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Don’t let the rain fool you in NY today.  — Can you believe we are another week closer to summer.  Another week closer to vacations, staycations, camp, beach and many social days and nights. Yes another week closer to bathing suits and shorts.  If you haven’t already I think it’s time you set some goals!  Don’t ever feel like there is no more time.  There is always time to make a change and if you want it bad enough you will do it.  Just remind yourself that it’s the journey is where all the changes happen.  I have seen clients start two weeks ago and they already are so happy they began.  Even when they are not nearly as close to goal as they want to be it doesn’t matter – they feel lighter, no bloat and they are on their way to feeling better and better every week.  Sometimes we put things off when really we should just be starting.  No excuses just do it.


Where do you want to be in a week — 2 weeks— a month?  Where do you want to be by July 21st?  August 1st?  or when the kids return home from camp?  Maybe even September or Labor Day can be your a goal for you.  Yes summer is hard to lose weight– but getting through summer feeling out of control and over weight and staying that way is even harder.  Don’t ever feel like it’s too late and don’t ever give up on yourself and never ever give up on your goals and dreams.  Because it really doesn’t matter what time of the day or year it is.  If you start now by mid July you won’t be at goal but you will be so happy you started and you will feel so much better than you do today.  The bottom line is if it’s something you want and you are willing to work hard for then you will make it happen.




  1. STOP MAKING EXCUSES:  you can tell yourself that friend came by or your kids have been out of control or you’re so busy packing for camp or work is just crazy… the bottom line is you are still using them as excuses to cheat and go off your program.  And regardless of how true your excuse may be, it doesn’t change the fact that if you went off your program you will not lose weight.  So remember even the best excuse in the world you are still putting yourself in the wrong direction.  Think before you grab before you eat.  Most of the time it’s a moment of chaos and then it’s over and you can get through it without cheating.  Always make sure you have on program snacks around so at the very least if you eat you are eating an extra on program snack it’s still better than eating something that is extra that is not on program.   This way you won’t give yourself the excuse that you went off program and now it’s a cheat day.  Even an extra on program snack is much better than an extra cheat day.
  2. EAT TO LIVE — don’t live to eat.  Stop making food the focus on your life.  Have a plan in place each day of what you are eating from your program and then move on.  It’s fuel for your body.  It’s meant to help your body run the best it can.  Cheat day is exciting.  Honestly the Innovation store gives you so many opportunities to incorporate yummy clean delicious choices that help you lose weight and still feel like you are indulging — there is no reason of you to be cheating unless it’s  Cheat Day.
  3. HUNGRY TIME— this is one of the most important things to figure out about your day.  When are you the hungriest that you have the hardest time controlling.  For some it’s when they get home from work or school and head right for the pantry.  For others it’s night time when the world is quiet and they are in the comfort of their home.  For some it’s first thing in the morning when they wake up.  — Whenever your hungry time is you have to have a plan to get through it.   You have the option of planning your snacks for that time.  Make sure you save a snack for the time that is most challenging.  Or you can break the habit and make a new one.  For example if you get home and you know you go right to the pantry –  grab a water and go right out for a walk and tell yourself that if you are still hungry when you get back you will have a snack.  Or maybe get home from work and shower or go in the back yard and sit with your kids or dog.  If it’s first thing in the morning split your breakfast and have 1/2 when you wake up and 1/2 an hour later.   Do something different and do it for a week straight and you will see how quickly you can make a new habit to replace the old one.


I really can’t say it enough you have to plan your day.  Know where you are going and what you are eating.  You should never be at a time when you are without a snack on you in case you need it.  When we try to wing it we end up sabotaging ourself.  We start with having a little handful here or there and before you know it you are taking in twice as much as you would have with a meal and on program snack and you are still not satisfied.  PLAN- PREPARE-FOLLOW THROUGH.  When you have your meals and snacks planned and prepared you will have success!  There are plenty of things in life that are really hard and we have no control of making them easier.  Eating clean, losing weight and feeling great are all things that if you do the right thing, plan your day, and make the right choices then they become easy.  They become second nature and most important they become a way of life.


Summer is literally around the corner.  Keep it simple.  Stay on your path and do the right things and life will simply become easier.  Because even if you have obstacles in your life that are challenging and hard — when you feel healthy and fit even the hardest obstacles will become easier to deal with.  We all know that when you can put on your summer shorts and bathing suit and feel comfortable and confident — there are not too many problems that can come your way that you won’t be able to deal with a smile on your face.  Because at the end of the day when you are in control and you feel good about your body and you are feeding your mind and energy healthy — everything in your life is just lighter, easier and happier.


You can’t always control what goes on outside but you can always control what goes on inside


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick