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Tag: memorial day

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Memorial Day Thoughts

My Thoughts for you on Memorial Day Weekend:


Make a choice. Regardless of what is going on in your life – sometimes it’s actually easier to just plan to stay on program and do the right thing instead of staying in limbo and question constantly if you are going to be on or off.


Stay on and be happy with your results.
Go off and be happy with your results.

There will always be things happening in your life good and bad – happy and sad. One of the most important things for weight loss is to learn how to get through a party, BBQ, a fight, a celebration or even just a night out without feeling like you are going to throw all your hard work away because “something is going on”. When you live the program it becomes an easy question and answer:


Focus on what is going to make you feel your best regardless of what is going on around you. When you live the program there is always a choice – you just have to plan and follow through with it.


When it comes to a holiday weekend and Cheat Day my best advice is to evaluate your weekend and decide which day is the best for you to cheat. Never wing it and say “I will figure it out as I go” that is like saying “I’m going to cheat all weekend!” Whether you have a party or event everyday, or just one night out. Figure out what you are doing before you do it. Ask yourself: Do you like your regular cheat day or would you rather switch it to the BBQ day you have planned with friends. Do you want to be hardcore and have only one day or are you going to split it over the weekend and make it a maintain week. Whatever you choose make a plan before and stick with it. Here are some options:


  • Is your Cheat day the best on a day you have a BBQ or Party?Would you do better if you keep it the same day you always have it. For example if your cheat day is Saturday does it work better for you to keep it Saturday and be clean the rest of the weekend regardless of what events you are attending?
  • Do you plan on being 110% clean all weekend and only cheat one day so you can have the best weight loss next week
  • Are you going to split your cheat days and be clean all day and only off dinner and drinks each day so that you maintain next week (remember you need a solid week after this just to maintain).

My advice for this weekend is simple and works 110% – have a plan and stick to it. Whether you are staying 110% or splitting the cheat days – it’s important to know before hand and follow through with what you choose.


TIP: Never ever determine your weekend by where you are today. For example if you wish you had started earlier and wish you had 10 more pounds off don’t go into this weekend thinking – Im just going to be great and not cheat because I’m not where I want to be yet. That never works. Instead – evaluate your weekend and think if you can get through it with one cheat day or will you need to split them. Because the most important thing that comes out of this weekend is that you stayed – remained and followed through with what you planned. That is what will make you feel successful and that will get you right back into your weight loss week.


If you are staying clean all weekend with one cheat day it’s always best to try and have your cheat day Sunday. This way you don’t give yourself the option of cheating Friday and Saturday and Sunday. It’s Sunday and and you go right back on Monday like it’s any other week. Or do it Monday and go right back Tuesday. The later in the weekend helps you stay focused and on track the beginning of the weekend – and keeps you feeling great as you make your way to your cheat day. It’s easier to stay clean and wait for the cheat day then to do a cheat day and go through parties and continue to stay strong and not cheat.


TIP: Plan your meals and snacks and know if you are drinking you are giving up your snacks for the day. Drink water in between each drink it will keep you hydrated and mindful throughout your day/night. *Remember after two drinks most control is gone so be very aware of what you are doing at all times and what your consequences will be.


I know I say it all the time but it truly is all about the party you are at and the people you are with. That is what you want to enjoy. The food is fun but it’s secondary to why you are there.


Focus on how you want each day to end. Happy- enjoyed- had fun and feel good.

Keep this Holiday weekend simple
and most important stay safe!

Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle


HAPPY TUESDAY! Yes, it’s back to life and back to reality. I hope you all enjoyed your long weekend. I have to say I was very very impressed with the amount of clients this year that stuck to the PROGRAM and the one Cheat Day and followed the other 6 days 100%. Even with the long weekend they set their mind to it and did it! I love love love it because I know how much better you will feel today when you wake up and get back to real life. It doesn’t mean you enjoyed any less, in fact for many of you I think you enjoyed more. You were thrilled with your numbers and nothing was going to get in the way of that. I am super proud of you all.


For those of you who have not done the right thing for yourself this past weekend…For whatever excuse you have told yourself that – “I got sucked in :(” – “I thought I had control but I drank too much and it was too late ;(” – “One chip ended in a two day binge ;(” or if you just weren’t great and just feel horrible…If you see yourself in one of the previous descriptions I want you to think about something. I want to think about all the places you were this past weekend and all the people you saw. Think about how you treated your weekend with food and alcohol. Be honest with yourself because at the end of the day –  this is really between YOU and YOU. Did you do the right thing? Could you have done better?


TAKE A MOMENT AND REFLECT: I want you to think about all the people that you have come across this past weekend at the parties, clubs and BBQ’s that you attended. Whether you were in the Hamptons, the shore, or Fire Island. Did you see a person or people walk into the party, and you saw how good they looked and felt. They are the people that everyone automatically looks at when they walk through the door. They are the people who everything looks good on them regardless of what they wear. It could be a stranger, friends, family member. They are the ones that have confidence just flowing from them as they walk in. They are the people who you look at and think WOW they really have it all together! You know the person I am talking about. When you see them – what is the first thought that comes to your mind – YOU WANT THAT! And you should want that! Why wouldn’t you want that! Why wouldn’t you want to look and feel amazing in your skin and clothes and feel so good that it radiates when you walk in room. When we see someone so healthy, fit, in shape and full of confidence you have to ask yourself – what is more attractive than that? They are the people everyone want to be around. And it’s not only because they are thin —— it’s because they are happy and they feel good and it’s contagious to whoever is in their presence. They are like magnets that you want to look at and be near. They radiate health, happiness, success – all the things we all strive for everyday. When you think – THAT IS WHAT I WANT TO LOOK AND FEEL LIKE and that is how I want to act and that is how I want people to look at me — Then you have to understand just how possible that is.


I will tell you first hand it’s possible – because what you don’t know about that person or people – is they have their struggles and they have their weaknesses just like you do. You just don’t see it. And you don’t see them because they fight everyday to get past them. Just like everyone else, some days are easier then others. But they don’t let their food control who they are and what they want. They don’t let their stress make them eat into a frenzy. They are disciplined and strict with their one day off and six days on. It’s not that they don’t want the indulgences any less than you do, but they love to look good want to feel good more. Because they know that when they eat clean and stay on program it keeps them in control and that’s how they love to live. The way they feel and look is more important to them then any food or alcohol can temp them. They fight on their weaker days and they make it a priority to stay on program even when the path is bumpy. Even when they have hungrier days they reach out and we figure out how to get around it or what their best options are to get through it. They know and have learned these weaker days are temporary and everyone has them. They have their struggles in life but they make sure no matter what comes at them their priority is their health and the way the feel.  Because they know and have learned when they feel great they can fight anything else that comes their way. And when you look at them wishing you had that strength to get to where they are  – I am telling you that you do. I know better than anyone they were once you. But they fought, and learned, and kept fighting to get what they wanted and to feel how incredible they do today and everyday. Yes, you do have that strength – you just have to want it as much as they do and you have to want it all the time. You have to get past the tough days and understand they will always be there. We will always have long weekends and parties and stress. It’s all part of life. But you just need to stick to what you know at the end of the day gives you strength and happiness which is eating clean and feeling good in your own skin. When you learn that feeling healthy, thin and fit makes you happy and that happiness helps everything else in your life, that is when you will make it a priority everyday.


What it all comes down to at the end of the day is – It’s always a choice – YOUR CHOICE – Do you want it or do you want to talk about it. Do you want to sit and think about it or are you willing to work hard at it everyday. Every possibility is out there for you. No one can make you be overweight and no one can make you be successful – you have to want it, work for it and fight it. Don’t make excuses – you are no different than anyone else. If you are willing to fight for what you want and put the work in everyday then you can have it too. First decide what you want in life, what makes you happy –  and then go after it. You need to want it and work for it everyday. It will never just happen if you are not working for it consistently. So if you want it, plan it and make sure you are ready to put the work in 110%. Successful people don’t work at things when they feel like it or when it’s convenient for them – They work all the time – 24/7 that’s why they are successful. While you are sleeping they are working out. While you are watching TV – they are preparing their meals for the next week. Success is about putting in 110% and getting 110% out of it.   If it sounds like a lot then you don’t want it enough. If it’s something you really want eventually it won’t even feel like work. It will be a part of your happy life. Start now – life is short make sure every minute of your day counts toward something that is important to you and your future.


Decide what you want – go after it and fight for it 110% everyday.  


“With your program and complete close connection I have truly learned all the golden rules you instilled in me.
Innovation, and my fitness routine has changed my life. I feel healthier than ever before!
I am happy and grateful for Yours and Thea’s support. Xoxo????”   ~Lynne



 ~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Memorial Weekend – Have A Plan!

I know many of you think you have this under control. Just like all the other holidays – Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years…you get my picture? But this holiday is not one you want to play around with. Because what follows Memorial Day weekend?… SUMMER! This is not a holiday that if you go off for 5 days you will have time to reverse the damage. NOPE! This is a holiday that when it’s over – it’s really just beginning. The very last thing you want to do is throw away everything you have worked so hard for. And we all know it doesn’t take much to do that. Listen, I would love to tell you that you can go and enjoy your weekend and not worry about your plan – go ahead and eat whatever you want, life is short. But you can’t because you will not only gain the weight back that you lost but you will be miserable come Tuesday morning. Not only will you be miserable, I can guarantee if I asked you to tell me what was so amazing that you ate you wouldn’t be able to tell me. Because truthfully, if anything is amazing that you “NEED OR WANT” then you will have it on your Cheat Day.


Having fun, celebrating and doing all the things you want to do this weekend can be done without over eating. You need to have a plan and stick to it. Because if you don’t and you try and wing it I can promise you that Tuesday morning will come around and you will be miserable looking for some quick fix (that doesn’t exist) to make it all better. Instead, let’s try to do the right thing that will work for you the whole weekend.


DRINKING: If you are drinking – and it’s not water 🙂  – you save your snacks for the alcohol. If you know that you lose control after two then only sip one through the night or have two far apart with lots of water in between. Losing control with the alcohol is not good for you, your weight loss or the people that are trying to enjoy the party around you. If you want to be the talk of the party then make sure the only thing they are talking about how great you looked.


It’s a long weekend and it will be a challenge. But you constantly have to remind yourself what you want and how you want to feel come Tuesday morning. Here are some easy options to follow:


ONE CHEAT DAY: If you want to continue to lose this weekend and treat it like any other weekend then you will have ONE CHEAT DAY and you will be very mindful through the other days. You will go and have fun and enjoy and do all the right things like it’s any other day that you are celebrating with family and friends that you love. But you will not eat like it’s a cheat except for one day over the weekend. It is very doable and you will continue to lose if you follow this.


Do you want to maintain through the holiday weekend? Maintain can be tricky because you need to know your boundaries. You choose to eat clean all day and only go off for dinner and dessert or dinner and drinks or just drinks. Remember, just because it’s a cheat doesn’t mean you can’t order a beautiful clean fish and steamed vegetables and just enjoy your wine or ice cream. Cheats don’t have to be all out cheats, they are supposed to be special.  Make sure you are cheating on things you love and miss. Never cheat just to cheat. If you follow this and do it Friday, Saturday, and Sunday – or Saturday, Sunday and Monday then you will maintain and when Tuesday morning comes you will feel like you stayed in control and you are not starting over but just continuing on to your weight loss week.


GAIN? Do you want to gain through the holiday weekend? This sounds so simple right! But what is really disturbing is that it’s even easier than it sounds.  You can’t have a Cheat Day and then cheat meals. You can’t do cheating throughout each day with no plan. Trust me, you will forget and think that you weren’t that bad – when in fact you were really bad. While every one of us is different and what we can tolerate is different, when it comes to weight gain I can promise you that if you are overdoing it every day and lose control you will gain weight and it may be more than you can imagine.


What you need to do is know what your plan is and stick to it. Don’t be influenced by those around you. Always remember no one knows how hard you have worked and what your goals are. You know it and I know it, and if you want to reach your goals you have to stay strong and stick to the plan.


Make sure you have what you need to stay on program.
Make sure you are ready for the sabotages that you will be around.
Make sure you know your triggers and be prepared for when they are in front of you.


Most important – don’t set yourself up.  If you don’t want it and you don’t need it – SAY NO AND WALK AWAY!
Look around you and be inspired by those who make their health, body, and mind a priority. 
This weekend you need to prove to yourself how strong you are and what really matters to you
AND that you can have fun, enjoy what’s around you – without it always being about food.  




~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Summer is Coming!

We made it through another Holiday and now our focus should be strictly on Memorial Day and the start of Summer. We have 6 WEEKS until Memorial Day and approximately 10 WEEKS until the FIRST DAY OF SUMMER. Summer shorts, bathing suits, dresses and wearing them to the beaches, BBQ and vacations. 10 Weeks is a long time and a lot can be done. But just like any other time of the year, you have to focus and decide what you want and what you will do to get there.


NO MORE HIDING: There is one thing about summer – regardless of how much weight you gained, you are not hiding under clothes anymore. Summer makes you put out there what you have done. Good or bad it’s for all to see. This is the time – right now – to make a difference.


LONG TERM: One of the things I notice so many people do is they think long term. Which is great when you are planning your savings account but not for your weight loss. It’s too overwhelming. You think – “I can’t eat like this forever” or “It will take me so long to lose the weight”. Instead you should be thinking short term and follow your menu and lose the weight. Don’t think about long term because as you lose the weight your thoughts and body change. You physically need less and will want less but right now every day is a struggle. Your body is used to doing what it wants and now you are training it to do what you say. Just take it day by day and you will see the changes and that will make you motivated to keep going. We can all do the right things to make sure we end up in the place we want. But in order to do it you have to be willing to put your words into actions. It’s easy to say it – now you have to prove it and you have 6-10 weeks to do it.




You know how I love to break down the numbers because sometimes when you see what each week can get you it makes it real. What happens in our crazy life is we are so busy that the days and weeks pass by so quickly we don’t spend them as wisely as we should. It’s all about multi-tasking. While you are working at home or the office; while you are planning parties, or events; while you are taking the kids to school, sports, and end of the year celebrations; and while you are planning your next trip. Whatever you are spending your time on in the next 10 weeks you should also be eating clean, eating healthy and losing weight. It’s that simple. You need to do it – you want to do it – so stop making excuses and make it happen. If you do – this is what you can accomplish in 10 weeks:


1 lb a week   =   6 lbs by Memorial Day
1 lb a week   = 10 lbs by First Day of Summer


* This is so beyond doable.  Follow your menu with your meals and snacks and have your ONE cheat day a week and you will absolutely lose 1 lb a week resulting in 6 lbs by Memorial Day or 10 lbs by Summer! Consistency is key – if you want to get off that roller coaster ride then do it every week and it will add up.


2 lbs a week = 12 lbs by Memorial Day   
2 lbs a week = 20 lbs by First day of Summer


*Still very doable.  Follow your menu of meals and snacks and simply cut out a snack when you don’t need it. The current menu that you have that you are following, either take it back one snack a day or one less snack every other day. It’s usually that snack that you know you don’t really need but have it anyway – get rid of it and it will change the numbers. Make sure everything else is 110% to menu consistently through the week!


3 lbs a week =  18 lbs by Memorial Day
3 lbs a week =  30 lbs by First day of Summer 


*Challenging but doable. This requires your meals and one snack a day and no mistakes at any time. It requires you to follow and do the right things for the next 6 or 10 weeks without fail. You need to feel a little hungry everyday. Not starving but hungry. One Cheat Day a week and your other 6 days super super clean with no bites, sips or crumbs. You need to be mentally strong and on program and this has to be the most important thing to you at all times. If you treat the program like it’s a job that you want to be amazing at then you will see this kind of amazing loss every week.


I can’t say it enough that the most important thing for you to do is if you have been amazing then continue on your path and be amazing and keep making the fabulous healthy and happy changes you have been making  to your mind and body.  AND if you haven’t been great OR even a little terrible then get back on program and don’t look back. You need to get the new weight off very quickly before it becomes old weight. If you want to make serious changes it can happen in as little as 6 weeks. But it takes you being consistent every week. You have to keep doing the right things over and over again. Yes it’s easy to do the right things for a day or two but in order to see the scale move and keep moving means you have to do the right thing all the time. Doing the right things Day after Day and even having your ONE Cheat Day a week is doing the right thing. IF YOU FOLLOW YOUR PROGRAM AND STAY ON YOUR PROGRAM it will take you to awesomeness!





~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Don’t Commit A Memorial Day Offense


EUI – Eating under the influence!
EWI – Eating while impaired!
      BWI – Binging while intoxicated!
It has arrived…Memorial Day Weekend is the first holiday weekend that kicks off the summer fun. The parties are planned, BBQ’s are ready, and the pools are all open. White shirts, shorts and sandals are out of closets and ready to be worn…For some, it’s super exciting!! For others, not so much 🙁
It’s the time when layers start peeling. You are either ready or not!
If you are ready and have been doing the right things then you must be super excited! It is just super fabulous and you should be so proud of yourself for putting in the hard work when you needed to!!! You know you will do fine this weekend because you are already in control and have learned what it takes to get to where you are today. Yay!!!
If you are on your way or have recently started or re-started the program – that is super awesome too! It doesn’t matter when or how many times you need to do it, as long as you end up in a great place. So don’t let the weekend get you carried away. Stay on your course and continue to do the right things so come Tuesday you will feel as successful as you do today!
If you haven’t started and wish you had, or you stopped and wish you didn’t – don’t be too hard on yourself because honestly what’s done is done. You can’t go back so you might as well go forward. Have a plan to get back on track 100% on Tuesday and get through the weekend— but don’t over do it because you have been off. Try and make the best choices and do the best you can. It will make starting on Tuesday a much better place to begin.
DRINKING: Are you drinking this weekend? If so, make sure you know the maximum number of drinks — When do you lose control? After 1, 2 or 3 drinks? You should know in advance when you should stop. Don’t let the situation control you – you must always control the situation. Drink water in between to stay hydrated. If you use a drink as your snack you will be fine. But don’t lose sight that too much of anything will make you gain weight.
EUI – Eating under the influence means that you have had a drink in replace of your snack but you are okay. You are still in control and know what you are doing and feel good. You know that you are having fun and are still very much in control of the situation around you. You are sipping your drink and using it as a tool to have in your hands so not to pick at the food around you. You are having a blast and even more so because you know you will be thrilled when you wake up the next morning. Eating under the influence is fine and you can do really well with it if you don’t lose control and don’t have that next drink that will put you into an EWI. Know your limit.  
EWI – Eating While Impaired. It’s not the alcohol that makes you gain, it’s what the alcohol makes you do that makes you gain. Once you are impaired you no longer realize that you are losing control. Not completely out of control but not in control. You are picking at everyone’s plate and everything that is around you. You are not hungry but don’t have the ability to completely stop what you are doing. You are having fun but you know you ate too much and over did it and that you will not be thrilled with your actions in the morning.  
BWI –  Binging While Intoxicated – ugh. Completely lost all control. You start eating everything in sight and speaking louder than everyone around you. It doesnt matter because you don’t feel a thing. You are eating because you can – it doesn’t matter if you are enjoying it or not. You forget that you are on program and you forget that you even need to lose weight!!! You even start to believe that you can do what you want because it’s not affecting you…why? Because you look freaking amazing tonight – Everyone looks amazing when you are drinking!!! The best part of the night is you won’t worry about what you feel like when you wake up. The worst part of the night is you are not worried about how you will feel when you wake up 🙁 
If you need another reason to watch how much you drink, you should know excessive drinking does more than just make you over eat. Too much alcohol (wine, beer included) stops the fat burn. It doesn’t only slow your judgment – it actually slows everything in your body. That’s why it’s important to be eating super clean when you drink. If you over do it with the food and the alcohol – it’s not a good mix and you will have a not so happy weight gaining day. Make sure to  keep the food choices clean. The alcohol should be your dessert and your meals should be clean then you will continue to lose instead of maintain or gain.
REMEMBER: It’s okay to say no to any food or drinks that you do not want. Your true friends don’t pressure you. They will just be happy you are there and will want you to do what makes you happy…so try not to use them as an excuse that you had to do something you didn’t want to. Follow the same advice you would give to those you love.  
Okay so what do you do if you are not drinking???? OMG! …. What’s left??? HOW ABOUT THE ACTUAL PARTY!!!! Have some fun. Enjoy the company. Play some games, help the host, move around and socialize…DRINK WATER WATER WATER!!! AND STAY HYDRATED! … and really see how easy it is to enjoy yourself without having to over indulge in everything. Only then will you see how much better it is to wake up the next morning and know you had a great time while doing all the best things for your body.  
Whether you decide to have one drink or three drinks the most important thing is to make sure you are okay with your choices and always stay in control of who you are and what you want. There is no point in doing something that you will regret later. It’s only fun when you are truly enjoying the moment and know you will be happy with the ending.  
Throughout the weekend keep these thoughts close…….
At the center 
of your being you have the answer.
You know what it is you really want. 
You know your goals and how hard you have worked for them.
More than anyone 
You know who you are…
You know the person you want to be…
Only you can
Become that person, Be that person, Remain that person.
Please understand that while these are fun ways to look at what we do while we are under the influence – they are also very serious and brought to your attention to make a point. Whether you are DWI or BWI – drinking  influences your ability to make the right decisions and can affect you and everyone around you. Make good, smart choices for yourself and those you love!  
~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Don’t Commit A Memorial Day Offense

EUI – Eating under the influence!
EWI – Eating while impaired!
      BWI – Binging while intoxicated!
It has arrived…Memorial Day Weekend is the first holiday weekend that kicks off the summer fun. The parties are planned, BBQ’s are ready, and the pools are all open. White shirts, shorts and sandals are out of closets and ready to be worn…For some, it’s super exciting!! For others, not so much 🙁 
It’s the time when layers start peeling. You are either ready or not!  
If you are ready and have been doing the right things then you must be super excited! It is just super fabulous and you should be so proud of yourself for putting in the hard work when you needed to!!! You know you will do fine this weekend because you are already in control and have learned what it takes to get to where you are today. Yay!!!
If you are on your way or have recently started or re-started the program – that is super awesome too! It doesn’t matter when or how many times you need to do it, as long as you end up in a great place. So don’t let the weekend get you carried away. Stay on your course and continue to do the right things so come Tuesday you will feel as successful as you do today!
If you haven’t started and wish you had, or you stopped and wish you didn’t – don’t be too hard on yourself because honestly what’s done is done. You can’t go back so you might as well go forward. Have a plan to get back on track 100% on Tuesday and get through the weekend— but don’t over do it because you have been off. Try and make the best choices and do the best you can. It will make starting on Tuesday a much better place to begin.  
DRINKING: Are you drinking this weekend? If so, make sure you know the maximum number of drinks — When do you lose control? After 1, 2 or 3 drinks? You should know in advance when you should stop. Don’t let the situation control you – you must always control the situation. Drink water in between to stay hydrated. If you use a drink as your snack you will be fine. But don’t lose sight that too much of anything will make you gain weight.
EUI – Eating under the influence means that you have had a drink in replace of your snack but you are okay. You are still in control and know what you are doing and feel good. You know that you are having fun and are still very much in control of the situation around you. You are sipping your drink and using it as a tool to have in your hands so not to pick at the food around you. You are having a blast and even more so because you know you will be thrilled when you wake up the next morning. Eating under the influence is fine and you can do really well with it if you don’t lose control and don’t have that next drink that will put you into an EWI. Know your limit.  
EWI – Eating While Impaired. It’s not the alcohol that makes you gain, it’s what the alcohol makes you do that makes you gain. Once you are impaired you no longer realize that you are losing control. Not completely out of control but not in control. You are picking at everyone’s plate and everything that is around you. You are not hungry but don’t have the ability to completely stop what you are doing. You are having fun but you know you ate too much and over did it and that you will not be thrilled with your actions in the morning.  
BWI –  Binging While Intoxicated – ugh. Completely lost all control. You start eating everything in sight and speaking louder than everyone around you. It doesnt matter because you don’t feel a thing. You are eating because you can – it doesn’t matter if you are enjoying it or not. You forget that you are on program and you forget that you even need to lose weight!!! You even start to believe that you can do what you want because it’s not affecting you…why? Because you look freaking amazing tonight – Everyone looks amazing when you are drinking!!! The best part of the night is you won’t worry about what you feel like when you wake up. The worst part of the night is you are not worried about how you will feel when you wake up 🙁 
If you need another reason to watch how much you drink, you should know excessive drinking does more than just make you over eat. Too much alcohol (wine, beer included) stops the fat burn. It doesn’t only slow your judgment – it actually slows everything in your body. That’s why it’s important to be eating super clean when you drink. If you over do it with the food and the alcohol – it’s not a good mix and you will have a not so happy weight gaining day. Make sure to  keep the food choices clean. The alcohol should be your dessert and your meals should be clean then you will continue to lose instead of maintain or gain.
REMEMBER: It’s okay to say no to any food or drinks that you do not want. Your true friends don’t pressure you. They will just be happy you are there and will want you to do what makes you happy…so try not to use them as an excuse that you had to do something you didn’t want to. Follow the same advice you would give to those you love.  
Okay so what do you do if you are not drinking???? OMG! …. What’s left??? HOW ABOUT THE ACTUAL PARTY!!!! Have some fun. Enjoy the company. Play some games, help the host, move around and socialize…DRINK WATER WATER WATER!!! AND STAY HYDRATED! … and really see how easy it is to enjoy yourself without having to over indulge in everything. Only then will you see how much better it is to wake up the next morning and know you had a great time while doing all the best things for your body.  
Whether you decide to have one drink or three drinks the most important thing is to make sure you are okay with your choices and always stay in control of who you are and what you want. There is no point in doing something that you will regret later. It’s only fun when you are truly enjoying the moment and know you will be happy with the ending.  
Throughout the weekend keep these thoughts close…….
At the center 
of your being you have the answer.
You know what it is you really want. 
You know your goals and how hard you have worked for them.
More than anyone 
You know who you are…
You know the person you want to be…
Only you can
Become that person, Be that person, Remain that person.
Please understand that while these are fun ways to look at what we do while we are under the influence – they are also very serious and brought to your attention to make a point. Whether you are DWI or BWI – drinking  influences your ability to make the right decisions and can affect you and everyone around you. Make good, smart choices for yourself and those you love!  
~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Motivation Monday

Are you ready to start working on your summer body? I hope so, because Memorial day is only 14 weeks away. We all know how super fast that goes. Start today and make every day count. Remember, it’s 6 days on and 1 day off. The 6 days have to be super clean for the 1 day to work. If you just came back from vacation and feel ridiculously up and bloated – the best thing you can do right now is just go back on program. It’s all new weight right now and will come right off if you start back. If you wait and gain on top of this new weight – then the new weight becomes old weight and that my friends will become real fat. So do it now and get it done. You had your fun – it’s time to be back on, feeling in control and knowing that when Memorial day comes around in 14 weeks you will be ready, exited and feeling amazing!
Don’t let the next 14 weeks slip by without making a difference to who you want to be. You are the only person who can do this. I can guide you and give you all the tools you need but you are still the one who has to make the choices. If you don’t need it, don’t eat it! If you mess up, don’t waste a whole day – get right back on and do the right thing – for yourself, your body, your mind and for everyone around you.   
“WHATEVER IS GOING ON INSIDE OF YOU CAN ONLY BE CHANGED WHEN YOU DECIDE TO CHANGE IT…it’s not about who you are today…it’s about regretting who you didn’t become.”
Janet and her daughter Emily
Love the life they live and live the life they Love!
IMG_1279  IMG_1275 2
Congratulations to you both – you look absolutely amazing!!!!!!!
~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018
FitnessHealthy Tips

Living with Discipline

This weekend you will live with the act of DISCIPLINE or with the act of REGRET.


When it comes to weight loss, I know more than anyone how difficult it is. Seeing client after client struggle with food choices. Losing weight is a job. So if you already have one job you are putting a second full time job into your schedule. It’s something you have to think about all day – every day. There is no magic pill, it requires thoughts, actions and most of all, DISCIPLINE.


If you go through this weekend and you are not disciplined then what are you left with…what are your alternatives? Your alternative is to live with the REGRET of not doing the right thing, of caving in out of peer pressure. REGRET is about NOT remembering you are more important than the food. Tempatation is around us everyday in all forms. YES, waking up and doing the right thing everyday can be challenging. Yet it’s what we teach our children and family. Regrets are simply burdens that interfere with your present happiness and restrict your future. Unproductive regret WILL KEEP you from moving forward and reaching your goals.


We know DISCIPLINE is the bridge between goals and accomplishments, so why do so many view discipline as a negative and not a positive? Because being disciplined in a world full of temptation is really hard to do. But when you learn to live with discipline it can change your world and teach you to live with strength and empowerment. Living with discipline gives your world structure and control. It stops the questioning of “Should I?” When you live with discipline there is no “should I” —there is only I WILL!


and live by it!


THE VOICE OF REGRET: I shouldn’t have had all that food. Why did I have that second drink. Why did I eat all those desserts. I feel horrible and sick. I ruined another week. Why do I keep doing this to myself.


THE VOICE OF DISCIPLINE: I will eat clean today. I will do the right thing today and I will do it because it makes me happy and keeps my world in control of who I want to be and what I am all about. I will not let food control my life and not let alcohol paralyze me into someone I am not. I will not let temptation step into my world. There is a time and a place for indulging and it’s when I choose it to be.


Becoming and living like the person you truly want to be is the best gift you can give yourself and your family.




~ Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Snow is Temporary

Don’t sabotage yourself!
I want you to realize that the snow is very, very temporary. Like when the snow melts and brings beautiful green grass…It’s like a coat over a bathing suit. You are going to take off the coat and whatever you have been doing while it’s snowing is going to show. STOP SABATOGING YOURSELF. Snow doesn’t mean food. It means inconvenience, but it can also mean fun.    
Just because the kids are home for vacation or a snow day that does not mean you have to eat all day. Teach that there is more to do on snow days or days stuck inside then just baking and eating. Play tag in the play room or basement. Set up a fort and watch a movie together. Have a dance contest. Do some arts and crafts or painting so your hands are occupied. Play a board game.  
If the kids are not around…clean out an old closet that has been waiting for your attention. How about the play room or basement that may need some organizing. Maybe do an extra exercise video today or read a book that you have been putting aside.
Don’t throw in the towel because there is another snow day or because the kids are home from school for another week long vacation. The very worse thing you can do today is say “I’m going to start tomorrow” because they are home…AGAIN.
Use today as a day to challenge yourself to eat healthy while your kids are around. Since they are not going anywhere anytime soon it’s a good idea to learn to eat healthy and make the right choices when they are with you. Try not to use your kids as an excuse to overeat. REMEMBER: CHILDREN LEARN WHAT THEY LIVE.
It is February 16th!  If you haven’t started or feel a little off track then start this week! If you lose 1 pound by the end of each week starting this Friday the 20th until the Friday of Memorial Day you will have lost a total of 15 Pounds!!! WOW!!! 15 pounds, and that’s only with doing 1 pound a week. If you throw in some 2 and 3 pound weeks along with your 1 pound weeks – you will have a 20-30 pound weight loss by Memorial Day weekend.
At the end of the day it’s a very simple concept. Eat healthy 6 days, indulge on the 7th, and lose weight. The cleaner you stay 6 consecutive days, the more weight you will lose weekly.  The days may go slow but the months are flying by….
Click the links below the pictures to download.

~ Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018