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Tag: summer

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Monday – I’m Ready For You!

If the weekend has caught up to you and you are having a hard time facing Monday, I want you think of one thing: The faster you get your body and mind back on program, the faster you will feel human again, and the faster you will feel lighter again and the faster you will feel in control again. Weekends are hard for many reasons – but most of all you lose control of your food and your schedule. Monday put us right back to reality – but they are also amazing because it gives you a chance to get back on track and in control of everything that is important to us. Summer is around the corner so every day counts with where you want to be right now and how quickly you want to move forward. I can’t say it enough – you don’t want to waste any time doing the wrong things. Make every day count toward where you want to be this summer.




Are you ready for a great weight loss week? Have you planned your meals and snacks? If you want to be a shark this week and get the very most out of your weight loss efforts then planning your days are #1!  Here is a great trick to help you achieve your the best numbers this week! Take a piece of paper, a small notebook or write it on your “notes” in your smart phone. Write down exactly what you plan on eating today and repeat it every morning. Or do it the night before. Here is an example:


Monday 4/24/17
Breakfast: Bar
Lunch: PB Bites
Dinner: Grilled chicken and 2 cups of steamed vegetables 
Snack #1 – apple
Snack #2 – skinny popcorn
Snack #3 – Innovation nuts
*Had bite of hubby’s lasagna
*1 extra cups of sautéed vegetables


As the day goes on cross off what you ate. If you add anything write it on the bottom of the page under “EXTRAS”. This way you know how well you stuck to your plan and if you added anything in you weren’t planning on. By the end of the day you will see if you had a Weight Loss day because you followed exactly what you planned OR a Maintain Day (added some healthy unexpected choices) OR a Weight Gain Day (added unhealthy unexpected choices in). This doesn’t only give you your own accountability each day but at the end of the week you need to look back and add up all your “extras” from each day. You might really learn more about your eating habits then you thought.


The reason this works so well is because it’s really important to be accountable to yourself. It’s so easy to remember ONLY what we want to remember and just like it’s easy to FORGET what we want to forget. This helps you be accountable to what you “really” ate in a day vs. what you remember you ate. Only you will know if you write it all down and if you find yourself making excuses for not writing the “extras” – you will also know that you are only hurting yourself. If you don’t write it, then you don’t own it and then you can never change it. This exercise is important because until you can be truthful with what you are doing you will never get to where you want to be. The first week might even be a little tough to handle. When you realize that you have all these little “extras” – a couple of french fries, a few olives, a couple of cookies, a few bites here and there… the list can go on and on. One week of a lot of little “extras” can make the difference between you losing and maintaining. Write it – Own it and Change it!


Weight loss is a game. You are either going to play it really well and win or it’s going to beat you every time.
The winners are the ones who learn that this is a game of YOU against YOU!
And you need be accountable for everything that you put in your mouth and that everything you eat really does matter.


You need to be a little hungry and you need to understand that the reason you are eating clean is so you live longer.  
The reason you are eating less during the week is so that you can enjoy your one Cheat Day once a week.
The reason that you eat less and clean for six days straight is so that you see the weight loss every week! 


Keep it simple – follow the rules and you will win the game.   


You will be able to read more about WINNING THE WEIGHT LOSS GAME
In my new book coming out this summer 2017
How to Win at the Weight Loss Game At Last 
A Health and Wellness Book for those who
Finally want to win the weight loss game. 


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Summer is Coming!

We made it through another Holiday and now our focus should be strictly on Memorial Day and the start of Summer. We have 6 WEEKS until Memorial Day and approximately 10 WEEKS until the FIRST DAY OF SUMMER. Summer shorts, bathing suits, dresses and wearing them to the beaches, BBQ and vacations. 10 Weeks is a long time and a lot can be done. But just like any other time of the year, you have to focus and decide what you want and what you will do to get there.


NO MORE HIDING: There is one thing about summer – regardless of how much weight you gained, you are not hiding under clothes anymore. Summer makes you put out there what you have done. Good or bad it’s for all to see. This is the time – right now – to make a difference.


LONG TERM: One of the things I notice so many people do is they think long term. Which is great when you are planning your savings account but not for your weight loss. It’s too overwhelming. You think – “I can’t eat like this forever” or “It will take me so long to lose the weight”. Instead you should be thinking short term and follow your menu and lose the weight. Don’t think about long term because as you lose the weight your thoughts and body change. You physically need less and will want less but right now every day is a struggle. Your body is used to doing what it wants and now you are training it to do what you say. Just take it day by day and you will see the changes and that will make you motivated to keep going. We can all do the right things to make sure we end up in the place we want. But in order to do it you have to be willing to put your words into actions. It’s easy to say it – now you have to prove it and you have 6-10 weeks to do it.




You know how I love to break down the numbers because sometimes when you see what each week can get you it makes it real. What happens in our crazy life is we are so busy that the days and weeks pass by so quickly we don’t spend them as wisely as we should. It’s all about multi-tasking. While you are working at home or the office; while you are planning parties, or events; while you are taking the kids to school, sports, and end of the year celebrations; and while you are planning your next trip. Whatever you are spending your time on in the next 10 weeks you should also be eating clean, eating healthy and losing weight. It’s that simple. You need to do it – you want to do it – so stop making excuses and make it happen. If you do – this is what you can accomplish in 10 weeks:


1 lb a week   =   6 lbs by Memorial Day
1 lb a week   = 10 lbs by First Day of Summer


* This is so beyond doable.  Follow your menu with your meals and snacks and have your ONE cheat day a week and you will absolutely lose 1 lb a week resulting in 6 lbs by Memorial Day or 10 lbs by Summer! Consistency is key – if you want to get off that roller coaster ride then do it every week and it will add up.


2 lbs a week = 12 lbs by Memorial Day   
2 lbs a week = 20 lbs by First day of Summer


*Still very doable.  Follow your menu of meals and snacks and simply cut out a snack when you don’t need it. The current menu that you have that you are following, either take it back one snack a day or one less snack every other day. It’s usually that snack that you know you don’t really need but have it anyway – get rid of it and it will change the numbers. Make sure everything else is 110% to menu consistently through the week!


3 lbs a week =  18 lbs by Memorial Day
3 lbs a week =  30 lbs by First day of Summer 


*Challenging but doable. This requires your meals and one snack a day and no mistakes at any time. It requires you to follow and do the right things for the next 6 or 10 weeks without fail. You need to feel a little hungry everyday. Not starving but hungry. One Cheat Day a week and your other 6 days super super clean with no bites, sips or crumbs. You need to be mentally strong and on program and this has to be the most important thing to you at all times. If you treat the program like it’s a job that you want to be amazing at then you will see this kind of amazing loss every week.


I can’t say it enough that the most important thing for you to do is if you have been amazing then continue on your path and be amazing and keep making the fabulous healthy and happy changes you have been making  to your mind and body.  AND if you haven’t been great OR even a little terrible then get back on program and don’t look back. You need to get the new weight off very quickly before it becomes old weight. If you want to make serious changes it can happen in as little as 6 weeks. But it takes you being consistent every week. You have to keep doing the right things over and over again. Yes it’s easy to do the right things for a day or two but in order to see the scale move and keep moving means you have to do the right thing all the time. Doing the right things Day after Day and even having your ONE Cheat Day a week is doing the right thing. IF YOU FOLLOW YOUR PROGRAM AND STAY ON YOUR PROGRAM it will take you to awesomeness!





~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Innovation Winter Challenge 2017 Weight Loss Winners



Andrew Stern: 19 lbs
Beth Mallor: 16.6 lbs


We had really great weight loss numbers and the contest was REALLY close. But in the end you all won because you have all started Spring 2017 lighter, healthier and fitter than you were in January. How amazing for you all! When it comes to weight loss, it doesn’t really matter where you start – It matters that you enjoy the journey, work hard and feel great about yourself inside and out. You have all accomplished that. CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THE CONTESTANTS!


Many people always ask “how did they do it?” … I will tell you how. In order to lose weight you have to work hard everyday. You have to think about it everyday and you have to plan for it everyday. It’s really hard work! But it’s hard work for any success that you have in life. Any successful person will tell you that you have to work hard everyday. You have to give it your all everyday and you have to want it more than anything everyday. Whether it’s weight loss, school, or your career – it’s hard work and it’s exhausting and exciting all at the same time. You have to stay motivated and you need to constantly push yourself – especially if others  are trying to pull you down.  It doesn’t mean that you don’t have fun.  It’s what your version of fun is — Cheat day is fun. It’s a break from the real world once a week. Vacations are fun they are a break from the real world for a long weekend or long week. My point to this – is it’s easy to do nothing and it’s even easier to do the wrong things. But it won’t make you happy and it definitely won’t make you successful. If you want to be successful whether it’s in weight loss or any part of your life – it takes commitment, perseverance, and both physical and mental strength. You have to be willing to be exhausted but keep doing the right things… it’s okay to be aggravated but keep doing the right things – And of course on the happy days it’s always easier to do the right things!


Always remember the more consistently you work hard the more successful you will be..  Doing nothing is easy. Working hard and being successful is hard but definitely more rewarding. You have to decide who you are and what you are willing to give. Like Andrew and Beth! They worked hard for what they wanted and it shows!









~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Happy Spring!



If you haven’t already started working toward where you want to be I suggest you start now. Spring is here –  it’s now and it is not waiting for you to get ready for it. If you want to be amazing and feel amazing this Summer there is one simple solution…follow your program. Do the right thing for you body and do it for your mind – and get on program and stay on. As you know, there are all types of people in the world. There are those who DO and those who TALK ABOUT DOING. You have to decide who you want to be.  


It’s up to you if you want the very best results.  
It’s up to you if you want to be thin or you want to talk about being thin.  


The very worst feeling is having a party or an event and not being ready for it. Sometimes things come up out of the blue and we just think, “Oh I wish I would have known I would have made sure I was ready for it”. But SUMMER is here the same time every year and you are either going to be ready or not. Right now you have time to get yourself in motion and make the changes you need to make to see the differences you want to see. While many might not reach their goal by Summer you will know you will be closer to it then you are today. The journey can be just as exciting as the finish line. Here are somethings I want you to remember when you are trying to be the best you can be:


  • You will see the best results when you have 6 consecutive on program days. 
  • The Cheat Day only works when your other 6 days are 110% on program.
  • Exercise is amazing but only if your food is 110% amazing. You CAN’T eat more because you are exercising. 
  • Stop making excuses  – you are only hurting yourself.


The bottom line is if you want to be amazing, look amazing and feel amazing then you have to put the work in. You have to follow your program, you have to be a little hungry and you have to want this more than anything. Temptation will always be in sight but you have to be stronger than what’s in front of you. You have to look at yourself and visualize what you want in 2 weeks from today – 4 weeks from today and 2 months from today. Every weight loss day is one day closer to the person you want to be. You can only fight the addictions, the habits and the poor choices if you recognize that you have them. OWN THEM… and move on. If you have been amazing then continue to be amazing and if you have not done the right things to make yourself happy then start today and make them happen. You are the only person who has control over you happiness. Just like you are the only person who has control over being unhappy. Make the choice. If you know that feeling healthy, seeing weight loss and being thinner is going to make you HAPPY – then do it! YOU ARE THE ONLY PERSON WHO CAN GET IN YOUR OWN WAY TODAY.  







~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle




While we wait and prepare for what is to come there are a few things I want you to think about…


Snow will come and go…and in March it’s going to leave us faster than normal. Tomorrow could be 2 feet and next Tuesday could be 60 degrees. You want to plan and prepare to get through the next couple of days with your ON PROGRAM meals and snacks. Make sure you have what you need for the next couple of cozy days and nights to come.


As strong as you feel today I have told you in the past when we are snowed in (especially in March when Spring is next week!), you will want to be prepared. If you are watching a movie save your snacks for the movie. Alway keep yourself busy – make sure you are cleaning out your closets and trying on your shorts. Shop for bathing suits and search about future vacations. Keep motivating yourself and do the right things that will make positive changes in your numbers next week.


We had really amazing results this past weekend. It was one of those weekends where everyone just had awesome numbers. Very few didn’t lose and those that didn’t lose owned it and changed what they needed to. Those that did lose celebrated and gave some amazing feedback. Whether you are preparing for snow in the North East or you live in warmer Texas and Florida, here is some helpful feedback I want to share with you that might help you this week…


CLIENT #1 – She had lost weight but was struggling at a number: “I finally did what you both kept telling me to do week after week. All I had to do was have 6 consecutive days 110% clean and I would lose the weight. I did it and I finally lost weight again. I realize the 6 days are the most important to focus on to lose weight and my new number proves that.”


CLIENT #2 – “I can’t have the extra piece of half eaten toast from my daughter’s plate. The couple of olives I tend to pop in my mouth and not count or lick the ice cream from the cone. I can’t have the bite of pizza and the two french fries that was left over. It really does all add up. You told me they are so little individually but as a whole they are a lot – and it finally clicked. When I stopped all the bites, licks and sips… my weight dropped! I can’t believe it. I was sabotaging myself the whole time and I didn’t even realize it. I’m so happy I lost weight!”


CLIENT #3 – “Wow. I can’t believe how good I did this week. I get it now. It really does matter what you are eating and how much of it. I lost weight this week because I finally decided that it’s okay if I am a little hungry. I decided to do what you said and embrace the hunger and it really does work!”


CLIENT #4 – “I finally understand what 110% clean means. The food has to be clean with no chemicals and no sauces etc. But it also means you want us to be 110% clean with our choices 6 days a week. No room for error – I get it! It worked! I love my new number!!”


*This next one is one of my favorites and it’s not just because she says how right I am lol 🙂 


CLIENT #5 – “You were right! When I weighed Friday because I knew I was going out – you yelled at me and said stay off the scale and just do the right thing until your cheat day. You said that if I don’t go off at all and keep Friday and Saturday as clean as the rest of the week that’s when all the magic happens. I didn’t believe it but I did it. I went out and had one drink and ordered super clean. Sure enough the magic did happen and Sunday morning I was down 2 lbs. I promise I will never go on the scale early again. I very easily could have sabotaged myself when the number didn’t move Friday. And you were right – that’s why I went on it. I had it in my head that if I lost weight then I had wiggle room to cheat and if I didn’t lose then who cares it’s not working and I’m cheating! I was looking for an excuse to cheat. Instead you talked me through it and I listened and I went out, had fun, ordered clean and I lost 2 lbs. I can’t believe it! I’m so happy!”


I could go on and on with the happy clients this week and what clients said and did this week that made the difference on the scale. It’s everything I keep writing to you. It’s everything the Podcasts and Radio talk to you about. Do the right thing, keep your 6 days 110% and follow your menu and you will lose the weight. It’s as if for so many it was in your head and you knew it and it finally just all came together. That’s how it works. If you keep moving in the right direction, eventually the little changes that you have made week after week bring you to the bigger changes that need to be made and you drop the weight and your numbers are amazing. There is nothing better than feeling good in your body and about what you have accomplished. It makes everything else in your life so much happier and easier to get through.


Feel good about your strength and willpower and know that you can do it! Remember how much it means to you to see your number go down and the feeling of waking up lighter and healthier.  Only you have the  power to do the right things and to stay on your solid healthy weight loss path.  Keep that feeling of strength and remember the warm weather is closer than it may feel today. Don’t sabotage your hard work. SUN OR SNOW – It’s just another day with a beautiful setting outside. The snow will come and go but you do not want your weight to stay the same or be higher from it.


There are a million excuses you can give yourself to overeat.
Today write a list of reasons why you want to lose weight.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness


8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Winter Challenge – Two Weeks To Go!

I hope you don’t think we forgot about the challenge! We didn’t! We were just trying to give everyone a chance to settle back into the routine again after the Winter Break! Looks like everyone is back on track and moving along nicely. With only 3 weeks until Spring and 2 weeks left of the challenge it’s a great time to think about where you are today and where you thought you would be.





Whether you are in the challenge or not take a moment to reflect on how you have been doing – and where you are today. Is it where you thought you would be? Think back to when the Challenge started in January. You thought by March you would have lost at least 5 or 10 lbs, and many of you hoping for more! If you didn’t start or you keep yo-yoing back and forth, you better start taking it serious because it’s only going to get harder as the nicer weather approaches.


I can tell you the very first thing you have to stop doing – STOP MAKING EXCUSES and just DO IT ALREADY! Seriously, it’s something you want and something that’s going to make you happy so why are you not doing it? The time is now…It’s not tomorrow, it’s not next week and it’s definitely not next month. The only way you are going to get your life, your health and your happiness in a good place is if you start with your weight. Because it’s the first thing you think of when you wake up and it’s the last thing you think of before you go to sleep. So start making your days happy and stop putting off what needs to be done. You are the only person who has control of this. You see your friends, neighbors, co-workers all on plan and losing weight. You should be losing it too! There are no excuses except the ones that you give yourself.


It is so much easier to do it and stay on it

 then to spend the minutes, hours and days contemplating when you are going to start again.

It’s March! Don’t even think about putting it off again. Work hard and keep looking for reasons to get back on program and remember those reasons to stay on program.

Always remember everyone has their struggles – you just have to work hard to get through yours.

Just like all of these contestants worked hard to get through their days of struggle. And because they didn’t quit – Look at these amazing numbers.

Whether it’s 3lbs, 5lbs, 10lbs or 15lbs what is most important is you are all on your way to making your spring and summer amazing, happy, healthy and fun!

With 2 weeks to go you are all doing absolutely fabulous!!!!  Stay strong, follow your menu and you will keep seeing amazing results.







Andrew S:    19

Aaron T:       17

Beth M:        16.6

Joann B:      14.6

Mike R:        14

Alison A:      12.2

Steve K:       12

Sheryl G:      9.6

Troy M:         9

Mike N:         9

Sandra W:    8.8

Raquel R:     8.7

Marlie G:      8.5

Dorey K:       8.5

SEO:            8.4

Paul N:         8

Scott S:        8

Amanda C:   8

Lauren G:     7.4

Kimberly S:   7

Cara B:         6.4

Dena E:        6.1

Samantha M:   5.8

Donna F:        5.5

Shari K:          5.3

Jamie K:         5

Melanie B:      5

Bonnie K:       5

Alyssa M:       5

Dawn S:         4.6

Lori N:            4.6

Emily D:         4.4

Theresa G:    4.2

Leslie O:        4

Dana S:          3.6

Deirdre C:       3.6

Jamie H:         3.5

Beth F:            3.4

Robyn M:        3.3

Heather C:      3.2

Ann C:            3.1

Jillian G:         3

Stacey B:        3

Jessica M:       2.4

SS:                  1.5


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Happy Monday!

It’s Monday Morning. It’s not like I’m telling you something you don’t already know. It’s a day where we begin a week – our week of work, school, sports, eating healthy and clean and being the best we can be. While some dread Mondays – others embrace it. The feeling of eating clean and knowing by next weekend you will be even less weight than you were this past weekend. The feeling of being the best you can be and no one can stop you or get in your way because you are the only person who has control of it. Monday mornings are a brand new start every week and when you do the program 110% it’s also a day that your body believes is starting over, it’s going to work it’s hardest today because it’s struggling to get back and get rid of the Cheat Day.


Mondays should be embraced. Feel great about them. Any mistakes you made last week can be changed to positives this week. Anything that you wish you could have done better last week – you can do better this week. Don’t waste another week, and another opportunity to be amazing. We all have challenges that we need to fight to get through. Make this week your week that you will fight for what you want. Make it through the challenges so you can see and feel the differences. Prepare, plan and make this week an amazing week that you can look back and feel proud of. That you know you did all the right things because you were ready for it, because you planned for it and you made sure it was going to be amazing.


Do you know what happens when you plan and follow through an amazing week?  You are not afraid…That’s right, when you do all the right things you know that your numbers will be down. You know you feel lighter, healthier, and stronger. You look forward to the scale. You are excited to see the new number. When you do all the right things you are not looking to blame everything around you. You are not angry. You are happy, lighter and feeling healthy. When you do all the right things you are only looking forward to one thing – you are looking forward to the next week. The next low number, the next pants size, and fitting in your shorts, and bathing suit that you couldn’t even think about last year. You are looking forward to another great week.


Focus on your goal and stay on your path
Don’t look in any direction except the positive one


This week you will believe and “own” your strength. You will keep things simple and follow your menu and feel amazing. You know there will be challenges – there are always challenges. But you also know that you will get through them. You will not use them as another excuse to have an “off” day or week. You will look back on each challenge and know that you are stronger than anything that can possibly get in your way because YOU WANT THIS. You will not go through another spring and summer in a place that you are uncomfortable and sad. You will not let another month go by without changing who you are and becoming who you want to be. You know deep down that you are strong and you can do this. You are no different than anyone else and you know that the only person who keeps getting in your own way is you. But not this week. This week you will depend on your strength to do all the right things. You will not give in and you will not feel sorry for yourself – not this week. This week you will remind yourself that you WANT THIS –  And no one is going to sabotage you, not even you.


There is no food that is so amazing 
that you need to eat it if it’s not your Cheat Day


Everyday this week you will tell yourself that YOU WANT THIS and you will do whatever it takes to stay on program and be amazing. You will let go of the mistakes from last week or last month. You will not live with should of, could of, or would have – this week you will only focus on WHAT YOU WANT AND WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO DO.


Your mind is a powerful thing. 
 When you fill it with positive thoughts –
it will believe them and you will change.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11730
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Are You Ready?


It’s March 1st, and after most of you were on vacation last week, and some really beautiful days here on Long Island, you have to wonder are you ready for spring? Because I think we can all agree – Spring is coming early this year. Whether you were off program last week for vacation or kept it together and ate clean – what is most important today is that you are right back on track and doing all the right things to get you where you want to be. Because once summer is here – your chances of losing are a lot less than they are today. Right now is when you should be working hard everyday and staying on program and exercising and doing all the right things for your body so when your next vacation/spring/summer comes around you are ready. Don’t wait to get ready the week before – it’s now that you should have all your focus on where and who you want to be when the time arrives.


We go through different stages in different times of the year.  We have our months that are full of holidays and summer vacations and BBQ’s – They are full of maintain days.


Then we have days where there really isn’t much going on. We are on our regular schedule of work, kids, friends, family…These are the days we should be losing. These are the days we work hard and make a difference.


Of course there will always be temptation, but the weight loss days are the days that you have to make it happen. Right now coming off a week of vacation you would think the last thing you want to do is eat more. But unfortunately that is exactly what you want to do – is eat more! The reason is – whenever you feed your body unhealthy choices and you stuff it to the extreme – it gets use to it and it wants more. Your stomach has stretched out in more ways then one and it wants you to keep filling it. The more you stretch it the more hungry you will be. The more unhealthy food choices you put in your body the more hungry it makes you.



*Unhealthy food choices give you cravings to want to eat more unhealthy food

*Healthy on program food takes your cravings away so you eat less and feel good about it.

*When you eat less than you need your stomach shrinks and so does your cravings

*Once you stretch your stomach from constantly over eating – the only way to get it to shrink is to eat less and feel those little hunger pains throughout the day.

*Never starving but you need to be a little hungry or you will stay where you are or get bigger*



Whenever it is that you return from vacation always remember this – it will take one week to get right back to feeling good and two weeks to feel great! Consistency is the most important part of your program. Continue to keep choosing the right foods and stay on your program meals and snacks – stick to your menu. Before you know it, by the end of the first week you have all the bloat gone and by the end of the second week you are back to losing. We all pay a price when we go away but you can keep it a positive by enjoying while you are there and getting right back to a healthy place when you return. This is life and while it’s meant to be enjoyed it can only be enjoyed when you put your hard work in. That goes for weight loss, jobs, family and friends. There is and should always be a time that you enjoy your hard work. But it’s only enjoyable when you work hard for it. If it came easy it wouldn’t be as much fun. And if it’s important enough to you then it should be worth the work! Health, family, friends, your career. They are and should all be amazing and the harder you work them the more satisfaction it will bring.






Just ask Lynne Nussbaum

She lost 30 lbs and reached her goal on the Innovation Weight Loss program

and you can hear her talk all about her Journey on the New Podcast that is out today.

Thea interviews Lynne on her amazing weight loss success!








~Love To Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Back on Track Monday!

With the end of the summer and start of school, work, etc…it’s easy to get a little side tracked here and there. But today it’s all about getting back on track 110% and feeling good. Today, right now, this moment, there are no more excuses. It’s literally the easiest time to be back on your path and follow your program. Do not hesitate. Regardless of what you may have going on in your life right now do not put it off. The feeling of being in control and doing the right thing will help you through any challenges you may encounter. Yes, we all know it’s hard but it will always be hard if you keep making excuses and keep putting it off. This month is the easier month to pull it together. With everyone back on a schedule and no holidays for a while, you can really make a difference in yourself, and how you feel. You can get control and keep it. You can make a list and follow it. After you have a solid month you will not only feel and look better but you will continue into the fall season in such a better place both mentally and physically. After a month on program it becomes effortless. It becomes your life. You will have that wonderful feeling of doing the right thing for yourself and it will make a difference in how you feel and act toward everyone around you.  
Let’s keep this short and sweet. Do what you have to do. Follow your program, eat clean, exercise, keep the schedule every day for 6 days with 1 day off. Feel the control – feel the lighter, healthier and fitter body that you want. Each day you will get closer and closer and before you know it, you will enter October in a healthy and controlled mind set that will make you feel and look amazing. You know what you want and when you work toward it everyday it will happen. But the most important thing is you have to start TODAY!
Success is achieved and maintained by those who TRY, And keep TRYING.
~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Back to School Time


The transition from summer to fall is one of the most challenging and chaotic of the year. We go from vacations and camp, to school, college and busy activity schedules. The weather changes and the sun sets earlier. The days feel shorter when it already feels like there aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done. This is a time when we are constantly on the go and thinking about the next thing, which can mean hasty decisions and grabbing whatever is fast and easy when it’s time to eat. Now is the time to prepare and make sure we give ourselves a hand. Stock your fridge with healthy food. Cook meals ahead of time. Have snacks on hand that you can eat on the go and during your commute. Look at menus ahead of time when you know you are going out to eat. One of the best ways to fight temptation is to eliminate it – know your weak points. Whether it is late at night, after school or work or right after breakfast, be prepared for when you tend to go off your healthy plan. Stick to your exercise routine or make adjustments around your new busy schedule.


Many college students are already at school. This can be a stressful time for parents and students, whether it is their first year or they are graduating soon. Overeating is a common concern caused by the stress and anxiety of college life. Between studying, homework, classes, professors, time management, sleep schedule, social adjustment, relationships, jobs, moving or commuting, worries about the future, final exams, being homesick, graduation, etc. – students can find it hard to eat healthy, find healthy foods to eat and know what to eat. It will take some time to figure out dining halls and local places to eat, but there are always options. And if you are a member of the Innovation Online Program you can reach out to us at any time and we can find the best food options on campus for you. The important thing to remember is that eating won’t take the stress away, it will just delay it or give you relief for a few moments. Instead of turning to food, try some problem solving techniques such as making a to-do list to prioritize your tasks and work on them one by one. If procrastination is the problem, try working in a new location away from any possible distractions. If you are burnt out there’s nothing wrong with taking a break, a short nap or doing something you enjoy. Exploring your neighborhood and campus is a great way to get comfortable with your surroundings and get your body moving. If you ever need help, reach out to a parent, friend, family member, professor or advisor. Find what works for you and have a healthy and successful school year!


For most younger kids, today is their first day of school. Make them a part of lunch prep – they can help plan their lunches with your guidance. Whether it’s our PB and J bites, a turkey sandwich on white bread or whatever they love, including them in packing their lunch can help them learn about healthy eating and give them confidence and independence. One important thing you can remind them of is that just because they are back to school that doesn’t mean the outdoor fun is over. Spend time outdoors after school and on the weekends as long as the weather is nice. You can pick fruit at a farm, attend a concert or sporting event, see a movie at a theater or outdoors, have a family barbecue or picnic, go to the park or beach one last time, and the list goes on. It’s a great way to connect and regroup as a family as the school year takes over.


There are many of us who wish that summer would never end, and how could we not? It would be great to always be on vacation or away at camp. Living completely carefree and not worrying about the consequences. But the reality is you had your fun and now it’s time to get serious, take care of your health and body both physically and mentally – the only way to do that is to get back on program 100%. There is a great deal to look forward to in the upcoming months and if you start now you will be in a good place in time to enjoy the next Holiday season. The first days of September and the fall season is an exciting time of opportunity, new beginnings and unknown potential. Build a strong and healthy momentum now and make September a successful month for you and your family that will continue through the rest of the year.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018