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Tag: weight




I hope your branches are not made of CHOCOLATE! 

Yes December is here and it’s the most challenging time of the year. But is it really? Personally I don’t think it is. First of all it goes way to fast and second it doesn’t even compare to summer that is 2 months long and full of all social activities. December is quick and cheerful and bright but of course it’s also filled with lots of goodies, baking, parties and alcohol all squeezed into 31 days. And if you are mindful you will be fine and if you are amazing you will do great but if you are mindless you will be really upset come January 1.  

One thing we know for sure – the results are always up to you. 

Yes it’s hard but think about how many times you say that throughout the year. It’s always going to be hard. There is no easy time to lose weight but how you handle the situation in the month will determine if it’s going to be hard or easy. Do not put yourself into the mindset that it’s going to be too hard because of the holidays. If you tell yourself that then you are already telling yourself that you don’t believe you can do it. And I can tell you right now if you don’t believe you can do it – you absolutely won’t do it. 

I Believe – I Believe – I Believe

The first thing you need to do is want it and believe 100% you can do it.

Let’s be honest. I have clients who will do amazing through December and it’s not that they are not enjoying – trust me they are. But they also know the importance of keeping it to one cheat meal. When they stay on 6 days a week and enjoy the one cheat meal a week they not only enjoy their food but they enjoy how they look and feel. They know the importance that if they want to lose weight and feel great they have to stay on 6 days a week consistently. It doesn’t mean they can’t go to holiday parties mid week it just means they have a plan for when they do go to holiday parties mid week. When you have a plan and stick to it you will see the results you want.

When you have a plan for the good days and 

a plan for the most challenging days

that is when you will see the best results. 

Whatever holiday traditions you are celebrating we know that every piece of chocolate and every holiday cookie and every holiday drink looks better when it’s wrapped in holiday cheer! So it’s important to always have a plan and to really do your best to follow through on it. Its important to make the choices that are going to make you feel the best today, tomorrow, next week and next year.

You can absolutely lose weight in December if you want too,

 You can maintain in December if you want to 

You can gain in December even if you DON’T want to. 

When it comes to temptation one thing that I think really helps is to not think about what you feel in the moment, instead think about how you are going to feel later that night or the next morning. Ask yourself this question – Is it something that is going to make you happy or is it something that is just there and you are grabbing and eating it because of the moment or the holiday environment. If you are honest you will know the answer before you ask it. 

I know I am constantly reminding you that the better you feel the better you will do. I am a true believer in if you are doing the right thing and feel good you are more likely to choose the right options to keep you feeling that way. When you are around a holiday dinner or party and feel amazing — you will want to do everything you can to stay that way. 

When you feel good you look and you do good

Final Thoughts: Have your plan and follow through with it and I promise you will enjoy December, enjoy how you look and feel, be so happy with your results and enjoy keeping the control that makes you feel so good.  

~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick 




I just wanted to put out a little message to everyone who is struggling. It’s okay. Don’t compare yourself to those that are doing great – I promise your time will come. But for now while you are struggling just keep moving forward. Don’t give up because that is only going to make you gain more weight on top of the weight you already want to lose. Instead just take it one day at a time. Try to get through each day the best you can. 

The most important advice is try to make this a healthy competition between you and you. Every single person is unique and special and that includes you. While I know you can be the best version of yourself that might not be today – but what you can absolutely do today is have a better day than yesterday. Even if it’s not perfect make it better than the day before. Because we don’t want our bad off days to become new bad habits. Instead keep trying to do something better every day to make it better than the day before. Maybe one less snack or do a detox meal or incorporate a longer workout or exercise.  I see clients struggle everyday – but they keep trying, and eventually they have amazing days and amazing weeks. When we keep trying to move forward and keep trying to be better than the day before – eventually you will have more and more good days. 

One mindset to help get you back on track. I can’t stress this enough – as we can already see in the NY weather. It’s not going to be cold for much longer. There are so many people who are working extra hard right now to become the person they want to be for this summer. It’s not easy for them either they are just doing it because they already know in only a few short months they do not want to deal with the feelings of not fitting into their summer clothes. So think about today and where you want to be when the coats come off and there is nothing to hide under. Make sure you are doing everything you can right now to feel your best – even if it’s not perfect be the best you can be because that is all that you need to do today. 

My final thought is to make sure you plan prepare and try your best to follow through on each day. When you fall off your path with an extra snack or meal just get right back on and continue your on program. Do not focus on what you did wrong focus on what you are doing great. Keep everyday as positive as you can because the more positive the mindset the more likely you are going to stick to your weight loss day. 

Some days will be easier than other – on the harder days is when you need to really use your strength to keep it together and push through. Stop making excuses why you can’t and find all the excuses why you can and most of all why you want to. I know you are capable of doing it – and when YOU believe that you can do it is when it’s really going to happen for you – and that is when it will become your time to be the best version of you. 


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick



8031/8037 JERICHO TPKE








We can get so much accomplished in March. With 5 weeks and no holidays to speak of it’s time to put your weight loss into full gear. And we do this by staying committed to our goals. Doesn’t matter if you want slow progress or fast progress the key is to always have progress. 

6 Weeks until Spring Break 

14 weeks until Memorial Day 

20 weeks until 4th of July 

You can look at these dates and get as much accomplished as you want to. But you have to set yourself up for success. The only way to set yourself up for success is to have a goal and to plan, prepare and follow through to reach it. In this blog we are going to focus on the next 6 weeks until Spring Break. Think about where you want to be and what you are willing to do to get there. 

6 Weeks 

1 lb a week = 6 pounds – Very very doable

2 lbs a week = 12 lbs – Very doable

3lbs a week = 18 lbs – very doable for some

for others it will be more challenging

If you are looking for slow steady and healthy – you simply plan prepare and follow your Innovation Menu.  But if you are looking to lose the most weight in the 6 weeks….

Here are some tips to try to incorporate into your weeks:

1. You have to be willing to follow your menu 100% 6 days a week

2. Add in detox days once, twice or up to 3x a week

3.  Control your cheat day and make it a cheat meal and dessert once a week instead of a cheat day

4. Do the 5 hour fast

5. Do the Lose 5-7 lbs in one week menu

6. Add daily exercise – every day including cheat day 

6. Stop Making excuses for yourself

7. Keep every day as positive as you can in every area of your life. 

8. Have a specific goal – a specific amount you want to lose; or a bathing suit or outfit you want to fit in;

9.   Plan your day the night before – don’t leave it until the last minute or the morning. Know what you are doing in advance. 

10. Say this affirmation every morning 5x before you get out of bed:


FINAL THOUGHTS: Everyone is different and every body is different. So do you. Figure out what you are capable of and follow through with it. I have thousands of clients – sometimes they want balance in their week and other times they need to get it off quickly. Decide where you are right now and what will work for you. If you want slow and steady that is fantastic. Looking for a little quicker than follow some of the tips above. Either way the most important goal for March is to do you. Figure out what makes you feel good both mentally and physically – and most of all what you are capable of doing. We all are going through different things at different times. Figure out where your mental space is right now and that will help you decide what you can accomplish. Small steps or big steps the key is to keep moving forward and always working toward being your best self and living your best life. 


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick



8031/8037 Jericho Tpke

Woodbury, NY 11797


clean eatingdieteatcleanfamilyfeel goodhappyhealthyHealthy TipsLifestyleMotivationweight loss



How often we say it.  How often we promise to do it.  Yet, how rarely do we actually do the best we can? When we do — when we use all our efforts, when we push through old and new boundaries — the satisfaction is enormous and the rewards are sweeter because we earned them.  But the first thing you have to come to terms with is your best really your best?  Mindset is everything when it comes to weight loss.  When you wake up in the morning and tell yourself —  “That’s it!” — You are tired of giving every one else your best,  NOW you are going to give yourself your best too!!  You are going to put yourself in a place that no matter what —  you will do the right thing.  You will make sure you walk away when you have to and you will plan, prepare and follow through each day.  You not only promise yourself — but you fight through the tough times and you don’t let anything  or anyone set you back.  So don’t just SAY you are going to try your best THINK IT, BELIEVE IT AND DO IT.  Because if you believe that you are going to be amazing then you will be amazing and if you think it’s too hard you can’t do it — you won’t do it.

From the time you wake up in the morning how you think about yourself and your day is going to have a huge impact on your results.  Last week we went over how important it is to Fall in love with taking care of yourself.  This week I want you to continue that but be excited about it.  Be excited about the scale. Be excited about feeling good.  Be excited about doing the right things…. And be excited because you are in control of your life and you make the decisions on whether or not you want to live healthy, be thin and feel amazing.  No one makes those choices for you.  How exciting that you get to wake up today and decide that you want to take care of your body, your mind, your health.  You want to work hard toward a goal and you are the only one who can get in the way of that goal.  What you want, how bad you want it and hard you work for it will determine your success.  How amazing is that — and how EXCITING!

Keep the NEGATIVE OUT:  Keep the negative people away, and keep the negative emotions out of your mind.   Negative people will always be around.  Sometimes we can control their presence and sometimes we can’t.  But you always CAN control what you take from them.  If you have no choice to be around negative people then it’s important to keep your mindset extra strong.  Don’t let them take you to their dark side.  Don’t let them talk you into ordering something you don’t want.  Don’t let them convince you how hard weight loss is (we already know how hard it is no one has to tell us).  Most of all don’t let them take you off your path.  Unfortunately even our closest people can take us off our healthy path just because they are in a bad place.   The bottom line is misery loves company.  It doesn’t mean they don’t love you it just means they want you to share in their misery at that moment.  What you do and how you react is your choice.  And while it may only be one bad day for them — that one bad moment for you might take you off your path for a week — and then where does that leave you?  Stick to what works for — if they love you they will be okay with it.  If they are not okay with it then you should re-evaluate your people.




KEEP THE NEGATIVE EMOTIONS OUT OF IT:  I can’t, it’s too hard, im sick of it, I should weigh less by now, I want to be at my goal already, they made me do it. I didn’t want to go off I had no choice ……. I can literally go on with this list forever.  I have heard it all.  If you want to change your results – THEN CHANGE YOUR WORDS.   The words you tell yourself are the words you will live —  so every time you catch yourself being negative — STOP AND PAUSE and then reverse it.  Even if you don’t feel it reverse it anyway and keep your words and thoughts positive.  The more you do it the more it will become second nature.  No one wants to hear you crying — You don’t even want to hear you crying. Everyone has their own problems and is trying to get through their own tough days.  Im sure you are even sick of listening to all the negative excuses that comes out of your mouth — so think of how your family and friends feel.  Negative talk does nothing but create negative actions which result in negative results.   KEEP IT POSITIVE- POSITIVE -POSITIVE!  The more positive you talk to yourself the better results you will think…..  The more positive you results you think the more positive you will speak……  the more positive results you speak the better results you will feel.  While I know you already know all of this — it never hurts to be reminded so you can reevaluate your words, thoughts and environment.  We can fool others.  But we can’t fool ourselves.  When you are honest with yourself it will bring freedom for you to work harder.  Only you truly know what your best is.  And when you give less than your best those are the results you have to live with.



~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
Sick Woman. Flu. Woman Caught Cold. Sneezing into Tissue
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Weight Loss and the Immune System

When it comes to losing weight and your immune system, the two go hand in hand and constantly affect one another. When you eat healthy and lose weight, your body is working at its best and you are more likely to have a strong and top performing immune system. But when you are overweight, your body struggles to keep itself healthy. Bad eating habits and overall poor health have been linked to diseases ranging from the common cold to cancer, heart disease and diabetes. A strong immune system and healthy body is especially important in the winter time when we are susceptible to colds, flus, pneumonia and other seasonal ailments.


You know that heavy, sluggish feeling when you are overweight? Where you just feel like something isn’t right and your body is suffering. Being overweight is associated with being in a chronic state of inflammation, meaning you constantly feel bloated and uncomfortable. This chronic inflammation seems to promote a state of overstimulation of the immune system, which keeps your immune system from running normally. So while your body is dealing with the extra weight it is carrying, it can’t fight off diseases and infection.


The good news is that a number of studies have shown that losing weight can reverse the damage done to the immune system. Not only will you feel better, but you may also improve your resistance to bacterial and viral infections when you immune system is able to work at its best. Losing weight has also been known to diminish or even alleviate certain diseases such as diabetes and sleep apnea. Some people are even able to stop taking certain medications because their body can take care of itself better. Many diseases affect us because of what we eat and they way we treat our bodies. When we are not eating clean and healthy, we are putting toxins in our bodies every day that clog our arteries, puts stress on our hearts, slows us down, and risk our health in so many other ways.


One thing to keep in mind is that forceful and extreme weight loss can actually lower your immune system. Vigorous exercise or drastically lowering your caloric intake can affect your immune system and your body’s fat reserves, and leave you vulnerable and at risk for disease. This is why moderate exercise and healthy eating is always suggested. Your body needs time to adjust to your changing habits. According to one study, moderate caloric restriction increases longevity and boosts the immune system to help fight off chronic conditions. When you are trying to lose weight of course you have to restrict your normal eating habits. The bottom line is you always have to eat less, and it’s okay to be a little hungry. But you should never be starving. Eating clean and healthy foods and the right portions gives your body the nourishment it needs to be at a healthy weight and keep your immune system working at its best.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness


8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797


469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Weight Loss and the Immune System


When it comes to losing weight and your immune system, the two go hand in hand and constantly affect one another. When you eat healthy and lose weight, your body is working at its best and you are more likely to have a strong and top performing immune system. But when you are overweight, your body struggles to keep itself healthy. Bad eating habits and overall poor health have been linked to diseases ranging from the common cold to cancer, heart disease and diabetes. A strong immune system and healthy body is especially important in the winter time when we are susceptible to colds, flus, pneumonia and other seasonal ailments.  


You know that heavy, sluggish feeling when you are overweight? Where you just feel like something isn’t right and your body is suffering. Being overweight is associated with being in a chronic state of inflammation, meaning you constantly feel bloated and uncomfortable. This chronic inflammation seems to promote a state of overstimulation of the immune system, which keeps your immune system from running normally. So while your body is dealing with the extra weight it is carrying, it can’t fight off diseases and infection. 


The good news is that a number of studies have shown that losing weight can reverse the damage done to the immune system. Not only will you feel better, but you may also improve your resistance to bacterial and viral infections when you immune system is able to work at its best. Losing weight has also been known to diminish or even alleviate certain diseases such as diabetes and sleep apnea. Some people are even able to stop taking certain medications because their body can take care of itself better. Many diseases affect us because of what we eat and they way we treat our bodies. When we are not eating clean and healthy, we are putting toxins in our bodies every day that clog our arteries, puts stress on our hearts, slows us down, and risk our health in so many other ways. 


One thing to keep in mind is that forceful and extreme weight loss can actually lower your immune system. Vigorous exercise or drastically lowering your caloric intake can affect your immune system and your body’s fat reserves, and leave you vulnerable and at risk for disease. This is why moderate exercise and healthy eating is always suggested. Your body needs time to adjust to your changing habits. According to one study, moderate caloric restriction increases longevity and boosts the immune system to help fight off chronic conditions. When you are trying to lose weight of course you have to restrict your normal eating habits. The bottom line is you always have to eat less, and it’s okay to be a little hungry. But you should never be starving. Eating clean and healthy foods and the right portions gives your body the nourishment it needs to be at a healthy weight and keep your immune system working at its best.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle


Vacations are coming to an end and the children are back at school…now it’s time to get back to you. Why wait until New Year’s to make a resolution to lose weight and be healthy? September is a perfect month to start a “New You”.


With long work hours and after school sports here are a some IMPORTANT TIPS to make sure your September schedule is a healthy one that works for you:


1) PLAN YOUR WORKOUT IN THE MORNING:  When you plan to do your workout first thing in the morning you have an 80% chance of actually doing it. On the flip side, if you don’t do your workout first thing in the morning, you have an 80% chance of NOT doing it!


When we start with a morning workout, we are much more likely to have a better nutritional day. Why? Because mentally you have put yourself on track for the day. You will not want to ruin your hard work and effort with an unhealthy snack or meal.


If you are a stay-at-home parent, get the kids off to school and head to the gym. Don’t put it off until after you clean the house or get the laundry done. Before you know it, the kids will be getting off the bus as quickly as they got on. Head right to the gym. Follow up by running your errands and then head home and do your housework.


If you are a working parent, make the effort to get up an extra hour early and get your workout in.  It will change the dynamic of your day from okay to awesome! While I understand how difficult it can be to add an extra hour to your day, I can assure you it’s worth it, both mentally and physically. Your body will get used to it and in return, that extra hour will actually make you feel more healthy and energetic throughout the day.


2) REMEMBER: WORKOUTS ARE IN ADDITION TO HEALTHY FOODS, NOT IN REPLACE OF:  What exactly does that mean?  You are doing your workout so you can be healthy. If you want to lose weight in addition to clean eating it will help you lose even more weight; HOWEVER, you are NOT working out so you can eat whatever you want all day…AND you are NOT working out so you can eat more food throughout the day (even if it is healthy food – it’s still more). Workouts are to keep your body, mind, muscles and bones healthy and toned. In addition to a healthy eating plan, it will help you lose even more weight.


3) KEEP MOVING: When you are with your kids at after school sports, make sure you are not sitting, chatting and watching them. Even if you already worked out in the morning, grab some of the moms and dads and walk around the track or field. Unless it’s a game, you don’t need to watch your child practice. They have coaches to tell them how to play. They only need mom and dad to tell them what a great job they are doing and how amazing they are.


4) PLAN YOUR MEALS IN ADVANCE: Don’t ever start the day by winging it. If you don’t know what you are going to eat each day, it will most likely turn out bad.  Either the night before or the morning of, make sure you know exactly what you are going to eat. Plan it out: You should know what you are eating for your meals and snacks each day. If you don’t know, you can quickly turn a healthy day into an unhealthy day all because of lack of planning. More importantly, when you don’t plan it out, it sometimes means mentally you know you will go off that day. That’s why you don’t want to think about it. So make sure you know exactly what you are going to eat from the time you wake up until you go to bed. When you are proactive it will make all the difference in your day.


When you incorporate some time for yourself into your schedule you can really make a difference in how you look and feel. No one said it’s easy to be healthy and fit, but everyone will tell you it’s worth it.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, N& 10018