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Whatever it takes!

Power of Now:  Today I do NOT want you to think about yesterday or worry about tomorrow. I want you to embrace the power of NOW – TODAY – THIS MOMENT – THIS DAY! What you have to focus on is following your program and do Whatever it takes to stay on it. Your Program is what makes you feel your best. It gives you the freedom to have your cheat day but it also gives you that lighter, healthier, thinner and fit feeling that you work so hard for. Sometimes we forget that we have the power to do whatever it takes to get us to where we really want to be. The truth is you have all the power that you need both mentally and physically to get to where you want to be. The reality is if you are willing to put the work in and use that power to keep yourself in a happy, healthy place.


Yes, we can all come up with excuses and reasons why other things are more important than eating clean – but when you look at it from the big picture what could possibly be more important than you staying on program and feeling your best? Seriously think about it for a moment. When you feel your best you are happy and you feel great and it makes everything in your life that much easier to get through. You make everyone around you happy. What could make you not want to feel like that? What reason or excuse could you possibly tell yourself to not want to be the very best you could be. Next time you know you are making an excuse – think it through and think about— is excuse worthy of the outcome?


Regardless of where you are or where you go – staying on program should be a part of your life. It should be something you want to do not something you have to do.


Today leave the Excuses Behind You : Try not to focus on how many times you will need to eat out this week or how many weekend parties, bbq and events you have. The truth is if you want to lose the weight and not have set backs then you have the power to do it. Like so many other clients who lose the weight and keep it off – you can go out and enjoy and be 110%, and you can go to parties on the weekend – as long as you have a plan and are doing whatever it takes to follow it. You want the best results then you plan and stick to that plan 110% . Don’t set yourself up and go into anything thinking you will figure it out. Because the only thing you will figure out is how much food and drink you can consume in the time you are there. If you are serious about losing the weight and making some real changes then it has to be you are on 110% unless it’s your cheat day and it doesn’t matter where you are going or what you are doing.


If you are following the “In-Between” that we recently BLOG and Podcast – then you are deciding to take the weight loss slowly and there is nothing wrong with that. Do it at your own pace. But don’t get upset with yourself when you weigh and you are the same number as the week before. Weight loss is hard and when you are not 110% you will most likely see very little loss or you will maintain. And that is totally fine if that’s what you planned. It may take you 3 weeks to lose what you could have lost in one week – but you are still very much in the right direction and feeling great. Living the “In-Between” is a good plan if you know you can’t be 110% all the time. You just continue to plan to take it slow and be the best you can on the days you can. The results always all come down to you. On program you know what works for you and you know what you can eat and how much to eat to lose the weight – everything else is in your power to stay on program and be the best you can be OR be the best you WANT to be. I am here always to guide you and help you through the struggles but you are the one who will make the final decision when the temptation is in front of you.


Whether you are a shark or a snail you will always end up at the same place – one is just slower than the other and that’s absolutely fine if you plan it that way.


Final thoughts… Do whatever it takes! Stop making excuses, and make sure when you do decide to go off program that it’s worth it. I can’t tell you how many times a client will say “I went off program and I shouldn’t have it was so not worth it”. Whether you fall into social pressure or a little weak mind – these are the times that I am reminding you to have a plan. Because you will be much stronger if you have a plan. The power of your happiness and your weight loss is always in your hands. Whether you are 110% six days a week or 80-20 OR 70-30 – it’s always up to you and how hard you are willing to work for the results. When it comes to weight loss it’s more than just wanting results . Everyone wants the results. But to get the results you must work hard, have a plan and do Whatever it takes to stay on program and get those results


An Attitude of “Whatever is Convenient” won’t Accomplish Very Much.
An Attitude of “Whatever it Takes” is Impossible to Stop.

Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick

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