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Tag: emotional eating

Choicesclean eatingExercisefamilyfeel goodgoalshappyhealthyHealthy TipsLifestyleMotivationweight loss

Are you ready for March?

[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]ARE YOU READY FOR MARCH?
YES YOU ARE….[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Spring is coming and everyone has lots of different emotions…. happy, sad, determined, mad, excited, disappointed… You name it and I am addressing it with clients. What we have learned so far is when you are in quarantine and go through something like Covid most of the time the results have not been pretty. It was a given that at some point you didn’t do the right thing for longer than a moment. How big or bad was very individualized across the board. However, while many of you got right back on in the Fall and Winter and have tried your best – some still struggle everyday from the affects of it all. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]I want you to first know – it’s okay. Whatever you did or where you are the most important thing right now is to put it behind you and get back on program – no excuses, just do it. Get back on your program and fight hard for what you want. You have 5 weeks of March that will give you an amazing start and if you do the right things can take you to a very happy place. For those of you that have been amazing – keep going you have the head start – don’t stop, don’t look back – stay mindful and enjoy and be motivated by the mental and physical changes you are making everyday. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Short Term goal – where do you want to be April 1? 
One pound a week = 5lbs
Long Term goal – where do you want to be Memorial Day?
One pound a week = 18 lbs[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]We all need goals – they are motivation to take us where we are today and where we want to go. Our short term goals help us reach our long term goals. But you have to start now the more you put it off the longer it will take you to get to where you want to be.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]FOOD AND EMOTIONS: Don’t let the past hurt your efforts today. Food plays with emotions and feeling in the most drastic way. It can make you ride an emotional roller coaster that if not thought out can ruin your efforts quickly. I have seen the most dedicated people cave after one drink. I have also seen the most dedicated eat out of fear and boredom from quarantine. What you have to remember is when you emotional eat that also gives you negative emotions. You eat because of your emotions – and then you over eat more because you are sad your emotions made you eat. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]It’s not the food that made you gain – it’s what you are doing with the food and how you are abusing it that creates the emotional roller coaster and results. The best thing you can do is learn from it. What made you feel good and what made you feel instantly bad. And most important how you feel today. Where are you and where do you want to go…[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]STAYING IN YOUR POWER: We have been talking a lot about the importance of staying in your power. Your power is your choices. When you make the choice to stay on program and follow your menu and exercise – you are staying in your power. When you make the choice to go off program because of stress, anxiety, alcohol, just simply in a bad mood – then you are giving your power away to your emotions. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Being in your power means mustering up the ability to handle your emotions mindfully. It means breaking free from anything that holds you back and makes you feel mentally and emotionally powerless. Staying in your Power is a kind of mental toughness that we need to bring to every situation. It’s the ability to take decisive and deliberate action toward a desired goal. It’s about living life intentionally with a sense of purpose and effectively managing your boundaries and fighting through the unhelpful thoughts that often sabotage your progress[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]How do you stay in your power:[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
  • Control your mindset. We have spoken about it in the past – you need to be mindful at all times if you want to reach your goals. Staying in your power requires having the ability to adapt to changing conditions and circumstances. It requires being proactive and staying mindful of your thoughts, choices, and actions. Only when we’re mindful can we see things clearly, and therefore adapt accordingly to the conditions of our life. When you are mindful you are not grabbing and eating – instead you take that one second – that one breath to think about if this is what you really want to do at that moment.
  • Take responsibility for your life: Don’t blame others, and absolutely do not cry about your weight. No one wants to hear it. Everyone is crying about their own problems. Instead take responsibility and work hard for what you want. Don’t talk about it – show your results with actions. Plan, Prepare and follow through and work hard everyday for what you want. There are no short cuts- just hard work and no excuses. When you take responsibility for your life and circumstances, you naturally feel empowered no matter what happens.
  • Choose to be happy: Everyday is a choice to be happy. When you choose to stay on program and do the right thing it’s the same thing as choosing to be happy today. We know when you follow your menu and stick to your meals and snacks you feel your very best. When you text me and say I had a great day today – that means you chose to be happy today. You knew doing the right thing was going to keep you in a happy place. You followed your menu and when your head hit the pillow you felt great – which made you wake up happy. The choice to be happy is your choice everyday to make and you do it by following what makes you feel your best [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]My Final thoughts…. No matter what’s happening around us, doesn’t change what goes on inside us. When you have clarity about what’s most important to you it helps you stay grounded and focused when temptation comes your way. And it will come – temptation will always be there. But when you are mentally ready for it – there will be no stopping you. When we are able to stay mindful and stay in our power, we naturally feel more confident and in control of our lives. The control is what is most important. When we are in control is when we see and feel the best results both mentally and physically. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible]You are ready for March! Don’t let the days slip away – make the most of each one and choose happiness.[dt_sc_hr_invisible]
You can not make positive changes to yesterday 
But you can make them today tomorrow and the next day.
~Love to Live Healthy With Josephine Fitzpatrick
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Healthy Ways to Fight Stress


There are a lot of factors that affect our weight loss, some more obvious and influential than others. The exercise we choose to do and the food and drinks we choose to put in our bodies are clearly key components, but everything starts with the decisions we make. Our mental state, motivation and attitude all directly relate to everything we do. If we are in a bad mood, exhausted, bored, anxious or feeling any negative emotions or thinking pessimistically, we are more likely to make unhealthy choices. We look to food for comfort, stimulation or a pick-me-up instead of thinking of it as nourishment or fuel. When it comes to our frame of mind, stress can seriously influence us, sometimes without us really realizing it. The symptoms and affects of stress affect each of us all in different ways, so here are some tips and tricks to help you manage and alleviate any kind of stress and to keep you on your weight loss path. 


Stretching or Yoga. Exercise isn’t possible for all of us, and even if it is part of your routine you might not always have time or the ability to get in a workout when you need it. Doing a simple yoga sequence or some stretching is a great way to release any physical pain or tension as well as the mental pressure and stress you are feeling. 


Listen to music. Whether you put on your favorite album or make a playlist, listening to the right music can totally change your mood and can ease your stress. There are so many resources online, from music videos and playlists to soothing sounds and relaxing tones that will fit your situation if you don’t have what you want on hand. But it doesn’t always have to be relaxing music – sometimes we need something energetic and feel-good to boost our mood, or sometimes we need something angry or sad to help us embrace our stressful feelings and release them. 


Make a To-Do list. If you have a lot on your plate, it can help to get organized and make a plan to tackle everything you need to accomplish. A little bit of planning can help your day, week or month run smoother and decrease your stress over deadlines, upcoming events or anything else on your calendar. 


Do an activity you enjoy. This may seem obvious, but sometimes we get so caught up in our stressful situations that we can’t think about anything else. When we are rushed, nervous, or pressured in work or personal situations, sometimes we don’t want to or can’t step away from them. But taking a break and doing something that will make you happy, even if it’s just for the moment, is always a good idea. That can be as simple and quick as reading a chapter of a book, visiting a fun website, shopping online or making a tea. Or it can be something like having lunch with a friend, going for a walk or making plans for the future that you can look forward to. 


Make sure you are getting enough sleep. Though we may not always have a choice when it comes to our sleep schedule, don’t overlook it. Lack of sleep can increase our stress which can effect us in so many ways from the moment we wake up until we finally go to sleep at night. Not getting enough sleep can leave us cranky, tired and vulnerable – which ties in to our next tip. 


Watch your caffeine, sugar and snack intake. When we are stressed it can make us feel exhausted, anxious and defenseless to the bad decisions we don’t want to make. We seek out sugar and caffeine to pick us up and wake us up, or we look to sweets and salty snacks to keep us occupied and satisfy our cravings. You don’t have to deprive yourself, just make sure that you choose healthy options and keep it in moderation. 


Meditate. If you don’t know the sources of your stress, meditation is a great way to take a pause, reflect and loosen up. It may help you identify your stressor, or it’s just a perfect time to clear your mind and find calm. The best part is that it’s free and you can do it almost anywhere for any amount of time. 


Identifying your stressor is an important part of getting rid of it. We may not always be able to just walk away from what is stressing us, but knowing where our stress comes from can help us prepare for it and deal with it. This can include family, work, school, general obligations or even internal stress we put on ourselves or the stress of trying to lose weight and get healthy. Or sometimes it’s just nothing in particular, just the every day grind or your daily routine. Whatever stresses you, try some of these tips and take some time to reflect and make your life a little more stress free.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke in Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Physical Hunger Vs. Mental Hunger


Most people feel hunger many times throughout the day. Some people feel it as soon as they wake up, others rarely eat breakfast. Some people like to graze throughout the day, while other people prefer to sit down to a big meal. In France, snacking is frowned upon and lunch is the biggest meal of the day. In America, potions are typically much larger than the rest of the world. In Spain, dinner is typically eaten at around 10 P.M. All around the world, and even across the U.S., eating habits and culture shape the way we experience and deal with hunger. In general, there are two types of hunger: physical and mental. Physical hunger is considered more “real” while mental hunger is felt psychologically.


When you make the decision to begin a weight loss program, you may find yourself thinking about food more than ever before. Dealing with restrictions can make you crave those tasty yet unhealthy foods you were eating before but that doesn’t mean you should put them in your body. Being left hungry is a big fear and a major set back for a lot of people on their path to weight loss, so recognizing the difference between physical and mental hunger can make all the difference if you find yourself struggling.


These two types of hunger may often feel the same but there are some clues you should be aware of to be able to tell the difference. When your body needs fuel and energy, it will send you hunger signals in a certain way. In general, physical hunger is gradual and isn’t fixated on specific foods. You may experience low energy or lightheadedness if it takes you a while to satisfy physical hunger. On the other hand, mental hunger, or emotional hunger, is more sudden and urgent. It can be triggered by the craving of a certain food and usually involves absent minded eating. It is also often paired with an upsetting emotion (something negative happens so you want to eat something to make you feel better). Unlike physical hunger, mental hunger does not go away when you are full and it can cause you to overeat, which leaves you feeling guilty instead of energized and satisfied.


Recognizing mental hunger is the easy part – resisting it is the real battle. The first thing you should do when you’re trying to determine if you’re actually hungry or not is to stop and think about why you want to eat. Are you bored? Anxious? Upset? As we have said, negative emotions can make you think you want to indulge in that yummy food that makes you feel better. Instead of immediately giving in, even if you’re about to eat something healthy, reflect on your emotions and remind yourself that emotions can’t make you hungry. They just convince you that you are. You should also pay attention to the time. When was the last time you ate? For example, if you just had a meal but you’re looking for dessert, you’re not actually hungry you’re just craving something sweet because you often have dessert and your body looks forward to it whether you realize it or not. You can also try drinking a glass of water before deciding if you really need a snack. Another way you can help yourself is to have healthy snacks on hand. Not only will you be able to satisfy your hunger with something good for you and your weight loss, but snacks that are high in protein and fiber will help keep hunger at bay.


Mental hunger can be one of the biggest challenges when it comes to weight loss. Emotions are so closely tied to eating – we celebrate with food and we grieve with food. Most social events and holidays seem to revolve around food. Cutting the ties with your cravings and emotional eating habits is hard and takes time, but it will happen. You’re not just eating healthy to lose weight – you’re creating new habits for yourself without even realizing it.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Eat to Live, Don’t Live to Eat

This is the time of year when warm, hearty foods can bring comfort and good feelings in the cold months. You may even associate this time of the year with certain foods, like casseroles during the holidays. You can’t imagine a November without turkey or a December without a special feast. The same can be said for more day-to-day wants and needs that food may fulfill. When you’re stressed do you reach for treats or snacks? When you’re bored do you open the pantry? When you’ve completed a difficult task do you crave your favorite food? Ask yourself – are you living to eat, or eating to live? When you live to eat, you indulge in foods that make you feel comfortable, relieve your stress or boredom, or reward an accomplishment. You eat something because of how you feel emotionally instead of the physical hunger you feel when your body needs fuel. On the other hand, when you eat to live you provide your body with nourishment that fuels and supports your health.


Eating habits can be hard to break. If you were always rewarded with dessert after a good meal or good behavior as a child, you’ll probably still crave something sweet today after something positive. When you want to relax, you may seek out your favorite comfort foods. When you’re feeling stressed you may have a taste for salty or sweet snacks to distract you from your situation, and you may tell yourself you can’t get though it without eating something. Cravings like this can be a huge mental hurdle when trying to only eat when your body needs food. They come on suddenly and after you eat what you thought you needed, you aren’t satisfied at all.


Next time this happens, try taking a step back from a stressful situation whether you have two minutes or two hours. Instead of heading to the break room or kitchen, go for a walk outside or around the office, stop by the gym or just get in a workout at home. You can release endorphins and boost your mood, and doing something productive that gets your blood flowing can help you get in the right mindset to overcome a challenge. When you’re looking for comfort, try another activity like reading a book, walking the dog, taking a bath or watching a favorite movie. When you accomplish something and you’re looking for a reward, treat yourself to something other than food. Remember that a special occasion or success does not have special circumstances or rules. You are still accountable for what you put in your body.


When your body does actually needs food, it will feel different. It will come on more gradual and you won’t seek out something specific like you do when you have a craving. When you eat to fuel your body, you will feel full and satisfied after, without the guilt of indulging in something impulsive. You can’t depend on food for anything other than sustaining life and health. Changing the way you think as well as the way you eat is the only way to have a lasting effect.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11730

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018