Memorial Day Thoughts

My Thoughts for you on Memorial Day Weekend:


Make a choice. Regardless of what is going on in your life – sometimes it’s actually easier to just plan to stay on program and do the right thing instead of staying in limbo and question constantly if you are going to be on or off.


Stay on and be happy with your results.
Go off and be happy with your results.

There will always be things happening in your life good and bad – happy and sad. One of the most important things for weight loss is to learn how to get through a party, BBQ, a fight, a celebration or even just a night out without feeling like you are going to throw all your hard work away because “something is going on”. When you live the program it becomes an easy question and answer:


Focus on what is going to make you feel your best regardless of what is going on around you. When you live the program there is always a choice – you just have to plan and follow through with it.


When it comes to a holiday weekend and Cheat Day my best advice is to evaluate your weekend and decide which day is the best for you to cheat. Never wing it and say “I will figure it out as I go” that is like saying “I’m going to cheat all weekend!” Whether you have a party or event everyday, or just one night out. Figure out what you are doing before you do it. Ask yourself: Do you like your regular cheat day or would you rather switch it to the BBQ day you have planned with friends. Do you want to be hardcore and have only one day or are you going to split it over the weekend and make it a maintain week. Whatever you choose make a plan before and stick with it. Here are some options:


  • Is your Cheat day the best on a day you have a BBQ or Party?Would you do better if you keep it the same day you always have it. For example if your cheat day is Saturday does it work better for you to keep it Saturday and be clean the rest of the weekend regardless of what events you are attending?
  • Do you plan on being 110% clean all weekend and only cheat one day so you can have the best weight loss next week
  • Are you going to split your cheat days and be clean all day and only off dinner and drinks each day so that you maintain next week (remember you need a solid week after this just to maintain).

My advice for this weekend is simple and works 110% – have a plan and stick to it. Whether you are staying 110% or splitting the cheat days – it’s important to know before hand and follow through with what you choose.


TIP: Never ever determine your weekend by where you are today. For example if you wish you had started earlier and wish you had 10 more pounds off don’t go into this weekend thinking – Im just going to be great and not cheat because I’m not where I want to be yet. That never works. Instead – evaluate your weekend and think if you can get through it with one cheat day or will you need to split them. Because the most important thing that comes out of this weekend is that you stayed – remained and followed through with what you planned. That is what will make you feel successful and that will get you right back into your weight loss week.


If you are staying clean all weekend with one cheat day it’s always best to try and have your cheat day Sunday. This way you don’t give yourself the option of cheating Friday and Saturday and Sunday. It’s Sunday and and you go right back on Monday like it’s any other week. Or do it Monday and go right back Tuesday. The later in the weekend helps you stay focused and on track the beginning of the weekend – and keeps you feeling great as you make your way to your cheat day. It’s easier to stay clean and wait for the cheat day then to do a cheat day and go through parties and continue to stay strong and not cheat.


TIP: Plan your meals and snacks and know if you are drinking you are giving up your snacks for the day. Drink water in between each drink it will keep you hydrated and mindful throughout your day/night. *Remember after two drinks most control is gone so be very aware of what you are doing at all times and what your consequences will be.


I know I say it all the time but it truly is all about the party you are at and the people you are with. That is what you want to enjoy. The food is fun but it’s secondary to why you are there.


Focus on how you want each day to end. Happy- enjoyed- had fun and feel good.

Keep this Holiday weekend simple
and most important stay safe!

Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick