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Tag: holiday

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle



There is a big difference between how we celebrate Fall holidays and Spring holidays. We tend to be much more disciplined in the Spring and more forgiving in the Fall. With Summer approaching quickly you want to make sure feel and look your best so you can enjoy all the fun in the sun.


This year with Passover and Easter back to back it may be challenging. While many celebrate one or the other – there are also many who celebrate both. I think we can all agree regardless of what you believe in or celebrate – some how those little chocolate bunnies and their Cadbury eggs are celebrated and enjoyed by all. **Make sure you are eating your chocolate bunnies and eggs on your CHEAT DAY ONLY….


You have two choices when it comes to Holidays and Vacations – You maintain or you continue to lose, because with Summer around the corner – Gaining is not an option. 


LOSE WEIGHT: Stay on your journey and continue to eat clean and enjoy your one day a week CHEAT DAY. While it may seem difficult, you must remember it’s how you have been living and it’s how you feel your best.


*VACATION: You want to look and feel your best and odds are there is really nothing there that you have not already had. Make sure if you are willing to go off program that it’s worth it. Because after vacation you are coming home to beautiful weather and summer is around the corner. Choose your battles and make sure this battle is one you want to give in to. You can use your snacks for drinks and still be 110% on program. *TIP: if you are doing one Cheat Day on vacation – make it toward the end. This way you feel good all week and you are much more likely to stay 110% all week if you don’t Cheat. As the week goes on you will get mentally weaker and you will be ready for your Cheat Day. If you have it too early you may end up cheating more than you want to. Having the Cheat Day to look forward to for the last day is something that can keep you strong throughout the week.


*HOLIDAY: If you are home and celebrating the holiday you want to continue on your 6 clean days and only one Cheat Day. Save your snacks if you plan on drinking while socializing. If the kids are home, plan some fun events that are not around food. It’s a great time to clean the yard for the Spring and Summer flowers and fun that will be here soon.


MAINTAIN: If you want to maintain for the holidays or vacation it’s an easy process – but you will still need to be mindful and plan your days so you know what you are cheating on and what you are eating to stay clean.


*VACATION: You eat clean all day and choose one meal, dessert or drinks each day to enjoy. If you give up your snacks you can do drinks and one meal or dessert. The rest of the day has to be 110%. You don’t take a Cheat Day before and you don’t have one when you return. You come back from vacation and you go right back on program and you give it 110%. You will go right back to your original number.


*HOLIDAY: If you want to maintain you will split your Cheat Day and do a meal and drinks or a meal and dessert each day. The rest of the day has to be 110% . Do two clean meals and 2 clean snacks through the day and one meal and drinks, or one meal and dessert. If you choose one of those options and do it each day you will maintain.


All very doable choices to follow and still enjoy. The most important part is to stay mindful and plan. Try to know in advance what you are doing so you can plan and not wing it. If you start spiraling out of control and you start to notice that every meal starts to become a Cheat and the meals turn into consecutive Cheat Days – simply stop. Don’t talk yourself into – “I’m okay I will get right back on program when I return”. Instead, get right back on program. Don’t think about it just do it. Go back to your original plan whether it was to maintain or lose, and follow it. Most of the time the problem isn’t that we fall off the path it’s that we stay off. When you get right back on track you will see how quickly you feel better and how quickly you go right back to being in control. You want to enjoy your vacation or holidays but you want to feel good before, during and after it as well.


 Life is always about choices, balance and planning – and when you do all three you will get the very best results. 


From the Staff of Innovation Weight Loss
Happy Passover & Happy Easter to all


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10016
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Snow Brings Spring Flowers…


Spring is almost here! Yes, we are expecting another 7-10 inches today in NY but you can’t let that sabotage you because as I am sure you have noticed – with each snow storm in the last few weeks the snow has disappeared faster and faster. Just like the snow disappears so will the winter cold. And just like that, everyone will be taking off their coats and showing off their beautiful new bodies that they worked so hard for all winter. You want that to be you, and if you are not there then you want to at least be on your way.




I have been addressing the clients that have been really amazing. We have more clients than ever who have really learned to live healthy and have stayed true to the program and themselves. Maybe because after a while you realize this is it. You eat clean and do the right things and in return your body does the right things for you. Maybe it’s because our food options have expanded and having the yummy meals and snacks help keep you on program and in a good place. I mean, they are called Magic Muffins for a reason 🙂 Whatever the reason or reasons are that have kept you on program and in a great place – stay with it and continue on your path. Because for those of you who are in a great place – you know there is no better feeling. For those of you that are not there – here is a question for you….




Where are you right now? Have you prolonged this? Is this crazy weather making you struggle more than normal? Or maybe something in your life is going on that has you “off”? We all know as fast as we can be motivated we can be unmotivated. So if you are unmotivated and really struggling I want you to do this: I want you to just get on program and get back in control. The way you do that is you need to start with your menu. You have your menu and you follow it and have your meals and snacks. If you need to add an extra on program snack that’s okay. You need to do whatever is going to give you some control back. Once you get the control you will feel so much better. Don’t look to be perfect, just look to be as close as you can. I would rather you incorporate an extra On Program snack than to be snacking all day. That’s part of getting the control back. Of course you won’t lose as much but the most important thing is getting the control not the scale. After you get past that first week back on – then you can focus on the scale because you will feel so much better now you have that control back. It’s one day at a time. You need to put the time in to see the results. One day adds up to one week and each week adds up to a month. Before you know it, you are feeling amazing and the scale is moving! But you need to start somewhere and stop putting it off. Start today – start right now. Don’t wait until after the snow ends, and don’t wait until after Passover. The feeling of control that you can get from now until then is priceless and you will be so happy that you did it.




Don’t complicate it. If you are not where you want to be and need to get back you just get right back. It really is that simple You start texting us your meals again and/or send your weight or come in for an appointment. We never ask what happened or where you were. It’s so not about that. It’s about moving forward and taking all that energy and putting it toward a positive next week. As many of you know, we will do whatever it takes for anyone and everyone that walks in our office or signs up online. We all have a bad week or even a bad couple of weeks and sometimes it’s months, but then you text me or come in and say, okay I’m ready to get back. I don’t even ask questions about why or what happened. None of that matters. All that matters is that you are ready to move forward and use all your energy to get you to where you want to be. So never ever feel like you are embarrassed to return. We have clients come back all the time and they get right back on and right back to a happy place because for us that is what this is all about. It’s about getting you to a place that you feel great again. The reason I bring this up is because of a client that came in Saturday and this is what she said:




She has been off program for months. This is a reoccurring thing for her. She is “off” and then “on.” Basically she comes on program, loses the weight and starts to feel good again, and then disappears. When she came in on Saturday I had not seen her for months. She said, “I do this all the time”. She said, “I want to be honest, I lose the weight and then I feel great and I start to cheat a little more and then I start struggling and instead of getting right back on program I hear someone say they are doing some stupid quick fix it fad diet eating fake food, or living on drinks and they lost all this weight so I start to do that and it never works and then I always come back to you heavier then I ever was. Why do I keep doing this? Why don’t I just get back on program? This is what works for me and what makes me feel great. But as soon as I struggle I go off the deep end instead of just getting right back on program. Why?!!!” — She was being so honest that I was so proud of her. I wasn’t shocked because I know that happens to people – sometimes we all just want the quick fix – but she sat there and admitted it and didn’t have to because I never ask. So I explained to her why she does it, the reason is simple: We take the weight off and we think we can go back to our old habits of eating. But you can’t – the older we get the more discipline we need. When you go back to your old way of eating you will gain weight. So when you hear some quick fix that will make it all better faster of course your first instinct is you want to try it. But what you need to immediately realize is that if you were struggling eating real food of course you are going to struggle even more living on shakes and fake food. Mentally we fall prey to the quick fixes but physically our bodies tell us very quickly it’s not going to last on shakes and fakes. The truth is, and the moral to this story is, get back on track and do the right thing. You can’t abuse your body because if you do, it shows you are doing this with how it looks and feels. Even when you do lose weight from starving yourself you see that gaunt look. You never see clients with that On Program. Regardless of how thin they get they always look healthy because they are eating. It’s not always easy to do the right thing but your body reacts the best to you when you do it. You just have to constantly talk your mind out of it when it wants the easy way out.




We can be soooo spoiled. If there was a pill out there that would allow us to eat whatever we wanted whenever we wanted and never gain weight we would take it. And you know what the saddest part of all is – if that were the case nothing we eat would ever feel special again. Because in our mind, to be able to do whatever we want whenever we want is somehow the way it should be. But it’s not. The way it should be in every part of your life is you work hard for something and you are rewarded. You work hard you get a pay check – you work hard you reach your goals – you work hard you get a degree – you work hard you accomplish your dreams – you work hard you feel great – You work hard you get a vacation – You work hard you get a Cheat Day. This is life and just the fact that we have the opportunity to work hard and get rewarded is what makes it so amazing. Why would you want it any other way….





~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10017
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Are You Ready for Spring?


The CLOCKS have changed: I love having the extra light in my day. Just the fact that I don’t have to walk my dog in the dark is life changing. What does the time change mean? It’s the first sure sign that the warmer weather will be approaching. Might not be this week or even next but it will be soon – so soon that you wish you didn’t Cheat that last snow day. But the truth is, you do have more time. Everyday is more time. Everyday adds on to the great day you had the day before. Even when you haven’t been perfect, the consistency of when you decide to start being 100% will make all the difference. Just don’t let another day go by with pushing it off and having that last extra thing or starting tomorrow. Because the difference from doing it today or waiting another day or week will result in either you being up or down the next time you step on the scale.


HAPPINESS: If I noticed one thing this past week more than anything else it’s the happiness and excitement of all of you who are doing so well. Maybe it’s because right now with spring approaching you are all so excited to take the coats off and show your hard work. Maybe it’s because you light up my room when you walk in, or the excitement I feel through the text when you have hit the next number or hearing and feeling the sense of control that you have over what you are doing and the choices you are making. Maybe it’s all of the above. What I will tell you is it’s so nice. It’s such an amazing feeling and sight to have so many clients come in to my office or text us so happy and in such a great place. There is no reason that you should not be one of these clients. If you are not, then you have to get out of your own way and start to become one. I know this program is so very doable. I’m not telling you to do something that you can’t do. You have the tools, the support, the food and the Cheat Day. When I went on my book tour every newscaster that interviewed me was doing the program and they all said the same thing – the program is so doable and they found it so much easier then anything they have ever done. They love ordering the food because it’s easy and clean and they love the support. It’s hand-holding. We know how hard weight loss can be so we make sure we are there for you. But YOU have to be there for YOU and make the right choices and be strong in the face of temptation. Stop waiting, stop putting it off and stop making excuses.


Quick little story: This past week I saw one of my clients who has reached her goal and she has been maintaining for a year now. She sees me once a month for maintenance but she comes and buys food ever week and I get to see her once in a while when Jeff lets me out of the office. I just love seeing her because she is always smiling and happy. This was a really big accomplishment for her. She went from 190 to 119 and it’s like looking at a different person from the one who walked in my office on the very first day. She went through all the same things as so many of you. She struggled, she was a shark, sometimes a snail, she had some maintain days and lots of weight loss days. Everyone knows that weight loss is an emotional roller coaster. But she always communicated with us on good and bad days and we always worked toward the goal – slow or fast we were always in the right direction. The key was consistency and communication. She always knew we wanted it for her as much as she did. We kept her moving forward and she did it – she reached her goal. So a year later and every time I see her of course she looks beyond amazing – but it’s not just her body – it’s her attitude, her confidence and how happy she is. This past week she was in sweats and a t-shirt , but you could see how good she felt and how comfortable she was in her body – it wouldn’t have mattered if she was in sweats or a ball gown – her beauty and confidence was the same and it was shining through her 50 year old face and body that now look 30. She lost the weight that aged her and she recently started working out and honestly she was just gorgeous.  Yes I say it all the time that weight ages us. I see it first hand when clients lose the weight. Both men and women I see the younger version of them come out as the weight comes off. What I think struck me more than anything this past week was seeing the way she acted, and how she felt that made her look beautiful and young. She felt so good and everyone in the store around her felt it. She had such a physical and mental happiness that it was almost contagious. She drew you to her because of her confidence about how she felt. All I could think of was who would not want that? Who wouldn’t work for that? It’s there for you – but you have have to want it and continue to work for it.


FEELING GOOD: I can tell you I see it everyday and when you are feeling good with where you are and how you are eating and in control and feeling just lighter healthier thinner – you are a different person. You are different to yourself, your friends, your family, your spouse – you are just happy. When you are happy things don’t bother you like they would when you are unhappy. It makes perfect sense when you think about it. Something someone says to you that may not be nice when you are feeling out of control and heavy is going to affect you a lot differently when you are taking care of yourself – and you are in control and feeling healthier, lighter and happier. When you feel good you are even happier to strangers!! My point is, you have the control to be happy, you have the control to be in control and to make sure your days are good and you are choosing the right things and feeling good about yourself. No one has that control except you. When you approach the world and the people around you whether it’s work, family, friends or just acquaintances and you are in a healthy, happy control state of mind you will respond that way. And of course when you are not – and you are out of control with your food, and not feeling healthy or in a good place and feeling heavy and thick – you will respond to those around you the same way you feel – Nasty! At the end of the day, the way you act and present yourself to the world is the way you feel – and the way you feel is a result of the way you are treating and feeding yourself from the inside out. Make the right choices and it will change your life.


IT’S HERE AND NOW: If you want to be Happy then make yourself Happy!! At the end of the day it’s your actions, your will and your want that will decide the outcome of what you do. I will tell you this – it’s here and it’s now and if you haven’t started then you should start and if you have started but have not been 110% then it’s time to be 110% – because spring is here and summer is coming and it is not going to wait for you. Do not waste these months and this time you have right now to do the right thing.




~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10016
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle



Welcome Back Innovation Clients! While many were off in bliss, others were off getting bloated – or both in bliss and bloat! Wherever you were and however you came home it’s time to get back to real life – and that’s always a good thing. Listen, vacation wouldn’t be a vacation if you didn’t have real life to come back to. It’s the in between that makes the vacation so much fun! Now you are back and it’s time to get back into real life and back on program 110% because you know that’s how you feel your best. When you are eating clean and doing all the right things you feel it inside and out. Start today working back to that lighter, healthier in control feeling. No doubt today will be hard in many areas of your life. Reality is not always fun. But in one day you will feel better, in a couple of days you will feel good and by the weekend you will feel amazing and ready for your next Cheat Day!




Work hard, play hard: Work Hard = results & feeling good!

Think about this past week whether you were on vacation or home – how did you feel? Did you work hard to get to where you want to be and felt amazing? Or did you wish you would have been in a better place? Do you wish you would have worked harder and followed stricter? You see when it comes to weight loss, the closer you follow the more you lose. So when you do the right things that’s when good things and great changes happen.




1) Go back to your menu! That’s right, go back to your meals and snacks and stop looking for things to be exciting. Pick one of your snacks a day that you look forward to and promise yourself that if your day is 110% then you will have that last on program snack. Whether it’s the chocolate nuts, or a glass of wine. Have something that you look forward to just like you look forward to your Cheat Day at the end of the week – look forward to a snack each day. That one thing will keep your day clean just like the Cheat Day keeps your week clean.


2)  From More to Less: Remember going from eating more on vacation to less than your body needs is going to feel like a little torture the first week back. This is when your mental power needs to set in and you talk to yourself everyday reminding yourself what your goal is and how good you feel when you follow and stay on program. Remind yourself that while it will feel really hard it will get easier and you will FEEL BETTER both mentally and physically by the end of the week. Remind yourself that the Cheat Day only works and is only worth it when the other 6 days are 110% on program.


3) Have a reason, have a goal! Why is this important to you? Is it your health – the way you feel – the way you look. It doesn’t matter as long as it’s import to you. If it’s important to you then you will do whatever you have to in order to get there. Do you have a trip for spring break? Do you want to wear a bathing suit this summer – NO COVER UPS? NO KEEPING YOUR SHIRT ON AT THE BEACH! At the end of the day, no one can do this but you. So it has to be important to you.


4)  Have a specific goal, long term and short term: If you are 147 and want to be 110 don’t look at the entire weight that you have to lose. It’s too over whelming. Start with the short term, that you want to get to the 130’s. It’s easier to focus on and you know while it’s not the true goal you will still be beyond thrilled when you see it. When you reach 139.9 your next goal is 120’s, and so on. It gives you realistic expectations that are very doable in a faster pace. You will feel like you are reaching your goals quicker. And at the same time it’s taking you to your long term goal which might be losing 40 lbs or being ready for an event in the Fall.


5) Have a Vision: Know what you want and take a few minutes everyday to visualize yourself in that position. Reminding yourself everyday and visualizing what you want and how you want to look and feel is an important part of reaching your goals. Our brains are so strong. When you keep telling yourself what you want and that you can do it – you will believe it. Visualize how you want to look and what you want to wear. Think about yourself on the beach this summer or in a specific outfit when you are attending a special event. Stay focused on anything that will keep you motivated.


6) Keep it Positive: I have said it over and over that you need to be positive. Don’t focus on what you don’t want – ONLY focus on what you do want and what you will look like – it’s a key to any success. Don’t follow the negative or the negative people. There are plenty of people who don’t want to put the work in and who don’t want you to either. You leave them to their own misery and don’t fall prey to misery loves company. Stay strong and stay positive and you will overcome. Positive thinking will take you twice the distance as negative thinking. “I will do this! I want this!! I can’t wait to wear that!!! When my jacket comes off this spring I will feel amazing! I love feeling healthy!! I am not afraid to go to the doctor and see my numbers, I’m actually excited to see and hear the results of my blood work!”


7) People don’t become successful by accident: Always remember that no one is successful by accident. 99.9 % of people who have success in their life work for it day and night. Whether that success is in your family, friends, work, weight loss, health… to have the very best and be the best – you need to work at it, think about it, plan for it and keep working at it. It takes dedication, it take perseverance and more than anything it takes want.




FINAL THOUGHTS: It’s easy to give up, it’s easy to gain, it’s easy to blame, and it’s easy to make excuses – any one of us can do any of those things. But none will make you happy. Just because your vacation is over – your life isn’t. Keep working hard everyday for what you want because that’s how you will see continued results and that’s when you feel your best. Work hard =happy; Plan = happy; Feel amazing = happy; Clothes fit = happy; Results = happy! If you want to be happy, put the time and work in like everyone else. It all comes down to what you want and how much you want it and how hard you are willing to work for it. Always remember in order to really enjoy the playing you have to make sure you have the work in – and this goes for every area of your life not just weight loss and health. At the end of the day, we are in control of what we want and what we are willing to work for. If you want to be amazing – be amazing! If you want to feel fabulous – then work for it and feel fabulous! If you want to be happy then work hard at what will make you happy. We are all very lucky because in almost every area of our life we have the ability to work hard to get what we want. Don’t look back in a month or three months and say I should have, I could have – why didn’t I?




~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10017
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Happy Weight Loss Wednesday!




Are you staying focused on what you want and where you want to be? Make sure your week is moving in a positive direction. With Valentine’s Day and Winter Break in just a couple of days it’s easy to lose focus. Today I want you to think about the love of your life and/or those you love. Both of which should be celebrated today! Stay focused on what and who is important. Dinner plans tonight? Choose a healthy On Program meal that you can order in or out. Clean fish, grilled chicken and a steamed vegetable. Fresh fruit for dessert. If you are staying in you can make or order the same or have a clean Innovation dinner with an Innovation snack. Whether you are eating in or out, your options are endless. You really want to make sure you have a super clean day today. If you stay clean and On Program you will wake up tomorrow feeling amazing and it will be a true Valentine’s Day Gift to yourself.


FOCUS only on what you ARE eating and HOW MUCH you are eating. 
Because when it comes to the number on the scale that is all that matters. 


BE AWARE: We tend to get into a slippery little mindset of what WE DIDN’T eat instead of focusing on what WE SHOULD BE eating. I hear it quite often – “I was so good! I only had a bite of this and a bite of that. But there was so many more things on the table I didn’t eat” It’s kind of like saying I had one slice of pizza BUT I did great because I could have had two. Well guess what? – If you are trying to lose weight – you shouldn’t have had the first one to begin with. Don’t think about and stop focusing on all the foods you didn’t eat – because unfortunately your body doesn’t give you extra credit or extra weight loss because you didn’t eat things. It only focuses on what you did eat and how much – and that is what you need to focus on too.


FEEL THE LOVE: Today, stay focused on who matters to you in your life and how much love you have to share. The better you take care of your body and mind – the better you will feel and the more you will feel the love. When you feel good and feel the love – all you will want to do is share those amazing feelings and make everyone around you feel good too.


Give yourself the gift of love and health today and do it by waking up tomorrow feeling amazing!
 It all starts with you…


Making the right choices always makes you happy. 




~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10016
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

It’s A New Day – It’s A New Life




HAPPY WEDNESDAY!! It’s mid week and you are already only a couple of days away from your Cheat Day!! The first week back from vacation can be really tough. You are used to eating more and you have to get used to eating less again and eating clean. Not easy to do – and yet very doable! In only one week I promise you will feel amazing and in control.


In 2018 we are going to focus on feeling good, how important that feeling is to YOU, and how we should all embrace it because it is life changing when you feel good about yourself and your body. Start by asking yourself, how important it is to you to feel good everyday? How important is it to wake up feeling in control? Feeling thinner? Feeling happier? … waking up lighter? … and knowing that when you go to get dressed the clothes will either be loose or fitting better. Most important – think about when you feel good and in control how it relates to the rest of your day and everyone around you. When you get to the point of not having to think about food every second of the day you are more productive at work and at home. These are all the things I want you to focus on when you are either getting back on your path this week or starting the program from the beginning. When you live healthy and clean it resonates through everything you do and how you feel. It’s not something we do – it’s a way we live, and feel our best doing it.


2017 was an amazing year for so many of our clients. 
Thank you for working so hard!
 It is a true gift to us when we see clients reach their goals and live happier and healthier lives.


BEFORE AND AFTER’S: Starting today we will be posting before and after photos of those amazing clients who made Innovation a way of life. Their unbelievable weight loss and body transformations will put you in Awe and Inspire and Motivate you on what is possible for you in 2018!!! You will also get to listen to their podcast episodes and get a glimpse into how each client doesn’t just do the Innovation Program, they live it. They will tell you how they live it and why it became such an important part of their life.


SUPER EXCITED!! I am super super excited to share these with you. I believe for many of you it will be a reminder of what you want and where YOU want to be. Knowing and seeing that changes happen in a week, a month in 3 months, 6 months and this time next year. Whether it’s 10lbs or 100lbs – wherever you are and wherever you want to be – these before and after’s will remind you of just how possible it is to get there. They are everyday people who have all one thing in common – they all live the Innovation Program and it has changed their life.


SUCCESS IS A DECISION – It’s about staying focused, being determined and mindful on the hard days. It starts by YOU figuring out what YOU want and how hard YOU want to work for it. WHO ARE YOU? – You are either a dreamer or a doer. You will either be the one who constantly complains about being overweight and what you wish you could be OR you will be the one that puts your head down, walks away from the temptation and works your butt off everyday to make sure you get to where you want to be. Figure it out – Plan each day and don’t let anyone stand in your way.




~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Happy Holidays


HAPPY HOLIDAYS:  The holidays are here and many are getting ready to celebrate and others vacate. Whatever you are doing or where you are going, I want you to keep in mind some very important things. As you know I always say planning is a big part of your success. The best way to plan is to do it the day before so you know what you are doing and/or where you are eating the day of. If you know that your lunch and dinner will be too far apart make sure to have a snack in between. In order to have a snack you need to have access to one. You don’t want to get to the point of being over hungry because then you will lose control and not be able to come back from it. This is a very difficult time of year for weight loss and you can make it less difficult if you plan accordingly.


IMPORTANCE OF SNACKING: Make sure you have your snacks and use them when you need them. If you are hanging out by the pool make sure you have the vegetables and hummus so you don’t go for the nachos. Sometimes we can forget the importance of snacking. Once a upon a time it was thought that if you ate before a meal you would ruin your dinner. But the truth is, if you DON’T have a snack before a meal you will not only ruin your meal but also your weight loss. Why? Because you will be so hungry you won’t be able to make a healthy choice. You will reach for everything and you will eat fast and too much before you even realize what happened. But when you have a snack before you go out and feel a little satisfied when you get to dinner you will not act like it’s your last meal. You will immediately see the difference in how you feel and how you can control your choices. So make sure you have your snacks available and use them when you need them – that’s what they are for.


YOUR ACTIONS DETERMINE YOUR RESULTS: Remember that throughout the next two weeks you are responsible for what you do. Whatever your choices are will result in your outcome. We sometimes forget that holidays and vacations have an ending. When we are in the moment of enjoying and celebrating we forget that reality is around the corner. I want you to enjoy and celebrate – it’s wonderful and you should continue to do that. It’s one of the most important things about working so hard all year. What fun is being thin, healthy and feeling great if you can’t go out and enjoy it and show the world how amazing you feel. With that said, you must also keep in mind this is not the last vacation or holiday you will have. When it’s over you want to feel just as good as when it started. The best way to do that is to think about your actions and the outcome. When you grab for something – do you really want it? Or are you eating it because you are on vacation? Always think before you grab and eat. Remember, whatever you do today you have to deal with tomorrow. If you are okay with it then go for it, but if you know that it’s going to make your first week of the New Year miserable then don’t do it.  There are not too many things that are worth that and you need to keep that in mind when you are grabbing and consuming. Remember how hard you have worked for where you are today and regardless of who or what is around you, at the end YOU will be the one who is either stuck or content with the outcome of your choices. No one has that power except you.




Through the holidays and on vacation the choices to Lose weight – Maintain – or Gain is ultimately up to you.  Here are some things to follow to determine where you would like to end up:




LOSE WEIGHT: You can stay on your course of eating clean 6 days and save everything you see on vacation throughout the week for your Cheat Day.  If you do this try and save the Cheat Day for the last day you are there – this way you look and feel amazing all week and you can see the things throughout the week that you would like to have on your Cheat Day.


MAINTAIN:  Have a Cheat meal, a dessert or drinks each day.  You can’t do all three, it has to be one of the three if you are having a Cheat everyday. This will help you maintain. It teaches you that you can enjoy but you just can’t treat everyday like a full Cheat Day.




LOSE WEIGHT: With two back to back holidays in one week [Christmas eve – Christmas Day] and [New Years Eve – New Years Day], you have the choice of picking one each week and having your one Cheat Day a week. If you do that you will continue to stay on your path and lose weight. Sometimes it’s easier to continue what you know and what you feel comfortable with. For those who do not celebrate both it’s an easier decision,  but for those who do celebrate both you should think about maintaining…


MAINTAIN: While the back to back holidays are little difficult there is an easy solution to get through them and maintain. Keep your days clean and enjoy your feast at night. If you like a big Christmas morning breakfast then you can have your feast Christmas eve night and again Christmas day morning but all the other meals of both days must be clean and on program. So basically it’s two full meals with desserts and drinks if you choose. If you do this for two back to back days you will maintain. Of course like any other Cheat Day you WILL NOT go on the scale the next day. You will enjoy, go right back on program the next day and weigh in the following week and you should be the number you were before the holiday began.


My final thoughts to you for the next two weeks – is to live a life that you are proud of.  If at any time you find that you are not proud of what you are doing – find the strength to start over. It’s important to enjoy and have fun and celebrate. It’s the reason why we work so hard to eat clean and feel good in between the special occasions. Just always stay mindful, have a plan and remember you are creating memories with those you love. You want them to be memories that you can all look back on with love and joy. Remember that how you treat yourself will reflect in how you treat others. When you are happy they are happy and when you feel good they feel better. Appreciate the beauty of the world, and appreciate what you worked so hard for. Do not ruin your holidays or ruin it for those you love because you over did it and can’t wait for it to end. Instead, throughout the next two weeks, be the person that makes you happy and act in ways that you know will make you feel your best.  If you fall off your path get up and immediately back on program. Be the person that you worked so hard to be and remember the person that you want to see January 1st. Enjoy the life, the love and the happiness that you have and always, always have hope in your hearts for those less fortunate.




~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10017
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Innovation Toy Drive and Giveaways







Starting tomorrow 12/12 bring in an unwrapped toy to the Innovation Woodbury location and you will get to pick from the bag of coupons and receive one of the following:


Free Innovation Snack
Free Innovation Meal
$25 Innovation gift card
$50 Innovation gift card
and there will be ONE $100 gift card in the bag


You can use the gift cards for food, In-studio sessions, Online program or Personal training


We will have the TOY BOX available from Tuesday 12/12 through Saturday 12/23 –
Everyday you bring a gift you get to pick a prize.




On December 23 we bring all of the remaining food from the studio and the toys that are donated by YOU to the Soup Kitchen. The kitchen is located in a town that has many underprivileged families. They don’t have much food and toys are not an option. The soup kitchen informed us that last year because of our donation – on Christmas Eve they were able to send hundred of families home with a goodie bag of Innovation food and a toy for each of their children. So on Christmas morning we fed people who could not afford to eat and YOU all gave children a gift to open who wouldn’t have had one. This is not just about dropping off a gift, it’s about making a true difference in someone’s life. We sometimes get caught up in our own little world and forget how a little act of kindness can make such a big difference for those in need. And on a day that is filled with hope, your gift makes such a big difference for both parents and children on Christmas Morning.


Thank you in advance for being a part of something so special with us. 


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Keep It Simple…


As we travel through December (with only 19 days until Christmas Break) – many of you are right back on your path but others are still struggling a little to get there. Wherever you are today and moving into this week I want you to be positive and confident about what you can achieve and why you want to do it. Think about feeling good, happy and alive in your mind and body.


Don’t ever be embarrassed about gaining weight. You always have to remember you are not the only one. Don’t think about the past or how you “used” to look. Don’t get discouraged because you keep slipping up or having more than one Cheat over the weekend. What you need to focus on is the following:


SLIPS AND FALLS – Regardless of where you are or how many times you slip up – the most important thing you can do is get right back on program and keep going in the right direction. Whether it’s a little slip up or a big one – it’s not about the slip – it’s about getting up. We all slip and we all fall but the sooner you get back on your feet and on your path is the sooner you will feel so much better and be back on track. The longer you lay down the longer you will feel terrible and the longer it will take to get back to a better place. Life is not perfect and it will never be perfect. We will always have times that will be more difficult than others and they are usually times that feel different from everyone else. It doesn’t matter – what matters is right now. Wherever you are you have to focus on where you want to be and keep moving in that direction. If you keep getting up every time you fall, you will get there. Yes, it might be slower than someone who doesn’t fall as much but who cares – the most important thing is you are in the right direction and you will get to your destination.


STOP THINKING SO MUCH – We focus on “why do we keep doing this” or “how can I be better” or “isn’t there a magic pill” – JUST STOP THINKING. Instead of spending so much time and energy thinking about an easier way out – or thinking about why you keep slipping – I want you to stop thinking about it all and just start doing it. Just start today and get on program and make the right choices. Don’t worry about where your weight is today – don’t even think about it. Just follow your program and you will feel better tomorrow. If you want to use your time thinking, then keep it about positive things like your family and your friends and your home and job. The program is the program – you know it works. Food is fuel and if you eat what is on your menu then you will lose weight. Don’t make it more complicated than it needs to be. Don’t look for foods that will fill you and don’t look for “more” than you need.  Just follow the menu and you will lose the weight and your Cheat Day will come and you will enjoy it.


THE JOURNEY – Something I think is important to share is how important your journey is. I know I say it all the time but it’s very easy to get caught up in feeling sorry for yourself and bad about the mistakes and choices you make. But what I want you to focus on is how happy you are on the journey to feeling your best. Every step you take in the direction of eating clean and losing weight is one more step to feeling great both mentally and physically. Life is too short and you don’t want to keep doing things that intentionally make you feel worse. Keep the focus on positive things that will make you happy – Like Christmas Break!


If you want to lose a little or a lot of weight before the Break then follow your program and weigh-in, and keep yourself accountable. Even 3 lbs can make a big difference on how you look and feel. So make the commitment today to stop thinking and start following.




1lb a WEEK = 3 lbs – SNAIL 
2 lbs a WEEK = 6 lbs – SHARK 
3 lbs a WEEK = 9 lbs – KILLER SHARK


Don’t think – Just follow. Sometimes keeping it simple is all it takes to be successful. 


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Make The Right Choices Today


If I had to give you any advice today it would be stay off the scale and get back on program 110% today. I can’t stress enough to you how important the week after a holiday is…


Here is why: 


Mentally you need to get back into the mindset of how important it is to get back to feeling good. How much better you feel when you are doing the right things. Just knowing that you are back in control can change your outcome. If you sit and start to feel sorry for yourself for the damage you did it can very easily snowball and before you know it you are sabotaging another day, week or month.


Frustrated and Upset: Don’t even bother being frustrated or upset with yourself. If you know you were off and you cheated then you don’t deserve to be frustrated or upset. That is for people who have done amazing all week and for some reason the scale didn’t move as much as they wanted or expected. It’s not for people who cheated and want to turn back the clock. You just need to put the time in now and pay the price and if you do it, and you stay on program – one week will make all the difference…


It only takes one week: I promise you regardless of how terrible you feel today it will only take one week for you to get back to the weight you started before Thanksgiving. I know for some it sounds unrealistic. You feel like you have done so much damage. But the truth is, there are steps to weight loss. You have Weight loss – Maintain – Weight Gain. When you are On Program you are in Weight Loss. Eating less than your body needs. When you go off program and you start eating more it can feel like so much more than it really is because it’s so much more than your weight loss days. But when you are eating more you still have room between maintaining and gaining. So while you feel like you gained – I promise a lot of it is “fake weight” and you maintained more days than gained. Although the scale may not show that today – so stay off it! After one solid week back on program you will see the “fake weight” gone and you will either see your pre-Thanksgiving weight or very close to it.


The key is to have a solid 110% On-Program week after a bad week and that is what will get the numbers right back down.


For most of you, you know the Drill for this Week:


MONDAY – feeling horrible – bloated – not happy
WEDNESDAY – feeling okay – not the worst but not the best – just happy to be back and in control
FRIDAY – already thinking of the Cheat Day and looking forward to getting back on the scale. Knowing regardless what it says you are back on your path and feeling good again. Yay!




I want to say and address the clients who have done exactly what they said they would. There are so many of you who really set a path of what you wanted to do and you followed it. I am so happy and thrilled for you who stayed true to what you wanted to do and how you wanted to feel through the holiday and today. Yes, because you did it and accomplished it, but also for many of you it’s because it shows how much you have changed from when you started. You did something that when you first started would have been nearly impossible for you to do – that is amazing and you should be really proud of yourself today. Whether the choice was to maintain or continue to lose – so many of you did exactly what you planned and stayed true to what you wanted and what you knew would make you happy. We all know how hard that can be and the choices and decisions that had to be made in order for you to stay strong and on your path. You deserve to be celebrated and acknowledged. Your reward is how you feel today, and how happy you are with yourself and how you will spread that happiness to all those around you (although some that did not stay on program may not be in the mood for sharing it today).


My final advice for today is to think about where you are – and where you want to be. Get rid of the frustrations and don’t be upset. No negativity – keep positive. When you change your mindset into positive it can change your outcome. But you are the only person who can do it. If you give yourself excuses you will never reach your destination. Don’t focus on last week – it’s already gone. Look ahead and keep the focus on today and tomorrow. Because each positive On Program day will turn into a better one and the great days will turn into a great week – the great weeks will turn into great months and the great months will turn into an amazing year. Your life, your choices – Make sure you make the right ones.




~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019