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Halloween – Weight Loss and Hard Work!


Weight Loss Challenge….. First of all, we want to congratulate everyone that showed up for the Wednesday night and Saturday morning Weight Loss Challenge Classes. Both were not easy to do classes and more importantly not easy to show up to – but those of you that did should be super proud. You all worked really hard and it showed. We already had amazing weight loss numbers this week and as we move into the second week of the challenge you must remember how important this is to you and how much you want it. When you showed up for class you proved that you want it more than just for the moment.  It’s easy to forget how much this means to us. It’s easy to forget how amazing we feel when we are doing all the right things – going into your second week you will remember how good it feels and how important it is to you to stay on your path and make the right choices today, tomorrow, and the next day. When you get weak, reach down deep and use your strength to remember how great you felt when you stepped on the scale and saw the new number you haven’t seen and the excitement and cheers and crying that went on because of the new low number you worked so hard to see. Remember when you finished class and felt that accomplishment knowing each time you are getting stronger and stronger — pushing yourself to the limit can be uncomfortable but it can also be an amazing feeling. Most of all, remember that this is what makes you happy. Eating clean, taking care of yourself, and being the best you can be. You can only do that and feel that when you start from the inside out. This past week you have started and now you are on your way to feeling lighter, healthier, and fitter than you have. Something that you have not seen or felt in a very long time. It’s amazing what one week can do – just think about how more amazing you will feel in 7 more weeks. We are super proud of you all for showing up and giving your all.


HALLOWEEN… Tomorrow is the biggest candy day of the year. Be very careful with how you handle this day. Just like many other holidays you can think you have it under control but the only way to really do that is to have a solid plan. Here are some suggestions to help you get through candy day:


  • Don’t buy the candy early! Why tempt yourself when you don’t have to. Buy it the morning of Halloween. There is always candy left in the stores they never run out.
  • Have it for your Cheat Day. If you love Halloween and you love the idea of trick or treating with your red cup in hand and tasting all the different treats then make sure you save Halloween for a Cheat Day.
  • Be a Trick or Treater – If you already had your Cheat Day then become a trick or treater. Tomorrow make up your own candy bag with all your favorites and save it for next weekend and enjoy it on your Cheat Day. Everything taste so much better when it’s on your Cheat Day.
  • Have your own snacks – If you are staying clean and on program then make sure you have your own yummy snacks and treats on hand that are on program. So when the urge hits, you can grab what you need to get you through it.
  • Be proud – there is a great feeling of accomplishment getting through a tough holiday and staying on program. You want to be able to wake up Wednesday morning and know that you were 110% because any piece of candy that crossed your path you waited until your Cheat Day to have.


The most important thing is to a plan and stick to it. Clients who plan each day have so much more success then those who don’t.  


WHERE ARE YOU?… If you are not in the challenge but you are on program and following your menu, take a look at your last week. Are you in a good place? Have you done all the right things? Do you feel the best you can feel today? Did you have only ONE Cheat Day this past weekend?? When Monday morning rolls around you have to make sure that you can start your week knowing that you did all the right things on the weekend. That you had ONE Cheat Day and only ONE. You have to be honest with yourself and understand that if and when you have a little over one Cheat Day it’s no longer a weight loss week it turns into a maintain week. If it’s more than a little and becomes an extra day or more – it’s a weight gain week. So when you step on the scale the following week what you did this past weekend will reflect in next week’s numbers. It’s easy to live for the moment but if you want to see a change and a difference in the scale, and in your body then you need to be on program 6 days a week with ONLY ONE CHEAT DAY. Is it hard? Of course it’s hard! But look around you at all the sharks and all the amazing results. It’s clearly worth it.


REMEMBER… It’s important to remember at the end of the day that you can’t blame anyone else for the choices that you made. Each choice you make determines the outcome of your weight loss or weight gain. You are in control or out of control – it’s always your choice. If you are unhappy with the way you look and feel – then change it. Instead of crying over it and making everyone around you miserable – change it! Fight hard and don’t look back. Start today and plan for tomorrow. Know what you want and don’t let anyone get in your way. Don’t let any excuses enter into your mind. ONLY YOU have control of what you want – how you want to look – and how you want to feel.


HARD WORK… I am a true believer in hard work. If you work hard and put everything you have into something you want – 99.9% of the time you will get the results that you want. This goes for anything in life not just weight loss. While it would be nice to sit and wait for things to come to us – it won’t ever happen. It’s fun to dream but reality is so much better. It’s both a hard but very simple process – If you believe in hard work and put the time in – you will get the results. Sometimes we don’t want to put the work in so we make things more difficult then they have to be. Keep this simple. Work hard and stay on your path and the results will come.  It may not be today or even tomorrow but the results will come.


IT’S UP TO YOU… Always remember it’s up to you – no one will hand you the future you want – or the results you want. Take one day at a time – and always believe in yourself. Your happiness is the result of no one else but you. If you are unhappy about the way you look and feel – then you must change it. The choices we have in life are endless and so is the potential for happiness.


“Take each day one at a time, and you’ll be amazed at how your difficulties manage to become less difficult”


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019