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Tag: choices

Choicesclean eatingeatcleanExercisehealthyLifestyleMotivationweight loss

Muscle vs. Fat vs. Exercise, Water, Stress = Scale

[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]So you’ve been exercising and continually eating on program only to step on the scale and find out that you’ve gained a few pounds. It’s okay. I know your immediate thoughts: “why am I gaining weight?” and “How am I gaining weight for that matter?” Then you think “let me text Josephine” 🙂  While it can be easy to let a higher number on the scale screw with your head (especially if you feel you’ve been doing all the “right” things), it isn’t cause for panic. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]It’s been such a topic of discussion on weight, exercise, water intake, stress, muscle vs. fat. So what I have decided to do is explain how each affect your body and I will follow it up with a video and podcast for further clarification. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]HERE ARE FEW REASONS WHY EVEN WHEN YOU ARE SHRINKING YOUR NUMBER CAN BE HIGHER. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]WEIGHT TRAINING:  Weight training can cause weight gain due to an increase in muscle mass. If you strength train regularly and improve your fitness level, your weight on the scale may increase while your body fat percentage decreases. Muscle is denser than fat and takes up more space. So even though a pound is a pound – meaning whether it’s a pound of fat, feathers, sand or muscle a pound is always going to weigh a pound. HOWEVER, when you lose body fat and you replace it with 2x as much muscle you can actually be smaller and weigh more because fat takes up more room then muscle. So while I never discourage weight training I always tell clients you have to be okay with the number going up if you are weight training. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]MUSCLE VS. FAT:  Muscle is smaller and denser than fat. A great example is to take your leg (thigh) or stomach. . Fat is mushy and spreads and is loose and takes up more room. So if you have flabby thighs or a flabby belly with muffin tops you have lots of fat cells stored there. Now you are eating on program, you are exercising and building muscle. While you are building muscle you are decreasing your body fat and your cells are closing (fat cells never go away they just close and make more space either to just be thinner or they are making more space for muscle). Just like you can keep growing fat cells and get heavier and heavier you can do the same with muscle and build muscle in that area. But because muscle is smaller and denser your weight will be the same but you will look totally different – smaller and leaner.  You can fit 2x more muscle in the same space as fat and it will still look smaller because it’s dense.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]FOOD AND EXERCISE: Important to remember when you exercise and you are trying to lose weight you don’t eat more. It’s a very hard concept especially when you are hungrier from exercising more. Your reward is how you look it’s not to eat more because you exercised. One of the most common things I see when when a client uses a workout as a green light to eat whatever they want. Sometimes when you have an intense sweat session or you push yourself in a new way, you can look to food as a reward for a hard workout completed. I have had clients come to me and say I did double workouts or I worked out for hours. I always say “why?” Of course you want to work out and stay healthy and look and feel good but unless you are a professional athlete you don’t need to be working out for hours. What you need is your hour of exercise everyday and to eat on program and you will get the best results. In fact most of the clients who complain that they are doing double workouts or are in the gym for hours are those who are also complaining they are not losing weight – and that is mostly because they are eating more than they should as a reward for working out. Your body needs fuel, but an intense workout is not a license to eat whatever or as much as you want. The best results is when you are eating on program and exercising – that combination is all it takes to look and feel your best.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]WATER WEIGHT: Water makes up approximately 65 to 90 percent of a person’s weight, and variation in water content of the human body can move the scale by ten pounds or more from day to day. That’s right water can alter your weight by as much as 10 pounds. Sounds like a lot? It’s not. Great example my boys who weight train heavy regularly – they never care what the scale says, in fact the higher the better because to them they are gaining muscle and that’s what they want. Along with that they walk around with a gallon jug of water, and they continually fill it as soon as it’s empty. So of course you can be up to 10 pounds higher when you are drinking large amounts of water constantly throughout the day. *You should be drinking at least half of your body weight in water each day and even more if you are having serious workouts or running long distance. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]However for most of us it’s about 3-4lb water weight, so if you think you just lost a few pounds from that serious spin class? Don’t get too excited — it’s likely just water loss due to sweat. And if you’re seeing a higher number on the scale, that could be due to water retention from drinking the water throughout the day. The amount of H20 in your system has a heavy influence on your weight and could be the answer to the question, “why do I gain weight so easily?”  Your body will always fluctuate do to water. So no matter what, stay hydrated all day. At the end of the day it’s good for you body, weight loss, skin, and over all health.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Water Fluctuation: If you are not weight training generally your weight will always fluctuate at least 3 lbs from water. However you will also notice that if you are not weight training and only doing cardio then each week you have a new low number even with the water weight (so even with the water weight you should be lower than the week before depending on how much water you are holding). So while mid-week it might seem higher by the time you weigh in you should see a new low number even if you are still holding a little water. Depending on how much water you are holding can determine the 1-3 lb loss. Example: you started at 200 but lost 5 lbs and now 195. Mid week you will see anywhere between 195-197 (that is the 3lb fluctuation) but you won’t see the 200 because your new low is 195. And that will continue as you lose weight. So when you get to 180 from the 200. You new low will be 180 but it can fluctuate up to 183. My point is you should always give yourself 3lbs higher for the weight to fluctuate with water. Some will be higher than 3lbs but as a rule I always tell clients give yourself at least 3lbs. With that said understand that if last week your new low was 175 and you lost another 3lbs this week you may only see 1lb loss on the scale because you are holding 3lbs of water which would means you will see 174 but you are really 172. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Water & No Exercise: For those of you that are not exercising at all then it’s a whole different story and it could take you longer to see results. As we age our bodies run slower so we need exercise to help it run properly. When you have no exercise and sitting all day is like a slow death. You are not burning anything your body is existing and it will take twice as long to see the weight loss. So while you may have lost 1lb this week you may be the same or even higher with no exercise (depending on your age) because if you are 150 but lost 2lbs but are holding 3lbs of water weight you are going to read 1lb higher when you are actually 1lb lower. If you stick to it you will eventually see the weight go down even when holding the 3lbs of water but it will take longer. That’s why I always tell you at the very least go for a long walk. Do something to get your body moving.  [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Water & Weight Training: If you are weight training then you won’t see a new low but you will be smaller in size. When you are building muscle and holding water it could take weeks to see the number go down even though your body is shrinking. If you are weight training you can actually see a 5lb or more weight gain (not in a week but over time).  Because you are replacing muscle with fat so that could be 1- 2 lbs and then you have the water weight and that is 1-3 lbs addition to the muscle. But at the end of the day if you can handle the number on the scale you always look better overall and will be smaller overall if you weight train. Unless of course you are body building then you will be bigger but it will be all muscle and you will still be happy. If you are struggling with understanding this – I plan to follow it up with a video and podcast for clarification.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]STRESS: Stress can cause weight gain. When you are under stress from tough workouts or a tough day, or lack of sleep, your body produces the stress hormone cortisol. More cortisol released in the body can cause fluid retention and inflammation. Make sure you plan some downtime to do the things that recharge you mentally and physically. Be sure to take a recovery day during your workout week, so you are not over-exerting your body. Rest days and cheat days are just as important as clean on program eating and exercise days.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]WEIGHING: While weighing yourself can be one way to track your progress, it shouldn’t be the only way. And it certainly isn’t worth obsessing over with daily weigh-ins. Remember losing pounds on the scale does not mean that you are more fit — it just means you are lighter at that moment, which doesn’t mean much at all especially if it’s water weight. And keep in mind that if you’re exercising but gaining weight, it could be that your workouts are effective and you are just gaining more muscle then you had in fat. One of the best ways to track your progress is your clothes. I ask clients all the time how are your clothes fitting you. That is the key to seeing your results because it’s not just that they fit you but that you look and feel good in them. Because you can be in tight pants at 125lbs and be made up of mostly loose fat but when you are working out everyday and you are muscle you can weigh 135lbs and those same pants are loose on you or fitting you perfect. So it’s not always about the scale it’s the combination of what you are doing weight training, cardio, water, eating on program and stress. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]NUMBERS: So if you are a numbers person and need to see the number drop on the scale each week then you should wait to weight train until you reach your goal. Keep your stress in check and do a cardio session before you weigh in to release any water you are holding in your body. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]CLOTHES: If you are okay with the number fluctuating and are okay with tracking your progress with your clothes and how you look and feel, then eat clean on program, incorporate the weight training sessions, drink your water -but always continue to keep your stress in check. Progress: once a month put on a piece of clothing (pants, shorts, bathing suit) and at the same time weigh yourself. See how the difference in the scale matches up with how your clothes are fitting you from the month before. You will be pleasantly surprised with the results. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Final Thoughts: Keep your motivation up, stay positive and continue on your path and do the right things. This will always keep you in the right direction. Whether you are looking for muscle, fit, thin and/or lean  — when you are happy, healthy and confident you can have success and look amazing in any healthy body. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
ChoiceseatcleangoalshealthyHealthy TipsLifestyleMotivationweight loss


[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]NEW YEAR – CLEAN SLATE[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]A fresh start, a clean slate, a New Year. Such ideas hold great promise for everyone. Surely the world yearns for the ability and the occasion to start anew. When you have a clean slate you are moving forward and leaving the past in the past. You have the opportunity to leave mistakes in the past and focus only on the present. While it’s a thrilling concept we must remember it only benefits us if we actually do it.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]FOCUS: You have started fresh this week and now what you do from here all depends on you. Only you have the control to achieve what you want and to reach your goals. Your clean slate has put you on an open path. But we can’t forget life will always be life and that comes with challenges. You have to stay focused and remember that some days the path will be blocked and shrouded with uncertainty. Other days, the path will be clear and you will move forward and everything will feel right. The difference between those who make it and those who don’t is the ability to stay centered and stay on the path even on the uncertain challenging days. When you keep moving forward even if it’s a little slower you will eventually end up where you want to go. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]SOMETHING EXCITING TO THINK ABOUT:[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]We have 30 weeks until 4th of July. If you only lose one pound a week that is 30lbs less than where you are today by July 4th.  That’s not only very doable it’s very exciting.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]It’s 15 weeks until April 21st. If you lose only 1lb a week by April 21 (which is just about one month into spring) that’s 15lbs. Again very doable and very exciting. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Now let’s double it. If you have a lot of weight to lose and you do 2 lbs a week that is 60lbs by July 4 and 30lbs by April 21.  WOW! Super Exciting.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]The reason Im listing these is because I want you to see it written down. This is what you have the ability to do right now with your clean slate. This is where your clean slate and your open path can take you if you let it. Sometimes when we are eating for weight loss but you only see the healthy 1 or 2 lbs a week loss you may think you are not getting anywhere, when in fact you are on your way to success! I want you to understand the importance that consistency is and where that 1- 2lbs of weekly weight loss is going to take you if you consistently put the work in. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]We live in a society that prefers instant gratification and pleasure. 
But the real results come in time, patience and consistency. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Here are some tips to help you through the challenging days and keep your slate clean:[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]WHY? Getting out of your comfort zone is, well, uncomfortable, and the tendency is always going to be to retreat back into what is familiar and comfortable. When we feel a little hungry In order for you to feel motivated to push through the pain of change, and for it all to be worthwhile, you need to know why you’re doing it. That means being very clear on your reasons why. What are your specific goals and why is it so important on you reaching them. Write them down. Do you feel uncomfortable? You want to be healthier? Are you unhappy? Or maybe you remember last summer when you were in a cover up and promised yourself you were going to not be in one this year. Whatever the reasons – be clear in your mind on “why” this is so important to you and how you will feel this Spring and Summer if you don’t do it.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]WHAT’S THE WORST? Consider the worst case scenario – what if you don’t do it this year? What if you keep letting the temptation get to you and every day at some point you give up only to restart again the next day. What’s the worst case — you will either stay where you are now or most likely you will slowly keep gaining. How will that make you feel? Think about this Spring and Summer – how will it affect your mood, your thoughts, your days? Considering the worst case scenario can help you determine how important this is to you and how important it will be if you don’t do it.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Final Thoughts….Don’t fall into the trap of becoming comfortable with simply existing. You must want and love putting the work in to get results. It’s okay to feel both the pain and pleasure of working hard for something. For example let’s take weight loss – It’s uncomfortable and there are days you have to walk away from what you really want. I think we can all agree there is pain involved. Both mental and physical pain. It’s not easy to walk away from something you want. But the results of doing it are beyond amazing. The feeling of waking up healthy, light and thin. Grabbing anything in your closet and it fits and feels good. Your confidence is high and your days are always great. You feel healthy. You feel like you can face anything and get through it. And you feel this way all because your body and mind feel good. When your body is in a good place your mind is in a happy place. When you feel good you are happy and when you are happy you always look amazing. There is nothing more beautiful then a happy confident person. When you are comfortable in your own skin – it makes all the little uncomfortable times worth it. But in order to get to this amazing feeling you need to work hard and feel the little pains of being uncomfortable. I promise you if you stay strong and walk away the pain will pass and the results will show. It all starts with your clean slate and open path.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Whatever your past has been –Your future is spotless.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
feel goodhealthyHealthy TipsLifestyleMotivationweight loss



YOU HAVE TWO CHOICES TO CONTROL YOUR MIND OR LET YOUR MIND CONTROL YOU. Life is all about making choices, and when it comes to weight loss it’s even more important to think things through before we do them. While it’s very easy to grab, eat and regret – the success comes when you plan prepare and follow through.
HALLOWEEN CHOICES:  Halloween Week can be an easy time to let your mind control you. Especially when you decide to buy candy early. Remember they are out on the shelves early because the stores are well aware that you will buy them and then eat them and then come back and buy more. This can happen multiple times before Halloween even arrives. Don’t fall into that trap – wait and buy the day before. Yes the candies are adorable but they are the same little chocolate bars you can buy anytime of the year they just have little wrapper costumes on to make them look more appetizing at Halloween season. Wait until the night before to buy them.
MIND CHOICES:  it’s so important for you to control your mind and thoughts and keep them mentally strong. Because when we are mentally strong we feel like we can accomplish anything. We force ourselves to do the right thing and control what we want and who we become. Regardless of how much temptation is around us we choose to be healthy and happy and stay that way. We wake in the morning with the 100% intention to be positive, feel amazing and do the right things. Day and night our mental strength controls our actions and our actions control our thoughts to stay happy, healthy and fit. But this will only take place if you make the effort everyday to control your mind and thoughts and keep them both in a healthy positive place. When you put the extra effort in — your mind and body rewards you with results.
FEEL GOOD CHOICES: Each week you work so hard to get to where you want to be. It’s hard and challenging but what choice do you have. This is life. Some days will be easier and some days harder, but the most important thing is for you to understand that you need to stay on your path and on program because that is when you feel your best and that is when you lose the weight. Here are some things I want you to think of this week:
  • When you are on program and it’s challenging you have to remember how good you feel. Yes the temptation is there but you are losing and you feel good that is more important then any cheat that is in front of you.
  • What is the alternative? You are off program – eating out of control and the whole time you keep thinking “I have to get back on program” meanwhile you are gaining the entire time you are contemplating going back on. Why even put yourself through that? Why even put the people you love through that? If you think about it – it’s just so much easier to stay on program, it’s so much easier to do the right thing and lose the weight. Because when you are not on all you want to do is be on.
  • You are just so much happier when you are in control and doing the right thing! Think about it. Even though it’s hard. Even though it’s challenging. Even though you have to talk yourself into making the right choices every day 6 days a week – it makes you so much happier when you do it.
YOUR PATH TO SUCCESS is a choice only you can make: You need to make the choice that weight loss is what you want and you are willing to work hard for it. Every day 6 days a week and when you work hard for what you want and don’t let anything in your path stop you — is when you will get it. Remind yourself daily that you are sticking to your program and doing the right things because it gives you a healthy mind and body, it makes you happy and it makes you look and feel amazing. The consistency of Living “six” on and “one” off is your path to success but it will only happen when you make it a priority in your life and that priority has to be everyday not just on the days that is convenient for you. There is no excuse you can find around you and no food on the table that is better than feeling good, being in control being happy and looking great. Your path to success is the choice to walk away from temptation and stay on your path. Because staying on your path is what will lead you to success both mentally and physically. Don’t make it harder than it is. Just follow your program and you will feel great.
Making the right choices is never easy. We speak to our children about it all the time. We tell them – Do the right thing. Make the right choices. And always remember what you do and the choices you make everyday affects everyone in your family and all the people that love you. When it comes to weight loss and health we are no different. We need to remember and live by that same advice.
~Love to live healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Make The Right Choices Today


If I had to give you any advice today it would be stay off the scale and get back on program 110% today. I can’t stress enough to you how important the week after a holiday is…


Here is why: 


Mentally you need to get back into the mindset of how important it is to get back to feeling good. How much better you feel when you are doing the right things. Just knowing that you are back in control can change your outcome. If you sit and start to feel sorry for yourself for the damage you did it can very easily snowball and before you know it you are sabotaging another day, week or month.


Frustrated and Upset: Don’t even bother being frustrated or upset with yourself. If you know you were off and you cheated then you don’t deserve to be frustrated or upset. That is for people who have done amazing all week and for some reason the scale didn’t move as much as they wanted or expected. It’s not for people who cheated and want to turn back the clock. You just need to put the time in now and pay the price and if you do it, and you stay on program – one week will make all the difference…


It only takes one week: I promise you regardless of how terrible you feel today it will only take one week for you to get back to the weight you started before Thanksgiving. I know for some it sounds unrealistic. You feel like you have done so much damage. But the truth is, there are steps to weight loss. You have Weight loss – Maintain – Weight Gain. When you are On Program you are in Weight Loss. Eating less than your body needs. When you go off program and you start eating more it can feel like so much more than it really is because it’s so much more than your weight loss days. But when you are eating more you still have room between maintaining and gaining. So while you feel like you gained – I promise a lot of it is “fake weight” and you maintained more days than gained. Although the scale may not show that today – so stay off it! After one solid week back on program you will see the “fake weight” gone and you will either see your pre-Thanksgiving weight or very close to it.


The key is to have a solid 110% On-Program week after a bad week and that is what will get the numbers right back down.


For most of you, you know the Drill for this Week:


MONDAY – feeling horrible – bloated – not happy
WEDNESDAY – feeling okay – not the worst but not the best – just happy to be back and in control
FRIDAY – already thinking of the Cheat Day and looking forward to getting back on the scale. Knowing regardless what it says you are back on your path and feeling good again. Yay!




I want to say and address the clients who have done exactly what they said they would. There are so many of you who really set a path of what you wanted to do and you followed it. I am so happy and thrilled for you who stayed true to what you wanted to do and how you wanted to feel through the holiday and today. Yes, because you did it and accomplished it, but also for many of you it’s because it shows how much you have changed from when you started. You did something that when you first started would have been nearly impossible for you to do – that is amazing and you should be really proud of yourself today. Whether the choice was to maintain or continue to lose – so many of you did exactly what you planned and stayed true to what you wanted and what you knew would make you happy. We all know how hard that can be and the choices and decisions that had to be made in order for you to stay strong and on your path. You deserve to be celebrated and acknowledged. Your reward is how you feel today, and how happy you are with yourself and how you will spread that happiness to all those around you (although some that did not stay on program may not be in the mood for sharing it today).


My final advice for today is to think about where you are – and where you want to be. Get rid of the frustrations and don’t be upset. No negativity – keep positive. When you change your mindset into positive it can change your outcome. But you are the only person who can do it. If you give yourself excuses you will never reach your destination. Don’t focus on last week – it’s already gone. Look ahead and keep the focus on today and tomorrow. Because each positive On Program day will turn into a better one and the great days will turn into a great week – the great weeks will turn into great months and the great months will turn into an amazing year. Your life, your choices – Make sure you make the right ones.




~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Life Is About Choices


Yay! It’s Monday!!! It’s the start of another healthy week. Another week where you can see a new low by the end of it. Another week where you can make all the right choices and feel amazing! Don’t look at Monday like it’s the start of just a boring work week – look at it like it’s the beginning of another week where you are learning to love to live healthy!!!! Everything in life is a cycle. When we ride it the right way we can live it the best way. You start your week off amazing and you continue on that path regardless of what gets in your way. You need to make the right choices so that by the end of the week you accomplished another healthy, happy week where you know your numbers will reflect your hard work. Every day is an opportunity to do the right thing for yourself, your mind and your body. Only you can make today a GREAT DAY! Only you can make today a HEALTHY WEIGHT LOSS DAY! Only you can do the RIGHT THINGS AND STAY ON YOUR PATH TO REACH YOUR GOALS! Remind yourself how important it is to you and remind yourself how much you want it. How you look at the day and the week will reflect on how your results will be.




Love is in the air and today on Long Island it’s blowing around like crazy! Hopefully cupid has a steady shot – because he can easily mix up some arrows in this wind. Be prepared for the week and especially for tomorrow. Many of you waited to have your Cheat Day until tomorrow (so proud of you)! That was the smart thing to do when you know that you either have dinner plans or are weak when it comes to those heart shaped chocolates! For those of you who waited, you get to enjoy and not think about what you will order in advance!


If you had your Cheat Day this past weekend you made your choice and you have to stay 110% tomorrow because there is no free pass because it’s Valentines Day. If you are lucky enough to be “In Love” then that should be enough and food a distant second. If your “Love” is not enough tomorrow then you need to focus on what you will have and stick to it. Regardless of where you are going or what you are doing you can order a clean meal…and save your snacks for your drinks. There is always an on program option you just have to make it.


See, when it comes to weight loss it is all about making choices. The Cheat Day helps you do that. That’s why you can’t split them. You can’t have more than one and you can’t pretend it wasn’t bad because you only had “one thing off the whole day.” The whole idea of the Cheat Day is to choose what day is most important to you each week and enjoy it. It’s for you to understand and accept that you CAN HAVE IT  just not everyday. And ONE DAY A WEEK should be more than enough for you. But it does require making choices. Because if you don’t take the time to think and make a choice – you are basically giving yourself freedom to have more than one Cheat Day. And that never works. So if  Valentine’s Day is important to you to cheat, then you should have waited and had a clean weekend and have your Cheat Day on Valentine’s Day. It doesn’t matter if you were going out to dinner on the weekend – it’s a choice. It doesn’t matter if you were only a “little off” on your Cheat Day – you made a choice. You make your choices and you know that Off is Off. If you were off for a day or a meal or even just a dessert – you made the choice to have your day and now you move on until next week. The cheat day only works when your other 6 days are a 110%. You have to make choices and those choices will reflect whether you lose, gain or maintain. You can’t just “wing it” and it just can’t be “a little here and a little there”. When you want to lose weight and keep it off it has to be one Cheat Day a week – no exceptions. Once you start writing your own rules and have a cheat dinner Saturday and then you do a cheat Valentine’s day – You have made the choice to be OFF TWO DAYS in one week…and that is no longer a weight loss week. And whether you maintain or gain will depend on how 110% the rest of your 5 days are.


One Cheat Day is what you get and you should be thrilled with that. When you make the right choices it can and should really work for you in a very positive way. If you really want to see your numbers go down you have to follow it 110% 6 days clean and 1 day off. It’s simple and it’s only when you start writing your own rules and making the choice that ONE Cheat Day a week is no longer enough for you is when you will start gaining. Choices are hard. But when we were young we were taught how important it is to make the right choices – and it’s what we teach our children – If you want success you have to make good choices. It’s time to start living what we teach and preach – and make the right choice that you know will work  for you. So when tomorrow rolls around and it’s  “Valentines Day”  and you already had your Cheat Day you have to make the choice – Do you want to lose weight this week? If you want to lose weight then you eat clean on Valentine’s Day and save your candy for your Cheat Day! If you want to gain weight or maintain then you have your Valentine’s Day dinner and candy and live with the consequences that it was more important to you then losing this week.


Life is all about making choices and when we do the right things and plan we can be amazing. I know it’s not easy. But it’s worth it. Because when you get on the scale you want to see that number lower. You want to feel good and lighter and one step closer to your goal. If you see the number goes up or doesn’t change from the prior week – I promise you that if you can even remember what you ate and drank to cause it – you will think it so wasn’t worth it.


Besides do you really want to over eat on Valentine’s Day? Do you really want to end the night with the one you love stuffed and bloated?


If you want to reach your goals your choices have to reflect what you want. Your choices have to be planned. Your choices have to be the most important thing you make this week.
 Life is about making choices and when you make the right ones for your body, and mind, you will realize that making the right choice is so much easier than regretting the wrong one.




~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick