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Are You On The Right Path…


YAY!!! THE SUN IS SHINING IN NEW YORK – we hope everyone enjoyed Mother’s Day! But now it’s time to get back on track and get moving and losing in the right direction. Regardless of where you are right now – the big question is where do you want to be? Some of you are just super amazing and in such a great place. Others wish you would have gotten there already, and some even wish they didn’t put it off until now. But unfortunately there is no turning back and you must either continue on or start on the path to where you want to go.  

I know some of you wake up thinking that it would be so easy to just go away for a month and come back a new person. And I am even quite sure many of you Googled it…but we know it’s not possible. So what is possible? I will tell you – It’s possible to be whatever you want to be. If you want to be THIN – then it’s up to you to do it. If you want to be STRONG – then work hard and get that way and if you want to be STRONG, THIIN, FIT and HEALTHY – then make it happen. You see these things just don’t happen to people – PEOPLE make it happen. They make it a priority in their life. Even if they have so many other priorities – they still make it a priority to be the best they can be and reach the goals they set out for themselves. They are no different than you. They are not super-human, they are regular everyday people who have a “want” that is so strong they do whatever it takes to make it happen. They started where you are starting. They wanted it as bad as you say you do and they had to wait for the results  just like you are. So….you have to figure out what are your “wants”? Do you want this to work? Do you need this to work? Or is this just something you like to complain about. Will you be that person who just always wants to lose weight but doesn’t put the “real” effort in to do it? Or will you be the person who keeps trying until you get there? Will you be the one who does whatever it takes to reach your goal?
The first thing you need to figure out is where you are and if you are not in a good place then change the type of person you are into who you want to be.  

THE COMPLAINER  – who sits around talking about how overweight and unhappy they are and convinces themselves that they really do have a harder life then everyone else and that’s why they can’t do it. They tend to feel sorry for themselves and it affects everyone around them. It’s the same old story and their poor families and friends have to listen to it over and over again. When you look back, it will be the one thing you remember and while you think your family may not know – they know. Everyone in the house knows when someone is not happy – regardless of how much you try and hide it – it’s there. You know it – they know it – everyone knows it.  
THE FINGER POINTER – This person points the finger and blames everyone around them for why it doesnt work – but will never accept that it’s up to them to make the changes. It will never work until they are willing to put 110% in and blame only themselves and accept that it’s okay that we make mistakes as long as we keep moving forward. 
 *If you want to move forward it’s always better to take the blame and accept that you are not perfect and then move on to a better place. If you keep pointing the finger and blaming others, you will never become the person you want to be. Because guess what – even if it is someone else’s fault they are not going to fix it. If you want success then you have to fix what’s wrong  whether it’s your fault or not.  
MY JUMPER –  They tend to try every fad diet in the world just jumping from one to the other because they don’t want to put the time in that it takes to work, so they constantly look for the quick fix. They don’t want to give up anything and would rather just try the next new thing. Even when they find one that works temporarily they usually end up gaining more than they lost because it involves living on drinks and pills that you shouldn’t and can’t do forever. Typically they gain at least 10 lbs a year and they end up having the hardest time losing because living on shakes and pills is the one thing that can really harm your metabolism. It can take months for the thyroid to get back to where it needs to be to start losing normally again.  
MY SNAILS – They continuously go in the right direction. Sometimes stopping for brief amount of time to regroup and then restart again. But throughout the entire time the changes they make are amazing to their bodies, and mind. They generally are in really good places all the time because they just keep going. Slow but in motion. They learn what they are doing and how they are doing it. They are not interested in quick fixes or fast weight loss they are more interested in losing and learning. So while everyone is freaking out about summer coming, they are fine because they never stopped and gained they only may have paused. Then they just start moving again and every day and week and month that goes by they look and feel better and better. The thing about my snails is – they didn’t even know they were snails but they started out and regardless of how difficult things get they just keep moving. Not everyday is a weight loss day and they don’t necessarily lose every week. But they are confident and see the changes in their body and know that as the weight loss comes they are so happy with who they have become and the changes they have made in their overall well being. My snails are the ones that everyone all of sudden notices when the jackets come off and the shorts go on.  
MY SHARKS – You know who you are and will do whatever it takes to get to where they want and need to be. They get the directions and they go on and never look back. They work hard, exercise, and if something isn’t working they don’t blame everyone around them  – instead we work together and figure it out and they continue on their healthy journey. They are all about results and will do whatever they need to get there and feel and look great all the time. Their bad days are most peoples’ good days. My sharks don’t always start as sharks – sometimes they start as snails and they do what they have to and put the time in. Just like everyone else they wait for results. The results just tend to come a lot faster with my Sharks because there is no going off the path. They stay hardcore all the time 6 days on and 1 day off and they learn to love to live that way. Sharks usually are strong headed and want what they want and will do what they have to and get there. Not everyone is a shark or wants to be, but anyone can become one if they want it bad enough.  
Once you figure out who you are – then figure out if you are happy being there.  If you are not happy then maybe it’s time to change it for the well being of yourself and those who still love you 🙂 
 **HOW TO FIX IT: Think about it – are you the person you want to be?  If you are one of the first three on the list then stop talking and complaining and pointing the finger at everyone around you. Stop jumping from plan to plan and really think about where you are and where you want to be.  
Really take notice for one week – and every time you point the finger or complain about your weight or just the fact that you are unhappy because you can’t fit into anything – pause and make yourself stop and write it down so you can reflect later how much time you spend on doing this. How many times a day do you blame others, complain that you are unhappy over something only you can change? When you can see how many times you do it in a day – only then you will realize how it has to affect everyone around you. Never mind how unhealthy it is for yourself.      
It takes so much more energy and time to point the finger and blame and complain than it would be for you to concentrate on doing the positive in your life. Take small steps each day. If you screw up then just put it behind you and don’t let it snow ball and affect everyone around you. Put it behind you and keep moving in the right direction so you get back to a good place. Give yourself time. Stop jumping from plan to plan and just commit to making your health and body better and putting in the time to make it happen. No one can fix it for you – ONLY YOU CAN DO THIS. I can guide you and listen to you and help you in every way you need. But when you are home and temptation is everywhere – only you can make the final decision of what’s important to you and WHO YOU REALLY WANT TO BE.    
TODAY:  Start by writing down every time you blame and complain: and do what makes you feel good. If it’s running, then run. If it’s eating clean, then eat clean. Stay away from the other negatives in your life because they pull you down. Instead, make it a point to stay around the positive. And most important – do not expect immediate results. Just because you decided to become a shark overnight doesn’t mean that your body or the scale will get there overnight. Give yourself time and set goals and you will get there and enjoy the journey along the way. Sometime you have to become a snail before you can become the shark. I promise if you start today – in July you will look back and be so so happy you did it.  
The clients who have reached their goal look back and are so happy they finished
The clients who started months ago look back and are so happy they are in it
Don’t let summer come and look back and wish you started 

If you don’t like the road you’re walking, start paving another one.      


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018