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Category: weight loss

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As we approach Passover, Easter and Vacations – there are a few things I want you to think about when it comes to your Weight Loss, Health and Feeling your best.  


Let’s start with remembering that the Holidays are about celebrations with two beautiful meanings behind them:  Freedom and the Resurrection of Life.  We never want to forget why we are celebrating and spending time with family, friends and loved ones.  It’s about the celebration and the people – not the food.  It’s not about who has what or what you are eating, or how much you can eat.   Sometimes we take the wrong perspective on what is really important.   Like we forget to think about how lucky we all are to have this time together and to share in the family togetherness, traditions and memories we are making today and remembering those who passed.  This holiday make it about new and old memories shared with laughs, stories and always about the love that is around you.  We live in a rush -rush world that we easily get tied up in negative stress instead of all the amazing positives we work so hard for everyday.  Keep your holidays and vacations about the positive.  Because it’s the happy positive times in life that get us through the stress and negative times.



Start with knowing what you are doing and have your plans going in so you can feel great from the start of your positive Holiday/Vacation to the finish of it.  Sometimes when we go in with our focus in the right place – we stay on path and really celebrate and enjoy what we should.


Here are some choices to follow to keep your Holidays and Vacation on Path:  


  1. Celebrating Easter:  This is an easy one.  Clean all week and use your Cheat Day  to eat all your Chocolate Bunnies and feast on Easter Day.
  2. Passover Celebrating Friday /Saturday:  Eat Clean all day (on program) and only cheat at dinner – make sure you know what you are cheating with.  You don’t want to eat a whole days worth of food in one sitting.  Plan where you are going – what they are serving and what your cheating with and include drinks/or dessert.


VACATIONS:  This is where it can get a little tricky.  If you are going on Vacation following the Weekend Holiday(s) or you are celebrating the holidays on Vacation – you have a couple of choices.


  • Leaving for Vacation after Holidays:  You have the choice of Cheating Friday and Saturday holiday dinners and continue this through vacation with one Cheat meal a day (breakfast, lunch, or dinner & drinks or dessert).  You eat clean all day and only one cheat of choice each day.    If you do this you will maintain your week.  — you do not have one full cheat day when you have a cheat everyday.
  • Stay Clean Friday and Saturday and make sure there is chicken / and or clean fish at your holiday dinners and allow yourself a drink of wine, vodka or tequila (if you drink).  Stay on program so you can enjoy but go into your vacation feeling your very best.  Once you are on vacation you will follow the one Cheat Meal a day (breakfast, lunch, dinner or drinks/dessert).  You eat clean all day and only one cheat of choice each day.  — you will maintain the week.
  • Cheat Meal every other day.  When it comes to weight loss – less is always best.  So if you don’t have to cheat everyday – don’t.  Pick a cheat meal every other day or whenever you really need it.  Remember you feel so much better when you are eating clean so if you can do less cheat meals through the week – do it.
  • Cheat Day.  If you choose to stick to the one cheat day a week and stay on 110% clean the rest of the week home or on vacation – that will make you feel your very best and give you the best weight loss results.  If you choose this – try and have your cheat day more toward the end of the vacation.  Once you cheat you are more likely to cheat again.  If you can hold out until the end of the vacation you will more likely only have one cheat day – and come home feeling as good as you left.


Regardless of which one you choose – your body needs time to adjust. No scale until after you come home and get right back on program and have a solid 110% week and then go on the scale.


Whether you are home or away incorporate some exercise.  Get out and walk.  Do it before breakfast and again before dinner.  Play miniature golf; swim; hike; row; play tag or “I got you last” (our favorite:). ;


When you are 100% all week you really enjoy your cheat treats.  You enjoy it because you are not cheating everyday and everything taste so much better when you don’t do it all the time.  Same goes for vacation.  Enjoy it and all that comes with it.  We don’t have them every day so you want to feel the best  and live the happiest you.  Don’t do anything or make any choices that you know is going to make you feel uncomfortable or take you out of that happy vacation feeling.  Think things through and make the right choices that keep you in a happy place.  You are the only person in charge of your happiness.   Keep yourself feeling good – because how you feel will determine your day.

Everyday you are in charge of your happiness

Before you make a choice make sure it’s one that will make you happy 

Happy Holidays

Much love and happiness from the staff of Innovation

~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


eatcleanHealthy Tipsweight loss


What does the word commitment suggest?  It usually evokes a strong sense of intention and focus.  It typically is accompanied by a statement of purpose or a plan of action.  Very often, we utilize this word in regard to proclamations we may make about the seriousness of something like weight loss, work or relationships.  The difficulty is that we’re making promises to our-self about behaviors and outcomes, but when it comes to weight loss we sometimes ignore the process necessary to achieve that goal. If we learn to commit fully to the process then the outcomes will be what they should be.  But, if we commit merely to the outcome and ignore the process – then you will be left frustrated and uncomfortable in your skin.


The process is actually more important than the commitment and the outcome.  Because without the process nothing takes place.  This is the exact reason why I say over and over — you must live the program.  You can’t just do it and get it over with.  You have to learn to do it and live it and only then will you see the lasting results.   When you just do the program you are mentally waiting for it to end so you can go back to your old habits.  When you learn to live the program it’s the process of living it that makes losing weight easier.  You are no longer waiting for it to be over – instead you have truly committed to living clean, healthy and being the best you.  When you are committed you love your clean days as much as your cheat day.  You don’t look for an excuse to cheat you look for an excuse to make the best choices to stay on program


One of the most important part of making a commitment is staying true to yourself.  Obstacles will naturally arise that will try to knock you off your path.  But being true to yourself means facing all obstacles, fighting through them with good decisions and continuing on your path even in the face of the most difficult adversity.  You must continue to be guided by what you want your outcome to be.   — Choose your hard.  Is it harder to fight through the obstacle but be happy with the outcome. Or give in to the obstacle and be miserable with the outcome.


Being committed also requires short term and long term goals and staying on your path to meet both.  An example:  Short term is to lose 2lbs a week and long term is to lose 20lbs by June 1st.  To reach your short and long term goals  it will require that you be prepared at time to leave your comfort zone.  We have spoken about this before – there is no way around it.  If you want to keep reaching goals you will have times that you will have to abandon the place of mental and physical comfort.  They will be short periods and through these short periods you will remember to embrace the mental and physical hunger that comes your way because that is what is going to help you reach your next goal.


Being committed entails a power of will to do whatever it takes to fulfill and follow through on the responsibility to stay true to your goal.  I find this is the most challenging for so many clients.  It’s okay to say “no” it’s okay to walk away and it’s okay to go to dinner and order what makes you happy without worrying about what everyone else thinks.  You are the  one who has to walk away with the results of your choices.     There will always be temptations, obstacles and mental weakness but if you are truly committed you must go into this with the strength that you will do whatever it takes to reach that goal.   And anyone that is truly your friend or wants the best for you will always understand and accept your decisions with comfort.  — We all see the clients and customers that come in the store on program.  Or a friend or acquaintance that is on program.  The ones that  just make it look so easy to do the right thing and they look amazing, feel amazing and are so happy because of it.  — you know the one you try to avoid when you are not doing the right thing —    I can tell you firsthand it’s not that its always easy for them but it’s because they choose to be and stay committed no matter what because they know that is what makes them feel good.  It doesn’t mean they never had slip-ups.  They have been there and done that and because of them they remind themselves that one moment of indulgence is never as important as their happiness.  They also know that it’s not just about them.  Because when they feel good and are happy that makes their family and friends happy.    We tend to often forget that our negative choices don’t only affect us.  Our happiness or unhappiness affects everyone around us.   —


One thing we all know is that when you are in a good place mentally and physically you are a happier person.  When you are committed to living healthy and eating clean and feeling amazing in your body – it’s life changing.  I see it everyday the transformations that take place week after week.   It’s the most amazing sight to see someone who goes from being unhappy in their body to loving how they look and feel.  — And if you want to feel that –  there is absolutely no reason you shouldn’t have it.    The only thing that is stopping you is your commitment to yourself.  You have to stop making excuses.  You have to work hard and give it 100% everyday.  Because your health and happiness is one thing that is always worth working hard and staying committed to everyday.


Commitment is an act, not just a word

~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick

clean eatingdieteatcleanfamilyHealthy TipsLifestyleweight loss




I think one thing we all know bout losing weight – IT’S REALLY HARD!  It’s hard work if you want to see results it has to be treated like a job and a priority.  Many of the clients who are on the path of losing consistently and those who have reached their goal say it over and over – IT’S HARD!  It takes constant thinking and planning.   There is so much temptation in the world that if you stop thinking about it for one second you can lose it all very quickly.


While it would be nice to live in a world where we can eat what we want and not let it bother us when we are overweight and unhealthy – the truth is we can’t and it’s really not what we want and more importantly it’s not how we want to feel.  We want to be healthy and we want to feel good and we want to put on the size that makes us happy – and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.  You were to put on this earth to indulge in everything in front of you whenever you feel like it.  There are all kinds of temptation everyday that we have to walk away from and food and alcohol should be no different – especially since it has such a big influence on your mental and physical health.


We know how amazing eating clean feels and we know how awesome being on program is and the results are beyond amazing – but at the end of the day it’s still very hard.  It requires a life change and it requires walking away from temptation.  It requires being out at parties and/or celebrations and choosing the right options.  Having one drink instead of 3.  All the things that you would normally do that didn’t make you feel great to begin with now have to be controlled.  These are the habits that need to be broken.  The only way to break them is to be consistent in what you are doing.  Eventually it all gets easier and it becomes a way of life.  While you are learning that life you are losing weight and feeling great.  Again it’s not always going to be easy – but it is always going to be worth it.


I can tell you first hand – we talk to thousands of clients everyday.  Both Men and Women and it’s always the same – the clients that follow are just so happy.  They feel great, they look great, and their confidence is so high.  It shows in how they live, work, and most important in how they feel and treat others.   Weight loss and/or gain is something that is 90% of people have to deal with daily.  I think we can all agree when you don’t do the right things by yourself and your body it’s not going to only affect you – it’s going to affect how you feel about yourself inside and out, and that will affect how you work, your family, how you treat others and how you love others.  Everything starts with you and how you feel and how you are treating your body.  If you are doing the right things for yourself mentally and physically it will be life changing on how you feel, your happiness, and how you live your life.  But it doesn’t  make it easy.  Life is full of challenges and while eating clean is a challenge – it’s the results that you want to focus on.  The results of how it makes you feel to live healthy and in a body that you love.


My final thoughts today:  Constantly remind yourself what you want and where you want to be this summer.  This is the time of year that should be most inspiring and motivating to you.  We have shorts, bathing suits, tank tops and sun dresses coming out in jut a couple of months and depending on Mother Nature it could be weeks.  You want to be be ready and feel good.  you want to be in a bathing suit at the beach and you want to walk around in shorts and a tank top.  Most important you want to be and feel healthy from the inside out.  You want to live the life of balance every week.  The only way to do this and to get the results you want is to stay on program.  When you do you lose weight every week.  Stay on your path, enjoy the journey, and you will get to a happy place and you will feel great.


The program is life changing but you have to be willing to change your life to see and feel the results


clean eatingdieteatcleanfamilyHealthy TipsLifestyleweight loss


When it comes to weight loss sometimes it’s easier to do something when you fully understand why you are doing it.  So as part of our SPRING INTO WEIGHT LOSS i’m going to explain a FACT and/or MYTH every week so you can understand what works and what doesn’t and most importantly why.


THIS WEEK FACT:  You need to be a little hungry to lose weight.  

When it comes to hunger and being uncomfortable I think it’s pretty obvious no one likes to be either.  I hear it all the time – “I had an extra handful because I was hungry.”  or “I was starving I needed an extra snack.”  I have said it many times and will continue to say it – 99% of us don’t even know what starving is. We use the word so loose that we forgot what the true meaning is.  When you feel a little uncomfortable it’s not starving it’s just a little hungry.  Yes you will absolutely have a little hunger on program.  You have to if you are losing weight.




WEIGHT LOSS – in order to lose weight you need to take in less than the body currently needs.  If you are currently 150 and want to be 140 you have to eat like someone who is 140.  Because if you eat like someone who is 150 you will maintain and not lose.  But when you are 150 and you are eating like someone who is 140 then of course you are going to be hungry because you are taking in less than you body needs to maintain and that is what creates the hunger.  And of course this goes for if you are 125 trying to get to 110 or if you are 200 trying to get to 180.  Regardless of where you currently are you need to eat less than your body currently needs to lose weight.




When you eat less your body goes into a deficit and it doesn’t want to be there.  It’s going to tell you that it’s in a deficit by giving you hunger signals.  It knows you are not giving it enough food to maintain it’s current weight.  So it gives you hunger signals to tell you it’s looking for more food.  but when you don’t feed into that hunger and ignore it the body is very smart and it will get what it needs from somewhere else – it will get it from your fat reserves.  The extra fat you have on your body is received for exactly these times.  Our body stores fat to protect us from hunger and famine.  Since you are not going to feed it what it needs — it starts using your stored fat.  That’s a good thing!




When you eat less and you feel that little hunger your body can’t get what it needs so it taps into your stored fat reserves. — This is exactly why I tell you to embrace the hunger.  It’s good to feel the little hunger here and there because it means you are talking in less and your body is going to get what it needs from your fat reserves and that is how you lose weight.  you are losing real fat.  Embrace it!




When I say that the little hunger will pass and you should go have tea or drink water or go for a walk – It may feel a little challenging at the moment but it will pass.  Why does it pass?  Because once the body taps into your stored fat reserves it’s happy again.  The hunger signal goes away.  you just have to give it a chance to do that.  So when you tell e you felt hungry but didn’t feed into it and it passed this is why — because it took from your reserves and it’s happy again.  Just always remember before it takes from the stored fat it’s going to send a signal to your brain to feed it first.  When you don’t immediately feed it then it will take from the stored fat.



** This is only going to work if you are feeding your body properly with your meals and snack(s).  Depending on where you are on program and weight you menu is designed to feed you nutritionally and help you lose weight.  If you just stop eating all together you won’t lose weight because the body will go into starvation.  But if you eat the right amount of food for where you are with your weight and where you want to be with your weight loss  — only then the body will go to the fat reserves when it’s hungry.  This is why it’s so important to follow your menu 100%.




Now in order for the body to continue to tap into the fat reserves you have to do this consistently – the word I use so often CONSISTENT.  When you do it consistently for 6 days is when your body has the opportunity to lose real fat and that equals pounds.  Your body will keep going to reserves and the more it goes to the reserves the more pounds you lose.  YAY!!!!  So everyday when you feel a little hungry you must remind yourself that you are eating enough and following your menu and when you don’t feed into that little uncomfortable hunger is when it will take from your fat reserves — and that’s exactly what you want it to do.  EMBRACE IT!


Self-Discipline is the magic that makes dreams into reality


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


clean eatingeatcleanfamilyHealthy TipsLifestyleweight loss


I was originally going to put this blog out on Tuesday but I really thought that you would and could relate to it more today since we are starting super bowl weekend.  Think before you grab before you eat :).  Everything has a result.


THE STRUGGLE IS REAL!  First I have to start off by giving compliments and credit to so many who had such amazing weight loss numbers this past week.  I was so so happy to hear that last weeks blog “Being Comfortable with being Uncomfortable” helped make a difference.  Actions create results and in this case you read the blog and followed it and it worked!  I was so beyond thrilled to see the results of it.  Thank you!  I know how difficult it is to walk away from temptation.   But you got to feel and see the amazing results this past weekend by walking away, and embracing the uncomfortable.  YAY!!!


EVERYONE HAS WEAK MOMENTS:  We all have weak moments.  Sometimes they are random, and other times they are specific.  You step on the scale mid week and it throws you into sabotage, or you have one glass of wine and it triggers you to have the bottle.   It could be at the end of the day at dinner or before bed when you are just so tired from the day and don’t have the same mental strength you had when you woke up.   Most of the time weak moments occur right before cheat day.  It’s the time of the week where you would think you would be the best but the truth is you are the most mentally and physically exhausted.

FUNNY STORY:   A good example is my husband John.  Last Saturday night out of the blue he says to me at 8pm – can I start my Cheat Day now?  When I gave him a blank look like –is he really asking me this right now?–   he went on to explain (as if I never heard this before) — I can start now and go 24hours and end my cheat day Sunday night at 8pm.  He was so proud of this new idea!  As he was saying it I was visualizing my clients text messages literally being printed in the air as he spoke the words – CAN I SPLIT MY CHEAT DAY AND START RIGHT NOW.—   It’s a text that we get minimum 20 times on a the weekend.  First I had to break it to him that he wasn’t the first person to think of this amazing idea.  Then I explained that this was a moment of weakness that so many clients have at random times and they usually are the day before the cheat day.    You made it all week long and now it’s the end of the week and you are tired and hungry and you are just done.  You are mentally and physically weak and it’s easy to give in.  But I explained it’s the night before cheat day and this is when you have to be your strongest because it’s when all the magic happens from all your hard work all week.  You don’t want to throw it all away for a slice of pizza.  But he clearly wasn’t feeling the same passion that I was expressing.


I said — I’m sorry but no you can’t do that.  You didn’t even weigh in and you won’t have the same results tomorrow if you cheat now.  You can wait until tomorrow.  I promise you will be happy if you wait–.


Needless to say he wasn’t happy waiting and he wasn’t happy with me or my response at that moment.  But I new he was just mentally weak and it was easy to just throw all his hard work away.  Instead I walked to the refrigerator and heated him up Innovation meatballs and a spring roll and some string beans.  He made it through the night and lucky he did because he ended up having a great weight loss week losing over 2lbs.  — he was so beyond happy with his weight loss Sunday morning.


What I did notice that helped a lot was once the meal was heated up and put in front of him he was fine.   Because of my crazy schedule John always heats up his own meals.  It’s always an Innovation meal and a side.  It’s simple, healthy and he loves it.  But because he was mentally weak Saturday night and his mind started taking over his thinking he became obsessed with the idea of Pizza.  So instead of heating up his dinner he was too busy thinking of a way he could start his cheat day early.  But once I saw his mental state and I heated it up and put it in front of him he was totally fine.  He was hungry and when he ate he was okay and was able to think more reasonably.  If I wasn’t there – who knows what would have happened- probably pizza!.  I was super proud of him for staying strong through it and a the same time I realized what so many of you go through.  Even the most perfect week it’s so easy to fold in a moment of weakness.


The point of this story is whether it’s food or alcohol –  it’s important to not let yourself get to the place where you have no control.  The place where you are past the point of thinking clearly.   Especially at the end of a day or the end of a week when we are most exhausted, tired and hungry it’s so easy to let our guard down.   In the begining of the week you have more mental and physical energy  and are more likely to get through the challenges.  But at the end of the week when you know you are both mentally and physically  exguasted is when you have to be stronger and more on your guard from sabotaging yourself.


THE CONVERSATION OF THE WEEK:  The funny thing through all of this which I know so many of your will relate is Sunday John didn’t even want the pizza.  In fact, he said he didn’t even want to cheat.  He was so excited with his weight loss and he felt so good that he couldn’t even think of what he wanted to cheat with.    — The conversation from clients in my office and on text is always


 “Why does everything look so good all week long except on Cheat Day?!”   During the week you want everything in sight.  But when it’s cheat day and you can have it – you don’t want any of it.  Why???  The answer is simple – it’s because it’s the mental part of the program that teaches – we always want what we can’t have.  But when we can have it we don’t always want it.  


I think that goes for a lot of things in life.  But when it comes to Cheat Day sometimes just knowing that you CAN have it is enough.  So next time you have the mental challenge and you feel a little weak minded – before you cheat ask yourself if it was cheat day would I eat this or do I just want it because I can’t have it.?  The answer might help you get through your next moment of weakness.


The struggle you feel today develops the strength you need for tomorrow 

~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick

clean eatingeatcleanHealthy TipsLifestyleweight loss


It’s not easy being uncomfortable.  One of the biggest things about weight loss and getting results is we have to be okay with being a little uncomfortable.  Both mentally and physically being uncomfortable takes getting used to.  Mentally it’s not easy to say NO to something we want.  Especially when the only one holding us back from it is us.  Physically we have to be okay with not having what our body physically feels it needs at the moment – reminding ourselves that we feel a little hungry because we have to eat less than what we currently need to have weight loss.  When your body is used to eating more of course you will feel little hungry.  Not all day but there will be times when your body realizes you are taking in less and it’s going to want you to feed it so it doesn’t feel uncomfortable.  Not an easy thing to get through – yet very doable.

We live in a society that prefers instant gratification and pleasure.   You see it and you want it.  We almost never think of the consequences until after we did it.  When we are uncomfortable we want to get rid of the feeling and we do what makes us immediately comfortable – regardless if the result is going to make us unhappy.


CHOOSE YOUR HARD:  UNHAPPY vs. UNCOMFORTABLE – What you have to remember is the uncomfortable is temporary.  It will be gone and you will get past it and the results of it are what makes you happy.  If you choose the easier path and grab without thinking or caring you will be unhappy and bloated and that’s a whole different kind of uncomfortable.  So which is it?  You want to be uncomfortable a little hungry or uncomfortable in your clothes?

Here are some things to remind you why it’s okay to be uncomfortable:

  • Nearly everything that generates any kind of value requires effort, focus and discomfort.
  • It’s the fear of discomfort that drives us away from our goals
  • It’s this fear of discomfort that drives us to search for endless shortcuts.  How can we make this all easier. How can we achieve success without the hard work?
  • The truth is the only real way to get comfortable is to realize discomfort is where your success is.  Follow it, embrace it and you will get it.

If you think about how society today is so terrified of pain and discomfort.  Many will do anything to avoid pain and suffering.  We have endless pills and alcohol to make all manner of discomfort go away.

  • Don’t fall into the trap of becoming comfortable with simply existing. You must want and love putting the work in to get results. It’s okay to feel both the pain and pleasure from working hard for something. For example let’s take weight loss – It’s uncomfortable and there are days you have to walk away from what you really want. I think we can all agree there is pain involved. Both mental and physical pain. It’s not easy to walk away from something you want. But the results of doing it are beyond amazing. The feeling of waking up healthy, light and thin. Grabbing anything in your closet and it fits and feels good. Your confidence is high and your days are always great. You feel healthy. You feel like you can face anything and get through it. And you feel this way all because your body and mind feel good. When your body is in a good place your mind is in a happy place. When you feel good you are happy and when you are happy you always look amazing. There is nothing more beautiful then a happy confident person. When you are comfortable in your own skin – it makes all the little uncomfortable times worth it.  Who wouldn’t want this.  We see people all the time that have it and we want it.  But in order to get to this amazing feeling you need to work hard and feel the little pains of being uncomfortable.  When you are willing to do that you will get the results.


What I want you to think about for the remainder of January and into February – is becoming comfortable with being uncomfortable.  It’s okay to be a little hungry – you won’t starve.  It’s okay to go to a party and not indulge .  It’s okay to feel a little mental pain without having to numb it. Face your fears and embrace them – it’s the only way to get through them.   I want you to embrace it and be happy that you can embrace it and happy that you can work for what you want.   Nothing in life comes free.  You must put the work in.   Don’t wait for the perfect time – it doesn’t exist.  There is always going to be something – it’s all part of the uncomfortable.    You have to get past it.   It’s not always going to be a perfect day or situation – but you  keep moving forward and keep working hard.   Do what you need to and get to where you want to be.  Think about it -if you don’t do it now -when?   Start now and make it happen.  You will feel the joy of being uncomfortable because you will see the results it brings.   Remind yourself that uncomfortable is where your success is!!  When you work at it and embrace it – the toughness of being uncomfortable passes and you find yourself in a place of control and happiness.

It's only when you see the positive changes in your mind and body 

is when you feel the most comfortable and genuinely alive

~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
clean eatingdieteatcleanfamilyHealthy TipsholidaysLifestyleweight loss


With just a hop skip and a jump you will be on Holiday Break.  As fast as it arrives it will be gone.  So make sure you enjoy every second of it and do tithe way that will make you the happiest – with No Regrets.

Here are some Holiday Tips and Advice I would like to share with you:

  1. Whether you are on the beach, the mountain or home you should be drinking water throughout the day.  Dehydration can cause hunger, headaches, constipation and fatigue.  Plan your water intake throughout the day.  for example a great practice is to drink an 8oz bottle of water when you wake up first thing.  Your body is dehydrated from sleep and the activities from the night before – whatever that may have been.  So wake up and drink.  Every time you plan a meal or a snack drink 8 oz of water before you eat.  You will not only consume less but you will feel and look so much better throughout the day.  ** Did you know that alcohol and caffeine are diuretics.  If you are drinking alcohol or any caffeinated drinks – make sure you have a glass of water in between every drink.
  2. Stay of the gym BUT stay active on Vacation.  You want to change it up of your mind and body and vacation is the perfect time to do that.  On the mountain go skiing, sledding, shoe walking, or horseback riding.  On the beach take a long walk or jog on the sand.  Go swimming.  Do an outdoor yoga or bootcamp.  Enjoy your surroundings and plan activities according to the weather you are in.  If you are staying home with the family play hide and seek or tag.  Go bowling or ice skating.  Take long walks in the park or go hiking.  It will be enjoyable and nice change for the mind body and great family time.
  3. Always always plan your meals and snacks.  Regardless on vacation or home you need to plan your meals and snacks because believe it or not while it’s uncomfortable to over do it at home it’s even worse to over do it on vacation.  Whether you are home or on Vacation you want to choose one of the following to keep you on track:
  • STAY ON PROGRAM:  and follow your 6 clean days and 1 cheat day.  If you do this you will of course lose weight and feel great.  Plan your food and snacks in advance each day.  if you are drinking then that is your snacks.  if you follow the 6/1 I would recommend having your cheat day at the end of the week before you go home.  All week long you can make a list of the foods/snacks/desserts you see that you want try on your cheat day.  If you save the Cheat Day for right before you return you will have a much better chance of sticking to the 6 clean days.
  • SPLIT THE HOLIDAYS:  We have Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and New years eve and New Years Day.  If you split them and stay clean all day and only off at night – Dinner and Drinks or Dinner and Dessert.  You do it for both Holidays with super clean days in between.  You will absolutely maintain but for many will still have a great chance of losing if you have SHARK DAYS in between.
  • MAINTAIN YOUR VACATION:   If you feel you need the break from the everyday mindsets vacation is a good time to take advantage of it.  Whether you are homer away you will choose one meal and one dessert/drinks each day.  The remainder of the day keep clean. So for example you might do Muffin for breakfast and bar for lunch and then cheat dinner and dessert/or drinks (desserts are your drinks.  The next day you might decide to cheat at breakfast and eat clean the rest of the day with cheat dessert.  It’s up to you to choose each day your cheat.  The key is not to have a full cheat day that week.  You come home and you go right back on program.  No scale.  You go back on program for one week and then you go on the scale and you will see your  pre-vacation weight.

While I wish food and drinks didn’t play such a big part in how we feel – the reality is it does.  And Im a big believer in addressing things rather than ignoring them.  Since what we eat and drink affects our mindset and personality, I think it’s super important to think through how you want to feel and what is going to make you happy.  Do not cheat everyday if you  by mid week you will be miserable because that will use make everyone you are with miserable.  As hard as it may feel to stay on program – think about how hard it will be to feel bloated and uncomfortable in your own skin.  In not suggesting you stay 110% clean on vacation.  I know you all so well that I really believe there is a different option for each one of you.  But what I am telling you is that while going off program makes you feel free of stress and structure – if you over do it you will begin to feel uncomfortable and out of control and I don’t want you to have that feeling on your vacation.  Think about it and plan how often you can cheat and still feel okay.  Because when you start out in a bathing suit or snow pants and end up mid week in a cover up or feeling like frosty you have to be okay with it.

FINAL THOUGHTS:  Remind yourself two things.  It doesn’t matter how amazing you were up to this point.  You will feel the effects of daily over doing it and you will feel it quickly.  Smoke the choices because this vacation isn’t only about you it’s about your family and what mood they have to deal with when you lose control.  I know it’s the harsh reality but I’m telling you now so you don’t look back and feel like you should have made different choices.  You have all been on vacation before and you know what it does to you mentally and physically the you are consistently off program.  Some are okay with it and can just deal with the affects of it and go right back on program when they return — others will let it ruin the holiday/vacation mid way through.  Don’t do it.  this year you are going to THINK BEFORE YOU ACT and make sure your choices are what is good for you and all those you love.  And always remember if you lose control and you realized you over did it and start to feel uncomfortable there is a simple solution –  the very best thing to do is regardless of where you are you just go right back on program to a 110% shark day.  After one solid day back on program you will feel so much better.  We are always here for you if you need guidance – simply reach out.  Remember this isn’t about being perfect it’s about being happy.


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The most wonderful time of the year!  I thought today would be a perfect time to talk about the WEEKEND!  You know that really difficult time that everyone has keeping to one cheat day.  Yes I know we are in the most festive and the busiest time of the year.  I know we had parties every week. That’s why they call it the happiest season of all because everyone is eating and drinking!  But I also know how fast weight comes on and how much longer it takes to come off.   That’s why it’s important for me to remind all of you – the next two weekends are super important.  If you keep it to one cheat day a weekend you will see the number go in the right direction.  If you cheat a little the night before or the day after you will maintain.  It’s that simple.  to see the number go in the direction you want you must keep it to ONE CHEAT DAY A WEEK.  That includes No Extra’s at all.  Stick to your menu and you will feel the best and get the best results.


If you weigh in Friday morning and your Cheat Day isn’t until Saturday you should not be cheating ” a little” Friday night.  Just because you weighed in does not give you the freedom to cheat Friday night.  If you cheat a little Friday night that will reflect in the following week.  You should not be drinking extra drinks or eating extra snacks you should stick to your meals and snacks on Friday like any other weight loss day and Cheat ONLY on your Cheat day.  Again this is only if you want the very best results every week.  Remember that all the magic happens at the end of the week so even if you weighed in Friday morning but your Cheat day is Saturday you stop the weight loss and the magic as soon as you are “off program” Friday night.


There are only two weekends left until Break.  whether you are celebrating the holidays or vacationing or just hanging with the family – the real challenge will be from December 24th through Jan 1.  So for the Next week and two weekends keep it laser focused.  Live the program – 110% six clean days and only one cheat day.  You will go into the Holiday week feeling mentally and physically amazing, strong, healthy, thinner, happier and full of life!  Because when you do the right things it shows in everything about how you look feel and act.




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YIKES! is probably the best word to describe how you might be feeling right now.  With the long weekend behind you and any damages that might have been done are now in the past the only thing to do is to move forward.    Don’t waste anytime beating yourself up – it’s wasted energy.   Right now you start your hardcore 100% Shark week immediately.  We have a countdown of exactly 4 weeks until Holiday Break.  It’s super important that you enjoy when it’s time to enjoy and it’s even more important that you are amazing when it’s time to be amazing.  So regardless of the parties you might have coming up or any events that are taking place over the next couple of weeks it’s important you are a shark and stick to the 6 clean days and 1 cheat day.  The next 4 weeks is all about being amazing.


I can’t even begin to tell you in the last two days how many text and email messages I received  -everyone was more than ready to start eating clean again.  Many of you even started yesterday.  YES it’s so enjoyable to cheat but it’s beyond amazing to start eating clean again after you cheat.  Think about it – we cheat to mentally comfort us.  Most of us will agree that as soon as we feed that mental comfort our physical comfort is compromised.  The more we cheat the worse we feel.  Not on purpose of course.  Mentally we want to be able to cheat the whole day but the longer  you are on program the less you are able to cheat the entire day.  Even when you can cheat the whole day you will notice how week after week you really are taking in less without even trying.  — All good things and all very relevant to where you are today.


The reason I bring this up is so you understand that even though you probably feel like you did a lot of damage the reality is you probably didn’t do as bad as you thought.  Yes you could have been better and I’m sure you could have been worse.  What is important if you get right back on program and give yourself a solid 6 clean days.  I promise regardless of how bad you feel right now, by mid week you will feel so much better and by next weigh in you will be so happy you have a Hardcore Shark Solid Clean week in.  And in 4 weeks you will be more than ready for your holiday and/or vacation.

The program is all about loving to live healthy and enjoying life.  We eat clean so we can cheat and when we cheat we can’t wait to eat clean again.  Living the program gives you the opportunity to enjoy it all.  Especially over a holiday week when we need a little more flexibility than just one cheat day.  Now that Thanksgiving Holiday is over and everyone enjoyed – now it’s time to get serious and put the work in so in 4 weeks you can BE, FEEL AND LOOK like the most amazing you and also have that flexibility again and enjoy the next holiday break.




Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick

clean eatingdieteatcleanfamilyHealthy TipsholidaysLifestyleweight loss


We all want to be happy around the Holidays.  But along with happiness, we also know the holidays can be filled with stress, laughter, drinking, over-eating, family fights and even tears!  Everyday can bring a mix of different emotions, and not just for you but for everyone around you.  There is however one way to feel your very best this holiday season….


Do you want to know the secret to having a happy Holiday Season this year?  The secret to a happy holiday season is not about how much you put on the table.  It’s not about how much money you have or what kind of car you drive.  It’s not about how expensive your outfit is and it’s not even about how many friends you have.  I mean these are all great things to have in your life but I can tell you for certain it’s not what is going to make your holiday season the happiest it can be.   The secret to a happy fulfilled holiday season is how you are going to feel about yourself throughout the holidays.  The happier YOU are and the better YOU feel in your own skin is going to be a game changer on how you feel through the holidays and how you treat yourself and everyone around you.


Many of you know exactly what I am talking about.  You know that feeling good about yourself is more than just what you have or what you can buy – it’s about how you feel mentally and physically.  Let’s face it putting on an $800 outfit is amazing but putting on $100 outfit on the body you love and feel great in will make you feel like you are wearing something that is priceless.


I know I am constantly reminding you that the better you feel the better you will live.  I am a true believer in if you are doing the right thing and feel good you  are more likely to choose the right options to keep you feeling that way.  When you are around a holiday dinner or party you will feel amazing and you will want to do everything you can to stay that way.  FACT:  when you feel good you want to continue to look good and when you don’t feel good you tend to throw in the towel a lot faster and fall prey to temptations  around you.


Between Thanksgiving and New Years you want to be able to go to a party, a holiday dinner and even a planned vacation and feel the very best you can feel because the better you feel the happier you will be and the better you are going to act and treat those you love around you.  You don’t want to put yourself in a position that you don’t want to get dressed and don’t want to see people.  We all kind of live in the same shoes.  When we are doing the right thing and feeling amazing – we don’t care who we run into.  In fact, sometimes we even seek out people.  When we are not doing the right things we want to avoid everything and everyone.  — Keep this holiday season simple.  When you are doing the right thing – you are happy.  So don’t make it complicated.  Follow your program and feel the best you can feel.  Always remember nothing is worth feeling uncomfortable in your own skin.


If you find that you are struggling at any time – you always remind yourself that you just need one clean week and you will feel like someone stuck a pin in you and you deflated.  One clean week is all it takes and you will start to feel the lighter version of YOU!  You want to spend this holiday season starting off on the right path.  But if somewhere in between you fall off you just get right back on and 6 clean days you will feel great again.  Everyone can be a shark when they want to be.  Head strong you will go into the holidays on program and enjoy your cheats when its you cheat day and not just cheat because it’s the holiday’s .  Because we all know when you start cheating just to cheat or because there are parties week after week – before you know it you will be squeezing into clothes and the happy face will turn into a frown very quickly.  And no one needs to see you frown around the holidays.  Especially when it’s something you have absolutely control over.


They say nothing in life is given to you.  But that’s actually not true.  The most precious thing in the world has been given to you – It’s called LIFE!  What you do with it, and how you take care of it will determine how happy you live it.  


Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick