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Memorial day has come and gone. Hopefully even with the crazy weather you enjoyed it. Now it’s right back on program and working hard until the next big event. Life is about journeys and when we live the program it’s about working hard in between the journeys. But it’s also about enjoying the journey. One enjoyable weekend and then back to 110% hard work and that gets us to the next holiday/vacation etc. Today you may feel like you over did it. Even if you didn’t the results of a holiday weekend can make you feel just bigger and bloated more than you normally would. It’s what happens when you are eating clean – your body instantly knows and will tell you when you over did it even if it was just more healthy. But for most it wasn’t just more healthy – it was just more.


So what happens when you feel bigger and bloated – Your body sends signals to your brain. “UGH you over did it again.” That signal can often help or hurt us. For the stronger minds it will put you right back on program, wanting nothing more than to get rid of the bloat and eat clean and feel good again. But for the weaker it will give you a reason to throw in the towel or simply make you struggle to get back to your clean meals and snacks. What you have to remember is if you want the healthy summer body you need to put the work in. If you want to enjoy on the weekend and enjoy your cheat day and the holidays and parties – then you have to put the work in. Listen to your body and if you feel bloated don’t make it worse make it better by going right back on program. The faster you get back on track the easier it is and the better you will feel. That’s why it’s called Living the Program. You enjoyed the long weekend – now you go right back on program and in a couple of days you will feel so much better than you do today.




Summer is right around the corner. With June almost here and all the end of the school year events that come with it – parties, graduations, proms and the big July 4th to start the summer off – hopefully bringing some blazing hot days to go with it… What does it all mean? How does it affect you? It’s simple – it means you work hard now. Right now is when you put the time in so when the next big weekend or event comes you can relax and enjoy it. It’s what I call the IN-BETWEEN. We are IN-BETWEEN holidays and vacations and celebrations. The IN-BETWEEN is when you put the work in and you stay focused and you get the job done. It’s when you walk away from the extra drink or the one more bite. Just like Memorial Day – you worked super hard to feel your best. We had some amazing numbers on Friday and Saturday and you enjoyed the holiday weekend and then you get right back to living the program. Now is the IN-BETWEEN. The IN-BETWEEN is what lets you enjoy the special days and weekends. Yes the IN-BETWEEN is hard. It’s actually when you work your hardest. But it’s also what makes you feel your best and everything so worth it.




You need to focus on today, right now, this moment – and make sure that you working hard and staying focused for what you want. Today is about getting back to feeling good and getting rid of the weekend bloat. Back on program and back to your 110% eating clean meals and snacks – back to your weight loss. Before you know it tomorrow less bloated and by Thursday amazing- and by the Weekend you will be jumping on the scale and figuring out which day you are cheating.


This is life and we all want to have fun and enjoy. But you want to enjoy feeling and looking your best – In order to do that you must put the work in. The results of your week are always in your control just like the results of your weekend. The harder you work and the more focused you are the better the results.



Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick