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What does the word commitment suggest?  It usually evokes a strong sense of intention and focus.  It typically is accompanied by a statement of purpose or a plan of action.  Very often, we utilize this word in regard to proclamations we may make about the seriousness of something like weight loss, work or relationships.  The difficulty is that we’re making promises to our-self about behaviors and outcomes, but when it comes to weight loss we sometimes ignore the process necessary to achieve that goal. If we learn to commit fully to the process then the outcomes will be what they should be.  But, if we commit merely to the outcome and ignore the process – then you will be left frustrated and uncomfortable in your skin.


The process is actually more important than the commitment and the outcome.  Because without the process nothing takes place.  This is the exact reason why I say over and over — you must live the program.  You can’t just do it and get it over with.  You have to learn to do it and live it and only then will you see the lasting results.   When you just do the program you are mentally waiting for it to end so you can go back to your old habits.  When you learn to live the program it’s the process of living it that makes losing weight easier.  You are no longer waiting for it to be over – instead you have truly committed to living clean, healthy and being the best you.  When you are committed you love your clean days as much as your cheat day.  You don’t look for an excuse to cheat you look for an excuse to make the best choices to stay on program


One of the most important part of making a commitment is staying true to yourself.  Obstacles will naturally arise that will try to knock you off your path.  But being true to yourself means facing all obstacles, fighting through them with good decisions and continuing on your path even in the face of the most difficult adversity.  You must continue to be guided by what you want your outcome to be.   — Choose your hard.  Is it harder to fight through the obstacle but be happy with the outcome. Or give in to the obstacle and be miserable with the outcome.


Being committed also requires short term and long term goals and staying on your path to meet both.  An example:  Short term is to lose 2lbs a week and long term is to lose 20lbs by June 1st.  To reach your short and long term goals  it will require that you be prepared at time to leave your comfort zone.  We have spoken about this before – there is no way around it.  If you want to keep reaching goals you will have times that you will have to abandon the place of mental and physical comfort.  They will be short periods and through these short periods you will remember to embrace the mental and physical hunger that comes your way because that is what is going to help you reach your next goal.


Being committed entails a power of will to do whatever it takes to fulfill and follow through on the responsibility to stay true to your goal.  I find this is the most challenging for so many clients.  It’s okay to say “no” it’s okay to walk away and it’s okay to go to dinner and order what makes you happy without worrying about what everyone else thinks.  You are the  one who has to walk away with the results of your choices.     There will always be temptations, obstacles and mental weakness but if you are truly committed you must go into this with the strength that you will do whatever it takes to reach that goal.   And anyone that is truly your friend or wants the best for you will always understand and accept your decisions with comfort.  — We all see the clients and customers that come in the store on program.  Or a friend or acquaintance that is on program.  The ones that  just make it look so easy to do the right thing and they look amazing, feel amazing and are so happy because of it.  — you know the one you try to avoid when you are not doing the right thing —    I can tell you firsthand it’s not that its always easy for them but it’s because they choose to be and stay committed no matter what because they know that is what makes them feel good.  It doesn’t mean they never had slip-ups.  They have been there and done that and because of them they remind themselves that one moment of indulgence is never as important as their happiness.  They also know that it’s not just about them.  Because when they feel good and are happy that makes their family and friends happy.    We tend to often forget that our negative choices don’t only affect us.  Our happiness or unhappiness affects everyone around us.   —


One thing we all know is that when you are in a good place mentally and physically you are a happier person.  When you are committed to living healthy and eating clean and feeling amazing in your body – it’s life changing.  I see it everyday the transformations that take place week after week.   It’s the most amazing sight to see someone who goes from being unhappy in their body to loving how they look and feel.  — And if you want to feel that –  there is absolutely no reason you shouldn’t have it.    The only thing that is stopping you is your commitment to yourself.  You have to stop making excuses.  You have to work hard and give it 100% everyday.  Because your health and happiness is one thing that is always worth working hard and staying committed to everyday.


Commitment is an act, not just a word

~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick