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Happy Tuesday!  Back to life and back to reality.  I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend.  I have to say I was very impressed with the amount of clients this year that stuck to the program and the one Cheat Day.  Even with the long weekend they set their mind to it and did it.  I love it because I know how much better you will feel today when you wake up and get back to real life.  It doesn’t mean you enjoyed any less, in fact  for many of you I think you enjoyed more.  You were thrilled with your numbers and nothing was going to get in the way of that.  I am so proud of you all.


For those who have not done the right thing for yourself this past weekend… for whatever excuse you have told yourself that — “I got sucked in”  or  “I thought I had control but I drank to much and before I know it was too late”  or “one chip ended in a weekend binge.”   Think about it now.  The morning after…. was it worth it?  Think about how you treated your weekend with food and alcohol.  Be honest with yourself – was it worth going off program for?  Do you feel like you could have done better-  do you have regrets.   Whatever your answer is you have to own it and learn from it.  Know what you would do the next holiday weekend.  And remind yourself how you feel today this morning getting dressed.    Now put it behind you and move forward with 100% determination and motivation.  Because for you today – tomorrow – next week and next month is all that matters and is what you have control of.


I can tell you this – everyone has struggles and weaknesses just like you do.  Even the person that you look at that always seems to do the right thing — you know who I mean.  I call them sharks.  They are always on program and regardless of what party or Bbq they walk into they look great – they make heads turn – they flow with confidence and they always follow whatever they planned for the day.   — You know who they are—  but what you don’t know is they are no different then you except they fight harder to get through their struggles and they don’t give in when the struggles happen.  You may say “no way”  but it’s true even the sharks have struggles but you just don’t see them.  But I see the them and I work with them to get through them.  Just like everyone else some days are easier than others.  But what they do different is they don’t let food control who they are and what they want.  They don’t let the stress of the day make them eat into a frenzy.  They are disciplined and strict with their one day off and six days on.  It’s not that they don’t want the indulgences any less than you do, but they love to look good and feel good more.  Becuase they know that when they eat clean and stay on program it keeps them in control and that’s how they love to live.  The way they feel and look is more important to them then any food or alcohol can temp them.  They fight on the weaker days and they make it a priority to stay on program even when the path is bumpy.  Even when they have hungrier days they reach out and we figure out how to get around it or what their best options are to get through it.  They know and have learned these weaker days are temporary and everyone has them.  They have their struggles in life but they make sure no matter what comes at them their priority is their health and the way they feel.  Because they know and have learned when they feel great they can fight anything else that comes their way.  And when you look at them wishing you had that strength to get where they are— I am telling you that you do.  I know better than anyone they were once you.  But they fought, and learned and kept fighting to get what they wanted and to feel how incredible they do today and everyday.  Yes, you do have that strength — you just have to want it as much as they do and you have to want it all the time.  You have to get past the tough days and understand they will always be there.  We will always have long weekends and parties and stress.  It’s all part of life.   But you will need to stick to what you know at the end of the day gives you strength and happiness which is eating clean and feeling good in your own skin.  When you learn that feeling healthy, thin and fit makes you happy and that happiness helps everything else in your life, that is when you will make it a priority everyday.


What it all comes down to at the end of the day  — it’s always a choice — YOUR CHOICE — do you want it or do you want to talk about it. Do you want to sit and think about it or are you willing to work hard at it everyday.  Every possibility is out there for you.  No one can make you be overweight and no one can make you be successful.  You have to want it and work for what success means to you.   Don’t make excuses — you are no different than anyone else.  If you are willing to fight for what you want and put the work in everyday then you can have the results.  First decide what you want in life, what makes you happy — and work for it 100% everyday.  Successful people don’t work at things when they feel like it or when it’s convenient for them — they work all the time— 24/7 — that’s why they are successful.   While you are sleeping they are working out.  While you are watching TV — they are planning and preparing their meals for the week.  Success is about putting in 110% and getting 110% out of it.  If it sounds like a lot then you don’t want it enough.  If it’s something you really want eventually it won’t even feel like work.  It will be a part of your happy life.  Start now — life is short make sure every minute of your day counts toward something that is important to you and your future.


Decide what you want — go after it and fight for it 110% everyday