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New Years Resolution for 2016 “Do The Right Thing”

So once again the party is officially over. Everyone is back on schedule and life resumes as it once was. Resolutions are priority and gyms will be flooded with strangers. Before you commit to making losing weight and exercising your resolution there are some things I want you to consider. Eating clean and healthy is not something that needs to be focused on once a year. It needs to be focused on everyday. Even cheat days are a part of healthy eating because it keeps you clean the other 6 days. Eating clean and healthy and losing weight is not something that you should HAVE to do – rather it’s something that you should WANT to do everyday. Why wouldn’t you want to be the healthiest you can be everyday when you know it makes you so happy to do so.
Why not change your resolution this year to not one resolution – but instead have a new resolution once a month that will help you be overall healthier, and a better you. Just like I always say, each small goal is a stepping stone to your big goal. Each resolution should be a step toward you being an overall healthier and better person.  
Here are some examples of Resolutions that might work for you and why:
NO ALCHOHOL  – CAN YOU DO IT? January is a great month for this since many have already over did it in December 🙂 – Stop drinking for one month. And if you feel that one month would be too difficult to accomplish then try for one week each month. Every week will make a difference in your weight, and over all health. Most people know that drinking too much alcohol can lead to health problems. But not everyone knows that two of those health problems are cancer and anxiety – both are attributed to alcohol use. Never mind how it slowly breaks down your immune system and makes you feel overall unhealthy. It’s one of those things that in the moment it’s great but what it is doing long term will cause you much regret. Even when it comes to weight loss it’s not only the alcohol it’s what the alcohol makes you do that is an additional issue. We lose all our sensibility to thinking that we are fine but in reality most of the time it leads you into making choices that you wouldn’t normally do. So if you want to detox and really clean out your body and lessen your anxiety this would be a great way to start.   
What I find most amazing which many of you are not aware. Both men and women have expressed to me the feelings of peer pressure when drinking. Yes we know misery loves company and it can be very difficult to say no thank you. Isn’t it funny what we expect our children to do, we have just as hard a time as grown ups. But the reality is, many of my clients feel that it’s easier to order a drink because it’s expected then to explain why they would rather not have one. Take a moment to stop and think where you fit in with this and maybe re-evaluate where you want to be in this time of your life. Make sure your choices are what you want and not for the sake to please others. We tell our children if your friend jumps off a brige would you do it? What you need to think about is “are you doing it?” Remember just like eating clean. The absence of you not drinking will only be shocking for a brief moment to those around you. Eventually everyone will get use to the new you – including you! Both the absence of alcohol and the decision to do what makes you happier and healthier would be a definite stepping stone to an overall healthier happier you. 
STAY IN A LITTLE MORE: If you find that giving up alcohol in the presence of your family and/or friends will be more difficult than you can handle – an option would be to stay in a little more. For one month have no self planned social events. Obviously if there are celebrations and parties that you have committed to that’s different. But I’m talking about opting for a movie in with the family and ordering dinner in. Both will help with the inability to stay clean around others. A little extra family time for one month isn’t a terrible thing. Never mind the money you will save. But think about how much easier it will be to stay in control and on track. Maybe after giving yourself a couple of weeks of no outside social events you will have an easier time when you start venturing out again.
10 MINUTES A DAY: Find 10 minutes everyday to be with yourself. Even if you have to lock yourself in your office or room with no phone and no one around. Take the 10 minutes to do some deep breathing exercises and just be still. No thinking no talking just breathing. Studies show this reduces anxiety and prolongs life expectancy by reducing immediate stress. It doesn’t have to be the same time everyday although you are more likely to stick with it if it is. But each morning plan out 10 minutes of you time to just breath. It’s something we definitely take for granted. Really listen to it and feel it and let it calm you. It sounds a little silly even as I write it – but try it once and then let me know how silly it is. It may be the best 10 minutes of your day.  
MEMORIAL DAY – It sounds so close yet so far.  But you know it will be here before you know it. Write down where you want to be by Memorial Day. Weight, eating habits, exercise. Do you have any goals for your family? Your job? Write them all down and each day focus on reaching your goal to get there. If you have a pair of pants or a bathing suit you want to fit in by then – keep it out where you can see it and try it on everyday. Remember that if you utilize each day of your life to get you closer to the things you want and the things that mean a lot to you then you will reach your goals. But you must use your days to your advantage. Make the most of each day so that you are one step closer to the person you want to be.  
Making the most of each day means to think about what will help you really reach your goals.  For example: If you know that you have been eating too much everyday and you have to force yourself to exercise to undue the damage. Then get off that hamster wheel because you are going no-where. Instead turn it around and make sure that you are eating clean and less everyday so that you don’t HAVE to exercise. You will exercise only if you WANT to but you won’t be doing it to undue damage. You will do it because it’s good for you and it will be an addition to your over all health and weight loss. How about you make a a resolution to yourself to take one day at a time from now until Memorial Day so that you have a nice jump start to get to where you want to be. This way you are not trying to lose weight or feel good or be ready for summer and starting it all on Memorial day. This year start now and take it slow and do it one day at a time to make the changes into the person you want to be. Use this time to get a head start instead of trying to do it last minute 🙂   
DO THE RIGHT THING. If you go into each day with the attitude that you will do the right thing even in the most difficult circumstances then you will see a dramatic difference in your life. Many times we set out to do the right things but we don’t always follow through because of inside or outside interference. But a great resolution and one of my favorites to live by is to just do the right thing. No matter what – each day do the right thing. It’s not hard to differentiate what that is. Each person has their own right things. Whether it’s just simply waking up happy everyday or being at work on time and doing a good job. Being prepared for school. Eating clean. Exercising. Not drinking or smoking. Being good to yourself, your family, and friends. Loving big. Sharing with others. Showing up when you are supposed to even when its somewhere you don’t want to be. Cleaning and doing laundry when it needs to be done. Each day you know what the right things are for you. Follow through and do the right thing everyday and it will change your life. When you concentrate on doing the right thing all the time then you will have less time to do the wrong things.     
When we live life by really trying to do the right thing all the time – life is a lot easier, happier and fulfilling. It takes so much more energy to do the wrong thing. It takes more energy to figure out an excuse to do the wrong thing and at the end of the day it makes you unhappy when you do the wrong things. Many times we create our own problems. We don’t do the right things we don’t follow through on our plans and we don’t do what we promise that we are going to. In return it makes us unhappy and most of the time it makes those we love unhappy. It’s so much easier to do the right things for yourself because 9 out of 10 times when you are doing the right thing for yourself it will be the right thing for those around you and you will make yourself and those you love very happy.
To change yourself,
look at what you fear and what you hate.
Start There.
 ~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick