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Start Living

Who you have been is not who you have to be.  At the same time, who you are today will determine who you are in the future.  The way you live your life today determines the quality and experience of your life tomorrow.


It really is as simple and as complicated as that.  You can plan, you can dream, you can hope, you can pray, you can think.  But at the end of the day, the only way to get control and become the person you want to be is to start being that person now.


Our actions, not our thoughts, are what define who we are.  You could be the nicest person in the world but that doesn’t make your dreams come true — it just makes you a really nice person with dreams.  Your plans can be fantastic, but if you aren’t acting on them, they don’t mean anything to anyone and you are just someone with fantastic plans.  You could want to lose 20lbs because they make you insecure and uncomfortable.  But if you don’t do anything about them you will just be an insecure person who is 20lbs over weight.


Actions are what separate people from who they are and who they want to be.  I can give you all the tools, motivation, and accountability, but it’s not the HOW that is the problem it’s the lack of action that is stopping you.  If you don’t do something different today, why should tomorrow be anything but the same?  How do you become the person you want to be?  How do you lose the weight you have been trying to lose and how do you reach your goal that you have been trying to reach?  — There is one simple answer.  Don’t think so much just do it.  Put yourself into action and be that person.  Follow your meals and snacks and nothing in between.  Eat clean 6 days and cheat 1 day.  That’s how you do it.  And you continue to do it every day and live the life.  When you are living the life you are in action and doing it and that’s all it takes is doing it – living it and becoming it.  Anyone can be great at anything, they just have to do it consistently for long enough.  It’s just that many people aren’t willing to dedicate themselves to what they want for long enough to make it matter.  Thinking and planning are easy – Action is where the real stuff happens.



FINAL THOUGHTS… Take Action and Start Living the Life you want and be the person you want to be.  Start by Thinking, Planning, Preparing and most important Taking Action.   It can seem like a lot more fun and easier to dream about [that thin person that I’m going to be]—   In dream world everything is easy.    Then before you know it you start talking yourself out of it.  You are out to dinner and the hot rolls are on the table and immediately you cave because what’s the point?  It’s so hard.  I can’t do it.  Positive thoughts create positive actions just like negative thoughts create negative actions.  If you think you can’t do it then you won’t do it and if you think it’s just too hard then it will be too hard.  We constantly talk ourself in and out of what we want to do especially when temptation is in front of us.  But I am always telling you to choose your hard.  Because it might be hard to pass on those hot rolls but it’s going to be a lot harder when the rolls are on your body.    We use negative in our life to comfort us in the moments we don’t want to do something.  When dreams have to be put into action and become reality we cave.   It’s just so much easier to say it then do it.  But you have to stop living in the saying it and start living in the doing it.  If you don’t try everyday you won’t succeed.  You want something you have to work for it every single day or it will go away as fast as it came.  You have to be positive and you have to know that you can do anything you want to do as long as you follow through.  You think it, plan it and execute it.  Always follow up what you want by doing it.  If it feels hard – do it anyway.   When you put the work and action into you I promise you will be amazed at what you can accomplish and how fast you will accomplish it.



You are confined only by the walls you build yourself.  

~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick