah, right? So that was why you were sent to me originally. and it ended up being so much more. So let’s talk about that. The 15 pounds you did lose rather quickly, right? 

 Dara (Guest)

I think I started like end of August, beginning of September. So it really I just came in looking for some, I guess, structure, some more routine, some flexibility within that structure, if that makes sense. And I was just ready for a change and ready to commit and it just became a whole life change that I could never have anticipated. 

Josephine (Host)

I love that. That’s amazing, and you came in just wanting to look and feel better. 

Dara (Guest)

I work in the summer and I had just been in a place where I just wanted to make some positive changes for myself and this program really just seamlessly fit into or I seamlessly kind of fit it into my life and my lifestyle and, with your help and support, it just really worked. 

Josephine (Host)

That’s amazing. I know the bar mitzvah was in November. 

Dara (Guest)

 Yeah, it was the BA Mitzvah was end of November 

Josephine (Host)

Im sorry the BA Mitzvah. it was end of November. And I remember one thing I loved is when you said you felt like a princess that day. And that was so special to me because that was really our goal. We wanted you to feel the best you could feel. You know, and really when you change and have that confidence, it’s a big deal. You know. It changes who you are and how people look at you, because you’re walking with confidence rather than feeling like, oh, I don’t feel good and you know it’s this big beautiful day. 

 Dara (Guest)

 It was like one of the first times, I think, I’ve worked in my adult life, that I’ve worked really hard for something and seen like a real change, not only with how I look and feel or like look physically, but how I present myself and feel about myself.

It’s not always easy, you know, and there are days, like we’ve talked about, that are, you know, you feel hungry but never starving, but feel hungrier than others. There are some weeks and the holidays was challenging to work through, but I think that the best thing that I’ve found through you and your support is really like the ability to restart successfully, that like having a bad day, you know, and making choices that you can allow yourself to make and then forgive yourself and start over. I think that I have been able to say to myself like this was a rough day, I enjoyed it. Or maybe like the experience that I was having was different than just my average day where I could make choices that are all on program, but that that’s okay, that it doesn’t always mean there’s going to be a change in the scale. You know, up or down, that I have to learn to enjoy the choices that I’m making and if I have a rough go, that that’s okay and I have you and I can report to it you know and your feedback and support really helps. I really can’t imagine it not helping anyone that’s trying your program. 

 Josephine (Host)

Thank you. I appreciate it. I know the food has really helped you and I love that you’ve really learned how to eat it and you’ve learned how to enjoy it and spread it out. You don’t sit and eat a full meal, but you eat what you need and you’ve really learned to listen to your body like that. I think that’s really important. I find I get a lot of feedback from clients who listen to the podcast that they tend to just eat what’s in front of them. I know for you especially, like I even see, because when you send me the food you’ll have like three rainbow balls but you’ll only eat one because you only need one, or you’ll eat two and you’ll separate it, but you eat it when you need it. 

 Dara (Guest)

Yeah, I think that I have definitely been more of a picker my whole life. I’ve always been tasting and I’ve always been able to eat in modification or make choices, but I just got to a point in my life, like over 40, where it was just starting to affect just how I looked and felt. I think the products that you have are amazing. I think that it’s allowed me again to have so much flexibility and food that tastes good, because what you always say is that if you’re eating less, you have to really enjoy what you’re eating. 

And I really do love the food on the program. Then when I go out, like being able to have your support and really enjoy the food that I have. I start my day and I graze, like I take it, I’ll take some water, I’ll have some coffee and then, if we go out and I have a meal, I’ll sometimes come home and know that I have a dessert that I can enjoy myself, because I like to have a little bit of something sweet at the end of the night. I think what I really love is that I don’t have to count calories and I don’t necessarily have to look at all ingredients, like if I follow the program. I know I’m making good choices and I’ve seen the results of that.

Josephine (Host)

Yes amazing results. What would you say is your favorite food is here. 

Dara (Guest)

Oh it’s so hard to pick one. I mean those rainbow protein balls are like damn. The truffle balls I’ve tried this week are amazing. But I mean all the food is good. I love the pastas, I love the cheese quesadillas, and obviously those muffins in the morning. But I’ve been having variety with them all. like my morning meal i like the protein PB bar. I just I love like being able to spread it out. Some stuff is crunchy, some stuff is softer. 

Josephine (Host)

I was thinking about you the other day. Do you remember when you had COVID and use to make them bring it to your door? 

Dara (Guest)

Oh my God, I just had everybody like heat it up and leave it right at the basement door and I would like come up and take my food and go back down. I really needed that delivery because I didn’t want to, you know, rely on anybody else to kind of make the food. It was really like it gets me through, yeah, and I enjoy it.

Like I was telling you I always keep a bunch of your snacks in the car for like when I’m on the go and I teach all day and then I drive all afternoon, most of the afternoon, so I keep snacks in the trunk and it really helps, and I think I’ve also learned to plan better than I ever did and I think planning like is really key the key to my success with the program being able to plan you know what you’re eating and plan for the times where you think you’re going to be off program and and then really make the most of the days where you can stay on. 

Josephine (Host)

Yes even when you went away with your hockey weekends you did great. 

Dara (Guest)

Yeah, I’ve learned to like, say no and to know that that’s okay, not only with the program, but you know, we talk about it every week, like in life too. 

Josephine (Host)

So one thing which I love about your story and I find that so many clients are going to enjoy it and really learn from it and be inspired from it is the weight loss wasn’t the only the big part of it, of course it’s great because you look amazing, and we love that. We always say, everything is great in life when you are thin and fit in your clothes, but it changed so many other areas of your life, and that’s what I want to touch on, because that I feel is so important and I feel like so many people will relate to that. 

 Dara (Guest)

Yeah, I just I think I was often looking to others for happiness. I’m like a huge people pleaser and I think a lot of me was looking outside to make me happy, to make me feel better. And I think what I really learned through your program and through the working hard and seeing the benefits of that is that it’s okay to say no and and not have to explain everything. You know we always talk about less is more and that to really prioritize yourself and your family and what means the most to you. And it’s been a struggle for me but I wouldn’t change it for anything. I think I’ve learned so much just about you know how to approach friendships and relationships and work, you know, and life just through you and this whole process, I could never see myself giving it up. 

Josephine (Host)

I love that. I do think it’s so important when you lose weight, of course we love that you look good and we always say that’s so great, but really what it does, it gives you the confidence of not only what you’re capable of, but when you feel your best, how you look at other things differently. And so we’ve been talking about boundaries and we’ve spoken about prioritizing, and obviously I’m a big family person so I always say, like your family is your core, and that’s where you you should always prioritize and build off of that and then add everything else positive on to it. But the key is can you really do that when you’re not feeling your best? 

Dara (Guest)


Josephine (Host)

That’s really what this is about is, when you get to that point of feeling your best, all of a sudden you can put things in order. 

Dara (Guest)

And I think you know I’ve always heard like if you’re not happy with yourself or you’re not doing the work from within like you really can’t be happy with anything else, but it really does change you and I don’t think I really understood that until going through this process with you, that you have to be happy with who you are and I think the weight loss and the work that I put in to do that and making a commitment to the program really helped me make you know what I really hope is some positive changes in my life too. 

Josephine (Host)

I love that, and they are already you, are making amazing positive changes we’ve seen that, which is unbelievable. I’m so happy about that. 

I did want to touch on one more thing. I think is really important is that you did lose the weight fast and of course we had the Ba Mitzvah, so yeah for that. But you kept it off. You actually even got thinner after it, and I think what we have said is it’s really because you just needed structure and kind of new you. I think you kind of had all the fundamentals of what you needed to do. But you really just, I think once you had that structure and that control, it came right off. 

Dara (Guest)

And your support, I think, being held accountable, you know, learning first what I had to change, and having your support to be accountable through it, and I think when you write anything down, you’re going to be more successful. So just you know, texting you and then having that support if you need to be flexible, you know, and having, like you know, sometimes you say like stop, you know, like you’re being hard on yourself, stop, or like you know tomorrow’s a new day. 

It really all just worked for me and because I’m really enjoying what I’m eating and I feel full, and so I’m able to say to myself, like do I really want the French fry in the car? Like is it worth it? Do I really like, want to, you know, eat the icing, you know, and there there are temptations, but I’m able to not do them because I enjoy the process. I’m able to kind of, you know, like you we’ve heard before in the podcast, do i really need it or do I want it.

It’s funny at the time I think I was thinking to myself I can still do what I could do in my 20s, and so I think your body changes, right, you know your life changes and I think the structure of it and, like I had mentioned before the the flexibility of the choices that you can make within that structure really worked. And you know the times we saw the scale going up a couple of times we made some changes and it went back down, and it just really works. 

You know it’s a little like off topic, but going back to like weekends away, that it’s okay, that I don’t need to sit, if I’m enjoying, I can make the choices. And if someone were to tell me, you know, why aren’t you doing this ? I can say like I’m good with it, you know. Or I can just say I’m good. Im enjoying the experience and I can stay on program even if I’m not at home doing my normal. 

Josephine (Host)

Right, which I love, yeah, which is really important. And I do want to point out because I think this is so important, because this is like being a recurring theme in my podcast, you don’t exercise either. 

Dara (Guest)

Listen I, I’ve tried and I am still working towards like two things I’m really trying to drink more water and at least get out and and walk, because I think it’s just important for your overall you know health and well-being and mindset. But I really did this with all from food and with my commitment and with you, and the help and support that we get from you and just from eating. It really was little to no exercise. 

Josephine (Host)

Love it. You’re so inspiring. I’m so excited to share this. I can’t wait for everyone to see you before and after. I mean, I know how you’ve changed from the inside out, which I love and I it was such a gift to me to be able to see that. But when everyone sees you before and after, it’s amazing, so I’m really excited for that too. 

Okay, honey. Well, thank you so much. 

Dara (Guest)

Thank you for you, for everything. I’ll see you next week. 

Josephine (Host)

Thank you, dara. Thank you for sharing your amazing journey with us. You are so inspiring. You showed us that the weight loss, of course, is so important on the outside, but how important it is on the inside because it can change your life with the confidence, the motivation, the inspiration that you get from feeling your best. I’m wishing everyone a happy, healthy week full of love and hugs from me to all of you. 

~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
blogINNOVATIONLifestyleMotivationPodcastweight loss




Josephine (Host)

Hi everyone, welcome to the Love to Live Healthy show. I’m Josephine Fitzpatrick. Today we have a very special guest, one of our success stories, Shari Rauch. Let’s see, I’m going to bring her in. Hi Shari, can you hear me?

Shari (Guest)

Yes, I can hear you. Hi.

Josephine (Host)

Hi. Welcome. One of the absolute things I love is that about your story is it’s the second time you did this. You had success the first time, lost all your weight and it was years ago how long ago was that? 

Shari (Guest)


Josephine (Host)

And then, of course, with everything, life, age, pandemics, name it, you gained weight and you came back. I guess it was like in the summer, right this past June,


June, yes


Okay yes, and what I love and I think is so inspiring and this is what I told you, I wanted to share so much with our audience is you were a one pound a week weight loss and sometimes you weren’t even a pound. 

Let’s talk about first, how much did you lose so far? 


25 pounds


Wow. That’s amazing. It’s a lot of weight. It’s insane, especially doing it like that. But if you think about it, did we ever have a two pound week? I think once or twice, right?

Shari (Guest)

Yes In the beginning there were a couple of times I would lose two and a half maybe, but that was the most I ever got in one week. 

Josephine (Host)

That’s what I thought. And, honestly though, look at like you now. Like, if you look back and if you would have given up because it wasn’t a lot of loss each week, you would have just regained the weight and ended up starting all over again.  

This is what I tell people all the time if you stop and then you just regain what you lost, it’s the hampster wheel you never get anywhere and just keep starting over. 

What I loved about you, you had that mindset. No matter what and I tell you this all the time when, there were weeks you came and worked hard and lost nothing and you were disappointed. Of course you’re trying so hard, but I never looked at you and said she’s going to give up, You were just so mentally in this. 

Shari (Guest)

And it took me quite a while to get myself mentally to that point. I mean, obviously, the weight starting with pandemic years was creeping on, creeping on, then pre-menopausal and hormones and so many things, just all compounding one after the other, making it, you know, all this weight gain coming on and I hit rock bottom and I said finally, like all right, like this is it, I can’t take it anymore and I’m going to do this. But before that I wasn’t mentally ready and I knew like I probably would have given up. The only time I ever weighed that much is when I had two babies in my belly. I was pregnant with the twins. 

Josephine (Host)

Wow, that’s so funny, but that’s so inspiring. If you look back, do you feel like it took as long as it did? I mean June? What are we in January, so Basically, it’s not even what. Seven months. 

Shari (Guest)

I feel like it’s been like slow and steady, but I feel so much better now getting to this point it was worth it, you know, every bit, of every little bit each week it was so worth it. 

Josephine (Host)

I just did a podcast with someone else and I was talking about you in the beginning. You didn’t really have that much exercise either. You started that more towards, like the middle to the end, right? 

Shari (Guest)

Yeah, and I’m trying. And you know, to be honest, I am not a big exercise person, I don’t love it, I kind of hate it. But I force myself and I mean I’m better in the warmer weather, in the summer I love to walk and that’s my big thing, but not in the winter, now I’m getting on the peloton and I’m like forcing myself to get up, you know, early in the morning and do it, even though I don’t like it, but I do feel better after I do it. So I’m really trying to push myself for more exercise. 

I wish I had that exercise bug. I just don’t. And the first time I did the plan, you know, it was really with almost no exercise and the weight came off a lot easier. And now I feel like I really need to try to incorporate more exercise along with the eating to make it work at this stage of my life, you know, hormonally and everything else, where I am, and I’m not working in the city anymore, so I’m a lot more sedentary where I used to commute every day. So I’m just in generally not moving as much as I used to.

Josephine (Host)

Right and that is important. I see you buying all new clothes, when I bump into you at RAGS and you look so happy and amazing. 

I do want to talk about the five hour and detox, because I think what’s really great to tell people is how much you basically bounced back a lot between the detox and the five hour. 

Shari (Guest)

Yeah, I’ve been doing both. I think I like the five hour better. I did a mix of the detox and five hour this week, a couple of days and I kind of felt like I was a little bit hungrier than usual, where I think I’m not feeling as hungry when I do the five hour. I have that little like hunger pang like in the morning and I get past it and then once I eat my muffin for lunch like I’m full and I’m good till dinner, but having the detox drink and then the muffin for lunch. I don’t know, I think I was feeling a little hungrier this week or maybe it was in my head. 

Josephine (Host)

You were supposed to feel a little hungry. I was trying to confuse your body a little bit just because we are down to those last 5 pounds, you know. So that’s when I like what I called it the doubling down, Like sometimes just confusing your body a little bit. So if a little bit hungrier, that’s probably a good thing. Another thing to mention is you started with just the regular innovation and sometimes we still throw it in, especially on the weekend,

Shari (Guest)

 I know, in the beginning we did more of the regular innovation and then we switched over to the five hour, which I really like doing the five hour. I feel like it just works very well for me. I’m not finding it that hard to stick to. 

Josephine (Host)

Yeah, and I felt like, even when you didn’t lose you always said you felt lighter. 

Shari (Guest)

Yeah, sometimes the scale just didn’t move, but I felt lighter for sure. 

Josephine (Host)

What’s great about that is too, is sometimes it just takes that scale a little extra time, another day. We just don’t see it, but you felt it and a lot of time mentally you need that, you know. 

Shari (Guest)

I mean, it definitely stinks when the scale doesn’t move, but it helps when you feel lighter.

(Both laughing)

Josephine (Host)

I know it stinks for both of us, trust me. Well, it’s great. You’re doing amazing, you look amazing. I can’t even believe It’s 25 pounds. 

So this is a great question. Okay, last question. It’s 25 pounds, and because I saw you go through this, and it was a lot meaning a pound a week, and you just kept at it, and some weeks, no pounds, and you still kept at it. You were so mentally strong. I was so proud of you through the whole thing. If you look back now, though, if somebody said to you when you first started, it’s gonna take seven months, but you’re gonna lose 25 pounds, what would you have thought? 

Shari (Guest)

I, it’s a good question. I mean, I think, just mentally, I was at the point where, like, I have to get this weight off and no matter what it takes. So if it’s seven months, then it’s seven months and that’s what it’s gonna be. But as long as I was seeing progress most weeks which most weeks I did it was worth it. 

Josephine (Host)

I really feel that to look back on like seven months, it sounds long, but it really wasn’t long. The days and weeks go so fast. And look at you now. You’re like a different person and in the middle of it, at any time had you given up, which I knew you wouldn’t it’s not even a question, but for other people, when they feel like it’s slow and they give up they never get to where they want to be. I think it’s important to realize when you don’t give up and put the time in look at where you got too. You are amazing and you look amazing. 

Shari (Guest)

Yes, 100%. I feel like a new person. I was at the point I was miserable. I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror, I didn’t want to put clothes on. I was just happy being in sweatpants, because then I didn’t have to feel how tight all my pants were and buying bigger sizes. It was, it was awful. And I just finally like hit the bottom and I said, okay, like I have to do something. I had started coming back and buying the food, but like I knew what I needed to do. I needed to start sitting with you being accountable every week and like really taking it seriously. 

Josephine (Host)

The last question what if somebody’s looking right now and they’re apprehensive about doing it or they’re scared about doing this? What is your best advice to them? 

Shari (Guest)

My best advice would be just do it. You just have to tell yourself mentally I’m ready to do this, I’m gonna do it and whatever it takes, and you just stick to it. You got to stick to your plan, you got to hold yourself accountable and you’ll see the results. 

You can’t be picking at this or picking at that, and, believe me, I do that sometimes. It’s not easy when I have two teenage boys and they’re eating all this fattening stuff around me and I definitely pick at this, pick at that, and that’s why I like the summer better when they weren’t around, and there was not a bad thing in my house, so it was a lot easier to stay on track but definitely hard with temptations around. But I always try to plan the best I can.

You know, if I have to go to a restaurant, I’m looking at the menu. I’m asking what can I eat? Like this is going to be hard, but you do everything to just try to stick to the plan and see the light at the end of the tunnel. 

Josephine (Host)

Yes, see the results, and yes, see the cheat day at the end of the week. 

Shari (Guest)

By the time that meal comes, it’s like if I eat one thing on cheat day I’m so full. 

Josephine (Host)

Yes, exactly, which is the whole point. Like, mentally you want it but you can’t even physically do it, because your stomach shrunk and you get so full so fast, which is good. 

You are amazing. I am so appreciative of you being on. I know this is not really your thing, but you did it and you’re inspiring so many people. You look gorgeous Every time. I see you every Saturday, which I’ll see you tomorrow morning I am amazed by the progress and everything you’ve done and all the work you put in to get to where you are, so I’m really proud of you. 

 Shari (Guest)

Thank you so much. You’re the best, I couldn’t do it without you my therapy sessions every Saturday morning and getting me through when I just don’t feel good or got to get over something or stressed out so you’ve helped me get there. Without you I couldn’t do it.  

Josephine (Host)

Thank you so much I really appreciate that. I really do. I love you. You’re so great. Thank you, 

Shari Rauch 25lbs lighter, You’re an inspiration to so many people you don’t even know. One pound a week and you kept at it and seven months later you’re 25 pounds lighter. You look amazing. So proud of you. Thank you so much for being on our podcast and thank you all for listening today to our Love to Live Healthy podcast. I’m wishing everyone a happy, healthy week. Hugs and love from me to all of you. 

~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick

blogINNOVATIONLifestyleMotivationPodcastweight loss





Josephine (Host)

Hi everyone, welcome to the Love to Live Healthy show. I’m Josephine Fitzpatrick. Today we have two very special guests, Tracey and Jennifer from Westchester. So excited I’ve not even met them visually in person, only through online, and I’m really excited to meet them visually myself. So let’s see if we can see who’s waiting to come in first. I think Tracy’s waiting. Let’s see. 

Tracey (Guest)

Hi, hi, how are you? Oh, there I am.


Josephine (Host)

Good, how are you? This is so great.

Tracey (Guest)

Sorry, I was actually getting my hair colored and it just ran later than I expected. 

Josephine (Host)

Well it looks beautiful. 

Tracey (Guest)

Thanks. Thank you, well, it’s nice to meet you.

Josephine (Host)

Me too!. I love it so great. It’s so funny because for so long I deal with people I feel like I know them and then when I see them I’m like, oh this is amazing

Tracey (Guest)

Well, we definitely feel like we know you because I’ve listened to your podcast and I follow you on Instagram, and love to Live healthy. . But it’s more of a surprise for you because you don’t hear our voices. 

Josephine (Host)

Yes, exactly, exactly. It’s so funny, even when you were doing the program, like when you send your weight, I’m like I always know everyone’s feet. Lol But I never see their face. 

Tracey (Guest)

(Laughing) That’s funny, 

Josephine (Host)

Okay So we are waiting for Jen, so I’m gonna bring her in. 

Jennifer (Guest)

Hello, yes hi, how are? 

Josephine (Host)

Hi. How are you. I love this so much. So, you’re both from New Jersey, right? 

Tracey (Guest)

No, Westchester. 

Josephine (Host)

Westchester. Okay, why did I say New Jersey, I think Jeff told me that. 

Jennifer (Guest)

Then he’s sending all our food to the wrong place. 

Josephine (Host)

Hahaha. No that was totally my mistake. (all laughing) I blame Jeff for everything. 

Tracey (Guest)

(laughing), So funny. that’s a good thing to blame the man for everything (all laughing).

Josephine (Host)

Okay, tell me everything you want to say. It’s just free talk. 

Jennifer before you came in I was telling Tracy I feel like I know you guys forever, 

Jennifer (Guest)

Because we nag you (laughing) 

Josephine (Host)

No not at all. I love hearing from you both. It’s why I feel like I know you both so well. I always feel like I know clients forever then they will say to me, NO, it’s only been in like a 6 months or a year. And I can never believe that. I am like that can’t be I feel like we know each other forever. 

Tracey (Guest)

Josephine how long have you been doing this

Josephine (Host)

I have been doing this for over 15 years

Tracey (Guest)

What about the food and store

Josephine (Host)

Over 12 years. Yea, it’s been a long time. 

Tracey (Guest)

Yes it has been a long time. Wow.

Tracey (Guest)

Sorry, Jen, you were going to say something. 

Jennifer (Guest)

I was saying Tracy’s the reason why, how we got to you and because she’s more social media savvy than I am. And I said to her I can’t lose weight post covid. I did a post COVID diet and I got my weight down but only because I was exercising a ton but then it came right back. But you know, like north of 50, it doesn’t come off the same. So, tracy’s like literally like my sister from another mother, I was like I just can’t get a hold of my weight. I don’t generally have a weight issue but you know, with you know menopause and all that. 

Josephine (Host)

Right. I get it

Jennifer (Guest)

And I just felt like, should I just get accustomed to being a bigger person? And that didn’t feel right to me. So, you know, I kind of reached out to Tracy and Tracy said well, I’ve been following, Josephine Fitzpatrick and I think this is something we should try, And so that’s when we connected with you. Instagram really was really instrumental. 

Josephine (Host)

Love to hear that. Makes me so happy. That’s awesome. 

Tracey (Guest)

And I would say that you know, for me I was. I think I told you in the beginning that I used to teach a class called SLT, which was also on Long Island right, but I taught it in Westchester for eight years and then last year I had a really bad back issue and I couldn’t work out and I was really nervous. I mean, I had gained a little bit of weight over covid and like Jen I felt like oh, maybe you know this is my new norm now that I’m not teaching anymore, my activity level went down and so I just, you know I’m not going to be in the shape that I was in with my back. I couldn’t do anything with my back and I was scared because, to be honest, I always worked out. I know you can’t out train your diet but I always kind of was able to be okay.

Josephine (Host)

You maintained your diet because you at the time you weren’t overweight or anything and you didn’t have any issues. So you worked out and maintained your weight even if it wasn’t the weight you were 100% happy with. Then when you hurt your back I remember us talking about how you wanted to lose your coivd weight but also you were scared you couldn’t do it without working out because of your back. 

Tracey (Guest)

I was scared and really your diet, was the way for me. It’s very simple and easy to follow, first off and second it really retrained my feeling towards food really for the first time. And both Jen and I have tried things together we work out together. We’re the best of friends and have very similar mentalities. When we gain weight, we don’t let ourselves get past a point, but for us both, after covid we felt like we were heavier than we wanted to be. A little bit goes a long way, you know, and you and your diet just really connected with us. 

I think for both of us, but for me especially, that it’s really about your diet and learning you know to have to eat in the calorie deficit. Weight loss, for everyone I mean, it is a roller coaster. I think it continues to be a roller coaster for us, right? 

Josephine (Host)

Yes absolutely it’s a roller coater for everyone that is all part of real life.

Jennifer (Guest)

For me, I mean, I almost wouldn’t call your plan a diet per se. I think we’ve all been on like diets (air quotes).  I think it’s a way to have a better relationship with food, Because, you know I tried everything. I even did intermittent fasting before you and then, as soon as the fast was over, I ate everything in sight and I always couldn’t understand why I was not losing weight. (Laughing).  

And so, you know, with your fast, it helps me to structure my food intake and, you know, even with the regular innovation I felt like the food and choices never got out of control for me. 

In the past like I would just pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, and it was just like a blob of eating day and this structures with the innovation or the fast is like, okay, this is my snack, this is my morning meal, you know, this is my breakfast, or this is my lunch and this is my dinner, and I get another snack and It’s just a better relationship with food regarding portions and structure and I know what I am always doing. 

Josephine (Host)

I love that. That’s great. And I do agree because I do think the control that you get from innovation, the 5 hour fast or the detox is what helps you the most because its not so many choices you know what you are doing and that’s it. Because sometimes it’s not just the amount of food, but it’s also all the choices, because when you know like, okay, this is it, this is what I am having – it does give you that sense of control. 

And that is really why I think you said it perfect Jen, the relationship with your food is so much more because you’re actually enjoying what you’re eating instead of thinking like what am I gonna have next? Sometimes all we think about is what is next instead of enjoying what we have in front of us. So when you know this is it. Well this is it.  

Tracey (Guest)

I love that and OMG your muffins. 

Jennifer (Guest)

I mean your muffins. 

Tracey (Guest)

I mean, those muffins are so super filling. I just actually, even before this call, today I’m doing the cleanse (detox) and I had my juice earlier. And it’s interesting, Jen and I we talk all the time. Part of this journey is that we have each other, which has been very helpful, And so we talked about this. But she, you know, drinks her juice quickly. But I actually, you know, like I started my juice today at 11 30 and I didn’t finish it until 145. I drink it slowly and I drink water in between, but then right before getting on this call, I hadn’t eaten. You know, 3:45 pm. I was hungry, and I ran and I had my muffin and now I’m so full. There’s something about those muffins that are so filling they are so amazing.  I don’t know that I’ll ever live without them. 

Josephine (Host)

That makes me so happy that you enjoy. I know you listen when I say – if you’re eating less, you better love what you’re eating. You know really love it and look forward to it and it has to fill you. You know it has to fill you to a certain extent. And that makes me so happy when clients tell me how filling they are. 

Tracey (Guest)

You know I have a sweet tooth which I’ve never, ever, really get over, no matter how many times I’ve tried, I’m always gonna have a sweet tooth. It’s just ingrained in me. And you, I don’t know how you make your products, but you know you make them great and they really work.  

And I would say the other thing that I think is really impactful, at least for me, is that you know you’re kind of in my brain. I don’t always follow it, but you’re in my brain, in when you one of your podcasts a long time ago talked about, if you cheat and even when we were working together, you would text us and say those little cheat bites are going to make a difference and you’re not going to get to where you want to be. And it’s a hundred percent true, because when I follow your program, the program to a T, it is, it works 100% . And when I have a little bite of this and a little bite of that, I think it’s nothing. The scale doesn’t move. It’s amazing. 

Josephine (Host)

I love that is so great. You don’t understand, like right now, everyone that’s going to be listening to this it makes such a big difference when they hear it come from you more than me, because they always hear it come from me but when they actually hear that you say it and have experienced it. That makes all the difference. 

Tracey (Guest)

It’s amazing. We don’t realize how just the little bites makes a difference, but it really does impact you and if you just stick and be more mindful about eating these things, it works and it is filling and satisfying. j I have tried other diets and you know, once I try it I can’t go back to it. And this is the only program me and Jen can go back too. Like when we fall off we can’t come back but we are excited to come back to Innovation. 

Jennifer (Guest)

Yes. It was nice to go into the holidays, you know, feeling like you always say I can enjoy, and then, knowing that, okay, I’m going to enjoy and then go back, and it’s funny my husband said to me you really earned those extra pounds this holiday season. Because I really enjoyed myself. But I knew that when I returned I was going to go right back to my innovation and, you know, work on it and get myself right back and get the number right back down. it didn’t feel hard and I didn’t feel deprived. I was never out of control or like I was on this merry-go-round of up and down.

This really is so easy to do. And, like Tracy said that you know the muffins are amazing. I’m on the cleanse but I didn’t get to my muffin until like 245 today, just by virtue of my schedule, right, but I mindfully ate my muffin. I’m, you know, satiated. I’m drinking my water and then, you know, have my juice, probably in an hour, and my dinner, and you know that’ll be it. 

Josephine (Host)

Right, I love that. That’s great. I love that you said mindfully ate my muffin. 

Jennifer (Guest)

I savored it. it was delicious. (Laughing)

Josephine (Host)

That is so important. I love that. 

Tracey (Guest)

Josephine I think you talked about once that you eat the crumbs off your muffin.

Josephine (Host)

I do I actually just had mine before the call

Tracey (Guest)

I actually cut my muffin into five thin slices and I eat a slice at a time and sometimes I don’t eat it all at the same time. I’ll eat like maybe two or three slices and then wait a bit. So it’s really been helpful listening again to listen your podcast and hearing how you enjoy the muffins, and like how you eat these innovation foods. I’ve learned so much from you really. 

And one of the other things that I was going to just say is that during the holiday time, both Jen and I, you know, we go out a lot. We go out to dinners a lot, and you know I like my cocktails. 

Josephine (Host)

Yeah, that’s great you have to live that’s a big part of it. 

Tracey (Guest)

And you know, but we were very nervous that you know we were starting to gain a weight that was going to be really hard to come back from, and so we collectively said let’s start doing what we did with Josephine and let’s text each other in the morning and at night the way we did with you. Right, Try to keep ourselves just on track. And it helped. 

Josephine (Host)

I absolutely love that. It’s great. It’s really great because you’re motivating each other, which honestly there is nothing better than that and nothing makes me happier. 

Tracey (Guest)

So I think that for me, especially when it comes to trying to lose weight, which I think is probably one of the hardest things to do, I think actually having someone else to be able to talk to and not be alone in it is really, really helpful. Because, you know, jen and I both have the same situation. We still have kids at home that we have to make dinner for. We have husbands that we’re making dinner for and my husband is never gonna say I wanna do this with you. So, and neither are my kids, although I do have to put a sticky when I would take a muffin out of the freezer and leave it on my counter. 

Jennifer (Guest)

(Laughing) I also have to put a sticky that says do not touch, so my children don’t touch it either. Or when I’m eating them, they’ll say, ooh, can I have some of that? And I say no. Do not touch my food. I only get this much to eat (laughing) 

Josephine (Host)

Yes you only have this much you can’t share (all laughing)

Tracey (Guest)

But having each other and having a friend is helpful and helpful really in the hard times, because there are hard times. It’s not easy. You’ve said that. 

Josephine (Host)

There’s always going to be hard times. You know there are days when it’s easy and days when it’s tough. You have to take advantage of the easy days and try your best on the hard ones.

Jennifer (Guest)

Yes we are doing really well with them.

Josephine (Host)

Yeah, when you can control the days it’s amazing. So Jen what are you doiing now the cleanse (detox)

Jennifer (Guest)

Me. Yeah, I just started the cleanse (detox). I was a not sure about the cleanse because I’m not like the juicing type. And I can’t drink a green juice. But Tracy said no, they’re really good. And so I took the plunge and I had the banana strawberry, yeah, and I like gulped it down. It was so delicious and I’m going to do the apple fire after today.

Josephine (Host)

Okay, good, let me know what your favorite one is. 

Jennifer (Guest)

I will. I’m trying them all. But Tracy’s like the juice person. That wasn’t me. But I started it yesterday and I found it to be very easy and also the juice also very satiating. Did not really feel hungry. I’ve been enjoying that too, and it’s nice to switch it up, because I was doing the five hour for a while and getting a little bored with it, and then maybe this weekend I’ll do the regular innovation. 

Josephine (Host)

Right, right, good, I love it. I love how you mix them all up. Tracey, you’re doing the juice too this week, right? 

Tracey (Guest)

Yeah, well, I actually I think from one of your recent podcasts, when you talked about doing Doubling Down the five hour fast for three days and then the cleanse for two days, and so that’s what I did last week and that’s what I’m doing this week again. It’s really working great. So I did the five hour fast the first three days of the week and this is the second day of the cleanse and I guess for the weekend I will do the regular innovation. 

Josephine (Host)

Perfect. I love that. What would you say is the best advice you can give someone. That’s listening. 

Jennifer (Guest)

You know what I think, and you’ve said this many times and this occurred to me. You know I work but I, like you know, I also exercise in the morning and then I play tennis sometimes and I remember doing the five hour fast and wondering can I get through all the exercise ? You know, like you know, it was one of those days I was light on work and heavier on physical activity and, you know, during the match I’m wondering can I survive on this? And I basically whizzed through everything and didn’t feel like you say this often, I did not feel like I was in deprivation at all and I think it makes you realize you don’t need as much food as you think you do, and you say that a lot. So I would just say you know, try, you know, start with regular innovation and to mix it up, the five hour fast is a great way to show yourself that control. 

Jennifer continues: 

And you say this all the time, and I catch myself with this is one thing is I catch myself wanting to go for food and I say do I need this or do I want this? So when I realized that 99.9% of the time I just want it because there’s nothing else going on, it’s an easier way to stick to the program and walk away from it, because if you really think about stop and mindfully say, do I need this or want this, and you answer that question honestly, you can really stick to the program quite well

Josephine (Host)

I absolutely love that. Wow that is really great. What about you Tracey what would be your advice.?

Tracey (Guest)

I would say two things. The first I would say is to trust the program, to trust the process, because I think that’s the hardest part for people is to really trust, like, a new program that it’s gonna work, to really buy into it. And then the second thing I would say is to not be too hard on yourself, and I think that was the one things that was so important with working with you, is that you were there for accountability, but you were supportive and you were constantly telling me not to beat myself up if I had a bad day, but to try harder next time. And this is what I should be doing. 

Tracey Continues (Guest)

And I think that I tend to be the type of person that if I fall off, and I do think this is common you know, I would go dark and I would avoid the scale or I would go away, as opposed to regrouping and saying, okay, big deal, so I had a bad weekend. I need to move on. So fften it’s a weekend right, not just the cheat day and it’s okay. And now I’ve gotten to a point where I know, if I’ve had a big weekend, and I’m not going to get on the scale on Monday, because that’s only going to make me feel badly and I’m going to get up on Monday and go back to innovation and I’ll weigh myself on Tuesday. But I think that those two things are the most important thing, because I think a lot of people fall into that of having a bad couple of days and then feeling like I got to throw my hands up and I’m done. 

Josephine (Host)

That’s great. Both great advice. I love it. Thank you .

Jennifer (Guest)

Oh my God. Well, it’s all from you. 

Josephine (Host)

Oh, thank you so much makes me so happy to hear that. It’s so, so wonderful.

So now are you guys going away together at the end of the month. 

Tracey (Guest)

I wish Jen was coming. She has to go visit her son at college. 

Jennifer (Guest)

Yeah, it’s Traceys big birthday but it’s also my son’s mom’s weekend at college with his fraternity, and there are only so many of those in life, so I felt like that’s right. 

Josephine (Host)

Yes absolutely you have to go with him. I’m sure you’ll have many celebrations with Tracey in the future. 

Jennifer (Guest)

That’s right. God willing, we’ll be around for many, many more years

Josephine (Host)

Yes, absolutely. Well, that’s so exciting. So you’re ready to go Trace. 

Tracey (Guest)

Well with the weather here in New York. Yes!. That’s the other thing I would say. It’s very hard. Where we live, you know, being it’s cold in the winter. I tend to be a person that when it gets cold and I think a lot of people feel this, you know you feel like you need to eat more becuase it’s cold out, right. So it’s been very hard to stay really on program, you know fully, but I’ve gotten to a number that I’m really happy with. 

Now. I have two weeks and I’m just really like trying to stay really good for the next two weeks and not cheat, and I’ve actually did one thing that was a choice to just not drink this month, and I think that is very helpful, because that’s the other piece of this is that I think when I do have a drink even though I love that the program allows me to have a drink I often will have two, and then that leads to not having as much discipline. 

Jennifer (Guest)

We have to make it out to to you to Innovation on Long Island, we have to make it out to see you. 

Josephine (Host)

OMG I would love that. You both haven’t been in the old store or the new store right?

Jennifer (Guest)

No We haven’t. We’ve got to get out there. 

Tracey (Guest)

Oh my God, I want you to open a satellite store in Westchester, so your stuff would be here and would sell great. Your next business?

I do have a one question for you. so, like Jen, and I never really know, like, what maintenance is, and I feel like you haven’t really talked so much about maintenance. So like I know it’s like you can be a little more, but I’ve never felt that I’m at a maintenance point even though we have both made it to our numbers because we aren’t sure what maintenance is,

Josephine (Host)

Right, okay, so that’s a great, great question and it’s definitely something I should incorporate more, even when I’m doing like my little talks on instagram, I think you are right it would be helpful because a lot of people have been with me for a long time and are in maintenance, you know, but everyone does it so differently and you have to see what works for you.

I would say this is probably the majority Monday through Friday clients are 100% and Saturday and Sunday they’re not full out cheats, but they kind of like are mindfully cheats through the weekend and they go through the weekend and have what they want and enjoy. You know, that’s definitely probably the most popular as far as maintaining. If you do that, remember you may not be the same number on Monday, but you should be the same number by the following Friday. So every Friday your number should be the same if you’re going off on the weekends and then go back on 100% program Monday through Friday. 

Jennifer (Guest)

Oh okay that makes sense so every Friday it should be the same

Tracey (Guest)

Also can maintaining be for someone like me and Jenn the innovation 3 meals and 1 or 2 snacks. 

Josephine (Host)

Yes, absolutely that would be a great maintenance. Im going to do a podcast on all the ways to maintain but those are two great starts

Tracey (Guest)

Got it Okay. 

Josephine (Host)

Have you guys been, you’ve been on vacation doing the program. Or when you went on vacations while you were on program, did you go off completely? 

Jennifer (Guest)

I think I haven’t, I think I haven’t gone on vacations on program.  You know, on it, I usually, like you know, buckle like Tracy’s, like buckling down preparing for vacation. Then I go and I, you know, just, I try and be mindful and make choices but not, you know, like I’ll have a few cocktails, right, and then, knowing that you know I’ll, I’ll reel it in, you know, when I get back. So I don’t weigh myself when I get back, I wait, you know, I wait a few days and then get a baseline and see where I am and then adjust from there, 

Josephine (Host)

That’s perfect, okay. Good. What about you, Tracy, when you go away? Do you ever stay on it? 

Tracey (Guest)

I think that what I do is try to wait to eat my first meal, if I can on vacation and I’m not where you know, my family is having breakfast every morning I will be mindful to make my first meal at lunchtime, you know. So not quite the five hour but a version of it. 

Josephine (Host)

Right. A version of it. That’s good.

Tracey (Guest)

So that I know that I’ll have less control of what my choices are, but I’ll have less meals. So in my mind, that’s still eating in somewhat of a deficit, definitely, without a doubt. I learned so much from your program and Instagram stories, 

And now with the meals and snacks the info you sent me with whats a meal 1,2 or 3 and a snack. I felt like I was always asking Jeff, you know what is this? Is this a meal, is this a snack? Before, and now it’s very well and clear. So thank you for sending that

Josephine (Host)

Oh good, I’m glad. Of course makes me happy that it helps.

Tracey (Guest)

Yes, I have everything printed out, all in different places around my kitchen. And I’m like oh, I’m not doing five hour. Where’s the cleanse (detox) ? 

Jennifer (Guest)

or where’s my regular innovation? (All laughing)

Tracey (Guest)

I need to make a notebook with it now it’s just all in one place. I love it all because of you. Because I love that you really talk about being able to switch it up and going back and forth. That’s what I think, honestly, is the greatest thing. It isn’t just one plan. It’s really like three different options and you can go to either one of those options and have success or keep switching them up as much as you want.

Josephine (Host)

Right, right, which I’m glad. I’m glad that you feel that way, because it’s easy to get bored. And you can’t be bored with weight loss. That’s why, even with the innovation food, I’m constantly changing the food, because you know, when you’re trying to do the right thing, you need the change, you need to feel like you have other new options and it’s something different, you need something new to look forward to, or just something different to look forward to. I realized it’s really important for my clients and customers. I guess if you really think about it that it’s actually the whole name behind innovation. That’s what Innovation means. It means new and change. 

Jennifer (Guest)

Absolutely. Yeah, well, you’re doing that. Thank you, my other piece of advice would be use Josephine. 

Josephine (Host)

Oh, thank you, Thank you. 

Jennifer (Guest)

Consult her, ask her questions, and you’re always so kind and you know, like Tracy said, so you know, when we’re not forgiving with ourselves, you are forgiving with us, Like that means everythinggggg….

Josephine (Host)

Zoom what are you doing to me? Okay, for some reason Zoom cuts us off just while she was saying all these amazing things about me 🙁 How horrible zoom!. 

But I really, really appreciate it. I really appreciate you both. I appreciate you both for being on. Thank you so much. I probably had the time set wrong and it gave us a half hour instead of an hour, but I really do appreciate you both being on. I appreciate all kinds of words. You both look gorgeous, amazing, you’re doing so wonderful and I’m so happy that you feel so good in your body and that you are loving and living the innovation program. Nothing makes me happier all the way from Westchester. So thanks again and I will be talking to you both soon. And happy birthday, Tracey. 

~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick

bloggoalsHealthy TipsMotivation


If your week is feeling a little challenging I want to remind you that you are not alone. One of the hardest things about holiday weekends is retraining the brain and the appetite to get back to eating on program and eating less. You will have a few tough days and by mid week you will feel back in control. Just stay focused and don’t give in to temptation. Think about your goals and what is truly important to you. Everything will feel better one on program day at a time.

By the weekend you will be ready to get back on the scale and have your cheat meal. Then next week instead of taking it one day at a time maybe take a leap and do the detox for 5 days or the 5 hour Fasting for 5 days. If you are feeling inspired and motivated then give yourself that jump to get to your next new low.

Remember the detox and 5 hour fasting is not something you have to do every week. Some clients do the detox every week with weekends off and others love the 5 hour fasting and live on it. But some will do one or the other and do it once a month. Some even combine the detox for a couple of days and the Fasting for a couple of days. You do what works for you. The most important thing is to keep moving forward and feeling your very best while you are doing it.

With November ending and December beginning we have to remember we will need to prepare in advance for all the holiday parties and vacations.

December is so busy it always tends to feel like the shortest month of the year. It’s a great month to enjoy when you need to — and the weeks you have nothing going on is when do everything you can to stay on program and get the very best results.

Remind yourself when you are doing the right things how great you feel when you are getting dressed or when you are going out or something as simple as putting on a pair of sweatpants. Everything feels better when we are doing our best to be our best.

Stay in the positive mindset of giving 100% on the days and weeks you can, because those 100% days and weeks will make a big difference in your results at the end of the month

It’s up to you to live WITHOUT the regrets of

should have, would have, could have



~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick





All of us are aware that kids need a routine to provide structure and discipline in their lives. When we were younger, most of us were told to go to bed at a certain time, wake up at a certain time, do our homework after school, eat dinner at a regular hour, shower, even play with our friends at a specific time. But what about adults? Many grownups do not have a set daily routine and ‘wing’ their day. They have no idea what they are going to do when they wake up each morning because they have not thought about creating a schedule to adhere to. As a result, many people feel like they are stressed, anxious, overwhelmed and falling short of their goals and true potential. So what do you do if you feel like this…. The answer lies in carefully designing a routine that works best for you, one which helps you be productive, in control, and be the best person you can possibly be.

For me a routine is beyond essential. I live by my routine. Having a routine helps me feel successful everyday. But I know many people feel that having a routine is boring, rigid, and even stifling, – . They would rather live their lives in a whimsical manner, believing that it frees them somehow if they do not follow a routine But the truth is and what I have learned myself is that designing and adhering to a personal daily routine is actually the path to freedom, productivity, happiness, and fulfilling my true potential.

Here are some reason why having a daily routine is so important.

1. A Routine Makes Us More Efficient

When we have a routine that we follow daily, it reduces the need to make decisions each day. It enables us to know exactly what tasks we need to do each day without having to contemplate, decide or think too much. When we are finished with one task, we know what comes next without much thought. Activities become standardized and we become more efficient as a result. This really fits in with your food and exercise. You don’t think about if you are going to stay on program – you do it because it has become part of your routine.

2. Routines Create Structure in your Life

A daily routine provides structure and a logical sequence in our lives. It provides the framework within which we live our lives and conduct our daily activities. Soon we become familiar and comfortable with what we have to do each day. It allows us to experience a flow to our day. The key is the flow. When I am working but I know I am running I do not procrastinate I simply finish my work put on my running clothes and I am out the door. Why? Because it’s not a chore it’s simply part of my routine that I do everyday. 

3. A Routine Saves Time, which is Our Most Valuable Resource

Time is the most precious asset at our disposal because, once lost, it is non-retrievable. By following a routine, we free up time that would otherwise be spent on planning, decision-making and preparation. Or even talking ourself out of doing something. How many times have you thought about something you planned on doing but spent 20 minutes talking yourself out of it. We have all done it and we also know the time we spent talking ourself out of it you could have completed the task. When you have your routine it is already predetermined in your schedule, allowing you to use your time efficiently. 

4.Routine Instills Good Habits

The secret to building good habits is repetition. When we design a personal routine that works for us, it helps us develop good habits by encouraging us to repeat the same tasks over and over again. Adhering to a routine allows us to foster habits that match our goals and aspirations. Eventually your good habits will be as normal as brushing your teeth every morning. 

5. It also Breaks Bad Habits

While our routine helps us develop good habits that are in line with our full potential, it also helps to break bad habits that do not serve us well. We can slowly replace our bad habits with good ones through repetition. Consistency and repetition are the key to having a healthy routine in your life. The more you do them the easier they become. That goes for everything from walking away from temptation to planing your meals and snacks for the day. 

6. Routine Helps Us Become More Proficient

When you have a routine, you start to become better at doing certain things because you do it regularly. That is one of the keys to mastering any skill. Think about something you are skillful at. More likely than not, you developed your skill because you have performed the task over and over again. Practice makes perfect! Exercise is a great example. Whether you are lifting weights, spinning or going for a run. The more you do it the easier it becomes. That is why we often increase our weights and our distance. Routine helps you get stronger mentally and physically. 

7. Routine Helps Us Get the Most Important Tasks Done

When we carefully design a personal routine and stick to it, it allows us get the most important things done first and out of the way. There is no room for forgetfulness or neglect. Because the most important tasks have been predetermined by us, as long as we follow our routine, we know that we will complete what is important and not spend time and effort on frivolous things first. Think about how many times you had really important things you had to accomplish but you spent time on your phone scrolling through social media and you look at the clock and an hour passed – talk about a waste of your time. And more importantly you didn’t get things done that absolutely needed to get done. 

8. Reduces the Need for Determination and Willpower

I mentioned brushing your teeth earlier. When we brush our teeth in the morning, it does not require a lot of determination or willpower because most of us(I hope) have made it a daily ritual. We hardly think about having to brush our teeth; we simply do it. The same holds true for other tasks when we follow a routine. It simply becomes your routine. I can’t tell you how often clients will tell me that they need to be motivated or they can’t stay on program and that they have no willpower. But if you do it every day and it’s part of your routine eventually you won’t need motivation or willpower to do the right thing – they become a part of your day and you will do it just like you wake up and brush your teeth.

9. Routine Reduces Procrastination

When you are on your phone or computer or video watching – you are procrastinating from what you should be doing. When a set of tasks and activities become routine, it reduces the chance that you will procrastinate doing them. It becomes ingrained into our system and we almost do it subconsciously. That is the point you want to get too. You want to do it as if it was part of your day and it’s a subconscious effort. People ask me all the time how do I run everyday— I run because it’s a part of my routine. I don’t think about it I don’t say should I or shouldn’t I – I simply do it because it has become a habit. We all know that procrastination is a waste of time and having a routine is a great way to combat it. Consistency and repetition is what is going to make your life easier. 

10. Routine also Builds Momentum

As we all know, when you do the same things repetitiously, it builds momentum, making it easier to persist. That is why going to the gym gets easier the more frequently you do it. Eating healthier is easier the more you do it – walking away from temptation gets easier the more you do it. And with all this you see the scale dropping the more you stick to your routine. Momentum is a huge factor when it comes to ensuring success and following a routine helps build that momentum.

11. Routine Builds Self Confidence

When we adhere to a routine and stick with it, the routine helps build self confidence. For me it gives me a sense of tremendous satisfaction. It provides me with the ‘fuel’ to continue my routine daily so I can reap the benefits associated with it. I feel so good about myself when I follow through with what I planned and do my routine everyday – it’s not work it’s something I have learned to love and count on to keep me feeling my best. Something I bet you didn’t know is that a lack of self confidence is one of the main reasons people find it difficult to change their lives for the better. They mentally feel like they can’t do it – that they can’t change – when the truth is routine is what helps you change your life for the better and routine gives you the self confidence to keep going to keep doing it and to keep reaching new goals 

What we must remember is 

Our goals and aspirations are rarely, if ever, achieved all at once. Successful people accomplish their goals by doing the same things over and over again. An athlete gets good at his sport because he practices daily. An artist hones his craft through repetition. Developing and sticking with a routine that is congruent with your goals is one of the surest ways to ensure success.

12. Routine Helps Reduce Stress and Facilitate Relaxation

There will always be things in our lives that are beyond our control, and we need to accept that. However, there is so much that we can control, especially if we follow a routine. When we design and stick to a routine, it eliminates a lot of stress because we do not have to think and worry about what needs to get done. The act of ‘doing’ gives us a sense of control and helps us relax instead of fretting about the tasks at hand. 

One thing I want to point out is to keep in mind that It is also perfectly okay to set aside certain times to do nothing. Not every aspect of our lives needs to be scheduled or incorporated into a daily routine. There is a time and place for leisure, relaxation.  The point is that you have thought about it carefully and are mindful about your choices. After all, having a routine is nothing other than a conscious choice to live your life in a certain way through healthy repetition. I believe It is one of the keys to success and happiness.

Each of us is different and has different goals, needs, desires, and resources.That is why it is important to develop our own routine after carefully deciding what we want to achieve in our lives. The rewards to be reaped are definitely worth the effort. 

“The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine”

~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick

blogeatcleanExercisefamilyfeel goodgoalshealthyHealthy TipsKetovationLifestyleMotivationweight loss


It doesn’t matter which one you are on
as long as you are following something. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
Now that we are a few weeks in I can tell you that both programs are showing amazing results. The key is you just have to follow something.  Because there is truly no better feeling than being in control of how you are feeling and that is exactly what all the Innovation programs are about – being in control so you feel your best inside and out. For me there is really nothing better than seeing a client change before my eyes. Within days they go from being a little scared if they will stick to it —  to being 100% committed and excited for their weekly results.   Listen, most of us have two options we either do nothing and stay where we are and continue to gain —  or we put the work in and feel so much better in how we look, think, feel and act.  Results are always up to you. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
Fall is right around the corner and the freshness of the days fill the air when you are feeling your healthy best.  While of course we want to see the weight loss and we want to be in skinny jeans and smaller sweaters –  it’s also very much about how great you feel when you are in control of what you are doing.  It’s truly life changing to know that all the planning – preparing and following through is not only giving you the weight loss you want but also making you feel that you are in total control of what you are doing and total control of how you are feeling.  I can’t say it enough – when you over eat, over drink, and carelessly go through life splurging it will affect not only your body and weight but more importantly it affects mentally how you feel. It affects your mood!   When nothing fits you and you feel bloated – you don’t want to get dressed, you don’t want to go out.  Yet, when you feel good mentally and physically you are making sure you see everyone in your path! [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
Being in control of your health even affects your stress and anxiety.  Studies have proven when you are in control of your food and health your anxiety and stress levels decrease significantly.  Many of us know this to be true because let’s face it – when you are in a good place physically and mentally, eating on program, and you can literally fit in everything in your closet – those are the days you feel like you can accomplish anything that comes on your path.  But when you are not in a good place and not doing the right things and are living in sweatpants because nothing else fits you – well those are the days that the smallest problems can feel like the biggest. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
So happy to be back:  It has been truly so amazing being back in the store and seeing clients one on one again.  Many new and returning clients have put quarantine and summer weight behind them and started a new healthy path on their exciting new body.  What I want for all of you is to remember each day how good you feel when you are doing the right thing.  Set your goals and visualize what you want to look like when October, November and December come around and we all know how quickly they will arrive.  Be proud of yourself that while so many will just be starting then you will already have weeks and months into it. You will not be the one who looks back and says why didn’t I start – you will be the person who looks back and think “I’m doing it and I never felt better.”   [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
Final thoughts:   Don’t give up. We all have hard days but you have to push through them to get to easy days.  Like everything else in life weight loss is no different – what you want always comes down to how hard you are willing to work for it.  Be excited for what you are capable of! Im super excited for all of you. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
Always Be Grateful For Where You Are 
But Super Excited For Where You Are Going
~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
ExercisegoalshappyHealthy TipsLifestyleMotivationweight loss


[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]THIS WEEK WE WANT TO TRY HARDER….[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]When you feel like you have tried everything – I want you to ask yourself- have you tried harder?  This week is all about trying harder to be better so you can be the best version of you. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]If your answer is “YES” I’m trying hard to reach my goal. I ask you this: Are you trying hard enough to accomplish it? While every goal is different, here are four questions you can ask yourself to figure out if you are trying Hard Enough to Accomplish your Goal.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]1. Are You Invested Enough To Cause Discomfort?
Your investment in a goal always includes a combination of time, effort, and resources. But no matter how you invest in your goal, if that investment doesn’t cause some level of discomfort you’re probably not trying hard enough. All success requires sacrifice, and sacrifice is a willingness to accept discomfort in the pursuit of something greater. If you’re not investing in your goal in a way that causes discomfort for yourself, you’re probably not trying hard enough to succeed.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]2. Are You Working Toward Your Goal Every Day?
Nothing is accomplished without consistent work because consistency builds momentum and momentum drives success. Reaching your goal isn’t something you only do whenever it works for you – that would be a hobby. Reaching goals is something you work on consistently even when it not a good time and doesn’t fit into your day. If you don’t work toward your goal on a daily basis then you’re not trying hard enough to accomplish it.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]3. Are You Willing To Do The Work Regardless Of The Results?
Most things won’t give results immediately….or consistently. For example some clients do not see the results on the scale every week. But even when they don’t see the results – they know they feel so much better.  That’s why it’s crucial to be motivated by the work itself as opposed to just the results— you have to fall in love and love to live the process and the program. When you feel great living 6 clean days with 1 cheat day you know if you didn’t lose weight one week at least you feel better, you are in control and you love what you are eating. You know the results will come but until they do you are loving how you are feeling and living. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]4. Do You Know Why You’re Trying?
It’s easy to try, but it’s hard to try harder. A key to doing so is to have a deep, fundamental understanding of why you want to try in the first place. Are you driven to accomplish this goal because you want to live healthier? You want to fit in your summer clothes? You want to look better? You are getting married? There are infinite reasons to do things and they’re all valid as long as you feel them deep in your heart and bones. The only wrong reason to pursue something is one you don’t firmly believe in. If you don’t know why you’re pursuing a goal in the first place, or if you are doing it to make someone else happy — then I can tell you there’s no chance you’ll find the inspiration, motivation, and determination necessary to work hard enough on it to succeed.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]But if you know why you want to try, and combine that with a willingness to sacrifice, effort on a daily basis, and a love for the life instead of just the results…..trying hard enough will no longer be something you do — trying harder will be your new way of life.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Success Comes When You Try Harder[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick