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Tag: work hard

eatcleanfamilyfeel goodhappyHealthy TipsLifestyleSUMMER

Weight Loss Is Hard but makes you so happy!

This past weekend was pretty awesome.  We had so many clients losing weight and reaching numbers they thought they would never see.  Super super exciting!  I love that I can just see, hear, and feel the excitement in the clients.  Everyone is really working hard and in a “hardcore”state of mind to reverse the quarantine weight, and/or reach new goals or see numbers they have not seen in years.


For most of you, the Innovation Program is not a diet — it’s a way of life.  You live it and you love the way it makes you feel.  And this is the time of year — especially after quarantine that you know how important it is to give it that little extra hard work that really pulls it all together so you get the very best results every single week.  For others, this is all new and while you may be just starting or in it for a couple of weeks — it will come together and you all of a sudden realize how hard you have to work to lose weight but you also realize when you do work hard and stay on your path and eat clean 6 days at 110% consistency — that’s when you will get the best results.  I say it all the time… in all aspects of life if you work hard you will get the results.  Weight loss is something you should not mind working hard at because it’s for your health both mentally and physically.  — My clients love to send me pics (and I absolutely love getting them) and I can’t begin to describe the changes in clients when they lose weight and eat clean — and how it gives them an extra bounce in their step and personality — it’s sheer happiness that is beaming from their healthy hydrated skin.


It’s mid – July  and everyone is just so excited to be losing weight and really excited to be feeling great and doing the right thing.  It’s truly when you can enjoy the most is when you feel great.  So if you want to enjoy the vacation out east or the extra drinks throughout the week you must stay on program because you can enjoy and lose weight — and when you do both that is when you feel great.  When you feel great is when you truly enjoy everything you are doing.  You ever notice when you feel great how contagious it is — everyone wants to be a part of feeling great.  There is so much sadness is the world — today you have to make sure you appreciate and enjoy every bit of happiness that comes your way.  Most important is to make sure you are creating your own happiness everyday.  That’s what you do on the Program — you do the right thing and lose weight and feel great and it gives you happiness that you have 100% control over.


If you want to be that happy person and you want to put your clothes on and feel good and go out and feel amazing, if you want that happy feeling of control in what you are doing — then you need to be 110% committed to the program and to yourself.  If you are, I promise you that you will feel the best and you will l look the best you every thought possible.


My last thought for you on this beautiful day …. IT’S HARD — weight loss is hard — BUT IT’S SO WORTH IT.  Will you feel hungry?  Yes, you will feel hungry but think about it — you feel hungry even on the days you are over eating.  So at least when you have a little hunger now you know that it’s because you are losing weight and getting results from it.  The clients that have done amazing and continue to do amazing know how tough it is and when it get’s tough they remind themselves how much they want this and how important it is to them.  If you want it then don’t let anything or anyone get in your way.  Don’t look back and wish you did better over quarantine – because it doesn’t matter that time has passed and the only thing you can do right now is stop making excuses and move on to a better today, tomorrow and week.  Don’t bother looking back — only look forward because that is what you have control over.  Don’t let another week go by without doing the right thing because it will only add up and the longer you delay it the harder it will be.  If you do it right now and focus on a better today, then tomorrow will be easier and by next week you will feel amazing and in control. If you want to feel great, happy, lighter and enjoy your summer feeling inspired, motivated and in control — then you have to put the work in starting today and you have to commit to yourself and live the program.  Eat clean 6 days a week and enjoy your once a week cheat day.  Before you know it  you will be the happy, excited, inspired person waking up, jumping out of bed and excited to get dressed.  Because you feel good and there is nothing better than feeling good about yourself especially when you know that YOU are the one who made it happen.


It’s not something you can wish for — it’s something you have to WORK for.

~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick



Hi Everyone! I am so happy everyone loves the store. It’s so important to me that my clients love and are happy where they shop. Making you happy makes me happy. But for many of you who know me already know that!
  • Happiness and goals: Whatever makes you happy should be easier to work toward. But, sometimes we put too much thought into things we don’t need to. We know what we want and we know if we continue on our path we will get there. But yet we still flutter our minds with nonsense that really has no bearing on you unless you want it to. For example. After an amazing summer we run right into holidays. But that’s okay. Just continue on your plan and stay on program. There is nothing else to think about. My cheat day is Sunday, and Monday I will make sure that wherever I am going they will have an on program option for me. OR. I decide my cheat day is going to be Monday because I am going to my family and there will be all kinds of food and drink I want to participate in. Okay great. I will stay clean all weekend and have my Cheat day Monday. Sounds so simple right? It sounds simple because it is simple. More important it’s what will give you results that make you happy. I can’t tell you how many of you will text me on Tuesday and say I am SO HAPPY I stuck to my one cheat day. Sticking to your plan gives you happiness because you stayed on your path, you feel good both mentally and physically and you are on track working toward your goal that also makes you happy. My point is don’t flutter your minds with other possibilities or set yourself up for failure when you know the result is not going to make you happy.  What is going to make you happy and give you the results you want is sticking to your one cheat day. You are the only one who can work, and make good choices to make that happen. If you want to stay happy keep on the path that is helping you reach your goals.
  • The transition can be challenging: We are coming off of an over indulging summer. Of course we want nothing more than to be 110% because we are so sick of all the food and drink we just consumed in a couple of short months.  But you must remember the temptation will still be there. Just because you say you are done – now you must train your body and mind to be done. The more you get back on that consistency of doing the right thing over and over without fail is when the temptation starts to disappear and your happiness and goal becomes clearer and clearer.  It’s one day at a time and continue to work hard at what you want and make the right choices and before you know it you are back on your path and feeling amazing.
  • Being incredible can sometimes be uncomfortable:  If you want results you have to be willing to do what it takes. This is what it takes – getting up everyday and working toward your goal and agreeing that some days will be very very uncomfortable. And that’s okay because it’s those tough uncomfortable days that you get through that make the biggest difference in the outcome. When those uncomfortable times or days appear you need to work harder to get past them. Don’t waste time thinking of an easier way because there is no easier way then doing the right thing.
The time you spend trying to find an easier way or a short cut – could be time that you already invested into the work that would be getting you to where you want to be. For most of you life is very simple if you don’t complicate it.  If you want to do well in life you must get up everyday and work hard toward what makes you happy.  Don’t waste your time looking for short cuts or easy. Just get up work hard, make good choices and you will reach your goals.  We all have to work. And it should be at multiple things – at jobs, families, school, at love and for most on our bodies. But the point is no matter what it is in life that you are working for – if it makes you happy and you get up everyday and put the time and effort into it – I promise it will happen. Yes it may happen slower for some but slow or fast it will happen. Consecutive days, hard work, making good decisions will lead to incredible results. And when you continue to do the right thing – the journey is alway just as exciting and rewarding as the outcome. Everyday you are closer to what you want. Everyday you feel better and better. Everyday you have more and more control.  -And this should apply to everything in life. The more it makes you happy the more likely your success will be.
There is no easier way to get results
then doing the right thing everyday.
Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle



Memorial day has come and gone. Hopefully even with the crazy weather you enjoyed it. Now it’s right back on program and working hard until the next big event. Life is about journeys and when we live the program it’s about working hard in between the journeys. But it’s also about enjoying the journey. One enjoyable weekend and then back to 110% hard work and that gets us to the next holiday/vacation etc. Today you may feel like you over did it. Even if you didn’t the results of a holiday weekend can make you feel just bigger and bloated more than you normally would. It’s what happens when you are eating clean – your body instantly knows and will tell you when you over did it even if it was just more healthy. But for most it wasn’t just more healthy – it was just more.


So what happens when you feel bigger and bloated – Your body sends signals to your brain. “UGH you over did it again.” That signal can often help or hurt us. For the stronger minds it will put you right back on program, wanting nothing more than to get rid of the bloat and eat clean and feel good again. But for the weaker it will give you a reason to throw in the towel or simply make you struggle to get back to your clean meals and snacks. What you have to remember is if you want the healthy summer body you need to put the work in. If you want to enjoy on the weekend and enjoy your cheat day and the holidays and parties – then you have to put the work in. Listen to your body and if you feel bloated don’t make it worse make it better by going right back on program. The faster you get back on track the easier it is and the better you will feel. That’s why it’s called Living the Program. You enjoyed the long weekend – now you go right back on program and in a couple of days you will feel so much better than you do today.




Summer is right around the corner. With June almost here and all the end of the school year events that come with it – parties, graduations, proms and the big July 4th to start the summer off – hopefully bringing some blazing hot days to go with it… What does it all mean? How does it affect you? It’s simple – it means you work hard now. Right now is when you put the time in so when the next big weekend or event comes you can relax and enjoy it. It’s what I call the IN-BETWEEN. We are IN-BETWEEN holidays and vacations and celebrations. The IN-BETWEEN is when you put the work in and you stay focused and you get the job done. It’s when you walk away from the extra drink or the one more bite. Just like Memorial Day – you worked super hard to feel your best. We had some amazing numbers on Friday and Saturday and you enjoyed the holiday weekend and then you get right back to living the program. Now is the IN-BETWEEN. The IN-BETWEEN is what lets you enjoy the special days and weekends. Yes the IN-BETWEEN is hard. It’s actually when you work your hardest. But it’s also what makes you feel your best and everything so worth it.




You need to focus on today, right now, this moment – and make sure that you working hard and staying focused for what you want. Today is about getting back to feeling good and getting rid of the weekend bloat. Back on program and back to your 110% eating clean meals and snacks – back to your weight loss. Before you know it tomorrow less bloated and by Thursday amazing- and by the Weekend you will be jumping on the scale and figuring out which day you are cheating.


This is life and we all want to have fun and enjoy. But you want to enjoy feeling and looking your best – In order to do that you must put the work in. The results of your week are always in your control just like the results of your weekend. The harder you work and the more focused you are the better the results.



Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick