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Tag: cheat day

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle


HAPPY TUESDAY! Yes, it’s back to life and back to reality. I hope you all enjoyed your long weekend. I have to say I was very very impressed with the amount of clients this year that stuck to the PROGRAM and the one Cheat Day and followed the other 6 days 100%. Even with the long weekend they set their mind to it and did it! I love love love it because I know how much better you will feel today when you wake up and get back to real life. It doesn’t mean you enjoyed any less, in fact for many of you I think you enjoyed more. You were thrilled with your numbers and nothing was going to get in the way of that. I am super proud of you all.


For those of you who have not done the right thing for yourself this past weekend…For whatever excuse you have told yourself that – “I got sucked in :(” – “I thought I had control but I drank too much and it was too late ;(” – “One chip ended in a two day binge ;(” or if you just weren’t great and just feel horrible…If you see yourself in one of the previous descriptions I want you to think about something. I want to think about all the places you were this past weekend and all the people you saw. Think about how you treated your weekend with food and alcohol. Be honest with yourself because at the end of the day –  this is really between YOU and YOU. Did you do the right thing? Could you have done better?


TAKE A MOMENT AND REFLECT: I want you to think about all the people that you have come across this past weekend at the parties, clubs and BBQ’s that you attended. Whether you were in the Hamptons, the shore, or Fire Island. Did you see a person or people walk into the party, and you saw how good they looked and felt. They are the people that everyone automatically looks at when they walk through the door. They are the people who everything looks good on them regardless of what they wear. It could be a stranger, friends, family member. They are the ones that have confidence just flowing from them as they walk in. They are the people who you look at and think WOW they really have it all together! You know the person I am talking about. When you see them – what is the first thought that comes to your mind – YOU WANT THAT! And you should want that! Why wouldn’t you want that! Why wouldn’t you want to look and feel amazing in your skin and clothes and feel so good that it radiates when you walk in room. When we see someone so healthy, fit, in shape and full of confidence you have to ask yourself – what is more attractive than that? They are the people everyone want to be around. And it’s not only because they are thin —— it’s because they are happy and they feel good and it’s contagious to whoever is in their presence. They are like magnets that you want to look at and be near. They radiate health, happiness, success – all the things we all strive for everyday. When you think – THAT IS WHAT I WANT TO LOOK AND FEEL LIKE and that is how I want to act and that is how I want people to look at me — Then you have to understand just how possible that is.


I will tell you first hand it’s possible – because what you don’t know about that person or people – is they have their struggles and they have their weaknesses just like you do. You just don’t see it. And you don’t see them because they fight everyday to get past them. Just like everyone else, some days are easier then others. But they don’t let their food control who they are and what they want. They don’t let their stress make them eat into a frenzy. They are disciplined and strict with their one day off and six days on. It’s not that they don’t want the indulgences any less than you do, but they love to look good want to feel good more. Because they know that when they eat clean and stay on program it keeps them in control and that’s how they love to live. The way they feel and look is more important to them then any food or alcohol can temp them. They fight on their weaker days and they make it a priority to stay on program even when the path is bumpy. Even when they have hungrier days they reach out and we figure out how to get around it or what their best options are to get through it. They know and have learned these weaker days are temporary and everyone has them. They have their struggles in life but they make sure no matter what comes at them their priority is their health and the way the feel.  Because they know and have learned when they feel great they can fight anything else that comes their way. And when you look at them wishing you had that strength to get to where they are  – I am telling you that you do. I know better than anyone they were once you. But they fought, and learned, and kept fighting to get what they wanted and to feel how incredible they do today and everyday. Yes, you do have that strength – you just have to want it as much as they do and you have to want it all the time. You have to get past the tough days and understand they will always be there. We will always have long weekends and parties and stress. It’s all part of life. But you just need to stick to what you know at the end of the day gives you strength and happiness which is eating clean and feeling good in your own skin. When you learn that feeling healthy, thin and fit makes you happy and that happiness helps everything else in your life, that is when you will make it a priority everyday.


What it all comes down to at the end of the day is – It’s always a choice – YOUR CHOICE – Do you want it or do you want to talk about it. Do you want to sit and think about it or are you willing to work hard at it everyday. Every possibility is out there for you. No one can make you be overweight and no one can make you be successful – you have to want it, work for it and fight it. Don’t make excuses – you are no different than anyone else. If you are willing to fight for what you want and put the work in everyday then you can have it too. First decide what you want in life, what makes you happy –  and then go after it. You need to want it and work for it everyday. It will never just happen if you are not working for it consistently. So if you want it, plan it and make sure you are ready to put the work in 110%. Successful people don’t work at things when they feel like it or when it’s convenient for them – They work all the time – 24/7 that’s why they are successful. While you are sleeping they are working out. While you are watching TV – they are preparing their meals for the next week. Success is about putting in 110% and getting 110% out of it.   If it sounds like a lot then you don’t want it enough. If it’s something you really want eventually it won’t even feel like work. It will be a part of your happy life. Start now – life is short make sure every minute of your day counts toward something that is important to you and your future.


Decide what you want – go after it and fight for it 110% everyday.  


“With your program and complete close connection I have truly learned all the golden rules you instilled in me.
Innovation, and my fitness routine has changed my life. I feel healthier than ever before!
I am happy and grateful for Yours and Thea’s support. Xoxo????”   ~Lynne



 ~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Memorial Weekend – Have A Plan!

I know many of you think you have this under control. Just like all the other holidays – Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years…you get my picture? But this holiday is not one you want to play around with. Because what follows Memorial Day weekend?… SUMMER! This is not a holiday that if you go off for 5 days you will have time to reverse the damage. NOPE! This is a holiday that when it’s over – it’s really just beginning. The very last thing you want to do is throw away everything you have worked so hard for. And we all know it doesn’t take much to do that. Listen, I would love to tell you that you can go and enjoy your weekend and not worry about your plan – go ahead and eat whatever you want, life is short. But you can’t because you will not only gain the weight back that you lost but you will be miserable come Tuesday morning. Not only will you be miserable, I can guarantee if I asked you to tell me what was so amazing that you ate you wouldn’t be able to tell me. Because truthfully, if anything is amazing that you “NEED OR WANT” then you will have it on your Cheat Day.


Having fun, celebrating and doing all the things you want to do this weekend can be done without over eating. You need to have a plan and stick to it. Because if you don’t and you try and wing it I can promise you that Tuesday morning will come around and you will be miserable looking for some quick fix (that doesn’t exist) to make it all better. Instead, let’s try to do the right thing that will work for you the whole weekend.


DRINKING: If you are drinking – and it’s not water 🙂  – you save your snacks for the alcohol. If you know that you lose control after two then only sip one through the night or have two far apart with lots of water in between. Losing control with the alcohol is not good for you, your weight loss or the people that are trying to enjoy the party around you. If you want to be the talk of the party then make sure the only thing they are talking about how great you looked.


It’s a long weekend and it will be a challenge. But you constantly have to remind yourself what you want and how you want to feel come Tuesday morning. Here are some easy options to follow:


ONE CHEAT DAY: If you want to continue to lose this weekend and treat it like any other weekend then you will have ONE CHEAT DAY and you will be very mindful through the other days. You will go and have fun and enjoy and do all the right things like it’s any other day that you are celebrating with family and friends that you love. But you will not eat like it’s a cheat except for one day over the weekend. It is very doable and you will continue to lose if you follow this.


Do you want to maintain through the holiday weekend? Maintain can be tricky because you need to know your boundaries. You choose to eat clean all day and only go off for dinner and dessert or dinner and drinks or just drinks. Remember, just because it’s a cheat doesn’t mean you can’t order a beautiful clean fish and steamed vegetables and just enjoy your wine or ice cream. Cheats don’t have to be all out cheats, they are supposed to be special.  Make sure you are cheating on things you love and miss. Never cheat just to cheat. If you follow this and do it Friday, Saturday, and Sunday – or Saturday, Sunday and Monday then you will maintain and when Tuesday morning comes you will feel like you stayed in control and you are not starting over but just continuing on to your weight loss week.


GAIN? Do you want to gain through the holiday weekend? This sounds so simple right! But what is really disturbing is that it’s even easier than it sounds.  You can’t have a Cheat Day and then cheat meals. You can’t do cheating throughout each day with no plan. Trust me, you will forget and think that you weren’t that bad – when in fact you were really bad. While every one of us is different and what we can tolerate is different, when it comes to weight gain I can promise you that if you are overdoing it every day and lose control you will gain weight and it may be more than you can imagine.


What you need to do is know what your plan is and stick to it. Don’t be influenced by those around you. Always remember no one knows how hard you have worked and what your goals are. You know it and I know it, and if you want to reach your goals you have to stay strong and stick to the plan.


Make sure you have what you need to stay on program.
Make sure you are ready for the sabotages that you will be around.
Make sure you know your triggers and be prepared for when they are in front of you.


Most important – don’t set yourself up.  If you don’t want it and you don’t need it – SAY NO AND WALK AWAY!
Look around you and be inspired by those who make their health, body, and mind a priority. 
This weekend you need to prove to yourself how strong you are and what really matters to you
AND that you can have fun, enjoy what’s around you – without it always being about food.  




~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

HAPPY Monday

Monday! Yay! Hope everyone had an amazing Mothers Day! We had some super super weight loss numbers this week both locally and online from all over the world. Yes everyone seems to be doing the right thing, in the right direction and living the Innovation way. It’s always a lot easier when you know what works for you and then of course you do it. When staying on program – eating clean – eating less and having only one Cheat Day a week gives you the results you want then you do it. You make it happen and you work hard until it happens. Then before you know it, you start to experience week after week of weight loss. Week after week of feeling better, looking better, feeling happy, healthy and lighter – and in control. Everyone starts telling you and it feels great. You are in control of what you want and more importantly in control of your happiness. All the things you work so hard for come together and make it all worth it. Let’s face it – it is the results that make us motivated to do it again week after week. But not just the results on the scale. The results of feeling it, seeing it and hearing it. It makes it all worth walking away when we know it’s the right thing.


I love the happy texts and happy faces in the studio when clients do the right thing. Seeing the numbers go down every week makes everything you work so hard for so worth it. It’s not always easy – but sometimes our circumstances can make it easier than other times. For example, it’s always easier when it’s sunny than when it’s raining. It’s easier when we are heading into vacation than coming out of one, and it’s always easier before summer than in the middle of it. What it all comes down to is when we really want something we make it happen. When it means a lot to us – we do what we have to and stay on program, we follow our menu and we make sure nothing gets in our way. The key is to always make it the most important thing for you. If you know it’s what makes you happy then it should be first on your list. I can’t say it enough that while it may seem selfish to make your weight a priority, you have to reverse it and think how selfish it is to make those around you unhappy because you are not doing the right thing to make yourself happy. It’s a snowball affect. When you are making it the most important thing to you then you are happy and when you are happy you can make everyone around you happy too. Our choices don’t only reflect what we want and what we do to ourself but also those around us that love us.


If you have been amazing and on program think about your happiness. Has it changed you in a positive way? Do you not only feel better, do you act better to those you love? Even to strangers! Because when we are happy and feel good we walk around with a smile. We give out compliments and we want our happiness to be contagious to others around us. Think about it – do those around you seem happier? If they are happy it’s because you are happy. When you do the right things for your body and mind it makes you happy – and when you are happy you can truly enjoy others’ happiness. From little things to big things, you can enjoy and truly be happy for what is going on around you when you are truly happy with yourself.


If you haven’t been doing the right things you need to stop and think if it’s been affecting you mentally as well as physically. Are you grumpy, unhappy and short tempered because you don’t feel good? Does everything hurt from the time you wake up until you go to bed?  Are you living on tums and advil from over eating? Are you moving slower and feeling sad? If this is you and you don’t want it to be you, then only you can change it. I can be here for you and give you all the tools but you still have to do it. So take one moment today and think about where you are right now. Get a pen and paper and write down how you want to feel and what you need to do to change where you are. If summer is motivating for you then write down how you want to feel when summer arrives. Think about the clothes you want to wear and how you want to feel in them and write it down to remind yourself everyday of how important it is. Compare your feelings right now to how you wish you felt. Remind yourself of how you are the only person who can make it happen and think about all the successful people around you and learn from them that it really is possible to look and feel amazing everyday. And all it takes to feel that great every day is staying on your program all week. Follow your menu and it will take you to where you want to be. And remember, the only thing that is standing in your way is the temptation and the mindless eating. Whether it’s from boredom or stress of the family, work, business, life. Unfortunately those stresses will always come and go. It’s part of life and if we are lucky they will never be life threatening. Don’t make them life threatening with the foods you feed yourself to make you feel better. Because it’s always going to be the same food you grab over and over and still to this day doesn’t make you feel better or make the stress go away. It only makes it worse. In order to change your happiness you need to change your habits.


Now think about the effort you have put into yourself and write it down. Has it been a little effort? Or a lot of effort? The only answer should be a lot. Ask yourself these questions: Have you been working hard? Or can you work harder? Is it important enough? If it’s to feel better and act better then it should be the most important thing in your day. Have you been blaming others? Or blaming yourself for not doing the right thing? If you have, then stop right now.  Stop pointing the finger and start today and become the person you really want to be – not the person you talk about being or the person you fantasize about being. It’s hard and it takes hard work but once you start it will create the happiness and control that you want and need. The sooner you start the sooner you will feel better, then look better, and act better. You will look forward to the scale and look forward to shopping and look forward to summer. Yes, it takes strength and mindfulness and you to have both. Now you have to use them. Write it down. What do you want. How do you want to feel and what is going to make you happy.


Write it – Read it – Remember it and Live it. 
If you are not happy – change it.


The happiest people don’t necessarily have the best of everything.  
They just make the best of everything they have.  


Being a new Daddy 
Josh wanted to make sure he is super healthy and feels great everyday 



Now he loves the way he lives and lives the way he loves.
We are so happy for you – great great job Josh!!!!


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Your Path Can Take You To Great Places

You know what the best thing is about the Innovation program? You can literally go back on and follow your menu and within a couple of days you already feel lighter and healthier. You instantly get that self control back and you know that if you stay on, then in just a couple of weeks you will lose weight and feel great again. Sometimes the problem isn’t how to lose the weight but it’s how to stop falling into the temptations of life around you and gain the weight.


You have insecurities and doubts on your heels at all times just ready to take you down and wipe away any success that you have worked hard for. The temptations and excuses are always there so that anytime they can sway you from doing good to bad. Your doubts and anxiety are there because life is hard and it’s just so much easier to give in then to work hard everyday and do the right thing. But you always have to remind yourself – is that what you want? Yes, it’s easy to give in – but only after you give in and you find yourself in the place of uncomfortable misery of being bloated, thick and over weight is when you realize it’s not easy anymore. In fact, now you made it harder than it was before. You see, the truth is when we are hungry we want to believe that eating more will make it better. But it does’t. It will just make you look for the next thing and the next thing. You think that you will just go off and then go right back on. But reality is there is no “off” and “on” there is only “six” and “one”. Six is to stay on program and be the best you can be. Stay mindful, make the right choices, lose weight and when temptation hits and the little devil on your shoulder tells you to do the wrong thing that is when you have to be the strongest – you need to be a SHARK. It’s at that time that you have to remind yourself that it’s not the food that you want. What you want is to fit in your bathing suit this summer and go to the beach without feeling like you wish you were someone else.


LIFE IS EASIER ON PROGRAM: Everyone has social lives and everyone goes out all weekend. Kids, family, friends, holidays. Everyone can come up with at least 3 different days on the weekend to Cheat. But not everyone does. The clients who are successful keep it to one day. No matter what – it’s one day off. There is no difference from you and all the clients that have had so much success. They are just like you – yet they do it. It’s that important to them. When temptation came they fought hard and got passed it.  They Cheat one day a week and do not find reasons why they deserve more. They don’t give in. They know what is important to them and it’s not the food on the table. They know eating off program is not the answer to their happiness. That doesn’t mean it’s not hard. Life is hard and success is harder. But they fight for what they want and they stick to it and stay on the healthy path. They know that if they see something they really want they will save it for their Cheat Day. They don’t think maybe – should I Cheat? They just don’t Cheat. It’s six days on program and one day off. Because they know and have learned that when they live like this and stick to it is when the cravings go away, the struggle is gone and the Innovation program has become their healthy way of life that they love to live.




YOUR PATH TO SUCCESS: You need to fight for what you want and only when you fight and you don’t let anything in your way is when you will get it. AND ALWAYS remember you are sticking to your program and doing the right things because IT MAKES YOU FEEL GOOD, IT MAKES YOU HAPPY,  AND IT MAKES YOU  LOOK AMAZING. The consistency of being on program is what gets rid of cravings, it gets rid of the struggle and life becomes easier. Living “six” on and “one” off is what makes you feel good AND it makes you happy. Why fight it. Just do it! There is no excuse you can find around you and no food on the table that is better than feeling good, being in control being happy and looking great. Walk away from temptation and stay on your path. Because staying on your path is what will lead you to success both mentally and physically. Don’t make it harder than it is. Just follow your program and you will feel great.





She has reached her goal and we are super proud of her!!!!
But Allison has also made the Innovation program a way of life.
She fuels her body for health, energy and weight loss during the week and enjoys her Cheat Day

She lives Innovation Healthy everyday and it shows!!!






~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Happy Thursday!

Two New Podcasts out Today


“Stephanie’s Weight Loss Tips”
& “DO IT NOW!”




Stay strong and on your path
Days can be challenging but don’t make them worse by going off program.
You must remember and remind yourself constantly about what your goals are and how important they are to you.
ALWAYS – Stay true to who you are and what you want.
NEVER -Let anyone in your path or in your life that doesn’t want to be there and doesn’t want the best for you.
Stay mindful and positive and always surround yourself with positive thoughts and positive people 







~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

What’s Your Motivation?

If you listened to our Radio Show last Saturday on 103.9FM – you know it was about Motivation and how important it is to have in your life. We all need it! When it comes to weight loss it’s especially important. Just think about it – you are in a controlled state 6 days a week following your menu like a soldier and on top of that you are hungry. Motivation is what will keep you on track every week. For some, motivation might be the Cheat Day – It’s the light at the end of the tunnel. For others, it might be a pair of pants they want to fit into or a special party they want to attend – a vacation or celebration! Maybe your motivation is even an old picture of someone you use to be. It’s so easy to lose track of who you once were that sometimes we settle for anything better than where we are. But that’s not always good. Because better is not our best and with one life that you are given why wouldn’t you always want to be your best!


WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY? A client recently came in and we were talking about how important it is to follow your menu and really understand that anything over the amount is going to make a difference in your weight loss. She said to me, “I see so many of your clients who have lost so much weight and they are so thin but they act like it’s a job and they treat it like it’s a job – is that good?” I said you have to treat it like that. But it’s doesn’t have to be negative job – it should be a positive job. It’s a job that you love to do. You want to eat clean and be healthy and yes treat it like an important job in your life or you will just keep gradually gaining and before you know it you are not in an easy place to get out of.


WHAT YOU DO TODAY WILL REFLECT TOMORROW: The bottom line is if you are asking if it’s good to treat your health and weight loss like a job then ask yourself this question – Are you happy where you are? Because I can tell you first hand that my clients who obsess about it and treat their health and weight loss like it’s a job are very happy! They wake up happy because getting dressed is not an issue. They go out and have fun because they feel good. They are excited for summer and even more excited to go shopping for it. So yes, while they may be obsessive and work hard and treat their weight and health like it’s a job – the pay off they get for it is priceless. So ask yourself right now, are you happy with the effort you have put in to yourself, your health and your weight? Are you excited to go summer shopping and excited for all the outdoor parties and barbecues that will be coming your way soon? Do you wake up excited and happy and full of energy? Understand that this is all real –  I am not exaggerating at all. I hear the clients who do not do the right things and continue to make it a struggle on themselves because they constantly put food ahead of their happiness. I see how it makes them unhappy. Then I see the clients who make it a priority to stay on program. Yes they all have their own struggles, it’s not easy for anyone but they still do it. They have learned to love how they feel more then they love the instant gratification of feeding into a craving. You have to constantly remind yourself which is more important to you and what will make you happy.


HOW DO YOU REALLY FEEL? There is no faking it and you can even feel it in your own mood  – when you take care of yourself and you eat right and you lose weight you FEEL GREAT! You have more energy and you spring out of bed. You are excited to feel that lighter feeling that you know can change your day from bad to good. But if you are not feeling all these amazing things then it’s time to take your health and weight loss seriously and treat it like the important job that it is. Because then and only then will you get the pay back of feeling happy, healthier, lighter, fitter, energetic and strong. It’s not always about the number on the scale – it’s about doing the right things and feeling good. You feel good and your personality shines – you feel like crap and your personality reflects it. Sometimes it’s not only just about how you want to feel, but also how you are presenting yourself to your family, friends and co-workers. Eeyore or Tigger – who do you want to be and how do you want the world to see you.


IT NEEDS TO BE ABOUT YOU: What we don’t always realize is weight loss is so much more than just the number on the scale. Because everything in our life stems from how we feel and how well we take care of ourselves. Feeling good or bad will result in having a good or bad day. Feeling good and treating your body well is going to result in how you approach life and all the good an bad obstacles that come with it. If you are feeling happy, healthy, fit and strong you are going to get through the rough days a lot better than if you are feeling heavy, bloated, sick and depressed. In fact, studies show that overweight people have an 80% higher rate of depression than people of a healthy weight. Why? Because you always feel better about yourself when you are taking care of yourself. Sometimes just having the feeling of control over what you are and are not eating can change your day from bad to good. You have to decide what is important to you. Find a motivation to help get you there and make a commitment to make your health and weight loss a priority! A job that you are excited about doing.


I know you have heard this before from me but I need to repeat it – you need to start somewhere. If you are already in a good place then I am super excited for you to continue to be amazing! If you are not feeling great and have no control then you need to get right back on program TODAY! I promise you, after one week you will feel good after two weeks you will feel great and a month in you will never want to go back to your old eating habits.  But you need to start because in order to be happy with everything else in your life you need to start with YOU!




~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Monday – I’m Ready For You!

If the weekend has caught up to you and you are having a hard time facing Monday, I want you think of one thing: The faster you get your body and mind back on program, the faster you will feel human again, and the faster you will feel lighter again and the faster you will feel in control again. Weekends are hard for many reasons – but most of all you lose control of your food and your schedule. Monday put us right back to reality – but they are also amazing because it gives you a chance to get back on track and in control of everything that is important to us. Summer is around the corner so every day counts with where you want to be right now and how quickly you want to move forward. I can’t say it enough – you don’t want to waste any time doing the wrong things. Make every day count toward where you want to be this summer.




Are you ready for a great weight loss week? Have you planned your meals and snacks? If you want to be a shark this week and get the very most out of your weight loss efforts then planning your days are #1!  Here is a great trick to help you achieve your the best numbers this week! Take a piece of paper, a small notebook or write it on your “notes” in your smart phone. Write down exactly what you plan on eating today and repeat it every morning. Or do it the night before. Here is an example:


Monday 4/24/17
Breakfast: Bar
Lunch: PB Bites
Dinner: Grilled chicken and 2 cups of steamed vegetables 
Snack #1 – apple
Snack #2 – skinny popcorn
Snack #3 – Innovation nuts
*Had bite of hubby’s lasagna
*1 extra cups of sautéed vegetables


As the day goes on cross off what you ate. If you add anything write it on the bottom of the page under “EXTRAS”. This way you know how well you stuck to your plan and if you added anything in you weren’t planning on. By the end of the day you will see if you had a Weight Loss day because you followed exactly what you planned OR a Maintain Day (added some healthy unexpected choices) OR a Weight Gain Day (added unhealthy unexpected choices in). This doesn’t only give you your own accountability each day but at the end of the week you need to look back and add up all your “extras” from each day. You might really learn more about your eating habits then you thought.


The reason this works so well is because it’s really important to be accountable to yourself. It’s so easy to remember ONLY what we want to remember and just like it’s easy to FORGET what we want to forget. This helps you be accountable to what you “really” ate in a day vs. what you remember you ate. Only you will know if you write it all down and if you find yourself making excuses for not writing the “extras” – you will also know that you are only hurting yourself. If you don’t write it, then you don’t own it and then you can never change it. This exercise is important because until you can be truthful with what you are doing you will never get to where you want to be. The first week might even be a little tough to handle. When you realize that you have all these little “extras” – a couple of french fries, a few olives, a couple of cookies, a few bites here and there… the list can go on and on. One week of a lot of little “extras” can make the difference between you losing and maintaining. Write it – Own it and Change it!


Weight loss is a game. You are either going to play it really well and win or it’s going to beat you every time.
The winners are the ones who learn that this is a game of YOU against YOU!
And you need be accountable for everything that you put in your mouth and that everything you eat really does matter.


You need to be a little hungry and you need to understand that the reason you are eating clean is so you live longer.  
The reason you are eating less during the week is so that you can enjoy your one Cheat Day once a week.
The reason that you eat less and clean for six days straight is so that you see the weight loss every week! 


Keep it simple – follow the rules and you will win the game.   


You will be able to read more about WINNING THE WEIGHT LOSS GAME
In my new book coming out this summer 2017
How to Win at the Weight Loss Game At Last 
A Health and Wellness Book for those who
Finally want to win the weight loss game. 


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Summer is Coming!

We made it through another Holiday and now our focus should be strictly on Memorial Day and the start of Summer. We have 6 WEEKS until Memorial Day and approximately 10 WEEKS until the FIRST DAY OF SUMMER. Summer shorts, bathing suits, dresses and wearing them to the beaches, BBQ and vacations. 10 Weeks is a long time and a lot can be done. But just like any other time of the year, you have to focus and decide what you want and what you will do to get there.


NO MORE HIDING: There is one thing about summer – regardless of how much weight you gained, you are not hiding under clothes anymore. Summer makes you put out there what you have done. Good or bad it’s for all to see. This is the time – right now – to make a difference.


LONG TERM: One of the things I notice so many people do is they think long term. Which is great when you are planning your savings account but not for your weight loss. It’s too overwhelming. You think – “I can’t eat like this forever” or “It will take me so long to lose the weight”. Instead you should be thinking short term and follow your menu and lose the weight. Don’t think about long term because as you lose the weight your thoughts and body change. You physically need less and will want less but right now every day is a struggle. Your body is used to doing what it wants and now you are training it to do what you say. Just take it day by day and you will see the changes and that will make you motivated to keep going. We can all do the right things to make sure we end up in the place we want. But in order to do it you have to be willing to put your words into actions. It’s easy to say it – now you have to prove it and you have 6-10 weeks to do it.




You know how I love to break down the numbers because sometimes when you see what each week can get you it makes it real. What happens in our crazy life is we are so busy that the days and weeks pass by so quickly we don’t spend them as wisely as we should. It’s all about multi-tasking. While you are working at home or the office; while you are planning parties, or events; while you are taking the kids to school, sports, and end of the year celebrations; and while you are planning your next trip. Whatever you are spending your time on in the next 10 weeks you should also be eating clean, eating healthy and losing weight. It’s that simple. You need to do it – you want to do it – so stop making excuses and make it happen. If you do – this is what you can accomplish in 10 weeks:


1 lb a week   =   6 lbs by Memorial Day
1 lb a week   = 10 lbs by First Day of Summer


* This is so beyond doable.  Follow your menu with your meals and snacks and have your ONE cheat day a week and you will absolutely lose 1 lb a week resulting in 6 lbs by Memorial Day or 10 lbs by Summer! Consistency is key – if you want to get off that roller coaster ride then do it every week and it will add up.


2 lbs a week = 12 lbs by Memorial Day   
2 lbs a week = 20 lbs by First day of Summer


*Still very doable.  Follow your menu of meals and snacks and simply cut out a snack when you don’t need it. The current menu that you have that you are following, either take it back one snack a day or one less snack every other day. It’s usually that snack that you know you don’t really need but have it anyway – get rid of it and it will change the numbers. Make sure everything else is 110% to menu consistently through the week!


3 lbs a week =  18 lbs by Memorial Day
3 lbs a week =  30 lbs by First day of Summer 


*Challenging but doable. This requires your meals and one snack a day and no mistakes at any time. It requires you to follow and do the right things for the next 6 or 10 weeks without fail. You need to feel a little hungry everyday. Not starving but hungry. One Cheat Day a week and your other 6 days super super clean with no bites, sips or crumbs. You need to be mentally strong and on program and this has to be the most important thing to you at all times. If you treat the program like it’s a job that you want to be amazing at then you will see this kind of amazing loss every week.


I can’t say it enough that the most important thing for you to do is if you have been amazing then continue on your path and be amazing and keep making the fabulous healthy and happy changes you have been making  to your mind and body.  AND if you haven’t been great OR even a little terrible then get back on program and don’t look back. You need to get the new weight off very quickly before it becomes old weight. If you want to make serious changes it can happen in as little as 6 weeks. But it takes you being consistent every week. You have to keep doing the right things over and over again. Yes it’s easy to do the right things for a day or two but in order to see the scale move and keep moving means you have to do the right thing all the time. Doing the right things Day after Day and even having your ONE Cheat Day a week is doing the right thing. IF YOU FOLLOW YOUR PROGRAM AND STAY ON YOUR PROGRAM it will take you to awesomeness!





~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Easter Weekend Tips and Recipes

Easter weekend is here! Like most holidays, the celebration can last several days so make sure you are prepared. It would be easy to snack on chocolate and jelly beans all weekend but you have to stay strong and save it for just your Cheat Day. Remember – even bite sized candy counts. Even if you just have one, every piece counts. No exceptions!


Focus on all the fun activities you can take part in this weekend, like going to a Spring Fair. They can offer everything from Easter egg hunting to arts and crafts, games for kids, parades, petting zoos, pictures with the Easter bunny and more. Some of them in New York are hosted at museums so you can make a day of it. Even if you stay in and hunt for eggs at home it’s a great way to be active and have fun with your family. 


If you are about to have your Cheat Day – enjoy! If you are staying on program today or tomorrow or the whole weekend, here are some festive recipes for the holiday. 


Easter Vegetable Platter with Hummus



Nothing easier or safer to bring to someone’s house than a vegetable platter! These two above are adorable ones you can try and most of these vegetables you can get pre cut and washed from the supermarket.


Take a variety of vegetables such as cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, edamame and celery which are all great options! You can arrange them into a fun shape such as an Easter Egg or a Carrot as seen below. 


A great pairing with this would be hummus. Here is a great easy Springy take on hummus that you could try below


Lemon Garlic Hummus




1 1/2 cups canned chickpeas, drained and rinsed really well

1 small clove of garlic, finely chopped

2 tbsp tahini

Juice from 1 large lemon, about 1/4 cup

3 tbsp water

1/2 tsp salt

1/4 tsp pepper

1/2 tsp Dijon Mustard

1 1/2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil



Add all ingredients, except for oil, to a food processor and blend. Slowly stream in the oil and continue to blend for 3 minutes until very smooth.

Serving size: 1 cup of vegetables with 1/4 cup hummus is 1 snack


Frozen Yogurt Egg Pops


This super easy recipe will make a yummy treat or breakfast that even your kids will love. 

You will need the following, quantities depend on how many you would like to make.

Plastic Easter Eggs

Plain, vanilla or fruit regular non fat yogurt

Fresh or frozen fruit of your choice

Plastic ziplock bag

Piping tip

Lollipop sticks

Egg carton


  • Start by washing the plastic eggs, then make a hole on the bottom of each egg that will fit the lollipop sticks. 
  • Cut the tip off the ziplock bag and add the piping tip, then fill the bag with your yogurt. Fill each egg with yogurt through the hole you created, or you can open the egg and fill it halfway and add a piece of fruit in the middle. 
  • Place the filled eggs in the egg carton and freeze. 2 eggs are a snack. 


Easter Fruit Kebabs




4 large watermelon slices, 1 inch think

4 pineapple slices, 1 inch thick




wooden skewers

easter cookie cutters



Cut your fruit into assorted shapes with cookie cutter. After the fruit has been cut decorate a wooden skewer with various fruits.

-These fruits are just some of our suggestions, you can use others that you like. 1 kebab is a snack. 


Avocado Toast

1/2 an avocado on 1 slice whole wheat toast is a great breakfast, here are some unexpected ways to mix it up for Spring.


Cucumber, red peppers flakes and lime juice


Roasted artichoke, radish, dill and lemon


Spice it up with Sriracha, jalapeño or chili flakes


Kale sprouts, sea salt and turmeric 


Wishing everyone a Happy Easter and we hope you enjoy the beautiful weather!


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019


FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Where Are You and What Are You Doing?

I have received many emails and text messages today from those of you who thought or hoped they would do better than they have been doing. I want you all to think for a moment about where you are right now. Are you in a good place both mentally and physically? If you have been a Shark or even a Snail this week then continue on and continue to be amazing! If you have been struggling or frustrated with what the week has become for you – stop beating yourself up and finish out the week strong.


Many clients have celebrated the First Seder and found themselves falling prey to temptations around the table. Other clients are away and indulging in temptations that surround the beach, some are eating Easter bunnies before their time. What you have to do is just stop for a moment. Think about what you have done and where do you want to go AND ALWAYS STAY WITH THE POSITIVE THOUGHTS:


Whatever has happened between Sunday and yesterday can’t be changed. What can be changed is what you do from Today until this coming Sunday – MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Whether you are home or at the beach, go right back on program. Have your clean meals and snacks. Remember that right now, today, tomorrow and the next day are about being happy! Not about what you can and can’t eat. Do what is going to make you happy.


Don’t throw the rest of the week away because you have Easter on Sunday or because you are going out this weekend. It’s better to salvage the next couple of days and then have a Cheat Night. You will feel so much better if you are super clean Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Cheat on Sunday – if you are really good, clean and on program – you may even make this into a maintain week!


OF COURSE YOU FEEL HORRIBLE, YOU JUST CHEATED FOR MORE THAN ONE DAY – If you feel horrible, bloated and heavy the very worst thing you can do is prolong getting back on. Don’t do the – “I will go back Monday!” Do it right now. Yes, it will be hard because not only do you feel bloated, heavier and horrible but now you will feel hungry on top of it.  But I can promise you that if you get through the next couple of days on program – you will FEEL AMAZING BY SUNDAY! You may not be at your lowest numbers but you won’t feel like you do today. The longer you wait to go back on program – the harder it will be. Jump right back into your meals and snacks today and by the weekend you will be so happy you did.


Right now you can change your week from a Weight Gain to a Maintain. You may feel like you can’t, but I promise you if you go right back on 110% you will be amazed at how fast it comes off. It’s new weight and it will come right off if you go right back on program. You won’t lose weight but you will end the week where you started.


Stop focusing on the WHY DID I DO THIS AGAIN! This is all part of life. We have holidays and vacations and things that we want to celebrate and enjoy. You need to realize what is important – it’s not about you going off, it is about you going right back on. That’s the key here – the faster you go back the quicker you feel better. The faster you go back on – the faster the weight comes off. The longer you wait, the harder it is. Two or three days off doesn’t mean the whole week is gone. It just simply means you stopped, you enjoyed and now you pay the price and go back on 110%. And if you finish out the week amazing and enjoy a Cheat on the Weekend –  then you may even feel that sometimes the price is worth paying.




~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019