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Beginner’s Guide to Protein


When it comes to weight loss, protein is something that people seem to obsess over. Eating enough of it, finding the best sources of it, trying supplements, consuming enough for exercise, etc. It can be hard to find reliable and helpful information about your protein needs when you change your eating habits and start to lose weight, so here are some common questions and tips for understanding protein and its role in your diet. 


What is protein?


We are going to start with the very basics. In the simplest terms, protein is a type of molecule in food and beverages that our bodies can break down into amino acids. Our bodies need amino acids to function. There are some amino acids that our bodies can create, but there are some that we need that we get through consuming food. 


How much protein should I be having?

Determining the right amount of protein that is good for you depends on your age, height, weight, gender, level of activity and more. There is a healthy range for everyone. You can eat 1,000 calories a day of food without protein and lose weight, but it’s not healthy. The same goes for too much – you don’t want to over do it. It’s true that your needs can change slightly. The amount of protein that a teenager should have might vary from that of an adult. People who exercise might need slightly more protein than people who don’t. Pregnant or nursing women need more protein throughout their day than women who are not. But keep in mind that in general, these changes are minor and it doesn’t help you to consume more than you need. Unless you are a body builder, you don’t have to go overboard. Your current weight loss plan takes all these factors into account and contains the right amount of protein for you, no extra effort required 🙂 


What are the best sources of protein for weight loss? 


Remember that there is always difference between “healthy” foods and “weight loss” foods. Foods like red meat and whole eggs are good sources of protein, but if you want to lose weight there are other alternatives that are better options. The best protein options are foods that you are probably already familiar with – Greek yogurt, chicken, turkey breast, tuna, salmon, peanut butter, nuts, tofu, edamame, quinoa, egg whites, cheese and more. These foods are seen over and over again and that’s because they work. Don’t be fooled by trends like “superfoods” – that is just a marketing term used to describe foods with supposed health benefits. Stick with the clean and simple options and you will lose weight and get your healthy dose of protein. 


What about protein powders, bars and supplements? 


A bar, smoothie or shake can make a great meal or snack during your day or a perfect after work out choice to help your muscles recover, but you don’t have to consume protein products all day to get your recommended amount of protein. Again, consuming 10x more protein won’t make you 10x healthier or lose weight 10x faster. 



The most important thing to take away from this is that protein is just a part of the big picture. There isn’t one aspect of food and weight loss that is going to change you overnight so you shouldn’t over think it or go to the extreme in an effort to rush the process. The correct portions and healthy weight loss foods you eat are exactly what you need. Not magic pills, not new trends or quick fixes, not the newest supplement or superfood. Like weight loss, getting the right amount of protein is all about simplicity and balance. Have the patience, be consistent and you will see results.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018