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Category: blog

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Whether you are celebrating Passover – Easter or both! – you want to incorporate your Cheat day into your celebrations. Here are some helpful tips:

CHEATING MORE THAN ONE DAY: Split your Cheat day and do Cheat Meals. Instead of having Saturday as your Cheat Day – do Friday night and Saturday night – back on program Sunday. Or you can do Saturday night and Sunday night back on program Monday. Any two nights you want to do cheat meals instead of a whole day. You want to have cheat meal dessert and drinks (optional). Remember when you split your cheat day it’s one less day of the week you have to lose weight.

CHEATING ONE DAY: If you know you are cheating only one day you always have the option to keep your Cheat Day to one day. One cheat day a week will always give you the best results. But only do this if you are certain that you are not going to be tempted at other holiday celebrations.

VACATION: If you are going on vacation – do not cheat before you go. Stay on program and pick one cheat each day to enjoy while on vacation. Any meal – dessert or drinks. You choose each day one thing that you want to indulge and enjoy. This will help you maintain the week. If you want to lose while on vacation then you must stick to your One Cheat day a week and stay on program on Vacation. Sounds hard? It’s not as hard as you think


  • Egg whites for Breakfast
  • Grilled chicken salad for lunch
  • veggies and hummus at the pool or beach
  • Fish and veggies for dinner
  • choose your dessert whether it’s a drink or fruit

If you want more than this then you should be prepared to maintain or possibly gain. Remember your actions = results.




• MATZAH-2 Matzah with 1tbsp of peanut, almondor SunButter, or 1/2avocado

• MATZAH AND FRUIT: 1 Matzah with 1 tsp of pb or sunbather with 1 piece of fruit

• MATZAH AND EGGS- one Matzah with 3-4 egg whites and 1 cup of veggies

• ANY Kosher Meat no sauce no marinate no butter

• Light tuna or chicken salad or egg white salad with 1 matzah

• Chubby Potato: 1 large white potato or sweet potato with 1 cup of veggies on top and 1/4 cup of cheese and bake 🙂

• 1/2 cup park skim Cottage cheese with 1 cup of fruit 

• Popcorn

• 15-20 Any nuts

• Think Thin Bar

• Matzoh ball soup without the Matzoh ball

• 2 slices of low fat cheese or 1 light part skim cheese stick with 1 Matzah

 • non fat greek yogurt with 1/2 cup of berries

• 1 cup of any berries with 2 tbsp of cool whip




1) IF YOU are NOT STRICT and ALLOW FLOUR FROM OUR VEGETABLE PROTEIN you can have anything in the store


— All our Gluten Free Muffins, GF Cookies and GF Bagels

— Our Entire Ketovation line contains no wheat or flour 

Cauliflower Pizza

Turkey Taco

Chicken Salad

Tuna Salad

Sweet potato fries

Tomato Soup

Broccoli cheddar soup

Bisque Soup


Rice Sticks and Hockey Puck Rounds

Chocolate mousse cake, & Cheese Cake & Gummy Bites

All Innovation nuts regular, chocolate and mixed




The Staff of Innovation wishes everyone a healthy happy Holiday 

~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick

blogclean eatingeatcleanExercisefamilyfeel goodFitnessgoalshealthyHealthy TipsINNOVATIONKetoLifestyleMotivationSUMMERweight loss


What is your MARCH GOAL?

With Spring and Summer around the corner – March is a month of Irish kisses and Shamrock wishes and an amazing month to focus on a goal. Yes ONE goal that you want to achieve in March.

What is a goal: A goal is what a person is trying to accomplish, it’s the object or aim of an action. It is usually something that is difficult to achieve, but doable. We know that waiting, wanting and hoping for a goal to happen – does not make it happen. You have to visualize, define and plan your goal. You have to put the work in to get the results. But before you can do that you must know what your specific goal is.  

Your goal must be clear and well defined. Vague or generalized goals are unhelpful because they don’t provide sufficient direction. Your goal should be very specific. The more specific, the easier for your brain to achieve it. Your goal should also have a deadline – in this case our deadline will be March 31. What do you want to achieve by March 31? 

Why only one goal: Choosing one goal will allow you to decide which area you want to work on first to best improve your life! What is most important for you to achieve right now? What will make you happy? What will make you feel good? What will improve your life both mentally and physically the most.  

When you make the decision to go after one goal with a deadline it will also help you gain a sense of purpose. With purpose, we can better focus on what we want to accomplish in our day – knowing each day is attributing to this one goal. This purpose gives us drive and motivation to keep pushing! 

TIP: you want to keep the goal doable. It’s one month that you have to achieve this goal. So think of it like a mini goal each month that will keep adding up and contribute to your big goal.  

So what is your specific goal for March? 

Here are some examples: 

  • Fit into a specific size pants by March 31
  • Fit into your favorite shorts or bathing suit
  • Maybe it’s to clean up your weekends and only have one cheat day a week and not 3 mini ones.
  • Stick to your meals and snacks without eating in between
  • Fasting and eating only in the 5 hour period each day. 
  • Exercise 5 days a week
  • Run 1 mile everyday 
  • Text Josephine EVERY night
  • Lose 10 lbs (2 lbs a week) 

Once you figure out what your ONE specific goal is – then you can put all your focus on achieving it.

Goals should always be challenging, they should force you to leave your comfort zone. Contrary to what may seem, when a goal is difficult it actually generates more concentration and is more likely to be achieved. Of course they also need to be realistic and doable. They have to be possible.

Once you decide on what your goal is for March – now you have to put the work in. Any goal requires determination, discipline and a lot of hard work. Like I mentioned earlier – you will never reach a goal by just wanting or wishing for it.  

Bottom line is Action: You know your goal now you plan each day for it. You prepare how you are going to achieve it and you follow through everyday with your plan. If your goal is to do the 5 hr fasting — then you know it will require you to plan your hours that you will fast – and you have to know what you are eating each day and you have to follow through with that plan.  It’s always going to be more than just having a goal and all about putting the action in to achieving that goal.  

Final thoughts……Know your specific goal — put all your focus on it and work hard everyday for it – you will feel so accomplished and thrilled when March 31 comes around (so quickly) and you have one of your mini goals achieved and you will be ready to plan your next goal for April. 

“The difference between who you are and who you want to be is What you do”

~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick

blogChoicesclean eatingeatcleanfamilyfeel goodgoalshappyHealthy TipsLifestyleMotivationweight loss



February is one of those months that arrive fast and exit even faster. And yet so much is going on in such a short month. We have Valentines day and President’s day weekend and Winter Break. So much fun so little time! 


The beginning of the month is the best time to plan for your goals. Take a look back at January – did you accomplish all you wanted? If not – why? Be honest with yourself because at the end of the day you are only hurting yourself with excuses.   


Before you make your February goals – make sure whatever goals you choose they include what is going to make you happy. Make sure you are making them for the right reasons. Because in order for you to reach your goals they have to mean something to you. Because when they mean something to you that is when you will do everything you possibly can to reach them. 

Start by deciding what your goals are and then think about how much do they mean to you. How hard are you going to work for them. Always remember making goals is the easy part – putting the action and work into achieving them is the hard part. We all want success – but actually doing the work is what creates the success. And when it comes to weight loss it’s as much mental work as it is physical. When you make those goals you have to include being willing to with walk away from temptation and being okay with eating less and dealing with those little hunger pangs. It’s not just “I want to lose weight” it’s about everything that goes along with losing weight. It’s hard work. But if you really put 100% thought into this and you tell yourself everyday how important it is to you – then you will achieve it. Because our mind is so powerful we can believe anything we tell it to – but of course that road goes both ways. Always remember it takes just as much energy to be negative as it does to be positive. 


I would like to tell you about one of my clients. She is a young mom of 3 who was overweight at 180 pounds. When she first came to me she was sure she wasn’t going to be able to lose weight. She was very depressed. She tried every quick fix diet and felt completely defeated. I explained none of that mattered – what was important right at that moment was that I was going to hold her hand throughout the program – all she had to do was trust me and trust herself and if she was really willing to work for this as much as she said she was – then we would do great. 

She started in September and now February 1 she is down 52lbs. Some months she lost more than others but even through holiday months she always had weight loss. What was most amazing was she never gave up. She worked so hard every week to stay on program – even with the temptations that were in front of her everyday. She always remembered what was important to her and what she wanted most of all was to feel great by Winter Break because her family was going away and she said her last trip she was so miserable and insecure and wore cover – ups the whole time. She said it ruined her trip and she ended up comforting herself with food the whole time. She was so tired of that feeling.   

One of the reasons I am telling you this story is because I think it’s so important to understand and really think about goals. She didn’t just WANT this she was willing to put the work in day after day and week after week. This trip kept her motivated throughout. For her It was more than just the weight loss. She said she avoided stores and places to go to because she didn’t feel good about herself. She was upset with herself because she felt 20 years older than her age and she didn’t know what to do about it. For her it was so much more about her confidence and this winter break all she wanted was to walk on the beach in her bathing suit and feel confident. We recently did a phone call and she cried and said to me — she never really understood how unhappy she was in her body until the weight loss. She said she knew she wasn’t comfortable in her body but didn’t realize how unhappy it made her. And only when she lost the weight and became really comfortable in her skin again — was when she knew how much this all really meant to her. She felt truly happy. — and that is something we forget. Happiness isn’t a thing – it’s a feeling. And maybe her goal wasn’t really about weight loss it was about feeling happy again. 

I think one of the most important points of this story is it’s not just about the number on the scale. It’s not about a size of clothes. This is about not settling for less than what you deserve because it’s easy. This is about not telling yourself that you did your best if you really didn’t or that you are happy if you know deep down that you are not. This is about digging down deep and working extra hard for something that means everything and that could even be potentially life changing for you. Yes im talking about weight loss but this can apply to anything in your life that you know you haven’t worked hard enough for. And while it may sound silly to some – I mean how can weight loss be life changing? Well waking up and going from feeling unhappy to feeling happy everyday is life changing. Those of you who have gained and lost weight know exactly what I am talking about. It’s life changing when you feel comfortable in your body and how much confidence you suddenly have because you feel good in everything you put on. When you feel good in your body everything changes for you. You feel healthy, energetic, you love to get up and get dressed. It can make the smallest things in life feel exciting. All because you are taking care of yourself and doing the right things.  When you think about it. It’s really not too much to ask of yourself. I mean just by doing the right things and making the right choices you get to live a life in a body that makes you feel HAPPY everyday. And that is life changing to a lot of people. 

Whatever your goals for February are – make sure they = happiness 

Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
blogeatcleanExercisefamilyfeel goodgoalshealthyHealthy TipsKetovationLifestyleMotivationweight loss


It doesn’t matter which one you are on
as long as you are following something. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
Now that we are a few weeks in I can tell you that both programs are showing amazing results. The key is you just have to follow something.  Because there is truly no better feeling than being in control of how you are feeling and that is exactly what all the Innovation programs are about – being in control so you feel your best inside and out. For me there is really nothing better than seeing a client change before my eyes. Within days they go from being a little scared if they will stick to it —  to being 100% committed and excited for their weekly results.   Listen, most of us have two options we either do nothing and stay where we are and continue to gain —  or we put the work in and feel so much better in how we look, think, feel and act.  Results are always up to you. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
Fall is right around the corner and the freshness of the days fill the air when you are feeling your healthy best.  While of course we want to see the weight loss and we want to be in skinny jeans and smaller sweaters –  it’s also very much about how great you feel when you are in control of what you are doing.  It’s truly life changing to know that all the planning – preparing and following through is not only giving you the weight loss you want but also making you feel that you are in total control of what you are doing and total control of how you are feeling.  I can’t say it enough – when you over eat, over drink, and carelessly go through life splurging it will affect not only your body and weight but more importantly it affects mentally how you feel. It affects your mood!   When nothing fits you and you feel bloated – you don’t want to get dressed, you don’t want to go out.  Yet, when you feel good mentally and physically you are making sure you see everyone in your path! [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
Being in control of your health even affects your stress and anxiety.  Studies have proven when you are in control of your food and health your anxiety and stress levels decrease significantly.  Many of us know this to be true because let’s face it – when you are in a good place physically and mentally, eating on program, and you can literally fit in everything in your closet – those are the days you feel like you can accomplish anything that comes on your path.  But when you are not in a good place and not doing the right things and are living in sweatpants because nothing else fits you – well those are the days that the smallest problems can feel like the biggest. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
So happy to be back:  It has been truly so amazing being back in the store and seeing clients one on one again.  Many new and returning clients have put quarantine and summer weight behind them and started a new healthy path on their exciting new body.  What I want for all of you is to remember each day how good you feel when you are doing the right thing.  Set your goals and visualize what you want to look like when October, November and December come around and we all know how quickly they will arrive.  Be proud of yourself that while so many will just be starting then you will already have weeks and months into it. You will not be the one who looks back and says why didn’t I start – you will be the person who looks back and think “I’m doing it and I never felt better.”   [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
Final thoughts:   Don’t give up. We all have hard days but you have to push through them to get to easy days.  Like everything else in life weight loss is no different – what you want always comes down to how hard you are willing to work for it.  Be excited for what you are capable of! Im super excited for all of you. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
Always Be Grateful For Where You Are 
But Super Excited For Where You Are Going
~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick